Exposing America’s Biggest Hypocrites: Evangelical Christians



Our tax money doesn't help the poor

Our charity does

Evangelicals believe the poor are poor because they are lazy. Jesus said "Blessed are the poor". He also said that That which we do to the least among us, we also do to Him.

In a country where wealthy enclaves incorporate themselves as towns to avoid having their tax dollars pay to educate the children of the poor, you cannot claim your country holds "Christian values".

A country where healthcare for the poor is considered "political" and people say "let them die" cannot claim that it holds Christian values. Jesus healed the sick. He didn't ask for payment, or whether they could afford coverage. He just healed the sick.

I am not "politically correct". I am living my life according to Jesus' words. You cannot claim to be Christian and shun others. Jesus was really clear on inclusiveness. He went out of his way to include the outcasts of his time - adulterers, lepers, tax collectors. His Gospel was one of forgiveness and redemption.

Without the electoral college rural areas might as will not even vote... They would have zero say on the direction of the country

So? Why should an unincorporated town of 25 have equal say to a city of 7 million? I live in Kansas and I don't think I would want these rural idiots who voted for a governor who fucked up the state in his first term to a second one to have any real serious say in the direction of this country.
The red areas of the country are controlled by the people that work them. The people in the blue areas should have no say on how the land in the red areas is used because they do not live there. They should just stick to their own little blue areas.
The food and natural resources are in the red areas… Live with it

And exactly what does this have to do with the topic?


It’s okay to prey as long as you pray.

Ahhh, Christianity in America. Or should I say, the single greatest cause of atheism today. You know who I’m talking about, right? The type of people who acknowledge Jesus with their words, and deny him through their lifestyle. The ones who preach the importance of traditional family values, all while holding a rally and offering standing ovations for a man who preyed on 14-year-old girls. The ones who look to excuse the despicable allegations directed at Roy Moore by literally quoting the bible, comparing his molestation to Joseph and Mary. I give you the most hypocritical religious group in America, Evangelical Christians.

More: Exposing America's Biggest Hypocrites: Evangelical Christians

I have lost all respect for religious people - even those who profess to be "true" Christians. It's a farce.
Listen up. If a man grabs your junk, let people know. Don't allow your political beliefs to overpower your ability to make others aware. Do not enable.

If a man grabs my junk, I will let him know - very FORCEFULLY.


It’s okay to prey as long as you pray.

Ahhh, Christianity in America. Or should I say, the single greatest cause of atheism today. You know who I’m talking about, right? The type of people who acknowledge Jesus with their words, and deny him through their lifestyle. The ones who preach the importance of traditional family values, all while holding a rally and offering standing ovations for a man who preyed on 14-year-old girls. The ones who look to excuse the despicable allegations directed at Roy Moore by literally quoting the bible, comparing his molestation to Joseph and Mary. I give you the most hypocritical religious group in America, Evangelical Christians.

More: Exposing America's Biggest Hypocrites: Evangelical Christians

I have lost all respect for religious people - even those who profess to be "true" Christians. It's a farce.

It’s okay to prey as long as you pray.

Ahhh, Christianity in America. Or should I say, the single greatest cause of atheism today. You know who I’m talking about, right? The type of people who acknowledge Jesus with their words, and deny him through their lifestyle. The ones who preach the importance of traditional family values, all while holding a rally and offering standing ovations for a man who preyed on 14-year-old girls. The ones who look to excuse the despicable allegations directed at Roy Moore by literally quoting the bible, comparing his molestation to Joseph and Mary. I give you the most hypocritical religious group in America, Evangelical Christians.

More: Exposing America's Biggest Hypocrites: Evangelical Christians

I have lost all respect for religious people - even those who profess to be "true" Christians. It's a farce.

I totally agree with you. 80% of Evangelicals cast a vote for Donald Trump. In doing so, they made a mockery out of the teachings of Jesus Christ. They're nothing but hypocrite's and only use the bible to go out against social issues & people that they have a religious grievance with.

There were white male pastors all over this country singing the praises of Donald Trump to their congregations. These people are not Christians--they're FAKES. They completely missed the big picture of what Christianity is all about.


Now these same self-proclaimed cough-cough Christians are supporting a Child molester in Roy Moore--(while using God at the same time.)


So much for organized religion in this country. It sucks.

"So much for organized religion in this country. It sucks."
Yep, them damn Christians....they're evil hypocrites and they're flat-out ruining this country!
We need less of this:

And more of this:

And this:

Haha...oh those crazy Loons....they'll demonize and slander the shit out of Christians, the wealthy, productive positive contributors and the like...then support, speak highly of and even glamorize illegals, mentally unstable men in dresses, Antifa....etc etc
You Loons have zero credibility with normal, sane people....NOBODY but other twisted LefTards takes anything you say seriously....You are fun to fuck with though and your public display of twisted lunacy is quite entertaining....thanks for that.

I love how you right wingers are all about "freedom" unless you disagree be with those who chose to exercise their freedom in ways you don't like.

I look at the guy in the last picture you posted and think be what a putz! But it's his life. You see something to ban.

The acid test on "freedom", isn't how you treat those people exercising freedoms you believe in and support, but rather how you treat those who's choices you disagree with. If you can't tolerate those you disagree with, then you're not supporting real freedom.

Leftists and their endless bashing of Christians is entertaining. The hypocrisy of leftists is expected. America is the most generous country on the planet. We give more money away than the rest of the world combined. Meanwhile leftists act like they have been raped if the hear the words, Merry Christmas.

Our tax money doesn't help the poor

Our charity does

Evangelicals believe the poor are poor because they are lazy. Jesus said "Blessed are the poor". He also said that That which we do to the least among us, we also do to Him.

In a country where wealthy enclaves incorporate themselves as towns to avoid having their tax dollars pay to educate the children of the poor, you cannot claim your country holds "Christian values".

A country where healthcare for the poor is considered "political" and people say "let them die" cannot claim that it holds Christian values. Jesus healed the sick. He didn't ask for payment, or whether they could afford coverage. He just healed the sick.

I am not "politically correct". I am living my life according to Jesus' words. You cannot claim to be Christian and shun others. Jesus was really clear on inclusiveness. He went out of his way to include the outcasts of his time - adulterers, lepers, tax collectors. His Gospel was one of forgiveness and redemption.

So? Why should an unincorporated town of 25 have equal say to a city of 7 million? I live in Kansas and I don't think I would want these rural idiots who voted for a governor who fucked up the state in his first term to a second one to have any real serious say in the direction of this country.
The red areas of the country are controlled by the people that work them. The people in the blue areas should have no say on how the land in the red areas is used because they do not live there. They should just stick to their own little blue areas.
The food and natural resources are in the red areas… Live with it

And exactly what does this have to do with the topic?


It’s okay to prey as long as you pray.

Ahhh, Christianity in America. Or should I say, the single greatest cause of atheism today. You know who I’m talking about, right? The type of people who acknowledge Jesus with their words, and deny him through their lifestyle. The ones who preach the importance of traditional family values, all while holding a rally and offering standing ovations for a man who preyed on 14-year-old girls. The ones who look to excuse the despicable allegations directed at Roy Moore by literally quoting the bible, comparing his molestation to Joseph and Mary. I give you the most hypocritical religious group in America, Evangelical Christians.

More: Exposing America's Biggest Hypocrites: Evangelical Christians

I have lost all respect for religious people - even those who profess to be "true" Christians. It's a farce.
Listen up. If a man grabs your junk, let people know. Don't allow your political beliefs to overpower your ability to make others aware. Do not enable.

If a man grabs my junk, I will let him know - very FORCEFULLY.


It’s okay to prey as long as you pray.

Ahhh, Christianity in America. Or should I say, the single greatest cause of atheism today. You know who I’m talking about, right? The type of people who acknowledge Jesus with their words, and deny him through their lifestyle. The ones who preach the importance of traditional family values, all while holding a rally and offering standing ovations for a man who preyed on 14-year-old girls. The ones who look to excuse the despicable allegations directed at Roy Moore by literally quoting the bible, comparing his molestation to Joseph and Mary. I give you the most hypocritical religious group in America, Evangelical Christians.

More: Exposing America's Biggest Hypocrites: Evangelical Christians

I have lost all respect for religious people - even those who profess to be "true" Christians. It's a farce.

It’s okay to prey as long as you pray.

Ahhh, Christianity in America. Or should I say, the single greatest cause of atheism today. You know who I’m talking about, right? The type of people who acknowledge Jesus with their words, and deny him through their lifestyle. The ones who preach the importance of traditional family values, all while holding a rally and offering standing ovations for a man who preyed on 14-year-old girls. The ones who look to excuse the despicable allegations directed at Roy Moore by literally quoting the bible, comparing his molestation to Joseph and Mary. I give you the most hypocritical religious group in America, Evangelical Christians.

More: Exposing America's Biggest Hypocrites: Evangelical Christians

I have lost all respect for religious people - even those who profess to be "true" Christians. It's a farce.

I totally agree with you. 80% of Evangelicals cast a vote for Donald Trump. In doing so, they made a mockery out of the teachings of Jesus Christ. They're nothing but hypocrite's and only use the bible to go out against social issues & people that they have a religious grievance with.

There were white male pastors all over this country singing the praises of Donald Trump to their congregations. These people are not Christians--they're FAKES. They completely missed the big picture of what Christianity is all about.


Now these same self-proclaimed cough-cough Christians are supporting a Child molester in Roy Moore--(while using God at the same time.)


So much for organized religion in this country. It sucks.

"So much for organized religion in this country. It sucks."
Yep, them damn Christians....they're evil hypocrites and they're flat-out ruining this country!
We need less of this:

And more of this:

And this:

Haha...oh those crazy Loons....they'll demonize and slander the shit out of Christians, the wealthy, productive positive contributors and the like...then support, speak highly of and even glamorize illegals, mentally unstable men in dresses, Antifa....etc etc
You Loons have zero credibility with normal, sane people....NOBODY but other twisted LefTards takes anything you say seriously....You are fun to fuck with though and your public display of twisted lunacy is quite entertaining....thanks for that.

I love how you right wingers are all about "freedom" unless you disagree be with those who chose to exercise their freedom in ways you don't like.

I look at the guy in the last picture you posted and think be what a putz! But it's his life. You see something to ban.

The acid test on "freedom", isn't how you treat those people exercising freedoms you believe in and support, but rather how you treat those who's choices you disagree with. If you can't tolerate those you disagree with, then you're not supporting real freedom.

Leftists and their endless bashing of Christians is entertaining. The hypocrisy of leftists is expected. America is the most generous country on the planet. We give more money away than the rest of the world combined. Meanwhile leftists act like they have been raped if the hear the words, Merry Christmas.

Give me a break--there were white male pastors singing Trump's praises to their congregations all over this country. A man who stated in his book that "his Personal Viet Nam was avoiding sexually transmitted diseases", a man that has continually verbally assaulted women with vile vulgar comments. A man that has been accused of sexually assaulting women.
Trump's Vulgar Admission: Avoiding STDs was "my personal Vietnam" with "few uninfected" women

80% of Evangelicals cast a vote for Donald Trump.

Trump a man, (if that is what you want to refer to him as, be assured I never will,) you voted for and someone that Jesus Christ would have never approved of.

You no longer hold the moral high ground on anything. You burnt your family values platform down to the ground. You're nothing but a bunch of hypocrites, Mike Huckabee and Billy Graham Jr. being the biggest hypocrites of all.

You knew all this and voted for him anyway.

Donald Trump sexual misconduct allegations - Wikipedia

You know dam good and well what you did.
Last edited:
Our tax money doesn't help the poor

Our charity does

Evangelicals believe the poor are poor because they are lazy. Jesus said "Blessed are the poor". He also said that That which we do to the least among us, we also do to Him.

In a country where wealthy enclaves incorporate themselves as towns to avoid having their tax dollars pay to educate the children of the poor, you cannot claim your country holds "Christian values".

A country where healthcare for the poor is considered "political" and people say "let them die" cannot claim that it holds Christian values. Jesus healed the sick. He didn't ask for payment, or whether they could afford coverage. He just healed the sick.

I am not "politically correct". I am living my life according to Jesus' words. You cannot claim to be Christian and shun others. Jesus was really clear on inclusiveness. He went out of his way to include the outcasts of his time - adulterers, lepers, tax collectors. His Gospel was one of forgiveness and redemption.

The red areas of the country are controlled by the people that work them. The people in the blue areas should have no say on how the land in the red areas is used because they do not live there. They should just stick to their own little blue areas.
The food and natural resources are in the red areas… Live with it

And exactly what does this have to do with the topic?

Listen up. If a man grabs your junk, let people know. Don't allow your political beliefs to overpower your ability to make others aware. Do not enable.

If a man grabs my junk, I will let him know - very FORCEFULLY.


It’s okay to prey as long as you pray.

Ahhh, Christianity in America. Or should I say, the single greatest cause of atheism today. You know who I’m talking about, right? The type of people who acknowledge Jesus with their words, and deny him through their lifestyle. The ones who preach the importance of traditional family values, all while holding a rally and offering standing ovations for a man who preyed on 14-year-old girls. The ones who look to excuse the despicable allegations directed at Roy Moore by literally quoting the bible, comparing his molestation to Joseph and Mary. I give you the most hypocritical religious group in America, Evangelical Christians.

More: Exposing America's Biggest Hypocrites: Evangelical Christians

I have lost all respect for religious people - even those who profess to be "true" Christians. It's a farce.

It’s okay to prey as long as you pray.

Ahhh, Christianity in America. Or should I say, the single greatest cause of atheism today. You know who I’m talking about, right? The type of people who acknowledge Jesus with their words, and deny him through their lifestyle. The ones who preach the importance of traditional family values, all while holding a rally and offering standing ovations for a man who preyed on 14-year-old girls. The ones who look to excuse the despicable allegations directed at Roy Moore by literally quoting the bible, comparing his molestation to Joseph and Mary. I give you the most hypocritical religious group in America, Evangelical Christians.

More: Exposing America's Biggest Hypocrites: Evangelical Christians

I have lost all respect for religious people - even those who profess to be "true" Christians. It's a farce.

I totally agree with you. 80% of Evangelicals cast a vote for Donald Trump. In doing so, they made a mockery out of the teachings of Jesus Christ. They're nothing but hypocrite's and only use the bible to go out against social issues & people that they have a religious grievance with.

There were white male pastors all over this country singing the praises of Donald Trump to their congregations. These people are not Christians--they're FAKES. They completely missed the big picture of what Christianity is all about.


Now these same self-proclaimed cough-cough Christians are supporting a Child molester in Roy Moore--(while using God at the same time.)


So much for organized religion in this country. It sucks.

"So much for organized religion in this country. It sucks."
Yep, them damn Christians....they're evil hypocrites and they're flat-out ruining this country!
We need less of this:

And more of this:

And this:

Haha...oh those crazy Loons....they'll demonize and slander the shit out of Christians, the wealthy, productive positive contributors and the like...then support, speak highly of and even glamorize illegals, mentally unstable men in dresses, Antifa....etc etc
You Loons have zero credibility with normal, sane people....NOBODY but other twisted LefTards takes anything you say seriously....You are fun to fuck with though and your public display of twisted lunacy is quite entertaining....thanks for that.

I love how you right wingers are all about "freedom" unless you disagree be with those who chose to exercise their freedom in ways you don't like.

I look at the guy in the last picture you posted and think be what a putz! But it's his life. You see something to ban.

The acid test on "freedom", isn't how you treat those people exercising freedoms you believe in and support, but rather how you treat those who's choices you disagree with. If you can't tolerate those you disagree with, then you're not supporting real freedom.

Leftists and their endless bashing of Christians is entertaining. The hypocrisy of leftists is expected. America is the most generous country on the planet. We give more money away than the rest of the world combined. Meanwhile leftists act like they have been raped if the hear the words, Merry Christmas.

Give me a break--there were white male pastors singing Trump's praises to their congregations all over this country. A man who stated in his book that "his Personal Viet Nam was avoiding sexually transmitted diseases", a man that has continually verbally assaulted women with vile vulgar comments. A man that has been accused of sexually assaulting women.
Trump's Vulgar Admission: Avoiding STDs was "my personal Vietnam" with "few uninfected" women

And a man that Jesus Christ would have never approved of.

You no longer hold the moral high ground on anything. You burnt your family values platform down to the ground. You're nothing but a bunch of hypocrites, Mike Huckabee and Billy Graham Jr. being the biggest hypocrites of all.

80% of Evangelicals cast a vote for Donald Trump.

You knew all this and voted for him anyway.

Donald Trump sexual misconduct allegations - Wikipedia

You know dam good and well what you did.

Guess you leftist morons shouldn't have rigged your primaries and nominated a piece of shit. You nominated a evil corrupt piece of trash. Try harder next time.

Trump was right about that. He proves it every day. Evangelicals eat it up.
. No, no, no.. It's just that the Demon-crats were even worse than he thought the repubs were back then, so the choice in the matter was the lessor of the two most extreme radical characters ever to run for office in the 2017 election that ultimately picked Trump.

So Trump won, and now it is time to get it right finally. Heck even Trump found out he was wrong about his rant in comparison to what he had finally learned over the years about the crats.. So Trump came to his senses finally, and the Americans rewarded him for it... Good deal..
Our tax money doesn't help the poor

Our charity does

Evangelicals believe the poor are poor because they are lazy. Jesus said "Blessed are the poor". He also said that That which we do to the least among us, we also do to Him.

In a country where wealthy enclaves incorporate themselves as towns to avoid having their tax dollars pay to educate the children of the poor, you cannot claim your country holds "Christian values".

A country where healthcare for the poor is considered "political" and people say "let them die" cannot claim that it holds Christian values. Jesus healed the sick. He didn't ask for payment, or whether they could afford coverage. He just healed the sick.

I am not "politically correct". I am living my life according to Jesus' words. You cannot claim to be Christian and shun others. Jesus was really clear on inclusiveness. He went out of his way to include the outcasts of his time - adulterers, lepers, tax collectors. His Gospel was one of forgiveness and redemption.

The red areas of the country are controlled by the people that work them. The people in the blue areas should have no say on how the land in the red areas is used because they do not live there. They should just stick to their own little blue areas.
The food and natural resources are in the red areas… Live with it

And exactly what does this have to do with the topic?

Listen up. If a man grabs your junk, let people know. Don't allow your political beliefs to overpower your ability to make others aware. Do not enable.

If a man grabs my junk, I will let him know - very FORCEFULLY.


It’s okay to prey as long as you pray.

Ahhh, Christianity in America. Or should I say, the single greatest cause of atheism today. You know who I’m talking about, right? The type of people who acknowledge Jesus with their words, and deny him through their lifestyle. The ones who preach the importance of traditional family values, all while holding a rally and offering standing ovations for a man who preyed on 14-year-old girls. The ones who look to excuse the despicable allegations directed at Roy Moore by literally quoting the bible, comparing his molestation to Joseph and Mary. I give you the most hypocritical religious group in America, Evangelical Christians.

More: Exposing America's Biggest Hypocrites: Evangelical Christians

I have lost all respect for religious people - even those who profess to be "true" Christians. It's a farce.

It’s okay to prey as long as you pray.

Ahhh, Christianity in America. Or should I say, the single greatest cause of atheism today. You know who I’m talking about, right? The type of people who acknowledge Jesus with their words, and deny him through their lifestyle. The ones who preach the importance of traditional family values, all while holding a rally and offering standing ovations for a man who preyed on 14-year-old girls. The ones who look to excuse the despicable allegations directed at Roy Moore by literally quoting the bible, comparing his molestation to Joseph and Mary. I give you the most hypocritical religious group in America, Evangelical Christians.

More: Exposing America's Biggest Hypocrites: Evangelical Christians

I have lost all respect for religious people - even those who profess to be "true" Christians. It's a farce.

I totally agree with you. 80% of Evangelicals cast a vote for Donald Trump. In doing so, they made a mockery out of the teachings of Jesus Christ. They're nothing but hypocrite's and only use the bible to go out against social issues & people that they have a religious grievance with.

There were white male pastors all over this country singing the praises of Donald Trump to their congregations. These people are not Christians--they're FAKES. They completely missed the big picture of what Christianity is all about.


Now these same self-proclaimed cough-cough Christians are supporting a Child molester in Roy Moore--(while using God at the same time.)


So much for organized religion in this country. It sucks.

"So much for organized religion in this country. It sucks."
Yep, them damn Christians....they're evil hypocrites and they're flat-out ruining this country!
We need less of this:

And more of this:

And this:

Haha...oh those crazy Loons....they'll demonize and slander the shit out of Christians, the wealthy, productive positive contributors and the like...then support, speak highly of and even glamorize illegals, mentally unstable men in dresses, Antifa....etc etc
You Loons have zero credibility with normal, sane people....NOBODY but other twisted LefTards takes anything you say seriously....You are fun to fuck with though and your public display of twisted lunacy is quite entertaining....thanks for that.

I love how you right wingers are all about "freedom" unless you disagree be with those who chose to exercise their freedom in ways you don't like.

I look at the guy in the last picture you posted and think be what a putz! But it's his life. You see something to ban.

The acid test on "freedom", isn't how you treat those people exercising freedoms you believe in and support, but rather how you treat those who's choices you disagree with. If you can't tolerate those you disagree with, then you're not supporting real freedom.

Leftists and their endless bashing of Christians is entertaining. The hypocrisy of leftists is expected. America is the most generous country on the planet. We give more money away than the rest of the world combined. Meanwhile leftists act like they have been raped if the hear the words, Merry Christmas.

Give me a break--there were white male pastors singing Trump's praises to their congregations all over this country. A man who stated in his book that "his Personal Viet Nam was avoiding sexually transmitted diseases", a man that has continually verbally assaulted women with vile vulgar comments. A man that has been accused of sexually assaulting women.
Trump's Vulgar Admission: Avoiding STDs was "my personal Vietnam" with "few uninfected" women

80% of Evangelicals cast a vote for Donald Trump.

Trump a man, (if that is what you want to refer to him as, be assured I never will,) you voted for and someone that Jesus Christ would have never approved of.

You no longer hold the moral high ground on anything. You burnt your family values platform down to the ground. You're nothing but a bunch of hypocrites, Mike Huckabee and Billy Graham Jr. being the biggest hypocrites of all.

You knew all this and voted for him anyway.

Donald Trump sexual misconduct allegations - Wikipedia

You know dam good and well what you did.
. LOL... This ought to tell you just how bad the Demon-crats were, and how bad they were rejected... Keep it up.. lol

Our tax money doesn't help the poor

Our charity does

Evangelicals believe the poor are poor because they are lazy. Jesus said "Blessed are the poor". He also said that That which we do to the least among us, we also do to Him.

In a country where wealthy enclaves incorporate themselves as towns to avoid having their tax dollars pay to educate the children of the poor, you cannot claim your country holds "Christian values".

A country where healthcare for the poor is considered "political" and people say "let them die" cannot claim that it holds Christian values. Jesus healed the sick. He didn't ask for payment, or whether they could afford coverage. He just healed the sick.

I am not "politically correct". I am living my life according to Jesus' words. You cannot claim to be Christian and shun others. Jesus was really clear on inclusiveness. He went out of his way to include the outcasts of his time - adulterers, lepers, tax collectors. His Gospel was one of forgiveness and redemption.

So? Why should an unincorporated town of 25 have equal say to a city of 7 million? I live in Kansas and I don't think I would want these rural idiots who voted for a governor who fucked up the state in his first term to a second one to have any real serious say in the direction of this country.
The red areas of the country are controlled by the people that work them. The people in the blue areas should have no say on how the land in the red areas is used because they do not live there. They should just stick to their own little blue areas.
The food and natural resources are in the red areas… Live with it

And exactly what does this have to do with the topic?


It’s okay to prey as long as you pray.

Ahhh, Christianity in America. Or should I say, the single greatest cause of atheism today. You know who I’m talking about, right? The type of people who acknowledge Jesus with their words, and deny him through their lifestyle. The ones who preach the importance of traditional family values, all while holding a rally and offering standing ovations for a man who preyed on 14-year-old girls. The ones who look to excuse the despicable allegations directed at Roy Moore by literally quoting the bible, comparing his molestation to Joseph and Mary. I give you the most hypocritical religious group in America, Evangelical Christians.

More: Exposing America's Biggest Hypocrites: Evangelical Christians

I have lost all respect for religious people - even those who profess to be "true" Christians. It's a farce.
Listen up. If a man grabs your junk, let people know. Don't allow your political beliefs to overpower your ability to make others aware. Do not enable.

If a man grabs my junk, I will let him know - very FORCEFULLY.


It’s okay to prey as long as you pray.

Ahhh, Christianity in America. Or should I say, the single greatest cause of atheism today. You know who I’m talking about, right? The type of people who acknowledge Jesus with their words, and deny him through their lifestyle. The ones who preach the importance of traditional family values, all while holding a rally and offering standing ovations for a man who preyed on 14-year-old girls. The ones who look to excuse the despicable allegations directed at Roy Moore by literally quoting the bible, comparing his molestation to Joseph and Mary. I give you the most hypocritical religious group in America, Evangelical Christians.

More: Exposing America's Biggest Hypocrites: Evangelical Christians

I have lost all respect for religious people - even those who profess to be "true" Christians. It's a farce.

It’s okay to prey as long as you pray.

Ahhh, Christianity in America. Or should I say, the single greatest cause of atheism today. You know who I’m talking about, right? The type of people who acknowledge Jesus with their words, and deny him through their lifestyle. The ones who preach the importance of traditional family values, all while holding a rally and offering standing ovations for a man who preyed on 14-year-old girls. The ones who look to excuse the despicable allegations directed at Roy Moore by literally quoting the bible, comparing his molestation to Joseph and Mary. I give you the most hypocritical religious group in America, Evangelical Christians.

More: Exposing America's Biggest Hypocrites: Evangelical Christians

I have lost all respect for religious people - even those who profess to be "true" Christians. It's a farce.

I totally agree with you. 80% of Evangelicals cast a vote for Donald Trump. In doing so, they made a mockery out of the teachings of Jesus Christ. They're nothing but hypocrite's and only use the bible to go out against social issues & people that they have a religious grievance with.

There were white male pastors all over this country singing the praises of Donald Trump to their congregations. These people are not Christians--they're FAKES. They completely missed the big picture of what Christianity is all about.


Now these same self-proclaimed cough-cough Christians are supporting a Child molester in Roy Moore--(while using God at the same time.)


So much for organized religion in this country. It sucks.

"So much for organized religion in this country. It sucks."
Yep, them damn Christians....they're evil hypocrites and they're flat-out ruining this country!
We need less of this:

And more of this:

And this:

Haha...oh those crazy Loons....they'll demonize and slander the shit out of Christians, the wealthy, productive positive contributors and the like...then support, speak highly of and even glamorize illegals, mentally unstable men in dresses, Antifa....etc etc
You Loons have zero credibility with normal, sane people....NOBODY but other twisted LefTards takes anything you say seriously....You are fun to fuck with though and your public display of twisted lunacy is quite entertaining....thanks for that.

I love how you right wingers are all about "freedom" unless you disagree be with those who chose to exercise their freedom in ways you don't like.

I look at the guy in the last picture you posted and think be what a putz! But it's his life. You see something to ban.

The acid test on "freedom", isn't how you treat those people exercising freedoms you believe in and support, but rather how you treat those who's choices you disagree with. If you can't tolerate those you disagree with, then you're not supporting real freedom.

Leftists and their endless bashing of Christians is entertaining. The hypocrisy of leftists is expected. America is the most generous country on the planet. We give more money away than the rest of the world combined. Meanwhile leftists act like they have been raped if the hear the words, Merry Christmas.

We're not bashing Christians. We are blasting non Christians who claim to be Christian. Giving money away doesn't mean anything. And calling a day Christmas doesn't mean anything either.
Last edited:
Evangelicals believe the poor are poor because they are lazy. Jesus said "Blessed are the poor". He also said that That which we do to the least among us, we also do to Him.

In a country where wealthy enclaves incorporate themselves as towns to avoid having their tax dollars pay to educate the children of the poor, you cannot claim your country holds "Christian values".

A country where healthcare for the poor is considered "political" and people say "let them die" cannot claim that it holds Christian values. Jesus healed the sick. He didn't ask for payment, or whether they could afford coverage. He just healed the sick.

I am not "politically correct". I am living my life according to Jesus' words. You cannot claim to be Christian and shun others. Jesus was really clear on inclusiveness. He went out of his way to include the outcasts of his time - adulterers, lepers, tax collectors. His Gospel was one of forgiveness and redemption.

And exactly what does this have to do with the topic?

If a man grabs my junk, I will let him know - very FORCEFULLY.

I totally agree with you. 80% of Evangelicals cast a vote for Donald Trump. In doing so, they made a mockery out of the teachings of Jesus Christ. They're nothing but hypocrite's and only use the bible to go out against social issues & people that they have a religious grievance with.

There were white male pastors all over this country singing the praises of Donald Trump to their congregations. These people are not Christians--they're FAKES. They completely missed the big picture of what Christianity is all about.


Now these same self-proclaimed cough-cough Christians are supporting a Child molester in Roy Moore--(while using God at the same time.)


So much for organized religion in this country. It sucks.

"So much for organized religion in this country. It sucks."
Yep, them damn Christians....they're evil hypocrites and they're flat-out ruining this country!
We need less of this:

And more of this:

And this:

Haha...oh those crazy Loons....they'll demonize and slander the shit out of Christians, the wealthy, productive positive contributors and the like...then support, speak highly of and even glamorize illegals, mentally unstable men in dresses, Antifa....etc etc
You Loons have zero credibility with normal, sane people....NOBODY but other twisted LefTards takes anything you say seriously....You are fun to fuck with though and your public display of twisted lunacy is quite entertaining....thanks for that.

I love how you right wingers are all about "freedom" unless you disagree be with those who chose to exercise their freedom in ways you don't like.

I look at the guy in the last picture you posted and think be what a putz! But it's his life. You see something to ban.

The acid test on "freedom", isn't how you treat those people exercising freedoms you believe in and support, but rather how you treat those who's choices you disagree with. If you can't tolerate those you disagree with, then you're not supporting real freedom.

Leftists and their endless bashing of Christians is entertaining. The hypocrisy of leftists is expected. America is the most generous country on the planet. We give more money away than the rest of the world combined. Meanwhile leftists act like they have been raped if the hear the words, Merry Christmas.

Give me a break--there were white male pastors singing Trump's praises to their congregations all over this country. A man who stated in his book that "his Personal Viet Nam was avoiding sexually transmitted diseases", a man that has continually verbally assaulted women with vile vulgar comments. A man that has been accused of sexually assaulting women.
Trump's Vulgar Admission: Avoiding STDs was "my personal Vietnam" with "few uninfected" women

And a man that Jesus Christ would have never approved of.

You no longer hold the moral high ground on anything. You burnt your family values platform down to the ground. You're nothing but a bunch of hypocrites, Mike Huckabee and Billy Graham Jr. being the biggest hypocrites of all.

80% of Evangelicals cast a vote for Donald Trump.

You knew all this and voted for him anyway.

Donald Trump sexual misconduct allegations - Wikipedia

You know dam good and well what you did.

Guess you leftist morons shouldn't have rigged your primaries and nominated a piece of shit. You nominated a evil corrupt piece of trash. Try harder next time.

Too bad none of that happened. And as we see, the true piece of corrupt evil trash is in the white house today. A man who paid 25 million to not go to trial for fraud because he knew he would be found guilty.

Our tax money doesn't help the poor

Our charity does

Evangelicals believe the poor are poor because they are lazy. Jesus said "Blessed are the poor". He also said that That which we do to the least among us, we also do to Him.

In a country where wealthy enclaves incorporate themselves as towns to avoid having their tax dollars pay to educate the children of the poor, you cannot claim your country holds "Christian values".

A country where healthcare for the poor is considered "political" and people say "let them die" cannot claim that it holds Christian values. Jesus healed the sick. He didn't ask for payment, or whether they could afford coverage. He just healed the sick.

I am not "politically correct". I am living my life according to Jesus' words. You cannot claim to be Christian and shun others. Jesus was really clear on inclusiveness. He went out of his way to include the outcasts of his time - adulterers, lepers, tax collectors. His Gospel was one of forgiveness and redemption.

So? Why should an unincorporated town of 25 have equal say to a city of 7 million? I live in Kansas and I don't think I would want these rural idiots who voted for a governor who fucked up the state in his first term to a second one to have any real serious say in the direction of this country.
The red areas of the country are controlled by the people that work them. The people in the blue areas should have no say on how the land in the red areas is used because they do not live there. They should just stick to their own little blue areas.
The food and natural resources are in the red areas… Live with it

And exactly what does this have to do with the topic?


It’s okay to prey as long as you pray.

Ahhh, Christianity in America. Or should I say, the single greatest cause of atheism today. You know who I’m talking about, right? The type of people who acknowledge Jesus with their words, and deny him through their lifestyle. The ones who preach the importance of traditional family values, all while holding a rally and offering standing ovations for a man who preyed on 14-year-old girls. The ones who look to excuse the despicable allegations directed at Roy Moore by literally quoting the bible, comparing his molestation to Joseph and Mary. I give you the most hypocritical religious group in America, Evangelical Christians.

More: Exposing America's Biggest Hypocrites: Evangelical Christians

I have lost all respect for religious people - even those who profess to be "true" Christians. It's a farce.
Listen up. If a man grabs your junk, let people know. Don't allow your political beliefs to overpower your ability to make others aware. Do not enable.

If a man grabs my junk, I will let him know - very FORCEFULLY.


It’s okay to prey as long as you pray.

Ahhh, Christianity in America. Or should I say, the single greatest cause of atheism today. You know who I’m talking about, right? The type of people who acknowledge Jesus with their words, and deny him through their lifestyle. The ones who preach the importance of traditional family values, all while holding a rally and offering standing ovations for a man who preyed on 14-year-old girls. The ones who look to excuse the despicable allegations directed at Roy Moore by literally quoting the bible, comparing his molestation to Joseph and Mary. I give you the most hypocritical religious group in America, Evangelical Christians.

More: Exposing America's Biggest Hypocrites: Evangelical Christians

I have lost all respect for religious people - even those who profess to be "true" Christians. It's a farce.

It’s okay to prey as long as you pray.

Ahhh, Christianity in America. Or should I say, the single greatest cause of atheism today. You know who I’m talking about, right? The type of people who acknowledge Jesus with their words, and deny him through their lifestyle. The ones who preach the importance of traditional family values, all while holding a rally and offering standing ovations for a man who preyed on 14-year-old girls. The ones who look to excuse the despicable allegations directed at Roy Moore by literally quoting the bible, comparing his molestation to Joseph and Mary. I give you the most hypocritical religious group in America, Evangelical Christians.

More: Exposing America's Biggest Hypocrites: Evangelical Christians

I have lost all respect for religious people - even those who profess to be "true" Christians. It's a farce.

I totally agree with you. 80% of Evangelicals cast a vote for Donald Trump. In doing so, they made a mockery out of the teachings of Jesus Christ. They're nothing but hypocrite's and only use the bible to go out against social issues & people that they have a religious grievance with.

There were white male pastors all over this country singing the praises of Donald Trump to their congregations. These people are not Christians--they're FAKES. They completely missed the big picture of what Christianity is all about.


Now these same self-proclaimed cough-cough Christians are supporting a Child molester in Roy Moore--(while using God at the same time.)


So much for organized religion in this country. It sucks.

"So much for organized religion in this country. It sucks."
Yep, them damn Christians....they're evil hypocrites and they're flat-out ruining this country!
We need less of this:

And more of this:

And this:

Haha...oh those crazy Loons....they'll demonize and slander the shit out of Christians, the wealthy, productive positive contributors and the like...then support, speak highly of and even glamorize illegals, mentally unstable men in dresses, Antifa....etc etc
You Loons have zero credibility with normal, sane people....NOBODY but other twisted LefTards takes anything you say seriously....You are fun to fuck with though and your public display of twisted lunacy is quite entertaining....thanks for that.

I love how you right wingers are all about "freedom" unless you disagree be with those who chose to exercise their freedom in ways you don't like.

I look at the guy in the last picture you posted and think be what a putz! But it's his life. You see something to ban.

The acid test on "freedom", isn't how you treat those people exercising freedoms you believe in and support, but rather how you treat those who's choices you disagree with. If you can't tolerate those you disagree with, then you're not supporting real freedom.

Leftists and their endless bashing of Christians is entertaining. The hypocrisy of leftists is expected. America is the most generous country on the planet. We give more money away than the rest of the world combined. Meanwhile leftists act like they have been raped if the hear the words, Merry Christmas.

We mock you because you are fake ass Christians . A true Christian couldn’t possibly back Trump. Not if you follow the rules you pretend to live by .

Trump was right about that. He proves it every day. Evangelicals eat it up.
. No, no, no.. It's just that the Demon-crats were even worse than he thought the repubs were back then, so the choice in the matter was the lessor of the two most extreme radical characters ever to run for office in the 2017 election that ultimately picked Trump.

So Trump won, and now it is time to get it right finally. Heck even Trump found out he was wrong about his rant in comparison to what he had finally learned over the years about the crats.. So Trump came to his senses finally, and the Americans rewarded him for it... Good deal..

Actually America voted for Clinton. States that had over 200,000 voters purged from he books and not placed back on them in time to vote is what won for Trump. He won the electoral vote. 300 people out of 300 million voted for Trump.

Trump was right about that. He proves it every day. Evangelicals eat it up.
. No, no, no.. It's just that the Demon-crats were even worse than he thought the repubs were back then, so the choice in the matter was the lessor of the two most extreme radical characters ever to run for office in the 2017 election that ultimately picked Trump.

So Trump won, and now it is time to get it right finally. Heck even Trump found out he was wrong about his rant in comparison to what he had finally learned over the years about the crats.. So Trump came to his senses finally, and the Americans rewarded him for it... Good deal..

Actually America voted for Clinton. States that had over 200,000 voters purged from he books and not placed back on them in time to vote is what won for Trump. He won the electoral vote. 300 people out of 300 million voted for Trump.

True story...HRC won Loon York, Mexifornia, the vote from illegitimate classless un-American's including Feminazi's, low-life's and bottom feeders, weirdos, illegals, men in dresses, pole puffers....etc, etc....Trump won the vote from legitimate American's who matter.
Let me walk you through a refresher course.
Donny won 30 of 50 states, 2,623 of 3,112 counties and if you toss Mexifornia from the popular vote Donny wins that by more than one million. It was a complete ass kicking like never seen before.

It’s okay to prey as long as you pray.

Ahhh, Christianity in America. Or should I say, the single greatest cause of atheism today. You know who I’m talking about, right? The type of people who acknowledge Jesus with their words, and deny him through their lifestyle. The ones who preach the importance of traditional family values, all while holding a rally and offering standing ovations for a man who preyed on 14-year-old girls. The ones who look to excuse the despicable allegations directed at Roy Moore by literally quoting the bible, comparing his molestation to Joseph and Mary. I give you the most hypocritical religious group in America, Evangelical Christians.

More: Exposing America's Biggest Hypocrites: Evangelical Christians

I have lost all respect for religious people - even those who profess to be "true" Christians. It's a farce.

I studied the Bible for many years, the Quran, the Torah, the Hindu Books, Taoism, Buddism, etc.

A lot of it really depends how you interpret the Bible and the Quran. Many instances in the Bible and Quran don't really say being a great Christian or Muslim is by leading a perfect life where you don't sin. The biggest thing about being a Christian is having faith and believing in God and asking for forgiveness for all the bad shit you do in life, it is not about not sinning or leading a very good moral life where you never sin. There was a quote I read in the Quran where you can sin a lot and as long as you always ask for forgiveness and are sorry for your sin God would forgive you of your sins. This is the same way many Christians feel to and it can be interpreted that way in the Bible.

An atheist who sin's less than a Christian or a Muslim and lives a much more moral life is still considered not as good because they don't believe in God and don't ask for forgiveness of sins.

A Christian or Muslim who is an ex-felon and has done some awful things in there life, but asked forgiveness of their sins actually is considered more likely to go to heaven and a better person then an Atheist who never did any crimes and lead a very good moral life.

There are many stories in the Old Testament and New Testament where people did really awful things, but since they believed in God and asked for forgiveness they were made pure, sins washed away, and forgiven by God.

When people say Christian's are hypocrites by leading immoral lives or committing awful sins, I think they really totally miss what the Bible says. The same can be said of people who call Muslims hypocrites, they are totally missing what the Quran teaches and that it is not about leading a sinless life or a life without a lot of sin.
Last edited:

Trump was right about that. He proves it every day. Evangelicals eat it up.
. No, no, no.. It's just that the Demon-crats were even worse than he thought the repubs were back then, so the choice in the matter was the lessor of the two most extreme radical characters ever to run for office in the 2017 election that ultimately picked Trump.

So Trump won, and now it is time to get it right finally. Heck even Trump found out he was wrong about his rant in comparison to what he had finally learned over the years about the crats.. So Trump came to his senses finally, and the Americans rewarded him for it... Good deal..

Actually America voted for Clinton. States that had over 200,000 voters purged from he books and not placed back on them in time to vote is what won for Trump. He won the electoral vote. 300 people out of 300 million voted for Trump.

It’s okay to prey as long as you pray.

Ahhh, Christianity in America. Or should I say, the single greatest cause of atheism today. You know who I’m talking about, right? The type of people who acknowledge Jesus with their words, and deny him through their lifestyle. The ones who preach the importance of traditional family values, all while holding a rally and offering standing ovations for a man who preyed on 14-year-old girls. The ones who look to excuse the despicable allegations directed at Roy Moore by literally quoting the bible, comparing his molestation to Joseph and Mary. I give you the most hypocritical religious group in America, Evangelical Christians.

More: Exposing America's Biggest Hypocrites: Evangelical Christians

I have lost all respect for religious people - even those who profess to be "true" Christians. It's a farce.

I studied the Bible for many years, the Quran, the Torah, the Hindu Books, Taoism, Buddism, etc.

A lot of it really depends how you interpret the Bible and the Quran. Many instances in the Bible and Quran don't really say being a great Christian or Muslim is by leading a perfect life where you don't sin. The biggest thing about being a Christian is having faith and believing in God and asking for forgiveness for all the bad shit you do in life, it is not about not sinning or leading a very good moral life where you never sin. There was a quote I read in the Quran where you can sin a lot and as long as you always ask for forgiveness and are sorry for your sin God would forgive you of your sins. This is the same way many Christians feel to and it can be interpreted that way in the Bible.

An atheist who sin's less than a Christian or a Muslim and lives a much more moral life is still considered not as good because they don't believe in God and don't ask for forgiveness of sins.

A Christian or Muslim who is an ex-felon and has done some awful things in there life, but asked forgiveness of their sins actually is considered more likely to go to heaven and a better person then an Atheist who never did any crimes and lead a very good moral life.

There are many stories in the Old Testament and New Testament where people did really awful things, but since they believed in God and asked for forgiveness they were made pure, sins washed away, and forgiven by God.

When people say Christian's are hypocrites by leading immoral lives or committing awful sins, I think they really totally miss what the Bible says. The same can be said of people who call Muslims hypocrites, they are totally missing what the Quran teaches and that it is not about leading a sinless life or a life without a lot of sin.

So Jesus didn’t mean it when he said “Go and sin no more”?
Our tax money doesn't help the poor

Our charity does

Evangelicals believe the poor are poor because they are lazy. Jesus said "Blessed are the poor". He also said that That which we do to the least among us, we also do to Him.

In a country where wealthy enclaves incorporate themselves as towns to avoid having their tax dollars pay to educate the children of the poor, you cannot claim your country holds "Christian values".

A country where healthcare for the poor is considered "political" and people say "let them die" cannot claim that it holds Christian values. Jesus healed the sick. He didn't ask for payment, or whether they could afford coverage. He just healed the sick.

I am not "politically correct". I am living my life according to Jesus' words. You cannot claim to be Christian and shun others. Jesus was really clear on inclusiveness. He went out of his way to include the outcasts of his time - adulterers, lepers, tax collectors. His Gospel was one of forgiveness and redemption.

The red areas of the country are controlled by the people that work them. The people in the blue areas should have no say on how the land in the red areas is used because they do not live there. They should just stick to their own little blue areas.
The food and natural resources are in the red areas… Live with it

And exactly what does this have to do with the topic?

Listen up. If a man grabs your junk, let people know. Don't allow your political beliefs to overpower your ability to make others aware. Do not enable.

If a man grabs my junk, I will let him know - very FORCEFULLY.


It’s okay to prey as long as you pray.

Ahhh, Christianity in America. Or should I say, the single greatest cause of atheism today. You know who I’m talking about, right? The type of people who acknowledge Jesus with their words, and deny him through their lifestyle. The ones who preach the importance of traditional family values, all while holding a rally and offering standing ovations for a man who preyed on 14-year-old girls. The ones who look to excuse the despicable allegations directed at Roy Moore by literally quoting the bible, comparing his molestation to Joseph and Mary. I give you the most hypocritical religious group in America, Evangelical Christians.

More: Exposing America's Biggest Hypocrites: Evangelical Christians

I have lost all respect for religious people - even those who profess to be "true" Christians. It's a farce.

It’s okay to prey as long as you pray.

Ahhh, Christianity in America. Or should I say, the single greatest cause of atheism today. You know who I’m talking about, right? The type of people who acknowledge Jesus with their words, and deny him through their lifestyle. The ones who preach the importance of traditional family values, all while holding a rally and offering standing ovations for a man who preyed on 14-year-old girls. The ones who look to excuse the despicable allegations directed at Roy Moore by literally quoting the bible, comparing his molestation to Joseph and Mary. I give you the most hypocritical religious group in America, Evangelical Christians.

More: Exposing America's Biggest Hypocrites: Evangelical Christians

I have lost all respect for religious people - even those who profess to be "true" Christians. It's a farce.

I totally agree with you. 80% of Evangelicals cast a vote for Donald Trump. In doing so, they made a mockery out of the teachings of Jesus Christ. They're nothing but hypocrite's and only use the bible to go out against social issues & people that they have a religious grievance with.

There were white male pastors all over this country singing the praises of Donald Trump to their congregations. These people are not Christians--they're FAKES. They completely missed the big picture of what Christianity is all about.


Now these same self-proclaimed cough-cough Christians are supporting a Child molester in Roy Moore--(while using God at the same time.)


So much for organized religion in this country. It sucks.

"So much for organized religion in this country. It sucks."
Yep, them damn Christians....they're evil hypocrites and they're flat-out ruining this country!
We need less of this:

And more of this:

And this:

Haha...oh those crazy Loons....they'll demonize and slander the shit out of Christians, the wealthy, productive positive contributors and the like...then support, speak highly of and even glamorize illegals, mentally unstable men in dresses, Antifa....etc etc
You Loons have zero credibility with normal, sane people....NOBODY but other twisted LefTards takes anything you say seriously....You are fun to fuck with though and your public display of twisted lunacy is quite entertaining....thanks for that.

I love how you right wingers are all about "freedom" unless you disagree be with those who chose to exercise their freedom in ways you don't like.

I look at the guy in the last picture you posted and think be what a putz! But it's his life. You see something to ban.

The acid test on "freedom", isn't how you treat those people exercising freedoms you believe in and support, but rather how you treat those who's choices you disagree with. If you can't tolerate those you disagree with, then you're not supporting real freedom.

Leftists and their endless bashing of Christians is entertaining. The hypocrisy of leftists is expected. America is the most generous country on the planet. We give more money away than the rest of the world combined. Meanwhile leftists act like they have been raped if the hear the words, Merry Christmas.

We're not bashing Christians. We are blasting non Christians who claim to be Christian. Giving money away doesn't mean anything. And calling a day Christmas doesn't mean anything either.

Are you a Christian?

Trump was right about that. He proves it every day. Evangelicals eat it up.
. No, no, no.. It's just that the Demon-crats were even worse than he thought the repubs were back then, so the choice in the matter was the lessor of the two most extreme radical characters ever to run for office in the 2017 election that ultimately picked Trump.

So Trump won, and now it is time to get it right finally. Heck even Trump found out he was wrong about his rant in comparison to what he had finally learned over the years about the crats.. So Trump came to his senses finally, and the Americans rewarded him for it... Good deal..

Actually America voted for Clinton. States that had over 200,000 voters purged from he books and not placed back on them in time to vote is what won for Trump. He won the electoral vote. 300 people out of 300 million voted for Trump.

True story...HRC won Loon York, Mexifornia, the vote from illegitimate classless un-American's including Feminazi's, low-life's and bottom feeders, weirdos, illegals, men in dresses, pole puffers....etc, etc....Trump won the vote from legitimate American's who matter.
Let me walk you through a refresher course.
Donny won 30 of 50 states, 2,623 of 3,112 counties and if you toss Mexifornia from the popular vote Donny wins that by more than one million. It was a complete ass kicking like never seen before.

Hillary got 63 million votes. Trump 60 million. .You don't get to count the vote based on land mass. .
Evangelicals believe the poor are poor because they are lazy. Jesus said "Blessed are the poor". He also said that That which we do to the least among us, we also do to Him.

In a country where wealthy enclaves incorporate themselves as towns to avoid having their tax dollars pay to educate the children of the poor, you cannot claim your country holds "Christian values".

A country where healthcare for the poor is considered "political" and people say "let them die" cannot claim that it holds Christian values. Jesus healed the sick. He didn't ask for payment, or whether they could afford coverage. He just healed the sick.

I am not "politically correct". I am living my life according to Jesus' words. You cannot claim to be Christian and shun others. Jesus was really clear on inclusiveness. He went out of his way to include the outcasts of his time - adulterers, lepers, tax collectors. His Gospel was one of forgiveness and redemption.

And exactly what does this have to do with the topic?

If a man grabs my junk, I will let him know - very FORCEFULLY.

I totally agree with you. 80% of Evangelicals cast a vote for Donald Trump. In doing so, they made a mockery out of the teachings of Jesus Christ. They're nothing but hypocrite's and only use the bible to go out against social issues & people that they have a religious grievance with.

There were white male pastors all over this country singing the praises of Donald Trump to their congregations. These people are not Christians--they're FAKES. They completely missed the big picture of what Christianity is all about.


Now these same self-proclaimed cough-cough Christians are supporting a Child molester in Roy Moore--(while using God at the same time.)


So much for organized religion in this country. It sucks.

"So much for organized religion in this country. It sucks."
Yep, them damn Christians....they're evil hypocrites and they're flat-out ruining this country!
We need less of this:

And more of this:

And this:

Haha...oh those crazy Loons....they'll demonize and slander the shit out of Christians, the wealthy, productive positive contributors and the like...then support, speak highly of and even glamorize illegals, mentally unstable men in dresses, Antifa....etc etc
You Loons have zero credibility with normal, sane people....NOBODY but other twisted LefTards takes anything you say seriously....You are fun to fuck with though and your public display of twisted lunacy is quite entertaining....thanks for that.

I love how you right wingers are all about "freedom" unless you disagree be with those who chose to exercise their freedom in ways you don't like.

I look at the guy in the last picture you posted and think be what a putz! But it's his life. You see something to ban.

The acid test on "freedom", isn't how you treat those people exercising freedoms you believe in and support, but rather how you treat those who's choices you disagree with. If you can't tolerate those you disagree with, then you're not supporting real freedom.

Leftists and their endless bashing of Christians is entertaining. The hypocrisy of leftists is expected. America is the most generous country on the planet. We give more money away than the rest of the world combined. Meanwhile leftists act like they have been raped if the hear the words, Merry Christmas.

We're not bashing Christians. We are blasting non Christians who claim to be Christian. Giving money away doesn't mean anything. And calling a day Christmas doesn't mean anything either.

Are you a Christian?

I try to live by what Jesus says. And I don't see him saying what you conservatives say when I read the bible.
Last edited:

Trump was right about that. He proves it every day. Evangelicals eat it up.
. No, no, no.. It's just that the Demon-crats were even worse than he thought the repubs were back then, so the choice in the matter was the lessor of the two most extreme radical characters ever to run for office in the 2017 election that ultimately picked Trump.

So Trump won, and now it is time to get it right finally. Heck even Trump found out he was wrong about his rant in comparison to what he had finally learned over the years about the crats.. So Trump came to his senses finally, and the Americans rewarded him for it... Good deal..

Actually America voted for Clinton. States that had over 200,000 voters purged from he books and not placed back on them in time to vote is what won for Trump. He won the electoral vote. 300 people out of 300 million voted for Trump.

True story...HRC won Loon York, Mexifornia, the vote from illegitimate classless un-American's including Feminazi's, low-life's and bottom feeders, weirdos, illegals, men in dresses, pole puffers....etc, etc....Trump won the vote from legitimate American's who matter.
Let me walk you through a refresher course.
Donny won 30 of 50 states, 2,623 of 3,112 counties and if you toss Mexifornia from the popular vote Donny wins that by more than one million. It was a complete ass kicking like never seen before.

Trump won by playing racial hate with you deplorables. When was America not America?

Trump was right about that. He proves it every day. Evangelicals eat it up.
. No, no, no.. It's just that the Demon-crats were even worse than he thought the repubs were back then, so the choice in the matter was the lessor of the two most extreme radical characters ever to run for office in the 2017 election that ultimately picked Trump.

So Trump won, and now it is time to get it right finally. Heck even Trump found out he was wrong about his rant in comparison to what he had finally learned over the years about the crats.. So Trump came to his senses finally, and the Americans rewarded him for it... Good deal..

Actually America voted for Clinton. States that had over 200,000 voters purged from he books and not placed back on them in time to vote is what won for Trump. He won the electoral vote. 300 people out of 300 million voted for Trump.

True story...HRC won Loon York, Mexifornia, the vote from illegitimate classless un-American's including Feminazi's, low-life's and bottom feeders, weirdos, illegals, men in dresses, pole puffers....etc, etc....Trump won the vote from legitimate American's who matter.
Let me walk you through a refresher course.
Donny won 30 of 50 states, 2,623 of 3,112 counties and if you toss Mexifornia from the popular vote Donny wins that by more than one million. It was a complete ass kicking like never seen before.

Trump won by playing racial hate with you deplorables. When was America not America?

By saying "Americans first"?
By acting for the people and defending our border?
By campaigning on the adherence to our Constitution?
By being candid, accurate and honest and by having the balls to make bold statements?
"When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best,” he said in the same speech. “They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems to us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”
How exactly did he play "racial hate"?
(this is the point where you pretend you didn't see this post)

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