Exposing The Biggest Lie In History


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
This is more of an FYI than anything else.

dimocraps will do everything they can to shit all over the thread and start flame wars so they can report it and get it moved. Or maybe they'll get it moved without the bother of all that :dunno:

But it's time, way past time, that Patriots learn how dimocraps distort the Political language of this Country, and the world, and misuse it to attack their opponents.

A tactic, BTW, that was very successfully used by Hitler.

And this is from Forbes. Hardly a bastion of 'Right Wing' (whatever that is) group think.

Read it, learn it, believe it.

Because it's true.....

Obama, Hitler, And Exploding The Biggest Lie In History

“The line between fascism and Fabian socialism is very thin. Fabian socialism is the dream. Fascism is Fabian socialism plus the inevitable dictator.”John T. Flynn

Numerous commentators have raised alarming comparisons between America’s recent economic foibles and Argentina’s fall “from breadbasket to basket case.” The U.S. pursues a similar path with her economy increasingly ensnared under the growing nexus of government control. Resources are redistributed for vote-buying welfare schemes, patronage style earmarks, and graft by unelected bureaucrats, quid pro quo with unions, issue groups and legions of lobbyists.

In Argentina, everyone acknowledges that fascism, state capitalism, corporatism – whatever – reflects very leftwing ideology. Eva Peron remains a liberal icon. President Obama’s Fabian policies (Keynesian economics) promise similar ends. His proposed infrastructure bank is just the latest gyration of corporatism. Why then are fascists consistently portrayed as conservatives?

In the Thirties, intellectuals smitten by progressivism considered limited, constitutional governance anachronistic. The Great Depression had apparently proven capitalism defunct. The remaining choice had narrowed between communism and fascism. Hitler was about an inch to the right of Stalin. Western intellectuals infatuated with Marxism thus associated fascism with the Right.

Later, Marxists from the Frankfurt School popularized this prevailing sentiment. Theodor Adorno in The Authoritarian Personality devised the “F” scale to demean conservatives as latent fascists. The label “fascist” has subsequently meant anyone liberals seek to ostracize or discredit.

Fascism is an amorphous ideology mobilizing an entire nation (Mussolini, Franco and Peron) or race (Hitler) for a common purpose. Leaders of industry, science, education, the arts and politics combine to shepherd society in an all encompassing quest. Hitler’s premise was a pure Aryan Germany capable of dominating Europe.

While he feinted right, Hitler and Stalin were natural bedfellows. Hitler mimicked Lenin’s path to totalitarian tyranny, parlaying crises into power. Nazis despised Marxists not over ideology, but because they had betrayed Germany in World War I and Nazis found it unconscionable that German communists yielded fealty to Slavs in Moscow.

The National Socialist German Workers Party staged elaborate marches with uniformed workers calling one another “comrade” while toting tools the way soldiers shoulder rifles. The bright red Nazi flag symbolized socialism in a “classless, casteless” Germany (white represents Aryanism). Fascist central planning was not egalitarian, but it divvied up economic rewards very similarly to communism: party membership and partnering with the state.

Where communists generally focused on class, Nazis fixated on race. Communists view life through the prism of a perpetual workers’ revolution. National Socialists used race as a metaphor to justify their nation’s engagement in an existential struggle.



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This is more of an FYI than anything else.

dimocraps will do everything they can to shit all over the thread and start flame wars so they can report it and get it moved. Or maybe they'll get it moved without the bother of all that :dunno:

But it's time, way past time, that Patriots learn how dimocraps distort the Political language of this Country, and the world, and misuse it to attack their opponents.

A tactic, BTW, that was very successfully used by Hitler.

And this is from Forbes. Hardly a bastion of 'Right Wing' (whatever that is) group think.

Read it, learn it, believe it.

Because it's true.....

Obama, Hitler, And Exploding The Biggest Lie In History

“The line between fascism and Fabian socialism is very thin. Fabian socialism is the dream. Fascism is Fabian socialism plus the inevitable dictator.”John T. Flynn

Numerous commentators have raised alarming comparisons between America’s recent economic foibles and Argentina’s fall “from breadbasket to basket case.” The U.S. pursues a similar path with her economy increasingly ensnared under the growing nexus of government control. Resources are redistributed for vote-buying welfare schemes, patronage style earmarks, and graft by unelected bureaucrats, quid pro quo with unions, issue groups and legions of lobbyists.

In Argentina, everyone acknowledges that fascism, state capitalism, corporatism – whatever – reflects very leftwing ideology. Eva Peron remains a liberal icon. President Obama’s Fabian policies (Keynesian economics) promise similar ends. His proposed infrastructure bank is just the latest gyration of corporatism. Why then are fascists consistently portrayed as conservatives?

In the Thirties, intellectuals smitten by progressivism considered limited, constitutional governance anachronistic. The Great Depression had apparently proven capitalism defunct. The remaining choice had narrowed between communism and fascism. Hitler was about an inch to the right of Stalin. Western intellectuals infatuated with Marxism thus associated fascism with the Right.

Later, Marxists from the Frankfurt School popularized this prevailing sentiment. Theodor Adorno in The Authoritarian Personality devised the “F” scale to demean conservatives as latent fascists. The label “fascist” has subsequently meant anyone liberals seek to ostracize or discredit.

Fascism is an amorphous ideology mobilizing an entire nation (Mussolini, Franco and Peron) or race (Hitler) for a common purpose. Leaders of industry, science, education, the arts and politics combine to shepherd society in an all encompassing quest. Hitler’s premise was a pure Aryan Germany capable of dominating Europe.

While he feinted right, Hitler and Stalin were natural bedfellows. Hitler mimicked Lenin’s path to totalitarian tyranny, parlaying crises into power. Nazis despised Marxists not over ideology, but because they had betrayed Germany in World War I and Nazis found it unconscionable that German communists yielded fealty to Slavs in Moscow.

The National Socialist German Workers Party staged elaborate marches with uniformed workers calling one another “comrade” while toting tools the way soldiers shoulder rifles. The bright red Nazi flag symbolized socialism in a “classless, casteless” Germany (white represents Aryanism). Fascist central planning was not egalitarian, but it divvied up economic rewards very similarly to communism: party membership and partnering with the state.

Where communists generally focused on class, Nazis fixated on race. Communists view life through the prism of a perpetual workers’ revolution. National Socialists used race as a metaphor to justify their nation’s engagement in an existential struggle.

Someone doesn't have a clue...Name a first world country that doesn't have the government doing business with its private sector to get the best stuff for the tax payers?
Damn, and here I was thinking that the biggest lie in history had to do with Tom Brady's involvement in the deflating of balls.

I am crushed.
I need some coffee before I read the article...but the intro quote sorta nails it.
You need to understand your enemy, people. And yes, I meant 'enemy'

dimocraps are NOT the loyal opposition, they are the enemy of America and of everything good and decent in this world.


Barack Obama Fabian Socialist - Forbes

Barack Obama, Fabian Socialist

Barack Obama is a Fabian socialist. I should know; I was raised by one.......

Fabians believed in gradual nationalization of the economy through manipulation of the democratic process. Breaking away from the violent revolutionary socialists of their day, they thought that the only real way to effect “fundamental change” and “social justice” was through a mass movement of the working classes presided over by intellectual and cultural elites. Before TV it was stage plays, written by George Bernard Shaw and thousands of inferior “realist” playwrights dedicated to social change. John Cusack’s character in Woody Allen’s “Bullets Over Broadway” captures the movement rather well.

Arnold taught me to question everyone–my president, my priest and my parents. Well, almost everyone. I wasn’t supposed to question the Fabian intellectuals themselves. That’s the Fabian MO, relentless cultural and journalistic attacks on everything that is, and then a hard pitch for the hope of what might be.

That’s Obama’s world.

He’s telling the truth when he says that he doesn’t agree with Bill Ayers’ violent bombing tactics, but it’s a tactical disagreement. Why use dynamite when mass media and community organizing work so much better? Who needs Molotov when you’ve got Saul Alinsky?.....

More at the link.
Love how going off the gold standard decades ago is some fucker's fault who only came to power afew years ago.
Most of the hardware for our military comes from government contracts in the private sector. So are you finally coming out anti-military?

You do know what Boeing is right?
Someone doesn't have a clue...Name a first world country that doesn't have the government doing business with its private sector to get the best stuff for the tax payers?

If you consider the law that prohibits Medicare from negotiating drug prices with the pharmaceutical
industry that first world country would be us.
edgetho said:
dimocraps are NOT the loyal opposition, they are the enemy of America and of everything good and decent in this world.

Take yer meds, dude.
Someone doesn't have a clue...Name a first world country that doesn't have the government doing business with its private sector to get the best stuff for the tax payers?

If you consider the law that prohibits Medicare from negotiating drug prices with the pharmaceutical
industry that first world country would be us.

You don't get out of your mama's basement much, do you?

What would happen if we allowed the goobermint to 'negotiate' with Drug Companies is really simple....

The apparatchiks in Washington would say, "This is what we're paying for your drugs whether you like it or not. It's half what they cost to produce? Tuff shit. Suck on it."

And then guess what, genius?

The loss is cost-shifted onto the Private Sector.

Do try to get some sunshine once in a while.
Someone doesn't have a clue...Name a first world country that doesn't have the government doing business with its private sector to get the best stuff for the tax payers?

If you consider the law that prohibits Medicare from negotiating drug prices with the pharmaceutical
industry that first world country would be us.

You don't get out of your mama's basement much, do you?

What would happen if we allowed the goobermint to 'negotiate' with Drug Companies is really simple....

The apparatchiks in Washington would say, "This is what we're paying for your drugs whether you like it or not. It's half what they cost to produce? Tuff shit. Suck on it."

And then guess what, genius?

The loss is cost-shifted onto the Private Sector.

Do try to get some sunshine once in a while.
Tell me more about other countries who interfere with drug prices. They're doing fine.
This is more of an FYI than anything else.

dimocraps will do everything they can to shit all over the thread and start flame wars so they can report it and get it moved. Or maybe they'll get it moved without the bother of all that :dunno:

But it's time, way past time, that Patriots learn how dimocraps distort the Political language of this Country, and the world, and misuse it to attack their opponents.

A tactic, BTW, that was very successfully used by Hitler.

And this is from Forbes. Hardly a bastion of 'Right Wing' (whatever that is) group think.

Read it, learn it, believe it.

Because it's true.....

Obama, Hitler, And Exploding The Biggest Lie In History

“The line between fascism and Fabian socialism is very thin. Fabian socialism is the dream. Fascism is Fabian socialism plus the inevitable dictator.”John T. Flynn

Numerous commentators have raised alarming comparisons between America’s recent economic foibles and Argentina’s fall “from breadbasket to basket case.” The U.S. pursues a similar path with her economy increasingly ensnared under the growing nexus of government control. Resources are redistributed for vote-buying welfare schemes, patronage style earmarks, and graft by unelected bureaucrats, quid pro quo with unions, issue groups and legions of lobbyists.

In Argentina, everyone acknowledges that fascism, state capitalism, corporatism – whatever – reflects very leftwing ideology. Eva Peron remains a liberal icon. President Obama’s Fabian policies (Keynesian economics) promise similar ends. His proposed infrastructure bank is just the latest gyration of corporatism. Why then are fascists consistently portrayed as conservatives?

In the Thirties, intellectuals smitten by progressivism considered limited, constitutional governance anachronistic. The Great Depression had apparently proven capitalism defunct. The remaining choice had narrowed between communism and fascism. Hitler was about an inch to the right of Stalin. Western intellectuals infatuated with Marxism thus associated fascism with the Right.

Later, Marxists from the Frankfurt School popularized this prevailing sentiment. Theodor Adorno in The Authoritarian Personality devised the “F” scale to demean conservatives as latent fascists. The label “fascist” has subsequently meant anyone liberals seek to ostracize or discredit.

Fascism is an amorphous ideology mobilizing an entire nation (Mussolini, Franco and Peron) or race (Hitler) for a common purpose. Leaders of industry, science, education, the arts and politics combine to shepherd society in an all encompassing quest. Hitler’s premise was a pure Aryan Germany capable of dominating Europe.

While he feinted right, Hitler and Stalin were natural bedfellows. Hitler mimicked Lenin’s path to totalitarian tyranny, parlaying crises into power. Nazis despised Marxists not over ideology, but because they had betrayed Germany in World War I and Nazis found it unconscionable that German communists yielded fealty to Slavs in Moscow.

The National Socialist German Workers Party staged elaborate marches with uniformed workers calling one another “comrade” while toting tools the way soldiers shoulder rifles. The bright red Nazi flag symbolized socialism in a “classless, casteless” Germany (white represents Aryanism). Fascist central planning was not egalitarian, but it divvied up economic rewards very similarly to communism: party membership and partnering with the state.

Where communists generally focused on class, Nazis fixated on race. Communists view life through the prism of a perpetual workers’ revolution. National Socialists used race as a metaphor to justify their nation’s engagement in an existential struggle.

Great article. The author makes many important points.

Exposing the truth is something the Left hates.
The problem with the article is referring to terminology the average American do not understand or relate to.

Fabianism? I thought he was a teen idol singer and movie actor.

And what on earth does Argentina have to do with the USA?

This is great for ideologues but the average folk will be lost by it.
The only meds I take are from sequalae

If you had to pay for that drug yourself you'd be happy to find that you pay more than you would in any other modern industrial country.

The others negotiate drug prices.
The problem with the article is referring to terminology the average American do not understand or relate to.

Fabianism? I thought he was a teen idol singer and movie actor.

And what on earth does Argentina have to do with the USA?

This is great for ideologues but the average folk will be lost by it.

They'll all be familiar with the Perons. Just conjure up an image of Madonna and go from there :)

dimocraps aren't just Nazis in theory, they are Nazis in practice --

Gay Businessman Who Hosted Ted Cruz Event Terrorized I am shaken to my bones by the e-mails texts postings and phone calls of the past few days. I made a terrible mistake Jammie Wearing Fools

Gay Businessman Who Hosted Ted Cruz Event Terrorized: “I am shaken to my bones by the e-mails, texts, postings and phone calls of the past few days. I made a terrible mistake”
Posted by Jammie on Apr 26, 2015 at 8:06 pm

Welcome to America in 2015, where mere associattion with the “wrong people” will have youliving in fear.

Ian Reisner, one of the two gay hoteliers facing boycott calls for hosting an event for Senator Ted Cruz, who is adamantly opposed to gay marriage, apologized to the gay community for showing “poor judgment.”

Mr. Reisner put the apology on Facebook, where a page calling for a boycott of his properties, the gay-friendly OUT NYC hotel and his Fire Island Pines holdings, had gotten more than 8,200 “likes” by Sunday evening.

“I am shaken to my bones by the e-mails, texts, postings and phone calls of the past few days. I made a terrible mistake,” wrote Mr. Reisner.

If we weren’t mistaken, we’d think liberals are intolerant.

Mr. Cruz faced some backlash among conservatives over the event – but it was nothing compared to the criticism both Mr. Reisner and Mr. Weiderpass faced from the gay community.

He did? Weird, but they don’t point to any.

“I was ignorant, naive and much too quick in accepting a request to co-host a dinner with Cruz at my home without taking the time to completely understand all of his positions on gay rights,” Mr. Reisner said.

“I’ve spent the past 24 hours reviewing videos of Cruz’ statements on gay marriage and I am shocked and angry. I sincerely apologize for hurting the gay community and so many of our friends, family, allies, customers and employees. I will try my best to make up for my poor judgement. Again, I am deeply sorry.”

In addition to the boycott calls, Broadway Cares, a charity that focuses on curing AIDS, canceled an annual event at a nightclub the two men own.

Why do we suspect these videos came from “reliable sources” like Media Matters?

dimocraps are the scum of the earth.

I bet with a few seconds of research, you can come up with DOZENS of examples of dimocrap Nazis doing their thing.

Cake, anyone?


You better wake up people

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