EXTRA! EXTRA! Read all about it!: Gas prices drop towards $3/gallon

gas prices always go down in the fall, and up in the spring. Its called supply and demand.

Now if you want them to go down permantly, build keystone, open the eastern gulf to drilling and allow fracking.

you libtards need to get ready for some really big heating bills this winter due to obama's war on coal and oil. But thats OK, you can heat your houses with solar and wind--------idiots.

No. NO.

If Keystone is built, the petroleum coming from Canada will go straight to the Gulf for export. Right now, it stops in the central U.S. and is refined here. So you can safely assume that gasoline prices in the U.S. will increase after the Canadian supplies disappear for domestic use.

wrong, the whole point of keystone is to get the oil to refineries in the US.

BTW, O'Reilly is totally wrong on what drives the price of oil, and so are you.

I have no idea what "O'Reilly" says. I'm under 70. But you are simply ignorant of certain facts, apparently--from Forbes,

The proposed northern extension of the nearly 2,000-mile Keystone XL pipeline would connect Canada’s tar sands to refineries along the Gulf of Mexico, moving almost the equivalent of America’s total import of similar crude from Venezuela. This would seem to be a positive for the U.S.

If most of that oil actually stayed in the U.S.

The Keystone XL is designed to promote exports of Canadian tar sands oil and its refined products to non-U.S. markets, especially China and Latin America. China is now the largest foreign investor in Canada’s tar sands, representing 52 percent of all foreign investment since 2003. Ironically, the XL pipeline may increase gasoline prices for Americans and reduce national energy security – not bolster it, as promoters claim (Public Citizen).

The entire article is at What Is Wrong With The Keystone XL Pipeline? - Forbes
Thank you Mr. President.

I will think him also if you tell me what he did other then run the economy into ruin.

Those are two nice fantasies but both full of shit.

Thank Mr. President? Presidents have nothing to do with the price of gas, up or down.
Economy in ruins? September 2008. Two months before the election.

Save those comic books. They'll be worth something in a thousand years.
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One of the reasons for cheaper gas--particularly in the middle part of the country--is that the Keystone pipeline has not yet been completed. Right now, all of that Canadian oil is coming down across the border and being refined here in the U.S., providing a "buyer's market" by increasing supply. When the pipeline is completed, though, it will go to the ports in the Gulf and head out for export to other nations. Look for fuel prices in the Midwest to increase substantially when the Keystone project is completed.

When the pipeline is completed, though, it will go to the ports in the Gulf and head out for export to other nations.

To which other nations?
EXTRA! EXTRA! Read all about it!: Gas prices drop towards $3/gallon
Pitiful, that $3.00 a gallon gas is something to be excited about these days. I remember when $3.00 would fill your tank.
EXTRA! EXTRA! Read all about it!: Gas prices drop towards $3/gallon
Pitiful, that $3.00 a gallon gas is something to be excited about these days. I remember when $3.00 would fill your tank.

It never makes a valid point to compare a price in today's dollar with one of the past. The only aspect they have in common is the number; what that number represents has completely changed. In real value terms the price of gas hasn't changed much over the years:

So Pogo is celebrating gas prices that at an adjusted level are the same as when we had 10% inflation rates in 1981.

Guess what's going to happen to gas prices once the QE^Infinity Stagflation really kicks in?
So Pogo is celebrating gas prices that at an adjusted level are the same as when we had 10% inflation rates in 1981.

Guess what's going to happen to gas prices once the QE^Infinity Stagflation really kicks in?

Number one, "celebration" is............. where exactly? Fantasize much?

That's enough by itself but...

Number two, the chart goes back to 1918; while 1981 (shades of palindromia) may be a spike, it's still below where it started, ergo within the limited range described;

Number three, the chart as you'll notice is last updated in July, which represents a summer spike, which has long since passed, i.e. that's not where we are now;

Number four, the whole point of the post is that invoking "three dollars" in 1918 money is in no way remotely related to invoking "three dollars" in 2013 money, and that in real value terms the price of gas has not varied much. Big picture.

Don't act stupid. I know better.
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It's equally funny when people blame a POTUS for high prices or credit a POTUS for low prices.

believe it or not, there are bigger forces at work
It never makes a valid point to compare a price in today's dollar with one of the past. The only aspect they have in common is the number; what that number represents has completely changed. In real value terms the price of gas hasn't changed much over the years:
Sheesh! The price of fuel is the main cause of inflation today. Everything costs ten times more, because it costs more to ship everything. The cost of living isn't keeping up with inflation. When the minimum wage was 75 cents an hour, people could afford to live on it. Now the minimum wage is $7-8 dollars and hour, and it doesn't even pay the basic necessities. All the jobs that went to China when Shrub crashed the economy, that only left the Mcjobs that pay minimum wage, so that the middle class is destroyed. And if the cons get their way, they'll destroy the minimum wage so that we'll all be working for 50 cents an hour.
Most of America drives far less than they used to when gas was affordable. We used to go site seeing, and drive places to spend money. Now not many can even afford gas for their commute to work. All this is having a detrimental effect on the economy. America's profit is being funneled to BIG OIL.
well you can't blame the Obamabots I suppose, his approvals keep falling like a rock so they need SOMETHING

what a sad bunch of people

The comment doesn't really make sense but the figure on the right of the cartoon is correct in both cases; the price of gas is an international dynamic and way beyond the reach of an O'bama, a Bush, a Clinton, a Reagan, etc etc etc. To suggest that any POTUS deserves either direct credit or direct blame is naught but ignorant demagoguery.

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