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Exposing the Myths of Katrina

I'll second that, can't rep though-gotta 'spread' some more!
spillmind said:
this is it. i can't let this bullsh!t hang out there. apologists in full swing is disgusting and despicable. you people should be ashamed of yourselves!

THE POINT IS THEY HAD THEIR SH!T READY FOR IVAN. i don't really care if you are so ignorant that you don't consider this a comparison.

let's see worst case scenario. WHAT DAY DID THE GOVERNOR INFORM BUSH

http://gov.louisiana.gov/Disaster Relief Request.pdf



Okay Spilly, I've looked at your links...Now tell me, what should have/ could have Bush done to
make things any different? Before you answer, I'll tell ya FEMA was sending truck after truck out of Atlanta on Monday night...The link to that is me...I live here, I saw it.

Where were the buses for the evacuation that, the Governor according to the Governors' site, didn't
even attempt to procure until Sept. 1 and then again on the 2nd. Days after the HIT.
What kind of planning is that? Piss poor, huh? Then they didn't even move. Yeah, blame Bush.

A Cat. 4-5 hurricane moving toward your state...Hey Spilly, WHAT DID THE GOVERNOR KNOW, AND WHEN DID SHE KNOW IT?

Let's not forget the Mayor...Piss poor prior planning, results in piss poor performance. Never fails.
Drop some incompetence on that...sheeeeewwwwww...Blame somebody, fast!
You're back....

spillmind said:
THE POINT IS THEY HAD THEIR SH!T READY FOR IVAN. i don't really care if you are so ignorant that you don't consider this a comparison.

Clearly you do care.


A Cat-3 at landfall, hit between Mobile and Pensacola, was the third Hurricane to hit Florida (a whooping 10 days after Frances; guess where FEMA was) that season, and caused the deaths of about 60 people in the U.S.



I didn't say there was no comparison. Stop misrepresenting me.

I'm saying your comparison is completely fucking idiotic.
spillmind said:
the fact of the matter is, THE FEDS DROPPED THE BALL ON THE RESPONSE. end of story.

Actually, the local and state people were who dropped the ball. The initial response to a disaster is supposed to local and state agencies, not federal. The questions that need to be answered are these:

Why didn't the governor of Louisiana use all the tools at her disposal (school buses, mass transit buses, etc.) to evacuate as many people as possible before the storm hit?

Why weren't there emergency supplies of food and water and medical supplies stationed at the Superdome or the convention center? A year ago, during Hurricane Ivan, they settled on the Superdome being a shelter and estimated that a storm the likes of Katrina would necessitate the need to shelter anywheres from 100,000 to 200,000 people. If food and water had been available, people might have been crowded and uncomfortable, but would have had the basics while waiting for the feds to arrive.

Speaking of shelters, where in hell were the shelter managers? I suppose the federal government is to blame for their absence too?
spillmind said:
it was worth it to lay things out so simply and plainly that even you trolls could understand it.

You clearly don't understand things.

The chain of responsiblity starts with the local and state authorities, who failed to to execute their OWN plan, and failed to ask for federal assistance in a timely manner.

This is the truth you're going to have to deal with at some point, as painful as it is for you.
spillmind said:
spare me your tired platitudes. everyone in america is sick of you people and the chimp.

Funny that, we keep winning elections. I guess that makes you wrong.
rtwngAvngr said:
Funny that, we keep winning elections. I guess that makes you wrong.

Spilly has a tone of desperation that his whinings don't usually have. Think he's skeered ?? :teeth:
dilloduck said:
Spilly has a tone of desperation that his whinings don't usually have. Think he's skeered ?? :teeth:

They're freaking out as this attempt at a new bush GOTCHA has failed, just like all the others. Bush is the Teflon Prez!

No. His crap doesn't smell, as a matter of fact. LOL!

JEB in '08!

Gosh wouldn't they freak if that came to pass?
rtwngAvngr said:
They're freaking out as this attempt at a new bush GOTCHA has failed, just like all the others. Bush is the Teflon Prez!

No. His crap doesn't smell, as a matter of fact. LOL!

JEB in '08!

Gosh wouldn't they freak if that came to pass?

ANY GOP victory would kill em :laugh:
rtwngAvngr said:
They're freaking out as this attempt at a new bush GOTCHA has failed, just like all the others. Bush is the Teflon Prez!...

I think you hit the nail on the head, here, RWA. What we are hearing are the shrieking death throes of desparate people going down with the Dem ship. And President Bush is that providential iceberg. One look at that mass of red on the 2004 electoral map probably gave them all PTSD.
Abbey Normal said:
I think you hit the nail on the head, here, RWA. What we are hearing are the shrieking death throes of desparate people going down with the Dem ship. And President Bush is that providential iceberg. One look at that mass of red on the 2004 electoral map probably gave them all PTSD.

totally. They're foaming!

do you read democraticunderground.com? it's SOOOO amusing these days. They're full of bile, hatred, and revolutionary talk. They'd be scary, except they don't believe in guns!
rtwngAvngr said:
totally. They're foaming!

do you read democraticunderground.com? it's SOOOO amusing these days. They're full of bile, hatred, and revolutionary talk. They'd be scary, except they don't believe in guns!

They are scary, in that, "I'm in an insane asylum with people who don't have a grip on reality" sort of way. Thorazine in their bottled water might help.
i've got to admit it's pretty damn funny 15 people ganging up on one person.

that alone should tell you something mr. meglomanic zhukov or whatever.

another link from AP just now.


there was no excuse for the slow response to katrina. the governor sent a letter asking for aid, you all saw the letter, and the gov took almost 5 days to show up. that's it. end of story. the fed blew it, deal with it. at this point, it's common knowledge.

spare me the assault, since it only reflects on yourself.

this time i am seriously done with this thread. you people can brew your ignorance cauldron and dance around it byself again for a while.
spillmind said:
i've got to admit it's pretty damn funny 15 people ganging up on one person.

that alone should tell you something mr. meglomanic zhukov or whatever.

another link from AP just now.


there was no excuse for the slow response to katrina. the governor sent a letter asking for aid, you all saw the letter, and the gov took almost 5 days to show up. that's it. end of story. the fed blew it, deal with it. at this point, it's common knowledge.

spare me the assault, since it only reflects on yourself.

this time i am seriously done with this thread. you people can brew your ignorance cauldron and dance around it byself again for a while.

You're thinking of the DSM.
Perhaps our angry poster can read this, and still tell us how it is all Bush's fault... (and this does not even cover Blanco's response to Bush that she needed 24 hours to think over his offer to send in troops).


"From the moment Katrina blew ashore—hours before the 17th Street levee broke—New Orleans mayor Raymond Nagin declared martial law over his city and ordered it evacuated. He tried, in vain, to get Gov. Blanco to turn control of available National Guard troops over to him. She refused. She did, however, drive to New Orleans and "stand beside him" while he ordered the people to evacuate the city. What Nagin should have done was commandeer all of the school buses in New Orleans and place them at strategic intersections in the city's poorest sections to provide exit transportation for those who did not possess the means to escape the city. However, the buses were not insured for that purpose.

Blanco's advisers told her that the remaining 7,000 National Guard troops left in Louisiana were not enough to secure the city of New Orleans, and that it was not in her best political interest to use them until they could be reinforced since they might get hurt, or worse, hurt or kill a civilian they were charged with protecting. Instead, she let Nagin's 1,500 New Orleans cops fend for themselves in a city that had been tacitly surrendered to looters and thugs.
Blanco who, according to Nagin, was not in constant or at least direct contact with the him as the crisis evolved into catastrophe, appeared to have been preoccupied with her own media photo ops advising people to leave the city, which made it appear that she was aware of the plight that was enveloping her State—and that she was swiftly implementing corrective measures to ward off disaster. Like a school teacher passing out unimportant assignments, she outlined the measures that would take place to secure the city of New Orleans and rescue its people. But nothing happened. Why? Because Blanco never took control of the emergency apparatus of Louisiana—and apparently did not want anyone else doing so, either, until she was ready to act.
Her media rhetoric never translated into specific instructions to her department heads. Nor does it appear there was an official request from the State of Louisiana to the Bush Administration for federal assistance until September 2 when federal troops finally assumed control of the Blanco quagmire. Because each State is sovereign, the federal government cannot send federal troops into a State, or declare martial law without authorization from the governor of that State.
Blanco never became the leader the people elected her to be. Not when the 17th Street levee broke, nor when wo other levees broke and the city flooded. Not when the looting began, nor when a dozen rapes in the SuperDome were reported. Not when mobs of thugs took to the streets and ransacked the homes of News Orleans "refugees" who left town before the storm hit, or were trapped in the SuperDome (under a lockdown situation where those law-abiding citizens were not allowed to leave by order of the Blanco Administration—which apparently viewed New Orleans' local "refugees" as potential looters).

Nor did Blanco become a leader when gangs armed with automatic weapons took to the streets and terrorized the people of New Orleans, keeping the Red Cross, medical personnel and other emergency responders from helping the frightened, the hungry, the injured and the dying. Blanco requested large scale federal intervention four days too late. What Gov. Kathleen Blanco should have done—on August 30 or at the latest, on the 31st—was declare martial law; impose a curfew in the affected parrishes, issue a "shoot-to-kill" order on all looters to the National Guard under her control as well as all local, county and State police agencies—and she should have requested federal assistance then, not on Sept. 2 when the situation in New Orleans had become a hopeless quagmire. (It was during this period when mass resignations from the New Orleans police force were taking place.) The media was not told that over 400 New Orleans' cops were AWOL..."

spillmind said:
i've got to admit it's pretty damn funny 15 people ganging up on one person.

that alone should tell you something mr. meglomanic zhukov or whatever.

another link from AP just now.


there was no excuse for the slow response to katrina. the governor sent a letter asking for aid, you all saw the letter, and the gov took almost 5 days to show up. that's it. end of story. the fed blew it, deal with it. at this point, it's common knowledge.

spare me the assault, since it only reflects on yourself.

this time i am seriously done with this thread. you people can brew your ignorance cauldron and dance around it byself again for a while.

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Just over a year ago, they did this study. New Orleans illustrious mayor and the governor of Louisiana didn't do much with the knowledge. The mayor waited until Katrina was only 14 hours away before he finally got off his butt and ordered an evactuation, and apparently his only plan was to stick everybody without a ride in the Superdome. If they had actually utilized this, thousands of lives would have been saved, and tens of thousands would have had a hell of a lot easier week.
spillmind said:
i've got to admit it's pretty damn funny 15 people ganging up on one person.

that alone should tell you something mr. meglomanic zhukov or whatever.

another link from AP just now.


there was no excuse for the slow response to katrina. the governor sent a letter asking for aid, you all saw the letter, and the gov took almost 5 days to show up. that's it. end of story. the fed blew it, deal with it. at this point, it's common knowledge.

spare me the assault, since it only reflects on yourself.

this time i am seriously done with this thread. you people can brew your ignorance cauldron and dance around it byself again for a while.

Did anyone actually READ the stupid letter???

It specifically asks for counselors, money and debris cleanup....it DOES NOT ask for troops, medical assistance, search and rescue, food water, etc. In point of fact, FEMA positioned exactly what the good governor asked for prior to the hurricane making landfall.

The whole problem is, this letter gives the appearance of the state implementing it's emergency plan and that the plan would be adequate except in those SPECIFIC areas outlined in the memo.

Spilly is once again being deceitful.
spillmind said:
i've got to admit it's pretty damn funny 15 people ganging up on one person.

that alone should tell you something mr. meglomanic zhukov or whatever.

another link from AP just now.


there was no excuse for the slow response to katrina. the governor sent a letter asking for aid, you all saw the letter, and the gov took almost 5 days to show up. that's it. end of story. the fed blew it, deal with it. at this point, it's common knowledge.

spare me the assault, since it only reflects on yourself.

this time i am seriously done with this thread. you people can brew your ignorance cauldron and dance around it byself again for a while.

How many days would it take for "you" to organize relief efforts? I bet you're still pissed at G. Bush the elder for 'taking SOO LONG' to send in troops after Iraq invated Kuwait!
As someone earlier pointed out, if Bush would have sent in troops immediately, without waiting for anyone to ask, he would be bashed for not allowing the local government to take actions on their own.

I think it is pretty pathetic that people all around the United States are using this as an opportunity to bash our government. In hindsight, sure, mistakes were made; and we will learn from them.

Just as with 9/11 - no one could have imagined how to respond. With Katrina, sure..plans were in place, but until you actually have something like that happen, even the best plans will have glitches.

Our friend here, who we are apparently all ganging up on - what have YOU done to help the survivors? Are you just bitching and griping like so many of the evacuees are? Or have you helped displaced families by buying them food and toys for their kids? Have you donated pizzas and water and the like to different groups of people who are trying to make it?

At the end of the day - EVERY DAY, I can say that I have done something to directly help the survivors who are here in Memphis. What do you do at the end of your day? Think of some other negative thing to post on this board then fall asleep to Fahrenheit 911?

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