Exposing America’s Biggest Hypocrites: Evangelical Christians

What is sad? I voted for Trump. That is sad. Trump was the lesser of two evils, even more sad.
And I think that you were horribly mistaken. But this is about Moore. I was raised in evangelical churches. Both sides had pastors in those churches. They would have told the congregations under no circumstances to vote for a child molester such as Moore. What has happened with the Evangelicals in my lifetime is why my children were raised essentially agnostics.


Our tax money doesn't help the poor

Our charity does

Evangelicals believe the poor are poor because they are lazy. Jesus said "Blessed are the poor". He also said that That which we do to the least among us, we also do to Him.

In a country where wealthy enclaves incorporate themselves as towns to avoid having their tax dollars pay to educate the children of the poor, you cannot claim your country holds "Christian values".

A country where healthcare for the poor is considered "political" and people say "let them die" cannot claim that it holds Christian values. Jesus healed the sick. He didn't ask for payment, or whether they could afford coverage. He just healed the sick.

I am not "politically correct". I am living my life according to Jesus' words. You cannot claim to be Christian and shun others. Jesus was really clear on inclusiveness. He went out of his way to include the outcasts of his time - adulterers, lepers, tax collectors. His Gospel was one of forgiveness and redemption.

When you find a verse of scripture that says abdicate your responsibility to take care of yourself and the poor to the government, let me know.

Till then don't lecture me or anyone else on our obligation to the poor. We aren't the ones demanding others fulfil those obligations.

And sure as heck don't lecture us about forgiveness and redemption in a discussion where you are trying to condemn Christians for defending a man who allegedly committed sin decades ago
You do have to question those who claim to believe in God so much defending a man who tried participating in FORNICATION with children

Except there is no evidence of that.

Do you God will condemn any man for looking at the evidence before rushing to Judgment and finding that evidence lacking not condemning the man?

Jesus defends Him and many other sinners. Why should we do any less?

Yeah right. Did you defend Hillary Clinton?

There are at least 9 testimonies in this situation.

Don't you you think Jesus defends them?

Actually there are zero testimonies. None have ever sworn under oath.

Of the accusers, only two people claimed any impropriety.

Neither of which has a credible account. One even admits to being uncredible.

And yes Jesus defends all sinners. Even you
What is sad? I voted for Trump. That is sad. Trump was the lesser of two evils, even more sad.
And I think that you were horribly mistaken. But this is about Moore. I was raised in evangelical churches. Both sides had pastors in those churches. They would have told the congregations under no circumstances to vote for a child molester such as Moore. What has happened with the Evangelicals in my lifetime is why my children were raised essentially agnostics.

So what your saying is all we had to do to stop Hillary is accuse her of molesting children? (Which BTW Moore has not been accused of)

Are you honestly saying that if a month before the election after being a controversial figure in the public eye for decades if several people accused Hillary Clinton of molesting them as children, no matter how ridiculous their story was, that you would have then refused to vote for Hillary? Would you have votes for Trump, third party or abstained?

Cause I highly doubt you or any of you screaming about Moore would have done that if Hillary was in his place.
You do have to question those who claim to believe in God so much defending a man who tried participating in FORNICATION with children

Except there is no evidence of that.

Do you God will condemn any man for looking at the evidence before rushing to Judgment and finding that evidence lacking not condemning the man?

Jesus defends Him and many other sinners. Why should we do any less?

Yeah right. Did you defend Hillary Clinton?

There are at least 9 testimonies in this situation.

Don't you you think Jesus defends them?

Actually there are zero testimonies. None have ever sworn under oath.

Of the accusers, only two people claimed any impropriety.

Neither of which has a credible account. One even admits to being uncredible.

And yes Jesus defends all sinners. Even you

There were 9 testimonies. These 9 women told stories about what Moore did to them. You question their credibility when you should be questioning why a 30 something year old man had to ask girls parents for permision to date.

I know what Jesus does. I read the bible every day. I meditate every day. I have worked with the poorest of people turning down a financial planning job and did so gladly because I enjoyed the work with the people. I've worked with the modern day lepers and I certainly don't need a pharisee like you to tell me about the grace of God.

Our tax money doesn't help the poor

Our charity does

Evangelicals believe the poor are poor because they are lazy. Jesus said "Blessed are the poor". He also said that That which we do to the least among us, we also do to Him.

In a country where wealthy enclaves incorporate themselves as towns to avoid having their tax dollars pay to educate the children of the poor, you cannot claim your country holds "Christian values".

A country where healthcare for the poor is considered "political" and people say "let them die" cannot claim that it holds Christian values. Jesus healed the sick. He didn't ask for payment, or whether they could afford coverage. He just healed the sick.

I am not "politically correct". I am living my life according to Jesus' words. You cannot claim to be Christian and shun others. Jesus was really clear on inclusiveness. He went out of his way to include the outcasts of his time - adulterers, lepers, tax collectors. His Gospel was one of forgiveness and redemption.

When you find a verse of scripture that says abdicate your responsibility to take care of yourself and the poor to the government, let me know.

Till then don't lecture me or anyone else on our obligation to the poor. We aren't the ones demanding others fulfil those obligations.

And sure as heck don't lecture us about forgiveness and redemption in a discussion where you are trying to condemn Christians for defending a man who allegedly committed sin decades ago

You will be lectured because what you stand for is not what Jesus stands for. And when Jesus says render unto Caesar and a man is kicked off Caesar legal bench 4 times, then he's not honoring what Jesus says. So then this is not just about him chasing children, it is about his refusal to follow the law that he was sworn to uphold as a judge.

The government is just as requited to follow the law of god as anyone else. So you find the verse that says the government does not have to do what God says then come talk. Because there are plenty of governments that haven't done what God said. Ask Pharaoh if you can find his bones at the bottom of the red sea, about governments obligation to do Gods will.

Don't get got Pharisee. Don't be one of those who God doesn't know who thought they could spend their lives being holier than thou supporting evil and calling it good. Don't get got at the gate. Don't be the camel trying to get through the needles eye. .Roy Moore is an evil man. And just because he can quote the bible doesn't change that.
What is sad? I voted for Trump. That is sad. Trump was the lesser of two evils, even more sad.
And I think that you were horribly mistaken. But this is about Moore. I was raised in evangelical churches. Both sides had pastors in those churches. They would have told the congregations under no circumstances to vote for a child molester such as Moore. What has happened with the Evangelicals in my lifetime is why my children were raised essentially agnostics.

So what your saying is all we had to do to stop Hillary is accuse her of molesting children? (Which BTW Moore has not been accused of)

Are you honestly saying that if a month before the election after being a controversial figure in the public eye for decades if several people accused Hillary Clinton of molesting them as children, no matter how ridiculous their story was, that you would have then refused to vote for Hillary? Would you have votes for Trump, third party or abstained?

Cause I highly doubt you or any of you screaming about Moore would have done that if Hillary was in his place.

Pizzagate was just that. .Roy Moore gave himself away when he said he never did anything without permission from the girls parents. A grown man asking a girls parents for permission to date. That doesn't strike you as odd?

It’s okay to prey as long as you pray.

Ahhh, Christianity in America. Or should I say, the single greatest cause of atheism today. You know who I’m talking about, right? The type of people who acknowledge Jesus with their words, and deny him through their lifestyle. The ones who preach the importance of traditional family values, all while holding a rally and offering standing ovations for a man who preyed on 14-year-old girls. The ones who look to excuse the despicable allegations directed at Roy Moore by literally quoting the bible, comparing his molestation to Joseph and Mary. I give you the most hypocritical religious group in America, Evangelical Christians.

More: Exposing America's Biggest Hypocrites: Evangelical Christians

I have lost all respect for religious people - even those who profess to be "true" Christians. It's a farce.
Listen up. If a man grabs your junk, let people know. Don't allow your political beliefs to overpower your ability to make others aware. Do not enable.

When "I let people know" that a man grabbed my junk, I was labelled a "bitch" because he was just having a little fun. No harm done. No need to throw that drink in his face. That was rude.

9 women accused Roy Moore but there's no proof. He's going to be elected Senator. 13 women accused Donald Trump's and he was elected President. 60 women accused Bill Cosby and he still has a career. One MAN accused Kevin Spacey and his career is over.

Women aren't enabling men by keeping silent. They're just tired of not being believed because they don't have proof. Sexual assault is a crime with little evidence or proof. It's almost always she said/he said and women's words aren't enough.
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It’s okay to prey as long as you pray.

Ahhh, Christianity in America. Or should I say, the single greatest cause of atheism today. You know who I’m talking about, right? The type of people who acknowledge Jesus with their words, and deny him through their lifestyle. The ones who preach the importance of traditional family values, all while holding a rally and offering standing ovations for a man who preyed on 14-year-old girls. The ones who look to excuse the despicable allegations directed at Roy Moore by literally quoting the bible, comparing his molestation to Joseph and Mary. I give you the most hypocritical religious group in America, Evangelical Christians.

More: Exposing America's Biggest Hypocrites: Evangelical Christians

I have lost all respect for religious people - even those who profess to be "true" Christians. It's a farce.

Telling lies about being Indian went out of stupid in the 70’s.
What is sad? I voted for Trump. That is sad. Trump was the lesser of two evils, even more sad.

So you believe 25 years of Republican lies about Hillary Clinton because Hillary was NOT the lesser of two evils. She was a highly qualified woman who the Republican Party and the government of Russia painted as evil. And you didn't question that.
I have lost all respect for religious people - even those who profess to be "true" Christians. It's a farce.

lol like anybody cares what an habitual liar and fake news peddler 'respects. I'm sure most Christians are relieved your ilk doesn't 'respect' them, actually.

Read the Big Giant Expose, found a couple a local pastors there in Alabama said something the rest of the article the usual soapboxing in favor of mindless sexual deviancy and the amoral sniveling typical of those with little substantive issues to tout and who support the Party of Pedo-Friendly Democrats while trying to pose as 'moralists'; truly ludicrous for these gimps to be blathering about 'hypocrisy' in anybody else, especially all you Clintonistas and Bernie's Buggerers here.
You do have to question those who claim to believe in God so much defending a man who tried participating in FORNICATION with children

Except there is no evidence of that.

Do you God will condemn any man for looking at the evidence before rushing to Judgment and finding that evidence lacking not condemning the man?

Jesus defends Him and many other sinners. Why should we do any less?

Yeah right. Did you defend Hillary Clinton?

There are at least 9 testimonies in this situation.

Don't you you think Jesus defends them?

Actually there are zero testimonies. None have ever sworn under oath.

Of the accusers, only two people claimed any impropriety.

Neither of which has a credible account. One even admits to being uncredible.

And yes Jesus defends all sinners. Even you

Yes. These vermin have no principles, so running around throwing out garbage like 'pedophile' and 'child molester' is just them being what they are, scum. In the meantime, they support a phoney 'Gay Rights' bowel movement that had such wonderful criminal kiddie raper fronts as NAMBLA on their 'movement's' advisory councils from the start, and of course proudly marching along in most of their 'Pride' parades for decades as well. Nobody can take anything these vermin seriously any more, and only idiots would want their 'respect'. They're laughable poseurs, supporting Islmao- Nazism at ever turn around the world, etc. they're sociopaths and psychopaths, so no need to waste your time pretending they have anything relevant or sane to say.
You do have to question those who claim to believe in God so much defending a man who tried participating in FORNICATION with children

Except there is no evidence of that.

Do you God will condemn any man for looking at the evidence before rushing to Judgment and finding that evidence lacking not condemning the man?

Jesus defends Him and many other sinners. Why should we do any less?

Yeah right. Did you defend Hillary Clinton?

There are at least 9 testimonies in this situation.

Don't you you think Jesus defends them?

Actually there are zero testimonies. None have ever sworn under oath.

Of the accusers, only two people claimed any impropriety.

Neither of which has a credible account. One even admits to being uncredible.

And yes Jesus defends all sinners. Even you

There were 9 testimonies. These 9 women told stories about what Moore did to them. You question their credibility when you should be questioning why a 30 something year old man had to ask girls parents for permision to date.

I know what Jesus does. I read the bible every day. I meditate every day. I have worked with the poorest of people turning down a financial planning job and did so gladly because I enjoyed the work with the people. I've worked with the modern day lepers and I certainly don't need a pharisee like you to tell me about the grace of God.

lol rubbish. The GOP alone threw over $30 million at defeating Moore, That kind of money buys all kinds of 'testimonies', kid; it buys nearly anything. And, you don't know how old he was or who when he was referring to asking the mother's permission, idiot, that's a dishonest spin based on nothing but your need to lie. Asking parents' permission is not unusual in many parts of the country, especially back then, moron, though your ilk wouldn't have the first clue about such cultural norms.
On the topic of divorce in the Christian church, I found this cut out from Wikipedia interesting.....

In modern times Protestants have moved away from their traditional positions. Many mainstream Protestants churches have accepted a broader translation of porneia than just adultery, and now support a wide array of valid reasons for divorce. One modern view is that, since throughout the Sermon on the Mount Jesus condemns the excessive legalism of his day, delineating specific views of divorce from the exact wording of a piece of scripture should be rejected. Several major churches today believe that rules for divorce should be set to best advance Jesus's overarching goals of love and justice, rather than a legalistic interpretation of his words.
Jesus taught kindness and humility.

That is NOT to say he did not chastise people that were not living in a Godly manner. He did, but he did it with love.

Unfortunately, not many religions, and perhaps none, truly FOLLOW Jesus example.

Our tax money doesn't help the poor

Our charity does

Evangelicals believe the poor are poor because they are lazy. Jesus said "Blessed are the poor". He also said that That which we do to the least among us, we also do to Him.

In a country where wealthy enclaves incorporate themselves as towns to avoid having their tax dollars pay to educate the children of the poor, you cannot claim your country holds "Christian values".

A country where healthcare for the poor is considered "political" and people say "let them die" cannot claim that it holds Christian values. Jesus healed the sick. He didn't ask for payment, or whether they could afford coverage. He just healed the sick.

I am not "politically correct". I am living my life according to Jesus' words. You cannot claim to be Christian and shun others. Jesus was really clear on inclusiveness. He went out of his way to include the outcasts of his time - adulterers, lepers, tax collectors. His Gospel was one of forgiveness and redemption.

When you find a verse of scripture that says abdicate your responsibility to take care of yourself and the poor to the government, let me know.

Till then don't lecture me or anyone else on our obligation to the poor. We aren't the ones demanding others fulfil those obligations.

And sure as heck don't lecture us about forgiveness and redemption in a discussion where you are trying to condemn Christians for defending a man who allegedly committed sin decades ago

In Matthew Chapter 6, starting at verse 26, Jesus says that we shouldn't worry about food or clothing, that God will provide for us so I fail to see anything about our responsibility to look after ourselves. He also warns against accumulating treasures here on Earth where mold and moths will claim them.

As for forgiveness, we can't forgive someone who denies they've done wrong. Roy Moore says these women are lying.
On the topic of divorce in the Christian church, I found this cut out from Wikipedia interesting.....

In modern times Protestants have moved away from their traditional positions. Many mainstream Protestants churches have accepted a broader translation of porneia than just adultery, and now support a wide array of valid reasons for divorce. One modern view is that, since throughout the Sermon on the Mount Jesus condemns the excessive legalism of his day, delineating specific views of divorce from the exact wording of a piece of scripture should be rejected. Several major churches today believe that rules for divorce should be set to best advance Jesus's overarching goals of love and justice, rather than a legalistic interpretation of his words.

In those days it was extremely easy for men to divorce their wives, so making it a lot less easier was to increase the security of women and leave them more secure. Jesus's views on women were pretty radically 'progressive' for his time, including making them spiritual equals and capable of being church leaders as well.
In Matthew Chapter 6, starting at verse 26, Jesus says that we shouldn't worry about food or clothing, that God will provide for us so I fail to see anything about our responsibility to look after ourselves. He also warns against accumulating treasures here on Earth where mold and moths will claim them.

As for forgiveness, we can't forgive someone who denies they've done wrong. Roy Moore says these women are lying.

And you have no proof they aren't lying, you just regurgitate your Party lines here. And quit pretending you 'progressives' are all about 'helping the poor'; that's been a sad joke since FDR. Your Party routinely looks down on them and insults them at every opportunity.

Our tax money doesn't help the poor

Our charity does

Evangelicals believe the poor are poor because they are lazy. Jesus said "Blessed are the poor". He also said that That which we do to the least among us, we also do to Him.

In a country where wealthy enclaves incorporate themselves as towns to avoid having their tax dollars pay to educate the children of the poor, you cannot claim your country holds "Christian values".

A country where healthcare for the poor is considered "political" and people say "let them die" cannot claim that it holds Christian values. Jesus healed the sick. He didn't ask for payment, or whether they could afford coverage. He just healed the sick.

I am not "politically correct". I am living my life according to Jesus' words. You cannot claim to be Christian and shun others. Jesus was really clear on inclusiveness. He went out of his way to include the outcasts of his time - adulterers, lepers, tax collectors. His Gospel was one of forgiveness and redemption.
. Jesus knew what the world was gonna become in today's time's, and that's why we have the book of Revelations. You still living the word or are you cherry picking the Bible for PC reasons like so many others are now ?

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