Exposing America’s Biggest Hypocrites: Evangelical Christians

I hope Evangelicals are doing a lot of soul searching tonight. Their credibility is on the line.
What a person believes, true or false, has nothing to do with ones belief in GOD, the issue is simply predicated on the credibility of those furnishing the information, the fact that 30+ years passed and only now is it reported as fact creates a cloud of doubt. Why is that?
Would it be just to deny a person the presumption of innocence for the sake of politics? Is not your only intent based on achieving obstructionism at any cost? How do you live with that if in fact the person is innocent of these allegations?
Regardless it appears Moore will loose, and for your sake, you had better hope these allegations are true otherwise you once again will be proven to be what you are. Interesting moral dilemma wouldn't you say?
Republicans should be hoping Moore loses; Democrats should be hoping he wins.
Republicans should be hoping Moore loses; Democrats should be hoping he wins.

Another thing that I don't think people realize about both Christianity and Islam is there is a debate in the Old Testament when Moses lays down the "Ten Commandments" if those commandments are things you shouldn't do to anyone or just the believers. Moses lays out these 10 commandments yet all kinds of terrible stuff are done to non believers in the Old Testament. Most people assume the law applies to how you treat both believers and non believers, but by some interpretations people may come to the conclusion these guidelines only apply to how you treat believers.

When the crusaders did all kinds of terrible things to non believers the pope at that time said these laws only applied to believers, not non believers.

So again when people say that Christians are hypocrites ... I think they really don't understand what the Bible says, especially the Old Testament. Christians sometimes appear to be hypocrites I think to non believers because of a misinterpretation of how they think a good Christian should act.
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Judgement day in Alabama. Okay, Evangelicals, show us what you're made of.


Roy "Pervert" Moore riding to vote.
I hate when people have only negative things to say about America. Obviously they've never been to another country. We have clean, running water, unlike Kenya. We can vote, unlike Cuba. The police aren't corrupt like Mexican Federales. We don't have a dictator like North Korea.
Apparently God doesn't want Roy Moore in the U.S. Senate. It's God's will. Praise God.
Unlike Democrat's who try and succeed.

The real test will be what Moore decides to do, if innocent he will pursue legal judgement, if the allegations are true, ride off into the sunset and live off his public pension at the tax payers expense.

No political party can claim the high ground, both are riddled with corrupt narcissists that know not the difference between the truth and outright lie.
How can Evangelicals sleep at night?



Every evangelical leader in America has spoken out against these policies. Strongly.

Even Republicans are calling Dumb Donald a liar and a child abuser.

Yes, some so-called "leaders" have spoken out - but what about the flock?

The only people on this board who are defending him are Russian trolls. Genuine American right wingers are remarkably silent. Even Ted Cruz has found the courage to speak out.
It's fun watching the Progressives lose their own minds as they create all these fictitious situations, then try to keep the stories straight.

You have to remember your lies, you know.
Evangelicals are once again proving that they care more about fetuses than born children.

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