Exposing The Neo-Jews


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. Why are there so many who still claim to be Jewish, when they have clearly abandoned the defining principles that would identify them as such?

The question has become front and center as a result of the unexpected....nay, astounding, loss that the Democrat Party was exposed to in the recent election. The Democrat elites are still wandering, looking for direction to lead their sheep out of the political desert.

2. Focus: the choices for DNC leadership.

The foaming at the mouth radicals that have taken control of party, the Bernie Sanders communists, the corrupt Elizabeth Warren wing, the outright Clinton criminals....looked into the abyss....and, in the words of Nietzsche, the abyss looked back.
They wanted Muslim anti-Semite Keith Ellison as party leader.

But....they threw the DNC chair to a less rabid, less of a Jew-hater, in order to avoid the threat from Professor Alan Dershowitz:

"My loyalty to my country and my principles and my heritage exceeds any loyalty to my party."
I will leave the Democrats if Keith Ellison is elected its chairman

3. When the choice is clear and evident: Jewish Democrat Dershowitz decided better to remain a Jew than a Democrat, a neo-Jew.

Those who choose the alternative are former Jews who
a. Endorse socialism over capitalism
b. Never disparage anything associated with blacks or black culture...or any 'authorized' minorities....Muslims or Hispanics.
c. Throw Israel under the bus, ala Obama's efforts.

Be very clear: neo-Jews will accommodate any directive from the Democrats...no matter how abhorrent to their 'country, principles, or their heritage.'

One can only hope that the Dershowitz epiphany will apply to many groups that the Left has managed, until now, to co-opt.
4. How far would neo-Jews go to remain a part of the Democrat Party?

This far:

 June 4, 2009 President Obama condemns Israeli settlements in the West Bank as “occupation” during his famous Arab outreach speech in Cairo, Egypt.

 March 23, 2010 President Obama meets with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu; presents him with 13 demands; abruptly leaves room after disagreement over Jewish settlements; no customary photo op.

May 19, 2011: Barack Obama becomes the first United States president to officially endorse a two-state division of Israel based on its pre-1967 borders.

 March 2012 High-level sources reveal that the Obama administration allegedly leaked Israel’s secret relationship with Azerbaijan, where Israeli planes could refuel for an air strike against Iranian nuclear facilities.

September 11, 2012 President Obama refuses to meet with Prime Minister Netanyahu during the Israeli leader’s visit to the United States.

March 21, 2013: Obama visits Israel; refuses invitation to speak before Knesset; speaks to students about Israel’s “foreign army” in Palestinian territory; says, “It’s not fair that a Palestinian child cannot grow up in a state of their own.”

 March 2015: U.S. State Department attempts to oust Netanyahu from power by funding an opposition political group in Israel with $349,276.

 April 6, 2015: President Obama says in an interview that Iran’s recognition of Israel will not be a precondition of the Iran nuclear agreement.

 January 16, 2016: President Obama lifts economic sanctions against Iran, opening the path for an Iranian nuclear bomb.

 January 19, 2016 U.S. supports EU regulation requiring goods originating in the West Bank to be labeled separately from those made in the rest of Israel.

September 2016: White House publishes a transcript with a speech location as Jerusalem, Israel, then republishes it with a strike through the name “Israel.”

 December 23, 2016 President Obama’s United Nations ambassador breaks a decades-long diplomatic precedent and allows a Security Council resolution to pass that condemns Israeli settlements in the West Bank as illegal.

January 20, 2017: In his final hours as president, Mr. Obama gives $221 million to the Palestinian Authority. Two House Republicans had placed a hold on the money due to concerns about the PA, but the president did not honor the hold." A Shameful Record Against Israel
A Shameful Record Against Israel
5. Neo-Jews, for whom patting themselves on the back as good Democrats, transcends any obligations to heritage, country or principle, are willing to accept a public 'plum' in exchange for their integrity......

Little Jack Horner

Sat in the corner,

Eating a Christmas pie;

He put in his thumb,

And pulled out a plum,

And said, "What a good boy am I!"

No, actually, you're really not.
So saith Alan Dershowitz.
6. Perhaps the explanation for today's neo-Jews can be traced to a time when it looked darkest for Jewish folks....WWII.
The Jews needed powerful friends.....and made the mistake of seeing Franklin Roosevelt in that light.
He wasn't.

a. . "...Roosevelt’s most despicable statements about Jews, extensively documented in a series of on-line commentaries by Rafael Medoff, ...did the depths of Roosevelt’s loathing for Jews, and refusal to lift a finger ... to rescue them, fully penetrate.

As far back as 1920, when FDR was the Democratic party candidate for vice president, he had proposed that “the greater part of the foreign population of the City of New York” should be “distributed to different localities upstate” so as to feel pressure to “conform to the manners and customs and requirements of their new home.”As a member of the Harvard board of directors he supported a Jewish admissions quota.

In 1941 he told his Cabinet that too many Jews were federal employees in Oregon.

One of his grandsons recalled that the protagonists in FDR’s jokes “were always Lower East Side Jews with heavy accents.”

At a wartime White House luncheon with Prime Minister Churchill, he suggested “the best way to settle the Jewish question”was “to spread the Jews thin all over the world.”

At the 1945 Yalta conference, FDR indicated to Stalin that as a concession to the king of Saudi Arabia he would “give him the six million Jews in the United States.”Betrayal: FDR and the Jews

b. "... Roosevelt’s embedded anti-Semitism was not confined to jokes. It was displayed in the refusal of the American government in 1939 to admit the desperate refugees on board theS.S. St. Louis,who were returned to Germany [to their deaths] – or to even fill the quotas that authorized the limited admission of Germans.
It was revealed in American government suppression of information about the mass murder of European Jews.

The White House [read 'Roosevelt'] opposed a resolution to create the War Refugee Board and delayed its establishment for fourteen months.

Orders to bomb railroad tracks leading to the extermination camps were never given, although Nazi facilities merely five miles away were destroyed. And special American missions were launched to rescue art treasures – and performing Lipizzaner horses."
[But not Jews.]
Betrayal: FDR and the Jews

c. " Why did the administration actively seek to discourage and disqualify Jewish refugees from coming to the United States? Why didn't the president quietly tell his State Department (which administered the immigration system) to fill the quotas for Germany and Axis-occupied countries to the legal limit? That alone could have saved 190,000 lives. It would not have required a fight with Congress or the anti-immigration forces; it would have involved minimal political risk to the president." FDR's troubling view of Jews

Interesting questions that an inquiring mind would have no trouble answering when considering Roosevelt's attitude ....

"This attitude dovetails with what is known about FDR's views regarding immigrants in general and Asian immigrants in particular.... He recommended that future immigration should be limited to those who had "blood of the right sort." "
Op. Cit.

Kinda got neo-Jewish Liberals prepared to support a President who is all about throwing Israel under the bus.....
...but, heck......

....as long as he is a Democrat.
7. The Dershowitz warning to Democrats that they have gone too far,..
"My loyalty to my country and my principles and my heritage exceeds any loyalty to my party."
I will leave the Democrats if Keith Ellison is elected its chairman

Echoes a sentiment that one of our members posted a short time ago:

"I almost hope that such morons become the norm among Democrats, but honestly, we need the Democrats to shed the embiciles and return to their traditional role of advocating as a LOYAL opposition party, not the seditious thugs they are now." Dem Congresswoman Calls UC Berkeley Riots A “Beautiful Sight”
jim bowie1958

Democrats boo'd God.....yet neo-Jews were right there with th Party.

8. And, as one more indication that neo-Jews have given up their religion in favor of Liberalism, the Democrat Party, they are ready to lock arms with a group a full third of whom see them the cause of America's economic problems.

"One Third of Democrats Blame the Financial Crisis on the Jews
You wouldn’t think that theories like that would receive wide-spread acceptance in the United States. Unfortunately it has. Over 18% of all non Jewish Republicans blame the Jews for the financial crisis and almost one-third of Democrats blame the Jews:

Anti-Semitism and the economic crisis Neil Malhotra and Yotam Margalit

The media coverage of the Bernard Madoff scandal made extensive reference to Madoff’s ethnic and religious background and his prominent role in the Jewish community. Because the scandal broke at a time of great public outcry against financial institutions, some, including Brad Greenberg in The Christian Science Monitor and Mark Seal in Vanity Fair, have reported on its potential to generate a wave of anti-Semitism."


Boston Review — State of the Nation

One wonders how the neo-Jews incorporate the above, with the real cause of America's economic woes:

"Obama is the first President never to have had a year of 3% or better economic growth: "... annual growth during Obama’s “recovery” has never topped 3%. By comparison, it never fell below 3% during the Reagan recovery. And in the nine years following the 1990-91 recession, GDP grew faster than 3% in all but two. Heck, even Jimmy Carter had some strong growth years." http://www.investors.com/politics/editorials/with-gdp-downgrade-obama-growth-gap-expands/

a. "The years since 2007 have been a macroeconomic disaster for the United States of a magnitude unprecedented since the Great Depression." Obama: Always Wrong, Never In Doubt

b. ".... first president since Hoover to never have a single year above 3% GDP growth." http://money.cnn.com/2015/10/09/investing/hedge-fund-billionaire-defends-obama-chanos/
1. Why are there so many who still claim to be Jewish, when they have clearly abandoned the defining principles that would identify them as such?

The question has become front and center as a result of the unexpected....nay, astounding, loss that the Democrat Party was exposed to in the recent election. The Democrat elites are still wandering, looking for direction to lead their sheep out of the political desert.

2. Focus: the choices for DNC leadership.

The foaming at the mouth radicals that have taken control of party, the Bernie Sanders communists, the corrupt Elizabeth Warren wing, the outright Clinton criminals....looked into the abyss....and, in the words of Nietzsche, the abyss looked back.
They wanted Muslim anti-Semite Keith Ellison as party leader.

But....they threw the DNC chair to a less rabid, less of a Jew-hater, in order to avoid the threat from Professor Alan Dershowitz:

"My loyalty to my country and my principles and my heritage exceeds any loyalty to my party."
I will leave the Democrats if Keith Ellison is elected its chairman

3. When the choice is clear and evident: Jewish Democrat Dershowitz decided better to remain a Jew than a Democrat, a neo-Jew.

Those who choose the alternative are former Jews who
a. Endorse socialism over capitalism
b. Never disparage anything associated with blacks or black culture...or any 'authorized' minorities....Muslims or Hispanics.
c. Throw Israel under the bus, ala Obama's efforts.

Be very clear: neo-Jews will accommodate any directive from the Democrats...no matter how abhorrent to their 'country, principles, or their heritage.'

One can only hope that the Dershowitz epiphany will apply to many groups that the Left has managed, until now, to co-opt.
Heck if you knew that answer maybe you could figure out why blacks are Democrats.
1. Why are there so many who still claim to be Jewish, when they have clearly abandoned the defining principles that would identify them as such?

The question has become front and center as a result of the unexpected....nay, astounding, loss that the Democrat Party was exposed to in the recent election. The Democrat elites are still wandering, looking for direction to lead their sheep out of the political desert.

2. Focus: the choices for DNC leadership.

The foaming at the mouth radicals that have taken control of party, the Bernie Sanders communists, the corrupt Elizabeth Warren wing, the outright Clinton criminals....looked into the abyss....and, in the words of Nietzsche, the abyss looked back.
They wanted Muslim anti-Semite Keith Ellison as party leader.

But....they threw the DNC chair to a less rabid, less of a Jew-hater, in order to avoid the threat from Professor Alan Dershowitz:

"My loyalty to my country and my principles and my heritage exceeds any loyalty to my party."
I will leave the Democrats if Keith Ellison is elected its chairman

3. When the choice is clear and evident: Jewish Democrat Dershowitz decided better to remain a Jew than a Democrat, a neo-Jew.

Those who choose the alternative are former Jews who
a. Endorse socialism over capitalism
b. Never disparage anything associated with blacks or black culture...or any 'authorized' minorities....Muslims or Hispanics.
c. Throw Israel under the bus, ala Obama's efforts.

Be very clear: neo-Jews will accommodate any directive from the Democrats...no matter how abhorrent to their 'country, principles, or their heritage.'

One can only hope that the Dershowitz epiphany will apply to many groups that the Left has managed, until now, to co-opt.
Heck if you knew that answer maybe you could figure out why blacks are Democrats.

I do.

1. "Oh, yeah, that was something! He broke the tradition. My father told me: 'Republicans are the ship. All else is the sea.' Frederick Douglass said that. Negroes didn't go for Roosevelt much in '32. But the Works Progress Administration came along and Roosevelt came to be a god. It was really great. You worked, you got a paycheck, and you had some dignity. Even when a man raked leaves, he got paid, he had some dignity. All the songs they used to have about the WPA:
I went to the poll line and I voted
And I knew I voted the right way
So I'm asking you, Mr. President
Don't take away this W and P A "
From "Hard Times: An Oral History of the Great Depression," Studs Terkel.

a. In 1932, more than two-thirds of African-Americans voted against Roosevelt. When the election of 1936 took place, 76% voted for him.
9. Just as the Democrats lied about the voice vote to leave God out of the platform at their convention, and just as they stole Bernie Sanders' votes in the nomination for Bill's wife, many believe that they DNC stole the election for Jim Perez from Keith Ellison, because of what an Ellison win would have proven about the Democrat Party,....and what Alan Dershowitz stated.

"The contest between Ellison and Perez, the clear front-runners in the race, is viewed by many progressive activists as a proxy battle between the progressive wing of the party and the more centrist Democratic establishment.

Ellison, a co-chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus who backed Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) in the 2016 presidential primary, enjoys strong support among Sanders supporters.

Meanwhile, Perez, who endorsed Hillary Clinton in the primary race and was all but endorsed by former President Barack Obama, has gotten more traction with Clinton backers in the primary race."
Keith Ellison Pushes Back Against Perez Whip Count In DNC Race | The Huffington Post

Bill's wife and the snake, Obama, may have seen the handwriting on the wall for the Democrats if Ellison could be the tail pinned on the donkey.

The Dershowitz warning to Democrats that they have gone too far,..
"My loyalty to my country and my principles and my heritage exceeds any loyalty to my party."
I will leave the Democrats if Keith Ellison is elected its chairman

Know who and what you support, neo-Jews: it is the party whose godfather, Saul Alinsky, dedicated his book to Lucifer.
And, with just reason.
1. Why are there so many who still claim to be Jewish, when they have clearly abandoned the defining principles that would identify them as such?

The question has become front and center as a result of the unexpected....nay, astounding, loss that the Democrat Party was exposed to in the recent election. The Democrat elites are still wandering, looking for direction to lead their sheep out of the political desert.

2. Focus: the choices for DNC leadership.

The foaming at the mouth radicals that have taken control of party, the Bernie Sanders communists, the corrupt Elizabeth Warren wing, the outright Clinton criminals....looked into the abyss....and, in the words of Nietzsche, the abyss looked back.
They wanted Muslim anti-Semite Keith Ellison as party leader.

But....they threw the DNC chair to a less rabid, less of a Jew-hater, in order to avoid the threat from Professor Alan Dershowitz:

"My loyalty to my country and my principles and my heritage exceeds any loyalty to my party."
I will leave the Democrats if Keith Ellison is elected its chairman

3. When the choice is clear and evident: Jewish Democrat Dershowitz decided better to remain a Jew than a Democrat, a neo-Jew.

Those who choose the alternative are former Jews who
a. Endorse socialism over capitalism
b. Never disparage anything associated with blacks or black culture...or any 'authorized' minorities....Muslims or Hispanics.
c. Throw Israel under the bus, ala Obama's efforts.

Be very clear: neo-Jews will accommodate any directive from the Democrats...no matter how abhorrent to their 'country, principles, or their heritage.'

One can only hope that the Dershowitz epiphany will apply to many groups that the Left has managed, until now, to co-opt.
what piece of gook trash
6. Perhaps the explanation for today's neo-Jews can be traced to a time when it looked darkest for Jewish folks....WWII.
The Jews needed powerful friends.....and made the mistake of seeing Franklin Roosevelt in that light.
He wasn't.

a. . "...Roosevelt’s most despicable statements about Jews, extensively documented in a series of on-line commentaries by Rafael Medoff, ...did the depths of Roosevelt’s loathing for Jews, and refusal to lift a finger ... to rescue them, fully penetrate.

As far back as 1920, when FDR was the Democratic party candidate for vice president, he had proposed that “the greater part of the foreign population of the City of New York” should be “distributed to different localities upstate” so as to feel pressure to “conform to the manners and customs and requirements of their new home.”As a member of the Harvard board of directors he supported a Jewish admissions quota.

In 1941 he told his Cabinet that too many Jews were federal employees in Oregon.

One of his grandsons recalled that the protagonists in FDR’s jokes “were always Lower East Side Jews with heavy accents.”

At a wartime White House luncheon with Prime Minister Churchill, he suggested “the best way to settle the Jewish question”was “to spread the Jews thin all over the world.”

At the 1945 Yalta conference, FDR indicated to Stalin that as a concession to the king of Saudi Arabia he would “give him the six million Jews in the United States.”Betrayal: FDR and the Jews

b. "... Roosevelt’s embedded anti-Semitism was not confined to jokes. It was displayed in the refusal of the American government in 1939 to admit the desperate refugees on board theS.S. St. Louis,who were returned to Germany [to their deaths] – or to even fill the quotas that authorized the limited admission of Germans.
It was revealed in American government suppression of information about the mass murder of European Jews.

The White House [read 'Roosevelt'] opposed a resolution to create the War Refugee Board and delayed its establishment for fourteen months.

Orders to bomb railroad tracks leading to the extermination camps were never given, although Nazi facilities merely five miles away were destroyed. And special American missions were launched to rescue art treasures – and performing Lipizzaner horses."
[But not Jews.]
Betrayal: FDR and the Jews

c. " Why did the administration actively seek to discourage and disqualify Jewish refugees from coming to the United States? Why didn't the president quietly tell his State Department (which administered the immigration system) to fill the quotas for Germany and Axis-occupied countries to the legal limit? That alone could have saved 190,000 lives. It would not have required a fight with Congress or the anti-immigration forces; it would have involved minimal political risk to the president." FDR's troubling view of Jews

Interesting questions that an inquiring mind would have no trouble answering when considering Roosevelt's attitude ....

"This attitude dovetails with what is known about FDR's views regarding immigrants in general and Asian immigrants in particular.... He recommended that future immigration should be limited to those who had "blood of the right sort." "
Op. Cit.

Kinda got neo-Jewish Liberals prepared to support a President who is all about throwing Israel under the bus.....
...but, heck......

....as long as he is a Democrat.
Yes, I am aware of FDR's views, and you are so correct you treat all Democrats the same and almost all Semites the same. You must be planning gas chambers for all the Jews who don't support your politics, as well as all the Muslims.
Hey poli. The reason Jews , blacks and basically all
Minorities vote dem is simple . The GOP is the party of racists and that's a deal breaker .
6. Perhaps the explanation for today's neo-Jews can be traced to a time when it looked darkest for Jewish folks....WWII.
The Jews needed powerful friends.....and made the mistake of seeing Franklin Roosevelt in that light.
He wasn't.

a. . "...Roosevelt’s most despicable statements about Jews, extensively documented in a series of on-line commentaries by Rafael Medoff, ...did the depths of Roosevelt’s loathing for Jews, and refusal to lift a finger ... to rescue them, fully penetrate.

As far back as 1920, when FDR was the Democratic party candidate for vice president, he had proposed that “the greater part of the foreign population of the City of New York” should be “distributed to different localities upstate” so as to feel pressure to “conform to the manners and customs and requirements of their new home.”As a member of the Harvard board of directors he supported a Jewish admissions quota.

In 1941 he told his Cabinet that too many Jews were federal employees in Oregon.

One of his grandsons recalled that the protagonists in FDR’s jokes “were always Lower East Side Jews with heavy accents.”

At a wartime White House luncheon with Prime Minister Churchill, he suggested “the best way to settle the Jewish question”was “to spread the Jews thin all over the world.”

At the 1945 Yalta conference, FDR indicated to Stalin that as a concession to the king of Saudi Arabia he would “give him the six million Jews in the United States.”Betrayal: FDR and the Jews

b. "... Roosevelt’s embedded anti-Semitism was not confined to jokes. It was displayed in the refusal of the American government in 1939 to admit the desperate refugees on board theS.S. St. Louis,who were returned to Germany [to their deaths] – or to even fill the quotas that authorized the limited admission of Germans.
It was revealed in American government suppression of information about the mass murder of European Jews.

The White House [read 'Roosevelt'] opposed a resolution to create the War Refugee Board and delayed its establishment for fourteen months.

Orders to bomb railroad tracks leading to the extermination camps were never given, although Nazi facilities merely five miles away were destroyed. And special American missions were launched to rescue art treasures – and performing Lipizzaner horses."
[But not Jews.]
Betrayal: FDR and the Jews

c. " Why did the administration actively seek to discourage and disqualify Jewish refugees from coming to the United States? Why didn't the president quietly tell his State Department (which administered the immigration system) to fill the quotas for Germany and Axis-occupied countries to the legal limit? That alone could have saved 190,000 lives. It would not have required a fight with Congress or the anti-immigration forces; it would have involved minimal political risk to the president." FDR's troubling view of Jews

Interesting questions that an inquiring mind would have no trouble answering when considering Roosevelt's attitude ....

"This attitude dovetails with what is known about FDR's views regarding immigrants in general and Asian immigrants in particular.... He recommended that future immigration should be limited to those who had "blood of the right sort." "
Op. Cit.

Kinda got neo-Jewish Liberals prepared to support a President who is all about throwing Israel under the bus.....
...but, heck......

....as long as he is a Democrat.
Yes, I am aware of FDR's views, and you are so correct you treat all Democrats the same and almost all Semites the same. You must be planning gas chambers for all the Jews who don't support your politics, as well as all the Muslims.

You were doing sooooo well in proving that you actually have some facility in the English language....

....then you went and proved what an imbecile you are by writing this:
"You must be planning gas chambers for all the Jews who don't support your politics, as well as all the Muslims."

One must conclude that you go through brief periods of rational thought, and then default to your usual imbecility.

Best hopes for your speedy recovery.
Hey poli. The reason Jews , blacks and basically all
Minorities vote dem is simple . The GOP is the party of racists and that's a deal breaker .

There are so very many differences between the two of us, that reciting them would require far more time and space than this venue allows.

But....for proof, notice that when I design and construct a thread, it is documented, supported, and proven with numerous examples.

Your slander, alas, "The GOP is the party of racists," includes not a single example, documentation, nor hint of support.
Hence, you are clearly revealed to be both a liar and a fool.

1. Why are there so many who still claim to be Jewish, when they have clearly abandoned the defining principles that would identify them as such?

The question has become front and center as a result of the unexpected....nay, astounding, loss that the Democrat Party was exposed to in the recent election. The Democrat elites are still wandering, looking for direction to lead their sheep out of the political desert.

2. Focus: the choices for DNC leadership.

The foaming at the mouth radicals that have taken control of party, the Bernie Sanders communists, the corrupt Elizabeth Warren wing, the outright Clinton criminals....looked into the abyss....and, in the words of Nietzsche, the abyss looked back.
They wanted Muslim anti-Semite Keith Ellison as party leader.

But....they threw the DNC chair to a less rabid, less of a Jew-hater, in order to avoid the threat from Professor Alan Dershowitz:

"My loyalty to my country and my principles and my heritage exceeds any loyalty to my party."
I will leave the Democrats if Keith Ellison is elected its chairman

3. When the choice is clear and evident: Jewish Democrat Dershowitz decided better to remain a Jew than a Democrat, a neo-Jew.

Those who choose the alternative are former Jews who
a. Endorse socialism over capitalism
b. Never disparage anything associated with blacks or black culture...or any 'authorized' minorities....Muslims or Hispanics.
c. Throw Israel under the bus, ala Obama's efforts.

Be very clear: neo-Jews will accommodate any directive from the Democrats...no matter how abhorrent to their 'country, principles, or their heritage.'

One can only hope that the Dershowitz epiphany will apply to many groups that the Left has managed, until now, to co-opt.
I think you really just need a full body massage with happy ending.
Hey poli. The reason Jews , blacks and basically all
Minorities vote dem is simple . The GOP is the party of racists and that's a deal breaker .

There are so very many differences between the two of us, that reciting them would require far more time and space than this venue allows.

But....for proof, notice that when I design and construct a thread, it is documented, supported, and proven with numerous examples.

Your slander, alas, "The GOP is the party of racists," includes not a single example, documentation, nor hint of support.
Hence, you are clearly revealed to be both a liar and a fool.


Cutting and pasting hack articles written by far right kooks is proof of nothing .

You've never had an independent thought since I've been here . You might as well be a spam bot .
Politics trumps (pardon the pun) religious affiliation primarily on the left because lefties have no basic core values. You can't even call Chuckie Schumer a hypocrite for supporting an anti-semite congressman for DNC chair. He is merely an empty suit.
Politics trumps (pardon the pun) religious affiliation primarily on the left because lefties have no basic core values. You can't even call Chuckie Schumer a hypocrite for supporting an anti-semite congressman for DNC chair. He is merely an empty suit.

Cons have fake "values" that they dump whenever they become inconvenient.

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