Exposing America’s Biggest Hypocrites: Evangelical Christians

I have never seen one thing that would suggest that Roy Moore hates gays or transgendered.

His refusal to require state employees be issue marriage certificates to gays wasn't a clue?

What hypocrisy! The lengths the conservative right will go to provide cover to the creeps within their party, while pretending their values are upholding the teachings of the man who eschewed wealth and earthly possessions and said "blessed are the poor", be and ,"Live one another as I have loved you".
I have never seen one thing that would suggest that Roy Moore hates gays or transgendered.

His refusal to require state employees be issue marriage certificates to gays wasn't a clue?

What hypocrisy! The lengths the conservative right will go to provide cover to the creeps within their party, while pretending their values are upholding the teachings of the man who eschewed wealth and earthly possessions and said "blessed are the poor", be and ,"Live one another as I have loved you".
. So is that why we see the attacks on Moore ?? Is he being hated on for his Christian views that other groups feel will come into conflict with their views on life if elected ? Wasn't sure about the views or policies of Roy Moore, but just that he was attacked right before his run for office came due in a highly suspect way. So is it political the attacks took place or not ?
Says a silly, uneducated Alt Right commiecon to one who knows the degradation of Trumpism and the Alt Right.

Scream all you want, beagle9, because it makes the children ask their moms, "who is that ever so foolish stooge?"

You show no Christian merit. You are clearly in no state of grace.

You have sins on your soul of which you need to repent to find peace. Get to it, please.
. Rant on you leftist hate monger from hell. LOL... Now why are the leftist here (you included) ignoring the hypocrisy in this thread, and attempting to label an entire group as bad ?? Look out black man, Jew, Muslim etc. because they'll turn on you next.. Better take notes. Mutual usery is subjected to changing on a dime. If they'll attack Christian's like this, then they'll attack any group in order to get their political way.
That is what you do with an entire religion, you goofy stooge. The far right Christians have forfeited their moral stance in America.
Says a silly, uneducated Alt Right commiecon to one who knows the degradation of Trumpism and the Alt Right.

Scream all you want, beagle9, because it makes the children ask their moms, "who is that ever so foolish stooge?"

You show no Christian merit. You are clearly in no state of grace.

You have sins on your soul of which you need to repent to find peace. Get to it, please.
. Rant on you leftist hate monger from hell. LOL... Now why are the leftist here (you included) ignoring the hypocrisy in this thread, and attempting to label an entire group as bad ?? Look out black man, Jew, Muslim etc. because they'll turn on you next.. Better take notes. Mutual usery is subjected to changing on a dime. If they'll attack Christian's like this, then they'll attack any group in order to get their political way.
That is what you do with an entire religion, you goofy stooge. The far right Christians have forfeited their moral stance in America.
. So you got no problem damming an entire religion, but stand up for the Muslim religion, the Islamist religion etc. ?? Why do you hate Christianity so much ??
These fuckers butt into peoples lives but turn around to say that work or die? Takes some nerve.

Fuck em.

How are we supposed to live if we don't work? Its literally a prerequisite for obtaining food, shelter, staying sane etc
divorce is permitted in the Bible just not desirable

Actually the satanic bastards (mostly "jews") who compiled the "Bible" indicated any sexual activity after a divorce was adultery and as Jesus (a ridiculous, failed neo essene savior of the satanic bastards) said, requires one to chop off body parts.

If I had any reason to believe you had any understanding of the scriptures, I might care about this

It’s okay to prey as long as you pray.

Ahhh, Christianity in America. Or should I say, the single greatest cause of atheism today. You know who I’m talking about, right? The type of people who acknowledge Jesus with their words, and deny him through their lifestyle. The ones who preach the importance of traditional family values, all while holding a rally and offering standing ovations for a man who preyed on 14-year-old girls. The ones who look to excuse the despicable allegations directed at Roy Moore by literally quoting the bible, comparing his molestation to Joseph and Mary. I give you the most hypocritical religious group in America, Evangelical Christians.

More: Exposing America's Biggest Hypocrites: Evangelical Christians

I have lost all respect for religious people - even those who profess to be "true" Christians. It's a farce.

Another paid click bait post brought to you by the Huffy post. Also the OP has never shown any respect for religious people, so she lied when she claims to have lost something she never had.


Lakhota lie? That's like saying water is wet
It’s okay to prey as long as you pray.

No Lakhota it's the opposite.
the power of Christian healing prayer has the ability to
cure the CAUSE of such predatory obsessions, criminal disorders,
or sexual addictions and abuses.

Govt can only penalize crimes "after they've been proven in court."

The way to diagnose and cure the actual illnesses and causes
is through spiritual means, such as taught by Christian healing ministers
and volunteer teams, which the govt cannot regulate, mandate or establish.

Medical science can demonstrate how these methods work,
but because they involve the spiritual process of forgiveness and healing
that works on a voluntary basis, this remains the free choice of people.

Sources recommended for further medical research studies and development:

Here's another source for you:

View attachment 162723

Freedom From Religion Foundation

Dear Lakhota
A. Where did you miss my quote above:
which the govt cannot regulate, mandate or establish.

B. As for your quote from Jefferson
QUESTIONING GOD is not the same as assuming rejection.

The scientific method that is required to demonstrate the effectiveness
of spiritual healing in diagnosing and curing mental criminal or physical illness

So I AGREE WITH YOU on the scientific method that QUESTIONS.

Totally AGREE with you!

Where we seem to disagree is you are already so biased AGAINST
that you do not question if you could be wrong, and that there
could be TRUTH to the Christian practices, teachings and methods.

C. Please note: Jefferson urged the questioning of God as a believer himself.
He did not reject Christians as you do, but argued both ways. Look at the First Amendment which bars govt from EITHER "prohibiting" OR "establishing" religion.

That is how govt should remain neutral.
I agree with neither prohibiting or establishing.

D. What makes me different is I interpret religion to mean ALL beliefs, including secular and political beliefs not just "organized religions"

So the SAME wisdom that Jefferson applies to Questioning God
I apply to ALL beliefs, including YOUR LIBERALISM AND BIAS IN BELIEFS.

Lakhota are you that equally inclusive?
That you would treat YOUR BELIEFS equally as Christian beliefs
that are faith based and thus should remain separate from Govt?

I believe in treating your beliefs equally as Christian beliefs. Do you?

You're trying to sound logical - but you're still using the word "Christian". Maybe I could understand you better if you used bolder and larger capital letters.

How do you propose making a logical argument that mentions Christianity without mentioning Christianity?

Maybe you should take a basic logic class
Were Christians to put as much emphasis on Christianity's sociological teachings as they do on its dogmatic messages, there'd be little to gripe about as goes one's adhering to that belief system.

Sociological teachings and dogmatic messages are meaningless terms.

There is only the Gospel
There are Christian denominations which have gay clergy and recognize same-sex marriages – at odds with Evangelical Christians who vilify gay Americans, many of whom seek to ‘criminalize’ homosexuality.

Indeed, Evangelical Christians are also at odds with fundamental Christian dogma which teaches tolerance, forbearance, and humility.
As a lifelong Christian Roy Moore's version of Christianity is highly questionable.

Moore's views of Christianity are irrelevant to me.

Democrats try into railroad him with establishment Republican help with questionable stories of heinous accusations and exaggeration, yeah I got a problem with that.
Because you say so? You are barely sentient.
If the Bible is cherry picked it makes no sense whatsoever and nothing good can come from it.
So...no divorce, no cloth of different fabrics, no shellfish?

divorce is permitted in the Bible just not desirable
How about shellfish?

Again...this time learn it. The ban on eating shellfish applied only to Jews under Mosaic Law, it never applied to Gentiles and was abolished by the New Covenant.

It's so fun pointing this out to idiots like you

Not like she bothered reading the Bible so why would she understand that?
I have never seen one thing that would suggest that Roy Moore hates gays or transgendered.
That’s because, frankly, you’re a blind partisan rightwing hack.

‘Moore made similar comments in a 2015 video posted on YouTube by user Lone Star Q. In the video, Moore was asked, "Do you still think that homosexuality should be illegal?"

"I think homosexuality should be illegal," Moore said.
Moore has been a staunch opponent of LGBT rights throughout his career. Last September he was suspended from Alabama's Supreme Court for failing to comply with the Federal Supreme Court's ruling that legalized gay marriage nationwide. In 2014, Moore wrote letters to all 50 state governors calling on them to convene a constitutional convention to ban gay marriage.

Roy Moore in 2005: 'Homosexual conduct should be illegal' - CNNPolitics

Moore’s bigotry and hate with regard to gay and transgender Americans is both un-Christian and un-Constitutional.

Moore is unfit to hold public office of any kind, his sexual misconduct notwithstanding.
I have never seen one thing that would suggest that Roy Moore hates gays or transgendered.

His refusal to require state employees be issue marriage certificates to gays wasn't a clue?

What hypocrisy! The lengths the conservative right will go to provide cover to the creeps within their party, while pretending their values are upholding the teachings of the man who eschewed wealth and earthly possessions and said "blessed are the poor", be and ,"Live one another as I have loved you".

His refusal on the marriage license issue does not mean he hates gays. It means he does not believe that perversions should be accommodated.
I have never seen one thing that would suggest that Roy Moore hates gays or transgendered.
That’s because, frankly, you’re a blind partisan rightwing hack.

‘Moore made similar comments in a 2015 video posted on YouTube by user Lone Star Q. In the video, Moore was asked, "Do you still think that homosexuality should be illegal?"

"I think homosexuality should be illegal," Moore said.
Moore has been a staunch opponent of LGBT rights throughout his career. Last September he was suspended from Alabama's Supreme Court for failing to comply with the Federal Supreme Court's ruling that legalized gay marriage nationwide. In 2014, Moore wrote letters to all 50 state governors calling on them to convene a constitutional convention to ban gay marriage.

Roy Moore in 2005: 'Homosexual conduct should be illegal' - CNNPolitics

Moore’s bigotry and hate with regard to gay and transgender Americans is both un-Christian and un-Constitutional.

Moore is unfit to hold public office of any kind, his sexual misconduct notwithstanding.
Says a Clinton supporter… LOL
I have never seen one thing that would suggest that Roy Moore hates gays or transgendered.

His refusal to require state employees be issue marriage certificates to gays wasn't a clue?

What hypocrisy! The lengths the conservative right will go to provide cover to the creeps within their party, while pretending their values are upholding the teachings of the man who eschewed wealth and earthly possessions and said "blessed are the poor", be and ,"Live one another as I have loved you".
. So is that why we see the attacks on Moore ?? Is he being hated on for his Christian views that other groups feel will come into conflict with their views on life if elected ? Wasn't sure about the views or policies of Roy Moore, but just that he was attacked right before his run for office came due in a highly suspect way. So is it political the attacks took place or not ?
Again, opposition to Moore’s bid for the Senate is appropriate and warranted given his contempt for the rule of law and his bigotry exhibited toward gay and transgender Americans, not because of his Christian beliefs.
I have never seen one thing that would suggest that Roy Moore hates gays or transgendered.

His refusal to require state employees be issue marriage certificates to gays wasn't a clue?

What hypocrisy! The lengths the conservative right will go to provide cover to the creeps within their party, while pretending their values are upholding the teachings of the man who eschewed wealth and earthly possessions and said "blessed are the poor", be and ,"Live one another as I have loved you".
. So is that why we see the attacks on Moore ?? Is he being hated on for his Christian views that other groups feel will come into conflict with their views on life if elected ? Wasn't sure about the views or policies of Roy Moore, but just that he was attacked right before his run for office came due in a highly suspect way. So is it political the attacks took place or not ?
Again, opposition to Moore’s bid for the Senate is appropriate and warranted given his contempt for the rule of law and his bigotry exhibited toward gay and transgender Americans, not because of his Christian beliefs.
You need to go back to your safe space snowflake
Says a silly, uneducated Alt Right commiecon to one who knows the degradation of Trumpism and the Alt Right.

Scream all you want, beagle9, because it makes the children ask their moms, "who is that ever so foolish stooge?"

You show no Christian merit. You are clearly in no state of grace.

You have sins on your soul of which you need to repent to find peace. Get to it, please.
. Rant on you leftist hate monger from hell. LOL... Now why are the leftist here (you included) ignoring the hypocrisy in this thread, and attempting to label an entire group as bad ?? Look out black man, Jew, Muslim etc. because they'll turn on you next.. Better take notes. Mutual usery is subjected to changing on a dime. If they'll attack Christian's like this, then they'll attack any group in order to get their political way.
That is what you do with an entire religion, you goofy stooge. The far right Christians have forfeited their moral stance in America.
. So you got no problem damming an entire religion, but stand up for the Muslim religion, the Islamist religion etc. ?? Why do you hate Christianity so much ??
This fails as a red herring fallacy.

The thread isn’t about Islam, and no one is ‘condemning’ all Christians.

Indeed, the premise of the thread is that Evangelical Christians are at odds with their religion’s teachings.

And all religions merit some contempt.
Says a silly, uneducated Alt Right commiecon to one who knows the degradation of Trumpism and the Alt Right.

Scream all you want, beagle9, because it makes the children ask their moms, "who is that ever so foolish stooge?"

You show no Christian merit. You are clearly in no state of grace.

You have sins on your soul of which you need to repent to find peace. Get to it, please.
. Rant on you leftist hate monger from hell. LOL... Now why are the leftist here (you included) ignoring the hypocrisy in this thread, and attempting to label an entire group as bad ?? Look out black man, Jew, Muslim etc. because they'll turn on you next.. Better take notes. Mutual usery is subjected to changing on a dime. If they'll attack Christian's like this, then they'll attack any group in order to get their political way.
That is what you do with an entire religion, you goofy stooge. The far right Christians have forfeited their moral stance in America.
. So you got no problem damming an entire religion, but stand up for the Muslim religion, the Islamist religion etc. ?? Why do you hate Christianity so much ??
This fails as a red herring fallacy.

The thread isn’t about Islam, and no one is ‘condemning’ all Christians.

Indeed, the premise of the thread is that Evangelical Christians are at odds with their religion’s teachings.

And all religions merit some contempt.
Christianity is not a religion you stupid fuck, it’s a faith
I have never seen one thing that would suggest that Roy Moore hates gays or transgendered.

His refusal to require state employees be issue marriage certificates to gays wasn't a clue?

What hypocrisy! The lengths the conservative right will go to provide cover to the creeps within their party, while pretending their values are upholding the teachings of the man who eschewed wealth and earthly possessions and said "blessed are the poor", be and ,"Live one another as I have loved you".

His refusal on the marriage license issue does not mean he hates gays. It means he does not believe that perversions should be accommodated.

They don't believe people can oppose behavior without hating them.

Ridiculous of course but no one accused them of logic

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