Exposed Anti-Semitic, Sexist, Racist Homophobe Says 1/2 of Trump Votes Racist, Sexist Homophobes

One of the authors of the Politico story, Byron Tau, now a reporter for the Wall Street Journal, told via email that “we never found any links between the Clinton campaign and the rumors in 2008.”

The other coauthor of the Politico story, Ben Smith, now the editor-in-chief of BuzzFeed, said in a May 2013 interview on MSNBC that the conspiracy theories traced back to “some of [Hillary Clinton’s] passionate supporters,” during the final throes of Clinton’s 2008 campaign. But he said they did not come from “Clinton herself or her staff.”

Josh Schwerin, a spokesman for the Clinton campaign, said Cruz’s claim is false. “The Clinton campaign never suggested that President Obama was not born here,” Schwerin wrote to us in an email.

Obviously didn't read the link very well, did you?

It said that Hillary's camp was getting numerous emails. How do you suppose they got from her email list to the Associated Press and the public in general? She didn't even have her toy server back then for people to hack.
Trump is doing better with both Hispanics and Blacks than Romney did. That's what has you and Hillary running scared.

True...NO ONE could have done worse with blacks and Hispanics than Romney....So, "congratulations" LOL
Obviously didn't read the link very well, did you?

It said that Hillary's camp was getting numerous emails. How do you suppose they got from her email list to the Associated Press and the public in general? She didn't even have her toy server back then for people to hack.

So, moron, if David Duke sends an email to Trump about Cruz's birth certificate in Canada, should THAT make Trump responsible for THAT birther movement???
You aren't very good at this Joe Bob.. PROVE what you said, just saying "I know you are but what am I" might work for 12 year olds, but not hate filled old men like you.

The PROOF, is rather simple.......

Look at how your candidate and, of course, you as one of his backers....are polling with

Women who don't want old men telling them what to do with their own bodies
gays and Lesbians

Once you DO that analysis as to how your ilk is polling, you too will have your answers and PROOF
You must be so proud how well the democrats victimology strategy works on you.

The best part about that is how she asks.....

"Is it workin?"

The blacks were trying to put her in her place.....and she asks....

"Is it workin?" Then, cackles in laughter. You know why? Cause she was right. She has you, she has them. Does not matter how she is caught lying, or pandering. Does not matter. You fucking morons, who prove daily that you have willfully given up your ability to think for yourselves, just keep marching to the democrat drum.

The pathetic thing is how you are not embarrassed for yourself. You keep posting here everyday, and everyday you push democrat/soros talking points and cliches. You are destroyed EVERY DAY by facts and you giggle away.

There is not one reason, not one, for you to be treated with respect. Now, don't you have a carbon credit to purchase?
and after he little episode just now in New York, Hillary wont recall falling to the pavement, Must of been the 95 degree heat.

She hasn't stopped:

BREAKING: Hillary Has Medical Issue At 9/11 Event – Faints While Leaving
Posted at 10:11 am on September 11, 2016 by Jay Caruso

BREAKING: Hillary Has Medical Issue At 9/11 Event - Faints While Leaving | RedState
Dont worry. There is nothing wrong with her medically. CNN assures us that it is all right wing lies.
So, moron, if David Duke sends an email to Trump about Cruz's birth certificate in Canada, should THAT make Trump responsible for THAT birther movement???

If the emails were likely phony and Trump didn't want to take responsibility himself for starting them, then yes.
Reagan was suffering from Alzheimer's at the time. Is that the excuse you're trying to make for Hillary?

So, you morons who SANCTIFY Reagan are admitting that he was the active president although he was suffering from Alzheimer???

Was he suffering from Alzheimer when he told Gorbachev "tear down this wall..."???

Reagan said "I don't remember" 124 times at Iran Contra hearings. Was it lies or Alzheimer's?

Wrong, moron, he only "testified" years after his last term ended.

Try again.
and after he little episode just now in New York, Hillary wont recall falling to the pavement, Must of been the 95 degree heat.

She hasn't stopped:

BREAKING: Hillary Has Medical Issue At 9/11 Event – Faints While Leaving
Posted at 10:11 am on September 11, 2016 by Jay Caruso

BREAKING: Hillary Has Medical Issue At 9/11 Event - Faints While Leaving | RedState
Dont worry. There is nothing wrong with her medically. CNN assures us that it is all right wing lies.

I'm just counting the minutes before some lib cries about the source and not the story.
Opposing equal rights for gays is by definition homophobic. Anyone who opposes gay marriage rights is therefore by definition a homophobe.
You don't think the homophobes are supporting Trump?

So since the founding of this country until a couple of years ago, the majority of our people were homophobes?

Yeah, including Bill and Hillary!
I just put it on CNN. They assure she is feeling "much better."

CNN is also reporting that her "opponents" have been reporting stuff about her heath. Oh, right. I forgot that Dr Drew is her "opponent."


If there was ever one display that shows she is just fucked is this one.


That encapsulates everything she is.
Opposing equal rights for gays is by definition homophobic. Anyone who opposes gay marriage rights is therefore by definition a homophobe.
You don't think the homophobes are supporting Trump?

So since the founding of this country until a couple of years ago, the majority of our people were homophobes?

Yes. If you can't make a rational argument as to why homosexuals should be denied equal rights,

then you must oppose those right for some irrational reason.
Dont worry. There is nothing wrong with her medically. CNN assures us that it is all right wing lies.

Well, toiletbOWL, we have 2 lengthy pages on Clinton's health record....
What EXACTLY do we have on Trump??? Tell us,please..........
Yes. If you can't make a rational argument as to why homosexuals should be denied equal rights,

then you must oppose those right for some irrational reason.

What I oppose is the federal government getting involved with decision making by the state. During the Bush years, many states voted on queer marriage, and most of them voted it out. Even some of the states that did adopt it was by force of a court.

With liberals, the will of the majority means nothing.

CNN attacking Fox News of course for reporting it as "alleged" details.

They are reporting it as a right wing conspiracy.


They sure don't want to lose their jobs.


CNN is now attacking for his Tweet about this, which there is no Tweet. Yet, they said Fox News should not report stuff before it is confirmed.

They are fucking losers.
Opposing equal rights for gays is by definition homophobic. Anyone who opposes gay marriage rights is therefore by definition a homophobe.
You don't think the homophobes are supporting Trump?

So since the founding of this country until a couple of years ago, the majority of our people were homophobes?

Yes. If you can't make a rational argument as to why homosexuals should be denied equal rights,

then you must oppose those right for some irrational reason.

They aren't rights, numb nuts.
CNN is on full blown attack Fox News mode. Not one voice of opposition. Nothing.


Put it on, if you want a good laugh.

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