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Expose Planned Parenthood, Get a Felony

Nonsense. He was a monster and did not give medical care to poor women.

THAT is the real reason RWNJs hate PP - they provide health care to women who cannot afford expensive doctors.

Not one of you MEN have adopted unwanted babies. Not one of you has any business commenting on the issue of abortion. Its simply none of your business and the only reason you "care" is that you want to control women.


Well considering women can't get drafted, does that mean they have no say when it comes to National Defense?

Do non-firefighters have no say when it comes to firefighting budgets?

My status as an american citizen allows my opinion and vote to count for anything I want it to, or that is up for debate or vote.

So take your "its none of your business" shit and cram it into your empty skull. (I didn't say cram it up your ass because you would probably enjoy that)
Men can't currently be drafted either, you fucking idiot...

If a draft is reimposed BET that women will be included.

I am at risk for it if it is re-instated, and I assure you women would probably not be included.

I was doing a logical exercise, one you evidently don't have the intellect to grasp. May i suggest the Hello Kitty Message Board as something more up to your cognitive abilities?
I assure you women would probably not be included.

Gee, thanks...
"Call me, maybe"

Are you aware that women reservists and Nat Guard were sent to Iraqnam?

What informs your qualified certainty that they will be ignored in a future draft?

I was doing a logical exercise, one you evidently don't have the intellect to grasp.

It hasn't escaped my notice that you are an idiot.

My IQ vs. yours any day of the week cock-gobbler.

Your IQ doesn't even have as many digits.
Jake doesn't even know what 'alt-right' means. they told him to run around working it into as many posts as possible no matter what the topic, so he does.
And if he can't find a way to refer darkly to the alt-right somehow, his orders are to call everyone in the room a "fascist", then knock over some chairs and run away.

The people who secretly filmed execs at Planned Parenthood negotiating the sale of baby parts have been hit with felony charges by the new California Attorney General, former member of Congress and ethnic waterboy, Xavier Bacerra. Bacerra has also signed California up to usurp Trump's constitutional authority to ban refugee.

It is shown yet again that where totalitarianism lies in America, it lies with the diversity-is-our-strength left. No one believes that if two concerned citizens secretly filmed the leader of Westboro Baptist Church soliciting homosexual sex and then made it public, the two concerned citizens would be arrested and charged with a felony. There would be, justifiably, howls of outrage.

Xavier Bacerra is an outrage.

BTW, Planned Parenthood denies the video says what it says and claims it did nothing wrong. The vehemence and extremeness of the left's attack on the videographers belies their claims of innocence.

You forgot to post a link showing the PROOF of your accusations. Where was this trial held? When were they found legally guilty?

Are any of you aware that all US labs use medical waste in their research? Do you want ALL hospitals to stop furnishing medical waste for medical research? Ever hear of the NIH? How about any of the thousands of research labs who buy and use medical waste? Get some facts and then come back.

ACLU - why do RWNJs always attack the one organization whose one and only purpose is to defend the US Constitution?

Unborn babes aren't 'medical waste' they are unborn babes.
When the woman and her murdering doc get done pullin it into pieces with vacuum and metal chicken tongs, it is a victim of murder.
Still not medical waste
Awwwww. The rightie snowflakes are crying because some of their thugs got busted for their sleaze. Again. And this time, it's not in Texas, where a smirking corrupt Republican DA can disregard the grand jury and refuse to prosecute. It's in a low-corruption blue state, which means the criminals won't walk.

It was a given that the righties here would excuse any crime by a fellow righty. Their motto is "It's never a crime if a Republican does it." Their partisan hackery is complete, their devotion to TheParty total. Such good little Stalinists.

So you believe investigative journalism should be banned? That California can violate the 1st amendment just because in this case doing so helps a cause you like

What a fucking asshole you are.
Who said investigative journalism should be banned? At the same time, that doesn't give license to break the law.

The law in questions basically prevents undercover journalism from being recorded, thus putting a serious crimp in investigative journalism.

The law itself is an unconstitutional restriction on freedom of press.

How is the press Constitutionally free to violate individuals' Constitutional rights? And what limitations would you impose on the press? Should they be allowed to break into peoples' homes under the guise of investigations? Should they be allowed to physically assault people under the umbrella of investigation?

Argumentum ad absurdum, the first resort of the idiot.

The California law bans recording a person without their consent. This basically eliminates the ability of journalists to go undercover and record any interactions when they do a sting operation. How does a person have a right to not have their conversation recorded? It;s not like they are by themselves, there is another party involved, albeit under false pretenses, but again, that is the crux of undercover journalism.

You haven't answered the question of how an undercover journalist is supposed to function properly under a "2 person consent" recording law, and why that law is constitutional.
Great, so you would impose no limitations on the press in terms of violating others' Constitutional rights.

And a free press is still free even though they are not allowed to violate individuals' Constitutional rights. Look at that... your argument just died. And I didn't even have to get to the part of defining the "press."
Great, so you would impose no limitations on the press in terms of violating others' Constitutional rights.

And a free press is still free even though they are not allowed to violate individuals' Constitutional rights. Look at that... your argument just died. And I didn't even have to get to the part of defining the "press."

Oh really Fawn? Which article or amendment details the right not to be exposed for wrong doing by the press?

You fascists and your war on the 1st Amendment....
Planned Parenthood is one of the left's Holy Grails....it must be protected at all costs

Baby murdering Satanists

Yes; they need the human sacrifices to manifest their power; they revel in blood sacrifices.

Actually, that would be the catholic church and SassyIrishLass defends that too.

In point of fact, you have no evidence that either health care providers or medical researchers are "satanists" and saying they are just plain idiotic.

OTOH, we do have proof that once a baby is born, RWNJs kick them out of the way. We also have proof that its christians and churches who believe in satan.

You lie
skews13 said:
The two people who secretly filmed execs at Planned Parenthood negotiating the sale of baby parts have been hit with felony charges by the new California Attorney General, former member of Congress and ethnic waterboy, Xavier Bacerra. Bacerra has also signed California up to usurp Trump's constitutional authority to ban refugee.

It is shown yet again that where totalitarianism lies in America, it lies with the diversity-is-our-strength left. No one believes that if two concerned citizens secretly filmed the leader of Westboro Baptist Church soliciting homosexual sex and then made it public, the two concerned citizens would be arrested and charged with a felony. There would be, justifiably, howls of outrage.

Xavier Bacerra is an outrage.

BTW, Planned Parenthood denies the video says what it says and claims it did nothing wrong. The vehemence and extremeness of the left's attack on the videographers belies their claims of innocence.

And Planned Parenthood was right. They didn't do anything w
And the far right ^^^ fascists wail because they are caught yet again.

Yes, you and the other racist fascists do indeed wail because PP got caught organ legging. Don't be so redundant, Jake.

That has been debunked
The two people who secretly filmed execs at Planned Parenthood negotiating the sale of baby parts have been hit with felony charges by the new California Attorney General, former member of Congress and ethnic waterboy, Xavier Bacerra. Bacerra has also signed California up to usurp Trump's constitutional authority to ban refugee.

It is shown yet again that where totalitarianism lies in America, it lies with the diversity-is-our-strength left. No one believes that if two concerned citizens secretly filmed the leader of Westboro Baptist Church soliciting homosexual sex and then made it public, the two concerned citizens would be arrested and charged with a felony. There would be, justifiably, howls of outrage.

Xavier Bacerra is an outrage.

BTW, Planned Parenthood denies the video says what it says and claims it did nothing wrong. The vehemence and extremeness of the left's attack on the videographers belies their claims of innocence.

Planned Parenthood didn't do anything wrong.

The video was debunked.

And now the criminals that made them will pay a price for it.

How much? Buck forty seven?
And the far right ^^^ fascists wail because they are caught yet again.

You do realize the ACLU has issues with "two party consent" wiretap laws, as they infringe on journalists ability to do investigative reporting, right?

Is the ACLU alt-right now?

Laws are only good if they protect left wingers. Rest assured, the same laws will be ignored if the left violates them.

It's kinda like Obamacare being signed into law. With the stroke of the pen, Obama makes exceptions from his own law to protect his cronies.

It's also like the IRS going after conservatives or left wing cities violating US immigration laws by having sanctuary cities. Sure, it's illegal but tell that to the left winged Circuit judges who just slapped down Trump's immigration ban that Obama also signed when nothing was done about it.

The US is now a nation of men, not laws.

Every once and a while the ACLU remembers its Roots and ignores the progressive idiocy it has been siding with more and more often.

This law clearly violates the 1st amendment with regards to a free press, as it prevents any type of private investigation using recordings.

There are no rights t
Great, so you would impose no limitations on the press in terms of violating others' Constitutional rights.

And a free press is still free even though they are not allowed to violate individuals' Constitutional rights. Look at that... your argument just died. And I didn't even have to get to the part of defining the "press."

Oh really Fawn? Which article or amendment details the right not to be exposed for wrong doing by the press?

You fascists and your war on the 1st Amendment....

There are no rights protecting slander, or fraud.

And now these criminals will pay for it.

Hopefully the sentence will be so severe, it will make the next wannabe Think twice before attempting it.
Jake doesn't even know what 'alt-right' means. they told him to run around working it into as many posts as possible no matter what the topic, so he does.
And if he can't find a way to refer darkly to the alt-right somehow, his orders are to call everyone in the room a "fascist", then knock over some chairs and run away.
And then to reference his stalwart Republicanism and his heterosexuality and beautiful wife.

:D :D

The real fakey:
There are no rights protecting slander, or fraud.

Slander is a civil matter. As already broached, please demonstrate "fraud." Nazicrat Xavier Becerra makes no such allegation.

And now these criminals will pay for it.

Hopefully the sentence will be so severe, it will make the next wannabe Think twice before attempting it.

Criminals? Again, you thugs with your war on freedom of speech and the press have overstepped what the public will allow, even in the fascist Peoples Republic of California.
There are no rights protecting slander, or fraud.

Slander is a civil matter. As already broached, please demonstrate "fraud." Nazicrat Xavier Becerra makes no such allegation.

And now these criminals will pay for it.

Hopefully the sentence will be so severe, it will make the next wannabe Think twice before attempting it.

Criminals? Again, you thugs with your war on freedom of speech and the press have overstepped what the public will allow, even in the fascist Peoples Republic of California.

Yes criminals. Which explains the charges.

But don't worry they will be read their rights have legal representation.

Yes criminals. Which explains the charges.

But don't worry they will be read their rights have legal representation.

Heil Soros!

Yes, those Jews going to the ovens are criminals, or you of the Reich would not charge them.

Such logic you fascist scum have.

Nazicrat scum Xavier Becerra filed these charges as a political stunt. The case will be thrown out, IF on some wild chance the Nazis are able to find a judge corrupt enough to hear the case, then the Federal Appeals court will throw it out on civil rights violation.

As much as it pains you Nazis, we still have a 1st Amendment in this nation.
I suppose you deny all of this as well.

I'll point out it's a desperate deflection on your part, being it has nothing to do with the topic.

You claimed PP targets blacks for killing. You provided zero evidence to support such a crazy claim. You got called on that. Now you're just flailing about, tossing about random factoids in the hopes something will stick.

Your claim about PP was race-baiting bullshit, something you say because all your fellow cultists say it. It really is that obvious. If you disagree, try backing up your race-baiting bullshit. Start by explaining why all the black leaders backed Sanger and PP.
This is fun, no Ed ? Fascist dem? Oxymoron? I'm not bragging kilo. Just asking your Ed. Still deafening silence
So, if Benito started a commie, ended up a hitler right wing fascist ? That changes the def ?
And sorry to disappoint but I'm a filthy rich corporatist, never voted for a dem in my life.

It sure seems like they were selling body parts.

I know what you THINK you heard on the tape, but whatever it is you think you heard you did not actually hear. Sure, I can say words but what do those words actually mean, and in what context, and did you hear right, etc?

Plus there is the Russians. Don't forget about the Russians. They are behind everything right wing. In fact, without them there would be no right wing cuz CNN told me so.
I suppose you deny all of this as well.

I'll point out it's a desperate deflection on your part, being it has nothing to do with the topic.

You claimed PP targets blacks for killing. You provided zero evidence to support such a crazy claim. You got called on that. Now you're just flailing about, tossing about random factoids in the hopes something will stick.

Your claim about PP was race-baiting bullshit, something you say because all your fellow cultists say it. It really is that obvious. If you disagree, try backing up your race-baiting bullshit. Start by explaining why all the black leaders backed Sanger and PP.

I merely pointed out what the origins of PP were. The left is terrified of the truth, aren't they.

The entire organization is built upon an evil premise.

As for the chap that recorded the woman wanting to illegally sell baby parts, I can only imagine what he must be thinking. Here he has the proof of PP criminal activity and no one in power gives a damn. In fact, now he will go to jail.

It's a scary thing knowing that your government is run by a bunch of lawless sociopathic criminals
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Evil premise? Tissues not arms and legs parts darlin.mothers have to give permission. Nothing sold.
They may help getting a cure for cancer lady. Against that?
How many adoptions do you do instead of whining?

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