Exposed Anti-Semitic, Sexist, Racist Homophobe Says 1/2 of Trump Votes Racist, Sexist Homophobes

That wasn't what you said .

"Of the 13 million who voted for Trump in the primary, uh, yeah, a lot of them ARE racists."

Prove your assertion bigot.

That proves my assertion. Most of the hardcore Trump supporters here have said some pretty racist shit....

Wow, you make this too easy....

You're the one exploiting racism. Only douche bags accuse Trump and his supporters of being racists.

Let's see now, Trump is the one who wants to build a wall to Keep Mexicans out, wants to ban Muslims based on their faith, said a Mexican judge was against him, (when this judge has been pretty favorable to him in his rulings.) Talks about "my Black guy"...

Trump is a racist. Deal with it.

Trump wants to build a wall to keep out illegal aliens. Their nationality doesn't matter. Of course "Mexican" isn't a race. Muslim is also not a race. And the Mexican judge couldn't be impartial because he was known to be an opponent of Trump's immigration policy. Trump didn't say Mexicans can't be impartial.

As usual, your an imbecile and a douche bag.

trump said that cause the judge had illegal relatives in the US. im hispanic and i dont take issue with what trump said.
The judge belonged to a group that did pro-bono work for illegals.
That wasn't what you said .

"Of the 13 million who voted for Trump in the primary, uh, yeah, a lot of them ARE racists."

Prove your assertion bigot.

That proves my assertion. Most of the hardcore Trump supporters here have said some pretty racist shit....

Wow, you make this too easy....

You're the one exploiting racism. Only douche bags accuse Trump and his supporters of being racists.

Let's see now, Trump is the one who wants to build a wall to Keep Mexicans out, wants to ban Muslims based on their faith, said a Mexican judge was against him, (when this judge has been pretty favorable to him in his rulings.) Talks about "my Black guy"...

Trump is a racist. Deal with it.

Trump wants to build a wall to keep out illegal aliens. Their nationality doesn't matter. Of course "Mexican" isn't a race. Muslim is also not a race. And the Mexican judge couldn't be impartial because he was known to be an opponent of Trump's immigration policy. Trump didn't say Mexicans can't be impartial.

As usual, your an imbecile and a douche bag.

trump said that cause the judge had illegal relatives in the US. im hispanic and i dont take issue with what trump said.
The judge belonged to a group that did pro-bono work for illegals.

yes, and for all those reasons, a recusal is in order.
Hillary on Jeopardy: Alex: for 500.00. Madam Secretary: This infamous woman is considered a bitch, a bigot, anti-semi, homophobe, racist, compulsive liar, despises blacks and latinos, and often uses the excuse "I Don't Recall" when confronted with the facts when being grilled by the U.S. Congress.
yes, and for all those reasons, a recusal is in order.

In other words, because Judge Curiel is of Mexican American descent, this judge CANNOT be fair about Trump's scam and fraudulent Trump U.

Actually, Trump should have tried to BRIBE the judge as he did the AG in Florida and Texas, ..
since, according to the Trumpster, Mexicans are all a bunch of thugs anyway....LOL
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Hillary on Jeopardy: Alex: for 500.00. Madam Secretary: This infamous woman is considered a bitch, a bigot, anti-semi, homophobe, racist, compulsive liar, despises blacks and latinos, and often uses the excuse "I Don't Recall" when confronted with the facts when being grilled by the U.S. Congress.

LAME........even more than usual Rex-baby.....LOL

You have 2 months left to improve.....
Knowing she needs every vote she can get in this tightening race, how wise is it to call potential 'convert' votes 'racist, sexist homophobes'?!

Then again, Soros may have told her she can do/say whatever she wants because he has the election rigged already...

The kind of hard core Trump supporter isn't going to vote for Hillary. She is aiming for Republicans who have a sense of decency, the ones who know Trump is going to be a disaster for their party.
No American will vote for a racist bigot like hitlery.....
In an Alt-Right fantasyland.
"I Don't Recall" when confronted with the facts when being grilled by the U.S. Congress.

Did you really want to bring up the ghost of Ronnie????? LOL

`I Don`t Recall` Marks Excerpts Of Reagan Testimony
There SO MUCH evidence to the contrary that moronic right wingers just refuse to believe; they'd rather believe Sean Hannity

Origins of the claims

During the Democratic Party's 2008 presidential primaries, anonymous e-mails from supporters of Hillary Clinton surfaced that questioned Obama's citizenship in an attempt to revive Clinton's faltering primary election campaign. These and numerous other chain e-mails during the subsequent presidential election circulated false rumors about Obama's origin, religion and birth certificate.[26][27]

Jim Geraghty of the conservative website National Review Online may have sparked further speculation on June 9, 2008, when he asked that Obama release his birth certificate.[28][29] Geraghty wrote that releasing his birth certificate could debunk several false rumors circulating on the Internet, namely: that his middle name was originally Muhammad rather than Hussein; that his mother had originally named him "Barry" rather than "Barack"; and that Barack Obama, Sr. was not his biological father, as well as the rumor that Barack Obama was not a natural-born citizen.[29][30][31]

In October 2009, anonymous e-mails circulated claiming that the Associated Press (AP) had reported Obama was "Kenyan-Born".[32] The claims were based on an AP story that had appeared five years earlier in a Kenyan publication, The Standard.[32][33] The rumor-checking website found that the headline and lead-in sentence describing Obama as born in Kenya and misspelling his first name had been added by the Kenyan newspaper, and did not appear in the story issued by the AP or in any other contemporary newspaper that picked up the AP story.[32][34]
Of course, Trump never said that, douche bag.

OK,'s the DIRECT quote from Trump....(find a grown up to help you)

"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best," he said. "They're sending people that have lots of problems...they're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime. They're rapists.

Trump is not talking about American citizens. Hillary is.
yes, and for all those reasons, a recusal is in order.

In other words, because Judge Curiel is of Mexican American descent, this judge CANNOT be fair about Trump's scam and fraudulent Trump U.

Actually, Trump should have tried to BRIBE the judge as he did the AG in Florida and Texas....LOL

no, the judge has illegal immigrants in his family that are in danger of being deported--conflict of interest
There SO MUCH evidence to the contrary that moronic right wingers just refuse to believe; they'd rather believe Sean Hannity

Origins of the claims

During the Democratic Party's 2008 presidential primaries, anonymous e-mails from supporters of Hillary Clinton surfaced that questioned Obama's citizenship in an attempt to revive Clinton's faltering primary election campaign. These and numerous other chain e-mails during the subsequent presidential election circulated false rumors about Obama's origin, religion and birth certificate.[26][27]

Jim Geraghty of the conservative website National Review Online may have sparked further speculation on June 9, 2008, when he asked that Obama release his birth certificate.[28][29] Geraghty wrote that releasing his birth certificate could debunk several false rumors circulating on the Internet, namely: that his middle name was originally Muhammad rather than Hussein; that his mother had originally named him "Barry" rather than "Barack"; and that Barack Obama, Sr. was not his biological father, as well as the rumor that Barack Obama was not a natural-born citizen.[29][30][31]

In October 2009, anonymous e-mails circulated claiming that the Associated Press (AP) had reported Obama was "Kenyan-Born".[32] The claims were based on an AP story that had appeared five years earlier in a Kenyan publication, The Standard.[32][33] The rumor-checking website found that the headline and lead-in sentence describing Obama as born in Kenya and misspelling his first name had been added by the Kenyan newspaper, and did not appear in the story issued by the AP or in any other contemporary newspaper that picked up the AP story.[32][34]

One of the authors of the Politico story, Byron Tau, now a reporter for the Wall Street Journal, told via email that “we never found any links between the Clinton campaign and the rumors in 2008.”

The other coauthor of the Politico story, Ben Smith, now the editor-in-chief of BuzzFeed, said in a May 2013 interview on MSNBC that the conspiracy theories traced back to “some of [Hillary Clinton’s] passionate supporters,” during the final throes of Clinton’s 2008 campaign. But he said they did not come from “Clinton herself or her staff.”

Josh Schwerin, a spokesman for the Clinton campaign, said Cruz’s claim is false. “The Clinton campaign never suggested that President Obama was not born here,” Schwerin wrote to us in an email.

Was Hillary Clinton the Original ‘Birther’?
But Hillary sure can recall the day three sniper bullets went thru her head.

Excellent point.......Run Trump's campaign on the above, AND that Hillary is on "her death bed".....I mean, what could go wrong with those startegies....LOL
no, the judge has illegal immigrants in his family that are in danger of being deported--conflict of interest

Even if that fucked up rumor were true, what does that have to do with a judgment whether Trump SCAMMED people out of thousands through the fraudulent Trump U.???

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