Exposing America’s Biggest Hypocrites: Evangelical Christians

2 Timothy 3:13

Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted, while evil people and impostors will go on from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived.

Ecclesiastes 5:10

He who loves money will not be satisfied with money, nor he who loves abundance with its income. This too is vanity.

Any evangelical who likes Trump is seriously deceived.

Seriously self-deceived.
Romans 16:18

For such men are slaves, not of our Lord Christ but of their own appetites; and by their smooth and flattering speech they deceive the hearts of the unsuspecting.


How cool is that...our POTUS has seen more quality ass than a toilet seat in Vegas. Don't you just hate that he loves vagina?
His "ratings" would be so much higher if he was a sack gargler.
2 Timothy 3:13

Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted, while evil people and impostors will go on from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived.

. Donald in the picture looks in agreement with the above that you have quoted, but wait, it's because he see's exactly that it applies to the Demon-crats who have been after him in these very exact evil ways.

Our tax money doesn't help the poor

Our charity does

Evangelicals believe the poor are poor because they are lazy. Jesus said "Blessed are the poor". He also said that That which we do to the least among us, we also do to Him.

In a country where wealthy enclaves incorporate themselves as towns to avoid having their tax dollars pay to educate the children of the poor, you cannot claim your country holds "Christian values".

A country where healthcare for the poor is considered "political" and people say "let them die" cannot claim that it holds Christian values. Jesus healed the sick. He didn't ask for payment, or whether they could afford coverage. He just healed the sick.

I am not "politically correct". I am living my life according to Jesus' words. You cannot claim to be Christian and shun others. Jesus was really clear on inclusiveness. He went out of his way to include the outcasts of his time - adulterers, lepers, tax collectors. His Gospel was one of forgiveness and redemption.

So? Why should an unincorporated town of 25 have equal say to a city of 7 million? I live in Kansas and I don't think I would want these rural idiots who voted for a governor who fucked up the state in his first term to a second one to have any real serious say in the direction of this country.
The red areas of the country are controlled by the people that work them. The people in the blue areas should have no say on how the land in the red areas is used because they do not live there. They should just stick to their own little blue areas.
The food and natural resources are in the red areas… Live with it

And exactly what does this have to do with the topic?


It’s okay to prey as long as you pray.

Ahhh, Christianity in America. Or should I say, the single greatest cause of atheism today. You know who I’m talking about, right? The type of people who acknowledge Jesus with their words, and deny him through their lifestyle. The ones who preach the importance of traditional family values, all while holding a rally and offering standing ovations for a man who preyed on 14-year-old girls. The ones who look to excuse the despicable allegations directed at Roy Moore by literally quoting the bible, comparing his molestation to Joseph and Mary. I give you the most hypocritical religious group in America, Evangelical Christians.

More: Exposing America's Biggest Hypocrites: Evangelical Christians

I have lost all respect for religious people - even those who profess to be "true" Christians. It's a farce.
Listen up. If a man grabs your junk, let people know. Don't allow your political beliefs to overpower your ability to make others aware. Do not enable.

If a man grabs my junk, I will let him know - very FORCEFULLY.


It’s okay to prey as long as you pray.

Ahhh, Christianity in America. Or should I say, the single greatest cause of atheism today. You know who I’m talking about, right? The type of people who acknowledge Jesus with their words, and deny him through their lifestyle. The ones who preach the importance of traditional family values, all while holding a rally and offering standing ovations for a man who preyed on 14-year-old girls. The ones who look to excuse the despicable allegations directed at Roy Moore by literally quoting the bible, comparing his molestation to Joseph and Mary. I give you the most hypocritical religious group in America, Evangelical Christians.

More: Exposing America's Biggest Hypocrites: Evangelical Christians

I have lost all respect for religious people - even those who profess to be "true" Christians. It's a farce.

It’s okay to prey as long as you pray.

Ahhh, Christianity in America. Or should I say, the single greatest cause of atheism today. You know who I’m talking about, right? The type of people who acknowledge Jesus with their words, and deny him through their lifestyle. The ones who preach the importance of traditional family values, all while holding a rally and offering standing ovations for a man who preyed on 14-year-old girls. The ones who look to excuse the despicable allegations directed at Roy Moore by literally quoting the bible, comparing his molestation to Joseph and Mary. I give you the most hypocritical religious group in America, Evangelical Christians.

More: Exposing America's Biggest Hypocrites: Evangelical Christians

I have lost all respect for religious people - even those who profess to be "true" Christians. It's a farce.

I totally agree with you. 80% of Evangelicals cast a vote for Donald Trump. In doing so, they made a mockery out of the teachings of Jesus Christ. They're nothing but hypocrite's and only use the bible to go out against social issues & people that they have a religious grievance with.

There were white male pastors all over this country singing the praises of Donald Trump to their congregations. These people are not Christians--they're FAKES. They completely missed the big picture of what Christianity is all about.


Now these same self-proclaimed cough-cough Christians are supporting a Child molester in Roy Moore--(while using God at the same time.)


So much for organized religion in this country. It sucks.

"So much for organized religion in this country. It sucks."
Yep, them damn Christians....they're evil hypocrites and they're flat-out ruining this country!
We need less of this:

And more of this:

And this:

Haha...oh those crazy Loons....they'll demonize and slander the shit out of Christians, the wealthy, productive positive contributors and the like...then support, speak highly of and even glamorize illegals, mentally unstable men in dresses, Antifa....etc etc
You Loons have zero credibility with normal, sane people....NOBODY but other twisted LefTards takes anything you say seriously....You are fun to fuck with though and your public display of twisted lunacy is quite entertaining....thanks for that.

I love how you right wingers are all about "freedom" unless you disagree be with those who chose to exercise their freedom in ways you don't like.

I look at the guy in the last picture you posted and think be what a putz! But it's his life. You see something to ban.

The acid test on "freedom", isn't how you treat those people exercising freedoms you believe in and support, but rather how you treat those who's choices you disagree with. If you can't tolerate those you disagree with, then you're not supporting real freedom.

Yeah--but there's no way you can support a child molester (Moore) or a sexual predator (Trump) and call yourself a Christian. That's the entire point of this thread.

The difference between the weirdo in the pink manbra and sexual predators is the cross dressing guy in the ugly outfit isn't harming others. Moore, Trump et al are harming others. Your right to be perv and a weirdo ends when you start harming others.
Our tax money doesn't help the poor

Our charity does

Evangelicals believe the poor are poor because they are lazy. Jesus said "Blessed are the poor". He also said that That which we do to the least among us, we also do to Him.

In a country where wealthy enclaves incorporate themselves as towns to avoid having their tax dollars pay to educate the children of the poor, you cannot claim your country holds "Christian values".

A country where healthcare for the poor is considered "political" and people say "let them die" cannot claim that it holds Christian values. Jesus healed the sick. He didn't ask for payment, or whether they could afford coverage. He just healed the sick.

I am not "politically correct". I am living my life according to Jesus' words. You cannot claim to be Christian and shun others. Jesus was really clear on inclusiveness. He went out of his way to include the outcasts of his time - adulterers, lepers, tax collectors. His Gospel was one of forgiveness and redemption.

The red areas of the country are controlled by the people that work them. The people in the blue areas should have no say on how the land in the red areas is used because they do not live there. They should just stick to their own little blue areas.
The food and natural resources are in the red areas… Live with it

And exactly what does this have to do with the topic?

Listen up. If a man grabs your junk, let people know. Don't allow your political beliefs to overpower your ability to make others aware. Do not enable.

If a man grabs my junk, I will let him know - very FORCEFULLY.


It’s okay to prey as long as you pray.

Ahhh, Christianity in America. Or should I say, the single greatest cause of atheism today. You know who I’m talking about, right? The type of people who acknowledge Jesus with their words, and deny him through their lifestyle. The ones who preach the importance of traditional family values, all while holding a rally and offering standing ovations for a man who preyed on 14-year-old girls. The ones who look to excuse the despicable allegations directed at Roy Moore by literally quoting the bible, comparing his molestation to Joseph and Mary. I give you the most hypocritical religious group in America, Evangelical Christians.

More: Exposing America's Biggest Hypocrites: Evangelical Christians

I have lost all respect for religious people - even those who profess to be "true" Christians. It's a farce.

It’s okay to prey as long as you pray.

Ahhh, Christianity in America. Or should I say, the single greatest cause of atheism today. You know who I’m talking about, right? The type of people who acknowledge Jesus with their words, and deny him through their lifestyle. The ones who preach the importance of traditional family values, all while holding a rally and offering standing ovations for a man who preyed on 14-year-old girls. The ones who look to excuse the despicable allegations directed at Roy Moore by literally quoting the bible, comparing his molestation to Joseph and Mary. I give you the most hypocritical religious group in America, Evangelical Christians.

More: Exposing America's Biggest Hypocrites: Evangelical Christians

I have lost all respect for religious people - even those who profess to be "true" Christians. It's a farce.

I totally agree with you. 80% of Evangelicals cast a vote for Donald Trump. In doing so, they made a mockery out of the teachings of Jesus Christ. They're nothing but hypocrite's and only use the bible to go out against social issues & people that they have a religious grievance with.

There were white male pastors all over this country singing the praises of Donald Trump to their congregations. These people are not Christians--they're FAKES. They completely missed the big picture of what Christianity is all about.


Now these same self-proclaimed cough-cough Christians are supporting a Child molester in Roy Moore--(while using God at the same time.)


So much for organized religion in this country. It sucks.

"So much for organized religion in this country. It sucks."
Yep, them damn Christians....they're evil hypocrites and they're flat-out ruining this country!
We need less of this:

And more of this:

And this:

Haha...oh those crazy Loons....they'll demonize and slander the shit out of Christians, the wealthy, productive positive contributors and the like...then support, speak highly of and even glamorize illegals, mentally unstable men in dresses, Antifa....etc etc
You Loons have zero credibility with normal, sane people....NOBODY but other twisted LefTards takes anything you say seriously....You are fun to fuck with though and your public display of twisted lunacy is quite entertaining....thanks for that.

I love how you right wingers are all about "freedom" unless you disagree be with those who chose to exercise their freedom in ways you don't like.

I look at the guy in the last picture you posted and think be what a putz! But it's his life. You see something to ban.

The acid test on "freedom", isn't how you treat those people exercising freedoms you believe in and support, but rather how you treat those who's choices you disagree with. If you can't tolerate those you disagree with, then you're not supporting real freedom.

Yeah--but there's no way you can support a child molester (Moore) or a sexual predator (Trump) and call yourself a Christian. That's the entire point of this thread.

The difference between the weirdo in the pink manbra and sexual predators is the cross dressing guy in the ugly outfit isn't harming others. Moore, Trump et al are harming others. Your right to be perv and a weirdo ends when you start harming others.

Oh shit...did I miss something? Did the Moore ALLEGATIONS turn to convictions?
Who did Trump "harm"?
Evangelicals believe the poor are poor because they are lazy. Jesus said "Blessed are the poor". He also said that That which we do to the least among us, we also do to Him.

In a country where wealthy enclaves incorporate themselves as towns to avoid having their tax dollars pay to educate the children of the poor, you cannot claim your country holds "Christian values".

A country where healthcare for the poor is considered "political" and people say "let them die" cannot claim that it holds Christian values. Jesus healed the sick. He didn't ask for payment, or whether they could afford coverage. He just healed the sick.

I am not "politically correct". I am living my life according to Jesus' words. You cannot claim to be Christian and shun others. Jesus was really clear on inclusiveness. He went out of his way to include the outcasts of his time - adulterers, lepers, tax collectors. His Gospel was one of forgiveness and redemption.

And exactly what does this have to do with the topic?

If a man grabs my junk, I will let him know - very FORCEFULLY.

I totally agree with you. 80% of Evangelicals cast a vote for Donald Trump. In doing so, they made a mockery out of the teachings of Jesus Christ. They're nothing but hypocrite's and only use the bible to go out against social issues & people that they have a religious grievance with.

There were white male pastors all over this country singing the praises of Donald Trump to their congregations. These people are not Christians--they're FAKES. They completely missed the big picture of what Christianity is all about.


Now these same self-proclaimed cough-cough Christians are supporting a Child molester in Roy Moore--(while using God at the same time.)


So much for organized religion in this country. It sucks.

"So much for organized religion in this country. It sucks."
Yep, them damn Christians....they're evil hypocrites and they're flat-out ruining this country!
We need less of this:

And more of this:

And this:

Haha...oh those crazy Loons....they'll demonize and slander the shit out of Christians, the wealthy, productive positive contributors and the like...then support, speak highly of and even glamorize illegals, mentally unstable men in dresses, Antifa....etc etc
You Loons have zero credibility with normal, sane people....NOBODY but other twisted LefTards takes anything you say seriously....You are fun to fuck with though and your public display of twisted lunacy is quite entertaining....thanks for that.

I love how you right wingers are all about "freedom" unless you disagree be with those who chose to exercise their freedom in ways you don't like.

I look at the guy in the last picture you posted and think be what a putz! But it's his life. You see something to ban.

The acid test on "freedom", isn't how you treat those people exercising freedoms you believe in and support, but rather how you treat those who's choices you disagree with. If you can't tolerate those you disagree with, then you're not supporting real freedom.

Yeah--but there's no way you can support a child molester (Moore) or a sexual predator (Trump) and call yourself a Christian. That's the entire point of this thread.

The difference between the weirdo in the pink manbra and sexual predators is the cross dressing guy in the ugly outfit isn't harming others. Moore, Trump et al are harming others. Your right to be perv and a weirdo ends when you start harming others.

Oh shit...did I miss something? Did the Moore ALLEGATIONS turn to convictions?
Who did Trump "harm"?

Men don't usually attack women in front of witness's. They are very good at getting them alone and then doing it. But there are plenty of women that have made accusations against Trump, most notably a People magazine writer, Natasha Stoynoff.

In the early 2000s, I was assigned the Trump beat for PEOPLE magazine. For years I reported on all things Donald. Our photo team shot the Trumps on the lush grounds of their Florida estate, and I interviewed them about how happy their first year of marriage had been. When we took a break for the then-very-pregnant Melania to go upstairs and change wardrobe for more photos, Donald wanted to show me around the mansion. There was one “tremendous” room in particular, he said, that I just had to see.

We walked into that room alone, and Trump shut the door behind us. I turned around, and within seconds he was pushing me against the wall and forcing his tongue down my throat. Trump was much bigger — a looming figure — and he was fast, taking me by surprise and throwing me off balance. I was stunned. And I was grateful when Trump’s longtime butler burst into the room a minute later, as I tried to unpin myself.

Back in my Manhattan office the next day, I went to a colleague and told her everything.“We need to go to the managing editor,” she said, “And we should kill this story, it’s a lie. Tell me what you want to do.” I was afraid that a famous, powerful, wealthy man could and would discredit and destroy me, especially if I got his coveted PEOPLE feature killed. “I just want to forget it ever happened,” I insisted. I asked to be taken off the Trump beat, and I never interviewed him again."
Physically Attacked by Donald Trump - a PEOPLE Writer's Own Harrowing Story

Now Trump convinced all of you morons that these women were too ugly for him to be interested in, so they must have been lying about it, and you laughed when he said it.

Here is a picture of Natasha Stoynoff--People Magazine writer.


And there were many other women also.
Donald Trump sexual misconduct allegations - Wikipedia

Trump who wrote in his book, that his "personal Vietnam was avoiding sexually transmitted diseases."
Trump's Vulgar Admission: Avoiding STDs was "my personal Vietnam" with "few uninfected" women

You also had that Hollywood access tape.

You elected a man that was a frequent flyer on the Howard Stern radio program that liked to talk & brag about his xtramartial affairs and sex capades.

No, you're not Christians, you're FAKE--and only crawl out of your religious cellar when it's beneficial to attack others that are not like you--or disagree with you on U.S Supreme Court decisions.

80% of Evangelicals cast a vote for Trump. If Donald Trump & Roy Moore represent your religion, then there's not too many people who are going to want anything to do with you or your religion.

You have made a mockery out of the teachings of Jesus Christ, by electing Donald Trump.
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Not rubbish. I'M 56 idiot. And the only times I asked permission from parents for a date was when I was I high school dating high school girls. .These women aren't lying.

You post nothing but rubbish, all spin and innuendo, plus you avoid addressing what I said to boot. We know why that is; it's because you know you're just posting tabloid nonsense.
You are why people turn from God.

I've never claimed to be, and have said many times I'm not, idiot, and I've never turned anybody away from God or anything else.Your sicko sociopathy and lack of morals and blatant lying is entirely of your own making and choices, and you certainly aren't trying to turn anybody to God, just hoping to smear somebody you don't know because it's fashionable with your fellow deviants and gimps, that's all. You're a joke, like the vast majority of Demo-Scum here band-waggoning on tabloid trash and smearing Christians in the process, always a major project for Democrats and their assortment of traitors, commies, and sexual deviants that make up their core base.

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