Exposing America’s Biggest Hypocrites: Evangelical Christians


This is not about the jury or law, Avatar4321.

It is about what a man did to teenagers.

Rustic, you are an atheist, and you don't understand the Bible.
People that don’t understand the Bible like you and Washington redskin cherry pick the Bible, its the politically correct thing to do. Obviously you can’t handle the truth
You are simply trolling now. You can never prove your statement about me. Since you are an atheist, your comments about the Bible itself is meaningless.
You’re the one that was doing the cherry picking, take your medicine
Says a silly, uneducated Alt Right commiecon to one who knows the degradation of Trumpism and the Alt Right.

Scream all you want, beagle9, because it makes the children ask their moms, "who is that ever so foolish stooge?"

You show no Christian merit. You are clearly in no state of grace.

You have sins on your soul of which you need to repent to find peace. Get to it, please.
. Rant on you leftist hate monger from hell. LOL... Now why are the leftist here (you included) ignoring the hypocrisy in this thread, and attempting to label an entire group as bad ?? Look out black man, Jew, Muslim etc. because they'll turn on you next.. Better take notes. Mutual usery is subjected to changing on a dime. If they'll attack Christian's like this, then they'll attack any group in order to get their political way.
That is what you do with an entire religion, you goofy stooge. The far right Christians have forfeited their moral stance in America.
. So you got no problem damming an entire religion, but stand up for the Muslim religion, the Islamist religion etc. ?? Why do you hate Christianity so much ??

No one is damning Christianity. Christians aren't the problem. The problem is those who say they're Christian and then use their Christianity as an excuse to exercise bigotry and hatred against people they seem to be "sinners".

Or claim that not being allowed to discriminate against people they seem to be sinners is somehow depriving THEM of religious freedom. Like the phony "War on Christmas", evangelicals are always willing to play victim, while trampling on others freedoms.
Says a silly, uneducated Alt Right commiecon to one who knows the degradation of Trumpism and the Alt Right.

Scream all you want, beagle9, because it makes the children ask their moms, "who is that ever so foolish stooge?"

You show no Christian merit. You are clearly in no state of grace.

You have sins on your soul of which you need to repent to find peace. Get to it, please.
. Rant on you leftist hate monger from hell. LOL... Now why are the leftist here (you included) ignoring the hypocrisy in this thread, and attempting to label an entire group as bad ?? Look out black man, Jew, Muslim etc. because they'll turn on you next.. Better take notes. Mutual usery is subjected to changing on a dime. If they'll attack Christian's like this, then they'll attack any group in order to get their political way.
That is what you do with an entire religion, you goofy stooge. The far right Christians have forfeited their moral stance in America.
. So you got no problem damming an entire religion, but stand up for the Muslim religion, the Islamist religion etc. ?? Why do you hate Christianity so much ??

No one is damning Christianity. Christians aren't the problem. The problem is those who say they're Christian and then use their Christianity as an excuse to exercise bigotry and hatred against people they seem to be "sinners".

Or claim that not being allowed to discriminate against people they seem to be sinners is somehow depriving THEM of religious freedom. Like the phony "War on Christmas", evangelicals are always willing to play victim, while trampling on others freedoms.
Your political correctness makes you look weak… And stupid
This is not about the jury or law, Avatar4321.

It is about what a man did to teenagers.

Rustic, you are an atheist, and you don't understand the Bible.

Which is precisely why we have trials. To determine the truth. Its also why we had a presumption of innocence. And why burdens are on the accusers
I have never seen one thing that would suggest that Roy Moore hates gays or transgendered.
That’s because, frankly, you’re a blind partisan rightwing hack.

‘Moore made similar comments in a 2015 video posted on YouTube by user Lone Star Q. In the video, Moore was asked, "Do you still think that homosexuality should be illegal?"

"I think homosexuality should be illegal," Moore said.
Moore has been a staunch opponent of LGBT rights throughout his career. Last September he was suspended from Alabama's Supreme Court for failing to comply with the Federal Supreme Court's ruling that legalized gay marriage nationwide. In 2014, Moore wrote letters to all 50 state governors calling on them to convene a constitutional convention to ban gay marriage.

Roy Moore in 2005: 'Homosexual conduct should be illegal' - CNNPolitics

Moore’s bigotry and hate with regard to gay and transgender Americans is both un-Christian and un-Constitutional.

Moore is unfit to hold public office of any kind, his sexual misconduct notwithstanding.
. So was Moore attacked for the reasons you speak of, and if so was it all a set up ? Is there a majority in Alabama wanting a person like Moore representing them, yet there is one group in America that is going to see to it that that won't happen, and this because of political reasons that don't align with their group ?? Is this nation forgetting that Roy Moore is only but one senator out of 100 ? Is there thinking that each group in America will no longer have equal representation in Washington if Moore gets elected ??
You do have to question those who claim to believe in God so much defending a man who tried participating in FORNICATION with children
I have never seen one thing that would suggest that Roy Moore hates gays or transgendered.
That’s because, frankly, you’re a blind partisan rightwing hack.

‘Moore made similar comments in a 2015 video posted on YouTube by user Lone Star Q. In the video, Moore was asked, "Do you still think that homosexuality should be illegal?"

"I think homosexuality should be illegal," Moore said.
Moore has been a staunch opponent of LGBT rights throughout his career. Last September he was suspended from Alabama's Supreme Court for failing to comply with the Federal Supreme Court's ruling that legalized gay marriage nationwide. In 2014, Moore wrote letters to all 50 state governors calling on them to convene a constitutional convention to ban gay marriage.

Roy Moore in 2005: 'Homosexual conduct should be illegal' - CNNPolitics

Moore’s bigotry and hate with regard to gay and transgender Americans is both un-Christian and un-Constitutional.

Moore is unfit to hold public office of any kind, his sexual misconduct notwithstanding.
. So was Moore attacked for the reasons you speak of, and if so was it all a set up ? Is there a majority in Alabama wanting a person like Moore representing them, yet there is one group in America that is going to see to it that that won't happen, and this because of political reasons that don't align with their group ?? Is this nation forgetting that Roy Moore is only but one senator out of 100 ? Is there thinking that each group in America will no longer have equal representation in Washington if Moore gets elected ??
True, like it or not there is a reason for the house, senate and electoral college.
We need to get rid of the career politicians to make the house and senate to work right, and the electoral college means that the rural areas are represented...
You do have to question those who claim to believe in God so much defending a man who tried participating in FORNICATION with children
You’re throwing rocks in your own Glasshouse, remember slick Willy

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