
Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
The Jewish Press ^

The Obama administration stopped shipping to Israel all defense items – and not just Hellfire missiles as previously reported – for a short time in the middle of the war against Hamas, reported Israel Defense’s Amir Rappaport, the well-informed and highly credibly editor of the website. Makor Rishon added to that report that the US actually cut off all communications with Israel’s Ministry of Defense purchasing offices in the US for days....

There is a problem in the affairs despite what is officially stated everyone can tell that something doesn't work out, every statement made in both sides drag a 2-3 days of stinging and explanations, it seems the issues are being handled on the background and from time to time leaking out, J. Kerry is indeed a superstar but I can't believe he is just trying to honestly express himself..maybe I just don't want to believe.
I Think it be best to increase mutual dependency and bring some fresh blood to the diplomatic yard while addressing those issues openly, the damage done by the 'leaking' exceeded the red line already and caused fairly enough damage by that.
The last circus around Kerry's statement and Bennett respond (regardless of the content) prove things can't be kept that way.
Generally speaking, the US has been in Israel's corner since 1948 - on a lightweight basis between 1948 and 1967, and backing them in much more substantial ways since 1967, and especially since 1973, despite all the West Bank and Gaza bickering and fighting and settlements and evacuations and land-for-peace-deal-failures and Intifadas and rocket barrages and all the rest.

Popular opinion polls show that Mainstream America is solidly behind Israel - before, during and after Gaza Wars I and II - and even the polls from 2014 show overwhelming support.

Of course, 9-11 makes it even easier for Americans to take sides with the non-Muslim side, in any conflict between Muslims and non-Muslims.

But, in any event, American support for Israel predates 9-11 by decades - the tragedy of 9-11 merely cemented that support even more firmly.

Our current President and his Administration do not support Israel with the same enthusiasm that the American People do, but even this less-than-enthusiastic Administration is nervous about going too far, to a point that would trigger blow-back amongst the American People.

Fortunately, we change Administrations on January 20, 2017, just a little over two years now, and any low-level anti-Israeli bias in the present Administration will evaporate instantly, in the context of the next Administration, coming in the door. The Israelis know this, and need only hold-on and keep it (US-Israeli) relations together for a little while longer, until our 8-year-long national nightmare is over, and things get better once again.

And, of course, after the November 2014 mid-term elections in the US in November, both chambers of Congress (House and Senate) may very well contain higher numbers of Israel supporters who will be able to do 'hold the fort' in connection with US-Israel relations until January 20, 2017, when this minor problem goes away.
It is probable that U.S. administrations will come to the realization that a more even handed approach to the I/P is the best course for the people of the United States.
It is probable that U.S. administrations will come to the realization that a more even handed approach to the I/P is the best course for the people of the United States.
Anything is possible, but possibility does not imply probability.

Israel is a strategic US ally and friend.

The United States is not neutral in such matters.
It is probable that U.S. administrations will come to the realization that a more even handed approach to the I/P is the best course for the people of the United States.

And how many hits from the hooka did you take before your mind got muddled enough to think this was true?
"I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction." - Barack Obama - The Audacity Of Hope, page 261

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