Exposing America’s Biggest Hypocrites: Evangelical Christians

<snip/unsnip>"When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best,” he said in the same speech. “They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems to us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

Considering the conduct of the conservatives already here in the US, we already have THE WORST. Anything Mexico sends will be an improvement to this country.
<snip/unsnip>"When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best,” he said in the same speech. “They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems to us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

Considering the conduct of the conservatives already here in the US, we already have THE WORST. Anything Mexico sends will be an improvement to this country.

That's what I'd say if were from that shithole Mexico or married to someone that is. You might want to enlighten yourself a bit before popping off at the mouth. Look into the following using per capita factoring:
Prison population by race
Welfare statistics by race
Unemployment by race
School dropout rate by race
Teen pregnancy by race
Average iQ by race
Let me know if you need me to post all the meaningful demos that you're obviously are unaware of.
Thanks for playing.
"So much for organized religion in this country. It sucks."
Yep, them damn Christians....they're evil hypocrites and they're flat-out ruining this country!
We need less of this:

And more of this:

And this:

Haha...oh those crazy Loons....they'll demonize and slander the shit out of Christians, the wealthy, productive positive contributors and the like...then support, speak highly of and even glamorize illegals, mentally unstable men in dresses, Antifa....etc etc
You Loons have zero credibility with normal, sane people....NOBODY but other twisted LefTards takes anything you say seriously....You are fun to fuck with though and your public display of twisted lunacy is quite entertaining....thanks for that.

I love how you right wingers are all about "freedom" unless you disagree be with those who chose to exercise their freedom in ways you don't like.

I look at the guy in the last picture you posted and think be what a putz! But it's his life. You see something to ban.

The acid test on "freedom", isn't how you treat those people exercising freedoms you believe in and support, but rather how you treat those who's choices you disagree with. If you can't tolerate those you disagree with, then you're not supporting real freedom.
Leftists and their endless bashing of Christians is entertaining. The hypocrisy of leftists is expected. America is the most generous country on the planet. We give more money away than the rest of the world combined. Meanwhile leftists act like they have been raped if the hear the words, Merry Christmas.

We're not bashing Christians. We are blasting non Christians who claim to be Christian. Giving money away doesn't mean anything. And calling a day Christmas doesn't mean anything either.
Are you a Christian?

I try to live by what Jesus says. And I don't see him saying what you conservatives say when I read the bible.
I do not speak for any group. Clearly you a charitable Christian. I'm not certain Jesus advocated for the most repressive form of government. Yet, allegedly Christian folks still vote for abortion and other socialist plans.
I love how you right wingers are all about "freedom" unless you disagree be with those who chose to exercise their freedom in ways you don't like.

I look at the guy in the last picture you posted and think be what a putz! But it's his life. You see something to ban.

The acid test on "freedom", isn't how you treat those people exercising freedoms you believe in and support, but rather how you treat those who's choices you disagree with. If you can't tolerate those you disagree with, then you're not supporting real freedom.
Leftists and their endless bashing of Christians is entertaining. The hypocrisy of leftists is expected. America is the most generous country on the planet. We give more money away than the rest of the world combined. Meanwhile leftists act like they have been raped if the hear the words, Merry Christmas.

We're not bashing Christians. We are blasting non Christians who claim to be Christian. Giving money away doesn't mean anything. And calling a day Christmas doesn't mean anything either.
Are you a Christian?

I try to live by what Jesus says. And I don't see him saying what you conservatives say when I read the bible.
I do not speak for any group. Clearly you a charitable Christian. I'm not certain Jesus advocated for the most repressive form of government. Yet, allegedly Christian folks still vote for abortion and other socialist plans.

Jesus sure didn't advocate for a government based on the acquisition of as much capital as you can get..
<snip/unsnip>"When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best,” he said in the same speech. “They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems to us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

Considering the conduct of the conservatives already here in the US, we already have THE WORST. Anything Mexico sends will be an improvement to this country.

That's what I'd say if were from that shithole Mexico or married to someone that is. You might want to enlighten yourself a bit before popping off at the mouth. Look into the following using per capita factoring:
Prison population by race
Welfare statistics by race
Unemployment by race
School dropout rate by race
Teen pregnancy by race
Average iQ by race
Let me know if you need me to post all the meaningful demos that you're obviously are unaware of.
Thanks for playing.

No, we don't need to use per capita. Why not use the total numbers f people in the population who actually fir these categories. Because you don't factor in poverty when you do this. All you are trying to do here is present another stupid excuse for your belief in white supremacy.
Even Lawyers And Cops Knew About Moore’s Behavior. Why Didn’t They Do Anything?

They knew Moore was a sexual predator - but did nothing. Now, Evangelicals are poised to send this child molester to the U.S. Senate.
. It's called innocence until proven guilty. Either we are a nation of laws or not. The left want people tried in the media because it no longer trust the justice system in this country. Well that is all fixing to change, because the justice system in which the left had broken, is going to be fixed and honored again. Gotta get these crazy activist leftist judges out of it, and return some sanity back to it. Then it will be fixed again.
Even Lawyers And Cops Knew About Moore’s Behavior. Why Didn’t They Do Anything?

They knew Moore was a sexual predator - but did nothing. Now, Evangelicals are poised to send this child molester to the U.S. Senate.
. It's called innocence until proven guilty. Either we are a nation of laws or not. The left want people tried in the media because it no longer trust the justice system in this country. Well that is all fixing to change, because the justice system in which the left had broken, is going to be fixed and honored again. Gotta get these crazy activist leftist judges out of it, and return some sanity back to it. Then it will be fixed again.
Poll: Trump's approval rating hits new low in Pew poll
Source: The Hill

BY BRANDON CARTER - 12/07/17 04:21 PM EST

A new poll released Thursday shows President Trump’s approval rating has hit a new low.

The Pew Research Center poll finds that just 32 percent of Americans approve of how Trump is handling his job as president. Sixty-three percent of Americans say they disapprove.

Trump’s 32-percent approval rating is a new low in the Pew poll. The group’s most recent survey, conducted in October, found Trump held a 34 percent approval rating after three consecutive surveys dating back to February measured his approval rating at 39 percent.

The 63 percent of Americans who disapprove of Trump’s job as president is the highest Pew has measured in the poll, topping a previous high of 59 percent in Pew’s October survey.

Read more: Pew poll: Trump's approval rating hits new low
Left wing liberals that support abortion are truly doing the work of their master, Satan.
I hope Evangelicals are doing a lot of soul searching today. Their credibility is on the line.
Yeah but what does the left have? It must be easy to run as a democrat when the party doesn't claim any moral or family values.
The feminists lost all their credibility when they supported rapist/sexual assaulter/penis exposer/intern abuser Bill Clniton and his enabler wife Hillary.

It’s okay to prey as long as you pray.

Ahhh, Christianity in America. Or should I say, the single greatest cause of atheism today. You know who I’m talking about, right? The type of people who acknowledge Jesus with their words, and deny him through their lifestyle. The ones who preach the importance of traditional family values, all while holding a rally and offering standing ovations for a man who preyed on 14-year-old girls. The ones who look to excuse the despicable allegations directed at Roy Moore by literally quoting the bible, comparing his molestation to Joseph and Mary. I give you the most hypocritical religious group in America, Evangelical Christians.

More: Exposing America's Biggest Hypocrites: Evangelical Christians

I have lost all respect for religious people - even those who profess to be "true" Christians. It's a farce.
At least we can say that Islam pretty much sticks to the principles in its Koran.
Kill Gays/Lesbians.......check.
Kill non-believers.........check.
Sex with children.........check.
Stone adulterers to death....check.
Chop off hands of thieves....check (although, I kind of like that one).
Make women second class citizens....check.
Make women produce four male witnesses to their rape....check.
Women's testimony half that of a man's in court....check.
As hypocritical as the Christians can be, at least they aren't strapping bombs on their bodies and blowing themselves up in public places, or running groups of people down with trucks.
Who benefits when Native American women become abortion activists and lose their family and tribal values? The democrat party?

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