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Expose Planned Parenthood, Get a Felony

Awwwww. The rightie snowflakes are crying because some of their thugs got busted for their sleaze. Again. And this time, it's not in Texas, where a smirking corrupt Republican DA can disregard the grand jury and refuse to prosecute. It's in a low-corruption blue state, which means the criminals won't walk.

It was a given that the righties here would excuse any crime by a fellow righty. Their motto is "It's never a crime if a Republican does it." Their partisan hackery is complete, their devotion to TheParty total. Such good little Stalinists.

So you believe investigative journalism should be banned? That California can violate the 1st amendment just because in this case doing so helps a cause you like

What a fucking asshole you are.
Show us where anyone said that they "believe investigative journalism should be banned"........that's right, no one did. You simply lied to create a false position to argue against.......I believe there's a term for that.
Yes; they need the human sacrifices to manifest their power; they revel in blood sacrifices.

Actually, that would be the catholic church and SassyIrishLass defends that too.

In point of fact, you have no evidence that either health care providers or medical researchers are "satanists" and saying they are just plain idiotic.

OTOH, we do have proof that once a baby is born, RWNJs kick them out of the way. We also have proof that its christians and churches who believe in satan.

You're past tiresome, a redundant parrot following me around squawking CATHOLIC CHURCH!!!! CATHOLIC CHURCH!!!!

I suspect you're a Satanist...that and too stupid to live

Yep. Because the catholic church is evil.

What is shocking is that catholics are still making excuses and defending hiding their pedo priests. Worse is that people actually take their children to those very priests. That's tantamount to abuse. And its evil as well but of course, children are not fetuses so get no protection or car from the apologists.

Its not possible for me to be "a satanist". Only those who believe in the imaginary christian god can also believe in their imaginary devil. Educate yourself.

Most of them are pederasts actually, not pedo's. words mean things.

There is plenty of this crap going on in schools as well, but since it is mostly women doing the crimes, it is passed over.

Double standards much?
So....these women you speak of....they are not punished?

When they are caught they are, but for every one we catch I am sure there are plenty others.

But since its mostly boys getting laid by fairly attractive women, there is a double standard at play.
Awwwww. The rightie snowflakes are crying because some of their thugs got busted for their sleaze. Again. And this time, it's not in Texas, where a smirking corrupt Republican DA can disregard the grand jury and refuse to prosecute. It's in a low-corruption blue state, which means the criminals won't walk.

It was a given that the righties here would excuse any crime by a fellow righty. Their motto is "It's never a crime if a Republican does it." Their partisan hackery is complete, their devotion to TheParty total. Such good little Stalinists.

So you believe investigative journalism should be banned? That California can violate the 1st amendment just because in this case doing so helps a cause you like

What a fucking asshole you are.
Show us where anyone said that they "believe investigative journalism should be banned"........that's right, no one did. You simply lied to create a false position to argue against.......I believe there's a term for that.

If the investigative journalists cannot record sting operations, how are they to function?

If you support 2 party consent recording, you support suppression of private investigations by journalists.

you don't have to say it, you just have to support the law in California, and its current application.
YOU are an advocate of killing off black folk, which is why Planned Parenthood was created by Margaret Sanger.

Lying about Sanger now, Votto? That's the last gasp of the desperate.

If you read that Sanger quote, she's saying that race-baiting political hacks would lie about her work, and steps should be taken to head that off. And here you are, lying about her work. Wise woman, that Sanger, the way she foresaw race-baiting political hacks like you lying about her work.

Sanger was regarded as a hero by DuBois, Bethune, MLK, and all the black leaders of the era. How do you explain that, little race-baiter? Were the black leaders in cahoots with her trying to exterminate blacks? Were they all stupid people fooled by that evil white woman? Please, give us your conspiracy theory that explains it. Go on, toss out all the race cards that you have.

Oh, if you'd like, go to the pro-liar websites and copy and paste their lists of faked Sanger quotes. I adore ripping those to shreds. Says a lot about a movement, when they fake quotes like that.


:cuckoo: :lmao:
The two people who secretly filmed execs at Planned Parenthood negotiating the sale of baby parts have been hit with felony charges by the new California Attorney General, former member of Congress and ethnic waterboy, Xavier Bacerra. Bacerra has also signed California up to usurp Trump's constitutional authority to ban refugee.

It is shown yet again that where totalitarianism lies in America, it lies with the diversity-is-our-strength left. No one believes that if two concerned citizens secretly filmed the leader of Westboro Baptist Church soliciting homosexual sex and then made it public, the two concerned citizens would be arrested and charged with a felony. There would be, justifiably, howls of outrage.

Xavier Bacerra is an outrage.

BTW, Planned Parenthood denies the video says what it says and claims it did nothing wrong. The vehemence and extremeness of the left's attack on the videographers belies their claims of innocence.

That was to be expected. Illegally obtained information cannot be used.
Remember, to the left context is everything. If you approve of what PP is doing then hang the message. Just like the Clinton scandal. The story to them isn't that Clinton was crooked scum. They wanted a messenger to hang.
YOU are an advocate of killing off black folk, which is why Planned Parenthood was created by Margaret Sanger.

Lying about Sanger now, Votto? That's the last gasp of the desperate.

If you read that Sanger quote, she's saying that race-baiting political hacks would lie about her work, and steps should be taken to head that off. And here you are, lying about her work. Wise woman, that Sanger, the way she foresaw race-baiting political hacks like you lying about her work.

Sanger was regarded as a hero by DuBois, Bethune, MLK, and all the black leaders of the era. How do you explain that, little race-baiter? Were the black leaders in cahoots with her trying to exterminate blacks? Were they all stupid people fooled by that evil white woman? Please, give us your conspiracy theory that explains it. Go on, toss out all the race cards that you have.

Oh, if you'd like, go to the pro-liar websites and copy and paste their lists of faked Sanger quotes. I adore ripping those to shreds. Says a lot about a movement, when they fake quotes like that.

"We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with
social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most
successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal.
We don't want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro
population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if
it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members."

-- Margaret Sanger's December 19, 1939 letter to Dr. Clarence Gamble, 255

Adams Street, Milton, Massachusetts. Original source: Sophia Smith
Collection, Smith College, North Hampton, Massachusetts. Also described in
Linda Gordon's Woman's Body, Woman's Right: A Social History of Birth
Control in America . New York: Grossman Publishers, 1976.

I provided my source, don't know what else you want.

Racism was rampant during that era, or do you not know your history?

The great Prog Woodrow Wilson and Charles Darwin were also huge racists as well, or have you never picked up a history book?

Eugenics was a big deal in the scientific world at that time. Darwin thought that blacks were evolutionary inferior. In fact, much of what the Nazi regime adopted in their ideology came from the scientists in the US who pushed these views cuz we all know that science never lies, right?

I suppose you deny all of this as well.
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Actually, that would be the catholic church and SassyIrishLass defends that too.

Actually she doesn't defend that, you're a liar, and the fact is the pedoes were mostly homosexuals, and you deliberately refuse to call them what they are, homosexual kiddie rapers, and like other kiddie rapers they join organizations that provide them opportunities and cover for their sicko crap

In point of fact, you have no evidence that either health care providers or medical researchers are "satanists" and saying they are just plain idiotic.

In point of fact, I've never said a thing about 'satanists', not once, and claiming I did is just idiotic.

OTOH, we do have proof that once a baby is born, RWNJs kick them out of the way. We also have proof that its christians and churches who believe in satan.

You don't have squat, just babble and spin. If you have to lie like this in order to have something to say, then why post at all?
Planned Parenthood is one of the left's Holy Grails....it must be protected at all costs

Baby murdering Satanists

Yes; they need the human sacrifices to manifest their power; they revel in blood sacrifices.

Actually, that would be the catholic church and SassyIrishLass defends that too.

In point of fact, you have no evidence that either health care providers or medical researchers are "satanists" and saying they are just plain idiotic.

OTOH, we do have proof that once a baby is born, RWNJs kick them out of the way. We also have proof that its christians and churches who believe in satan.

You're past tiresome, a redundant parrot following me around squawking CATHOLIC CHURCH!!!! CATHOLIC CHURCH!!!!

I suspect you're a Satanist...that and too stupid to live

lol they're insane and know they're losing on every front; their baby killing organ legger heroes are getting outed, and there is nothing they can dream up that can sanitize their nasty little cult.
And the far right ^^^ fascists wail because they are caught yet again.

Yes, you and the other racist fascists do indeed wail because PP got caught organ legging. Don't be so redundant, Jake.
That would be illegal.....so, can you link us to any indictments? Convictions?

Can you link to any Attorney General Obama appointed who would even bother to investigate a pet Democratic Party subsidiary?
Planned Parenthood is one of the left's Holy Grails....it must be protected at all costs

Baby murdering Satanists

Yes; they need the human sacrifices to manifest their power; they revel in blood sacrifices.
You people actually expect to be taken seriously? You're on the wrong track, friend.

You neo-pagan cultists aren't to be taken seriously. So what's next for you cultists, this wonderful new approach to baby killing? Why would you be opposed to the next 'logical' step in your cult beliefs? I mean you're all about making up psuedo-science to justify stuff so why not be really edgy and modern and jump on thois bandwagon?

After-birth abortion: why should the baby live? | Journal of Medical Ethics

Abortion is largely accepted even for reasons that do not have anything to do with the fetus' health. By showing that (1) both fetuses and newborns do not have the same moral status as actual persons, (2) the fact that both are potential persons is morally irrelevant and (3) adoption is not always in the best interest of actual people, the authors argue that what we call ‘after-birth abortion’ (killing a newborn) should be permissible in all the cases where abortion is, including cases where the newborn is not disabled.

Hey, it's 'Science', so naturally not supporting it makes you look 'superstitious' to the other neo-pagans and they might not let you play in their treehouse any more if you reject 'science n stuff'.
I know, let's use logic when we converse.

Sure....do you believe making abortion illegal will end the practice?.

LOL somebody told you you can use logic??? That's hilarious.

If we make rape and murder legal will it end rapes and murders? Your idea of 'logic' must come from that cartoon show Beavis and Butthead.
The two people who secretly filmed execs at Planned Parenthood negotiating the sale of baby parts have been hit with felony charges by the new California Attorney General, former member of Congress and ethnic waterboy, Xavier Bacerra. Bacerra has also signed California up to usurp Trump's constitutional authority to ban refugee.

It is shown yet again that where totalitarianism lies in America, it lies with the diversity-is-our-strength left. No one believes that if two concerned citizens secretly filmed the leader of Westboro Baptist Church soliciting homosexual sex and then made it public, the two concerned citizens would be arrested and charged with a felony. There would be, justifiably, howls of outrage.

Xavier Bacerra is an outrage.

BTW, Planned Parenthood denies the video says what it says and claims it did nothing wrong. The vehemence and extremeness of the left's attack on the videographers belies their claims of innocence.

they didn't get a felony for "expos[ing] planned parenthood".

they got a felony for perpetrating a fraud.

you want to try for the same? or you hiding behind your fake identity?
Planned Parenthood is one of the left's Holy Grails....it must be protected at all costs

Baby murdering Satanists

Yes; they need the human sacrifices to manifest their power; they revel in blood sacrifices.
You people actually expect to be taken seriously? You're on the wrong track, friend.

You neo-pagan cultists aren't to be taken seriously. So what's next for you cultists, this wonderful new approach to baby killing? Why would you be opposed to the next 'logical' step in your cult beliefs? I mean you're all about making up psuedo-science to justify stuff so why not be really edgy and modern and jump on thois bandwagon?

After-birth abortion: why should the baby live? | Journal of Medical Ethics

Abortion is largely accepted even for reasons that do not have anything to do with the fetus' health. By showing that (1) both fetuses and newborns do not have the same moral status as actual persons, (2) the fact that both are potential persons is morally irrelevant and (3) adoption is not always in the best interest of actual people, the authors argue that what we call ‘after-birth abortion’ (killing a newborn) should be permissible in all the cases where abortion is, including cases where the newborn is not disabled.

Hey, it's 'Science', so naturally not supporting it makes you look 'superstitious' to the other neo-pagans and they might not let you play in their treehouse any more if you reject 'science n stuff'.

you really shouldn't use descriptive terms unless you understand them and can do so with some measure of accuracy.

you think you can just toss around words that describe things you don't "approve" of (which btw, no one cares what you approve of) regardless of whether they fit or not?

worry about your own conduct.
Planned Parenthood is one of the left's Holy Grails....it must be protected at all costs

Baby murdering Satanists

Yes; they need the human sacrifices to manifest their power; they revel in blood sacrifices.
You people actually expect to be taken seriously? You're on the wrong track, friend.

You neo-pagan cultists aren't to be taken seriously. So what's next for you cultists, this wonderful new approach to baby killing? Why would you be opposed to the next 'logical' step in your cult beliefs? I mean you're all about making up psuedo-science to justify stuff so why not be really edgy and modern and jump on thois bandwagon?

After-birth abortion: why should the baby live? | Journal of Medical Ethics

Abortion is largely accepted even for reasons that do not have anything to do with the fetus' health. By showing that (1) both fetuses and newborns do not have the same moral status as actual persons, (2) the fact that both are potential persons is morally irrelevant and (3) adoption is not always in the best interest of actual people, the authors argue that what we call ‘after-birth abortion’ (killing a newborn) should be permissible in all the cases where abortion is, including cases where the newborn is not disabled.

Hey, it's 'Science', so naturally not supporting it makes you look 'superstitious' to the other neo-pagans and they might not let you play in their treehouse any more if you reject 'science n stuff'.

you really shouldn't use descriptive terms unless you understand them and can do so with some measure of accuracy.

you think you can just toss around words that describe things you don't "approve" of (which btw, no one cares what you approve of) regardless of whether they fit or not?

worry about your own conduct.

Did you say something?
97% of Planned Parenthood's budget goes to women's healthcare like treatment for STD's or contraception, or PAP smears. Women use the medical services at Planned Parenthood who then bill Medicaid. So when you hear any Republican talk about 'defunding Planned Parenthood' what they mean is they will bar Medicaid from paying for these normal medical procedures for women.

By law Planned Parenthood cannot use government funding for abortions except in the case of rape or incest. The claims for Republicans that taxpayers are funding abortions at Planned Parenthood is an outright lie. They know this, the fake Kristianity of the far right knows this, but none of them cares. They view this non-existent issue as a hot political hammer that they can bash people over the head with. So they gleefully continue lying about the whole thing.

It is just another way Republicans can put their jackboot on the throat of the poor and get people to the polls with another huge lie.
The two people who secretly filmed execs at Planned Parenthood negotiating the sale of baby parts have been hit with felony charges by the new California Attorney General, former member of Congress and ethnic waterboy, Xavier Bacerra. Bacerra has also signed California up to usurp Trump's constitutional authority to ban refugee.

It is shown yet again that where totalitarianism lies in America, it lies with the diversity-is-our-strength left. No one believes that if two concerned citizens secretly filmed the leader of Westboro Baptist Church soliciting homosexual sex and then made it public, the two concerned citizens would be arrested and charged with a felony. There would be, justifiably, howls of outrage.

Xavier Bacerra is an outrage.

BTW, Planned Parenthood denies the video says what it says and claims it did nothing wrong. The vehemence and extremeness of the left's attack on the videographers belies their claims of innocence.

These are the fascists, You can't expect democrats to act any differently than the Nazis who they follow.

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