EXTRA! EXTRA! Read all about it!: Gas prices drop towards $3/gallon

Seriously you are celebrating $3.50 a gallon?
That is the way it works with gas prices, they jack it up to by 50 cents then back it down 25 cent and everyone is happy.
However, it never drops to where is was beyond that, Call me when it is under $2.00
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Where's faux news and the rest of the right wing propaganda machine to praise the president?

Praise him for what? Four wars, a failed economy, fucking up the Middle East, gutting our military, shitting on vets and the elderly? You take your mouth off his dick and thank him. Not me, stupid.
Thank those speculators.l

Thank you Mr. President.

So you admit that Obama kept the prices high for 5 years, seeing you believe he can lower the costs, but he didn't.... for five years....

SO I guess Obama is in the tank with big oil like Bush was! Thanks Kidrocks for letting us all in on that one.

cult members don't think
they are far too gone from the brainwashing
how do you think Jim Jones could talk 900 people into drinking cyanide laced Kool-Aid ..?

that is what's so scary about these Democrat- Obama cult followers...they vote
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When will these prices drop? If it gets to below $4.00 a gallon I'd be happier.
WOW, after FIVE painful years of it being over $3.50 a gallon, FINALLY

LETS ALL BOW and thank the heavens above

That's what I was thinking. Hardly something to celebrate

Leave it up to Repubs to find gloom on a sunny day

Leave it up to Progressives to give out awards for themselves despite what they got the award for was not actually worth an award...

So you to admit Obama kept prices artificially high for 5 years?
WOW, after FIVE painful years of it being over $3.50 a gallon, FINALLY

LETS ALL BOW and thank the heavens above

That's what I was thinking. Hardly something to celebrate

Leave it up to Repubs to find gloom on a sunny day

what's so damn sunny about it?

you people are some of the shallowest...you post these dumb threads then turn around and dump on people because they aren't basking in what you all think they should

you all should stay out the sun...I think you have heatstroke already...and stay away from Kool-aid
It's already under $3 a gal in some parts of the country. Yay!

Fill 'er up: Gas prices drop towards $3/gallon - NBC News.com

Now's the time to go for a drive.

The average price for a gallon of gasoline in the United States fell 13.78 cents in the last two weeks, as refiners continued to pass on lower crude oil prices, according to the Lundberg survey.

The average price of just over $3.38 per gallon was down about 45 cents from a year ago, based on the Oct. 4 survey of some 2,500 retail stations in the lower 48 states, and the two-week drop of nearly 14 cents a gallon was the largest since November 2012, said survey editor Trilby Lundberg.


"Praise be his Holy Name!!" -- Kidrocks and friends
One of the reasons for cheaper gas--particularly in the middle part of the country--is that the Keystone pipeline has not yet been completed. Right now, all of that Canadian oil is coming down across the border and being refined here in the U.S., providing a "buyer's market" by increasing supply. When the pipeline is completed, though, it will go to the ports in the Gulf and head out for export to other nations. Look for fuel prices in the Midwest to increase substantially when the Keystone project is completed.
One good thing out this is FOOD PRICES should come down a little...at least for a couple weeks

maybe some will be able to afford a STEAK now...

It has damn near bankrupted people just going grocery shopping the last five years

and on top of paying $3.50 for a gallon of gas

so oh hey, thank the Dear Leader for NOTHING but PAIN since his election
links in article at site

The Cold Hard Facts of Obama's Economy
By Chad Stafko

There's an old adage, "Don't let the facts get in the way of a good story."

That could be the battle cry within the Obama administration when it comes to Obama's work on the economy through his five plus years as president. But a close and objective look at the facts shows that the Obama-led and Obama-owned economy tells one and only one story -- FAILURE.

Let's begin on the labor front, where the numbers are atrocious. While the monthly unemployment rate is the headline-grabbing number so many flock to, it is far from the best gauge of labor market strength.

The unemployment rate currently stands at 7.3%. Obama backers will point to the fact... again let's look at the facts, and rightfully say that the unemployment rate has steadily fallen from its peak of 10% in October 2009 and has remained below 8% since August 2012. These are indeed facts, but they mask the underlying and quite troubling data.

Understand that the unemployment rate is a rather simplistic calculation. The numerator is composed of the number of people unemployed and who have looked for work in the past four weeks. That number is then divided by the total number of individuals in the labor force.

Simple math tells us that this figure can decline in a number of ways. The natural inclination for many is to assume that the unemployment percentage is dropping because the numerator, again measured by the total number of unemployed people actively seeking work, is declining due to these folks having found work. Not so, however.

The reason the number has been declining is that the numerator, which is composed of the total labor force in America, continues to fall. In fact, the overall labor force declined by 312,000 in August, which is the most recent data available. That means 312,000 Americans dropped out of the labor force in August. In other words, they gave up looking for a job.

The far more accurate and factual representation of the labor market is the labor force participation rate. It paints a far purer picture. This rate is simply the percent of the population who are either working or actively looking for work. In other words, these individuals are engaged in the labor market.

Here's the cold hard facts in that regard. The labor force participation rate fell to 63.2% in August, its lowest level since 1978. Think about that for a moment and let it sink in. We have the lowest percent of people participating in the labor market in 35 years. Note also that this rate is has continued to decline since the recession supposedly ended in June 2009.

So, here we are five and a half years into the Obama presidency and we have the lowest percent of Americans working since 1978. That is an undeniable fact.

all of it here
Read more: Articles: The Cold Hard Facts of Obama's Economy
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links in article at site

The Cold Hard Facts of Obama's Economy
By Chad Stafko

There's an old adage, "Don't let the facts get in the way of a good story."

That could be the battle cry within the Obama administration when it comes to Obama's work on the economy through his five plus years as president. But a close and objective look at the facts shows that the Obama-led and Obama-owned economy tells one and only one story -- FAILURE.

Let's begin on the labor front, where the numbers are atrocious. While the monthly unemployment rate is the headline-grabbing number so many flock to, it is far from the best gauge of labor market strength.

The unemployment rate currently stands at 7.3%. Obama backers will point to the fact... again let's look at the facts, and rightfully say that the unemployment rate has steadily fallen from its peak of 10% in October 2009 and has remained below 8% since August 2012. These are indeed facts, but they mask the underlying and quite troubling data.

Understand that the unemployment rate is a rather simplistic calculation. The numerator is composed of the number of people unemployed and who have looked for work in the past four weeks. That number is then divided by the total number of individuals in the labor force.

Simple math tells us that this figure can decline in a number of ways. The natural inclination for many is to assume that the unemployment percentage is dropping because the numerator, again measured by the total number of unemployed people actively seeking work, is declining due to these folks having found work. Not so, however.

The reason the number has been declining is that the numerator, which is composed of the total labor force in America, continues to fall. In fact, the overall labor force declined by 312,000 in August, which is the most recent data available. That means 312,000 Americans dropped out of the labor force in August. In other words, they gave up looking for a job.

The far more accurate and factual representation of the labor market is the labor force participation rate. It paints a far purer picture. This rate is simply the percent of the population who are either working or actively looking for work. In other words, these individuals are engaged in the labor market.

Here's the cold hard facts in that regard. The labor force participation rate fell to 63.2% in August, its lowest level since 1978. Think about that for a moment and let it sink in. We have the lowest percent of people participating in the labor market in 35 years. Note also that this rate is has continued to decline since the recession supposedly ended in June 2009.

So, here we are five and a half years into the Obama presidency and we have the lowest percent of Americans working since 1978. That is an undeniable fact.

all of it here
Read more: Articles: The Cold Hard Facts of Obama's Economy
Follow us: [MENTION=20123]American[/MENTION]Thinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

In purely economic terms, and looking at the American middle class, every president has failed (except Clinton) since Ronald Wilson Reagan was elected as president. You can chalk that up the Supply Side Economic Policy he put in place for the aristocrats.

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