EXPOSED: Komen VP Targeted Planned Parenthood

Actually, as charitable organizations go, Komen isn't one of the better as far as dollars to research is concerned. There are many organizations that do the same thing with less administrative overhead.

You apparently are talking out of your ass... again.

Charity Navigator Rating - Susan G. Komen for the Cure

80.5% goes to program expenses, which the site defines as follows:

11.8% goes to administrative expenses, which the site defines as follows:

$0.09 is their fundraising efficiency rating, which the site defines as follows:
The amount spent to raise $1 in charitable contributions. To calculate a charity's fundraising efficiency, we divide its fundraising expenses by the total contributions it receives.

Those are pretty good numbers, compared to many other charities.

All I said is that there are better ones out there...ones that don't try to politicize cancer research with right wing agendas.

You specifically commented on administrative overhead. I showed you how low it is, and that it is as good or better than others. You mentioned nothing until now of having an agenda problem with them, which is certainly your right.
The Alan Guttmacher Institute (AGI), the research arm of Planned Parenthood, estimates that there were 1.21 million abortions performed in the U.S. in the year 2005. Of the 1.21 million annual abortions, approximately 88% (1.06 million) are performed during the first trimester. The other 12% (150,000) are performed during the second and third trimester. In 2005, the average cost of a nonhospital abortion with local anesthesia at 10 weeks of gestation was $413. The Women's Medical Center estimates that a 2nd trimester abortion costs up to $3000 (with the price increasing the further along the pregnancy goes). If we take the $413 average for 1st trimester abortions and use a $3000 average for 2nd and 3rd trimester abortions, here's what we get: $438 million is spent each year on first trimester abortions and $393 million is spent on late term abortions. That means that each year in the U.S., the abortion industry brings in approximately $831 million through their abortion services alone. If you add in the $337 million (or more) that Planned Parenthood (America's largest abortion provider) receives annually in government grants and contracts for, the annual dollar amount moves well past 1 billion.

The Case Against Abortion: Abortion for Profit
It's a bad thing to be anti abortion now? Who knew?

Be anti abortion all you want.

quit being anti choice.

That is negative

Hey stupid.... pro-choice = pro-abortion.

Really, you ignorant, redneck racist motherfucker?

See how absolutes work? I saw your Confederate flag avatar and assumed that you were stupid, have 12 dead cars in your trailer trash yard, hate black people and fuck your mother.... all with one picture.
You apparently are talking out of your ass... again.

Charity Navigator Rating - Susan G. Komen for the Cure

80.5% goes to program expenses, which the site defines as follows:

11.8% goes to administrative expenses, which the site defines as follows:

$0.09 is their fundraising efficiency rating, which the site defines as follows:

Those are pretty good numbers, compared to many other charities.

All I said is that there are better ones out there...ones that don't try to politicize cancer research with right wing agendas.

You specifically commented on administrative overhead. I showed you how low it is, and that it is as good or better than others. You mentioned nothing until now of having an agenda problem with them, which is certainly your right.

And there are many out there with LESS administrative overhead. Those are the ones I will donate to in the future.
Komen will not receive any more donations from me as well as most of my friends.

So true. Komen damaged itself most of all. It's another front group for Planned Parenthood and will no doubt suffer from the lack of financial support.
yeah... fuck those women with cancer, right?

I'm sure there are other organizations that help with breast cancer research and treatment that don't support abortion clinics. My donations will go to those organizations.

Using your would say "fuck those murdered babies" right?

sarcasm escapes you, doesn't it.

I'm assuming that's a question.

So no, but it is sometimes difficult to recognize sarcasm in print.
Kill all of your children you wish. Just dont use tax payer money.

Its that simple.

Komen is a private organization, they do not use tax dollars.

I do agree with you that NO tax dollars should be used to fund abortions

No tax dollars fund abortions...I know, Rush Beckibaugh Savage told you differently, so you don't believe it... but hey whoever said they told the truth?

If federal funds are given to PP then yes, tax dollars are being used to fund abortions.

Unlike you, I don't need anyone to tell me what to think.
planned parenthood helps prenant women get the care they need in poor sectors of our entire nation.

The right has gone completely insane

In 2009, Planned Parenthood performed more than 332,000 abortions nationwide. That equals to one abortion every 95 seconds.

Yea PP sure helps pregnant women get the care they need. :cuckoo:
All I said is that there are better ones out there...ones that don't try to politicize cancer research with right wing agendas.

You specifically commented on administrative overhead. I showed you how low it is, and that it is as good or better than others. You mentioned nothing until now of having an agenda problem with them, which is certainly your right.

And there are many out there with LESS administrative overhead. Those are the ones I will donate to in the future.

According to Charity Navigator, 'many' appears to be an overstatement, although there are a few.

One in particular looks like a good bet for you...
Charity Navigator Rating - Breast Cancer Research Foundation
Program Expenses is 91.5%, with Administrative Expenses of only 2.3%. However, their total revenue was only $36 million.

Komen was at 80.5% and 11.8%, respectively, but their total revenue was considerably higher, at $311 million.

It's quite possible, although it's only an opinion, that the higher administrative costs are directly proportional to the amount of revenue generated and the people required to generate it.

I guess all I am really saying is that if you have a philosophical problem with them, that's certainly your right. But don't let the administrative cost numbers sway you.
Komen is a private organization, they do not use tax dollars.

I do agree with you that NO tax dollars should be used to fund abortions

No tax dollars fund abortions...I know, Rush Beckibaugh Savage told you differently, so you don't believe it... but hey whoever said they told the truth?

If federal funds are given to PP then yes, tax dollars are being used to fund abortions.

Unlike you, I don't need anyone to tell me what to think.

Really? even if they set aside those dollars for other uses.... their records are impeccable...they have to be...because of people like you....which is(IMO) actually something that I am completely fine with.

But to sit here and say that if they use that money to pay for cancer screenings, wellness checkups and birth control other than abortion is still paying for abortions is ridiculous....and has been repeated ad naseum by the AM radio crowd.
Be anti abortion all you want.

quit being anti choice.

That is negative

Hey stupid.... pro-choice = pro-abortion.

Really, you ignorant, redneck racist motherfucker?

See how absolutes work? I saw your Confederate flag avatar and assumed that you were stupid, have 12 dead cars in your trailer trash yard, hate black people and fuck your mother.... all with one picture.

You can make any assumption you like. The fact is if you are pro-choice you are by default pro-abortion, conversely if you're pro-life you are anti-abortion. There is no middle ground.
You specifically commented on administrative overhead. I showed you how low it is, and that it is as good or better than others. You mentioned nothing until now of having an agenda problem with them, which is certainly your right.

And there are many out there with LESS administrative overhead. Those are the ones I will donate to in the future.

According to Charity Navigator, 'many' appears to be an overstatement, although there are a few.

One in particular looks like a good bet for you...
Charity Navigator Rating - Breast Cancer Research Foundation
Program Expenses is 91.5%, with Administrative Expenses of only 2.3%. However, their total revenue was only $36 million.

Komen was at 80.5% and 11.8%, respectively, but their total revenue was considerably higher, at $311 million.

It's quite possible, although it's only an opinion, that the higher administrative costs are directly proportional to the amount of revenue generated and the people required to generate it.

I guess all I am really saying is that if you have a philosophical problem with them, that's certainly your right. But don't let the administrative cost numbers sway you.

I also like to look at what each CEO is paid...some of those organizations really bloat their CEO pay to a ridiculous extent for a "non profit". The Governor of California is paid half to run a state than some of these yahoos get to run a "non profit".
It's a bad thing to be anti abortion now? Who knew?

well, perhaps she shouldn't be in a job where her first priority is supposed to be women's health. clearly she failed at that.

the funds in question were not for abortion (although honestly, its none of your business if they were since it's a private charity). she didn't care about the impact to women's healthcare or the komen foundation her actions would have.

i'm looking forward to her resigning. she probably cost the foundation a fortune in donations, which is a pity, since the whole point of that particular charity is to be apoilitcal.

congrats to the wingnut.
Hey stupid.... pro-choice = pro-abortion.

Really, you ignorant, redneck racist motherfucker?

See how absolutes work? I saw your Confederate flag avatar and assumed that you were stupid, have 12 dead cars in your trailer trash yard, hate black people and fuck your mother.... all with one picture.

You can make any assumption you like. The fact is if you are pro-choice you are by default pro-abortion, conversely if you're pro-life you are anti-abortion. There is no middle ground.

Facts....according to(of course)
Hey stupid.... pro-choice = pro-abortion.

Really, you ignorant, redneck racist motherfucker?

See how absolutes work? I saw your Confederate flag avatar and assumed that you were stupid, have 12 dead cars in your trailer trash yard, hate black people and fuck your mother.... all with one picture.

You can make any assumption you like. The fact is if you are pro-choice you are by default pro-abortion, conversely if you're pro-life you are anti-abortion. There is no middle ground.

Perhaps if you can only see black and white, but the TRUTH is that nobody is "pro abortion". I am pro choice and want to see abortion kept safe, legal and RARE.
No tax dollars fund abortions...I know, Rush Beckibaugh Savage told you differently, so you don't believe it... but hey whoever said they told the truth?

If federal funds are given to PP then yes, tax dollars are being used to fund abortions.

Unlike you, I don't need anyone to tell me what to think.

Really? even if they set aside those dollars for other uses.... their records are impeccable...they have to be...because of people like you....which is(IMO) actually something that I am completely fine with.

But to sit here and say that if they use that money to pay for cancer screenings, wellness checkups and birth control other than abortion is still paying for abortions is ridiculous....and has been repeated ad naseum by the AM radio crowd.

By their own admission they have no separate account for their funds. It all goes into one account. So how can you or they say with any degree of honesty or certainty that no federal dollars are used for abortions?

You are merely a sheep following the herd. Perhaps one day you will learn to think for yourself.
abortion is such a red herring issue......neither party is gonna do a thing about something the equals how much money a year for doctors?

It isn't a federal government issue. It's a doctor/patient issue. both parties use it as grandstand material and neither one is ever going to get legislation passed on the issue. It's a complete nonissue that should be left at best, tot eh state.
Really, you ignorant, redneck racist motherfucker?

See how absolutes work? I saw your Confederate flag avatar and assumed that you were stupid, have 12 dead cars in your trailer trash yard, hate black people and fuck your mother.... all with one picture.

You can make any assumption you like. The fact is if you are pro-choice you are by default pro-abortion, conversely if you're pro-life you are anti-abortion. There is no middle ground.

Facts....according to(of course)

Yes, to me and to every other independent thinking person in this world.
Lastly, in case anyone is new, planned parenthood's founder was a german eugenics scientist during the third reich years. Just sayin'.

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