"Extremely Careless"

But you know...with you lefties, NO means YES.

Not sure what that means…I guess Dennis Hastert heard “yes” from the boys he molested….is that where you want to take your thread?
You got it!!! Hastert the statist prog knows No means Yes...as you do.

Good for you Candycane.

No, he was a typical republican.
Yeah all Rs sexually abuse children....so thinks candycane.

Hey buddy, you went there first. I just beat you at your own game.
So you admit to believe all Rs sexually abuse children. Can you support your belief with factual data?
Some of us were counting on the republican party to offer something meaningful, an alternative, but the party has all but insured we will get another Clinton. Trump? I mean really? Sheesh. And then they couldn't even get anything to stick on the email biz. And epic fail with the Benghazi thing. "Two" political parties, "both" of them feckless.

The republican party is no different than the democrat party.
That's why we have Trump.
Not sure what that means…I guess Dennis Hastert heard “yes” from the boys he molested….is that where you want to take your thread?
You got it!!! Hastert the statist prog knows No means Yes...as you do.

Good for you Candycane.

No, he was a typical republican.
Yeah all Rs sexually abuse children....so thinks candycane.

Hey buddy, you went there first. I just beat you at your own game.
So you admit to believe all Rs sexually abuse children. Can you support your belief with factual data?

As soon as you support “no means yes” with some factual data, I’ll be happy to.
See how this works?
Some of us were counting on the republican party to offer something meaningful, an alternative, but the party has all but insured we will get another Clinton. Trump? I mean really? Sheesh. And then they couldn't even get anything to stick on the email biz. And epic fail with the Benghazi thing. "Two" political parties, "both" of them feckless.

The republican party is no different than the democrat party.
That's why we have Trump.

And that is why the Democratic Party is jumping for joy.
Now that's a quality we want in our next POTUS.



Being careless beats 3500 lawsuits, racism and flat out ignorance of the world we live in.
I don't think so, but you being you, there is little chance of you ever seeing the light.

You dont think that being careless with Emails is less severe than having 3500 individual lawsuits brought against you? Or the Racism against Mexicans and Blacks? The Bigotry (that he's taken back) about rounding up 11 million people and killing Muslims families? Worst than someone who thinks Saddam was a hero?

Someone who promises to bring back jobs at the same time he refuses to bring back the jobs he has overseas?

How could careless email usage be worse than all that?
Some of us were counting on the republican party to offer something meaningful, an alternative, but the party has all but insured we will get another Clinton. Trump? I mean really? Sheesh. And then they couldn't even get anything to stick on the email biz. And epic fail with the Benghazi thing. "Two" political parties, "both" of them feckless.

The republican party is no different than the democrat party.
That's why we have Trump.

And that is why the Democratic Party is jumping for joy.

What Comer has singularly determined without the counsel of a committee of a tribunal of judges is that Hillary Clinton is above the law. Hillary has considered herself to be above the law for decades. Comer is judge bowing to the bitch.

The events of the past couple of weeks have been orchestrated by the Clintons, Obama, Loretta and Comey. First, we had to have the "secret meeting' between the prosecutor and the suspect's husband...the titular head of the Democrat Party. Slick Willy advises Loretta that a report is coming soon and it will not include a recommendation to indict the bitch.

When asked to recuse herself, she refused and said she would follow whatever recommendation Comey makes, knowing already that it none would be made.

Comey comes out with a report that enumerates several felony offenses committed by the bitch and then says he can't imagine anyone 'reasonable' person wanting to pursue an indictment. (He made the case for the prosecutor and then said it shouldn't go to court.)

What business is it of the FBI what goes to court and what doesn't? (I'll answer that for you....NONE!) Comey cited a few similar cases and said that none of them set precedent for indictment....so even though the evidence shows that she was extremely careless (grossly negligent) in handling TOP SECRET information, she gets to pass GO and get $200 rather than going straight to jail.

Comey should have presented the facts, then said that it is up to the AG to indict or not.

Again, Hillary gets away with murder!
This is a very dangerous precedent.

The elites have long gotten away with murder, so to speak. But this thing with Comey may be different. If they can clearly break the law and nothing is done, things in this nation are likely to get a lot worse for most Americans. If I am above the law, I can do as I wish.
Obama has clearly ignored the Constitution on several occasions. Eric Holder did the same. The liberals basically that think our Constitution is a living document, to be edited and interpreted according to what we think the language was meant to say...rather than what it actually does say in carefully chosen words.

Obama thinks that the power of Executive Order makes him the King. Hillary will likely be worse.

Obama and Hillary got away with murder in Benghazi when they abandoned OUR AMBASSADOR and some other American citizens for political gain. The election being right around the corner, Obama didn't want any flies in the buttermilk. A terrorist attack did not fit the White House narrative that depicted they JV team contained and on the the run. Surely, we can blame this on the video that pissed off Muslims in Egypt recently.

I will be so happy to get these sleazy bastards out of the White House, the House and the Senate. We need an ethical, common sense government that adheres to the Constitution and the laws of the land....including our current immigration laws.
Now that's a quality we want in our next POTUS.



Being careless beats 3500 lawsuits, racism and flat out ignorance of the world we live in.
I don't think so, but you being you, there is little chance of you ever seeing the light.

You dont think that being careless with Emails is less severe than having 3500 individual lawsuits brought against you? Or the Racism against Mexicans and Blacks? The Bigotry (that he's taken back) about rounding up 11 million people and killing Muslims families? Worst than someone who thinks Saddam was a hero?

Someone who promises to bring back jobs at the same time he refuses to bring back the jobs he has overseas?

How could careless email usage be worse than all that?
Willfully ignoring Hillary's many decades of lies and corruption.
Now that's a quality we want in our next POTUS.



Being careless beats 3500 lawsuits, racism and flat out ignorance of the world we live in.
I don't think so, but you being you, there is little chance of you ever seeing the light.

You dont think that being careless with Emails is less severe than having 3500 individual lawsuits brought against you? Or the Racism against Mexicans and Blacks? The Bigotry (that he's taken back) about rounding up 11 million people and killing Muslims families? Worst than someone who thinks Saddam was a hero?

Someone who promises to bring back jobs at the same time he refuses to bring back the jobs he has overseas?

How could careless email usage be worse than all that?
Willfully ignoring Hillary's many decades of lies and corruption.

Accusations of lies and corruption that none has panned out. 3500 lawsuits is worse than that. It shows a pattern, no?
Now that's a quality we want in our next POTUS.



Being careless beats 3500 lawsuits, racism and flat out ignorance of the world we live in.
I don't think so, but you being you, there is little chance of you ever seeing the light.

You dont think that being careless with Emails is less severe than having 3500 individual lawsuits brought against you? Or the Racism against Mexicans and Blacks? The Bigotry (that he's taken back) about rounding up 11 million people and killing Muslims families? Worst than someone who thinks Saddam was a hero?

Someone who promises to bring back jobs at the same time he refuses to bring back the jobs he has overseas?

How could careless email usage be worse than all that?
Willfully ignoring Hillary's many decades of lies and corruption.

Accusations of lies and corruption that none has panned out. 3500 lawsuits is worse than that. It shows a pattern, no?
Yeah....she is clean as a whistle...so thinks the brainless liberal statist.
Being careless beats 3500 lawsuits, racism and flat out ignorance of the world we live in.
I don't think so, but you being you, there is little chance of you ever seeing the light.

You dont think that being careless with Emails is less severe than having 3500 individual lawsuits brought against you? Or the Racism against Mexicans and Blacks? The Bigotry (that he's taken back) about rounding up 11 million people and killing Muslims families? Worst than someone who thinks Saddam was a hero?

Someone who promises to bring back jobs at the same time he refuses to bring back the jobs he has overseas?

How could careless email usage be worse than all that?
Willfully ignoring Hillary's many decades of lies and corruption.

Accusations of lies and corruption that none has panned out. 3500 lawsuits is worse than that. It shows a pattern, no?
Yeah....she is clean as a whistle...so thinks the brainless liberal statist.

Hey, its your fault if you think that I'm talking about cleanliness or whistles not mine
Now that's a quality we want in our next POTUS.



Being careless beats 3500 lawsuits, racism and flat out ignorance of the world we live in.
I don't think so, but you being you, there is little chance of you ever seeing the light.

You dont think that being careless with Emails is less severe than having 3500 individual lawsuits brought against you? Or the Racism against Mexicans and Blacks? The Bigotry (that he's taken back) about rounding up 11 million people and killing Muslims families? Worst than someone who thinks Saddam was a hero?

Someone who promises to bring back jobs at the same time he refuses to bring back the jobs he has overseas?

How could careless email usage be worse than all that?
Willfully ignoring Hillary's many decades of lies and corruption.

Accusations of lies and corruption that none has panned out. 3500 lawsuits is worse than that. It shows a pattern, no?

EVERYTHING Comey said yesterday contradicted what Hillary has been telling people for a year. LOL does she let you in the house, or are you just the field negro?
Some of us were counting on the republican party to offer something meaningful, an alternative, but the party has all but insured we will get another Clinton. Trump? I mean really? Sheesh. And then they couldn't even get anything to stick on the email biz. And epic fail with the Benghazi thing. "Two" political parties, "both" of them feckless.

the email biz wasn't republican the FBI is under Obama's control.

If that were the case, there wouldn’t have been an investigation at all.

Really, the FBI gets a call about the mishandling of secret information and the only reason they investigate is because the Republicans tell them too. Really. Is that what you really believe? Or is it that if given the chance Obama would ignore signs of impropriety. I believe you are right, if he could ignore her gross negligence he would have because it reflects badly on him.

If the FBI were controlled by Obama to the extent you allege, there would have been no investigation.

And if they were controlled as you imply by Republicans she would be indicted. Truth is the FBI did the best job they could to whitewash the situation and still maintain some sort of respectability. Which isn't much.

And if this were anything new in american politics or if it were not praticed by "both" political parties the two of you might wind up in a more adult conversation.
the email biz wasn't republican the FBI is under Obama's control.

If that were the case, there wouldn’t have been an investigation at all.

Really, the FBI gets a call about the mishandling of secret information and the only reason they investigate is because the Republicans tell them too. Really. Is that what you really believe? Or is it that if given the chance Obama would ignore signs of impropriety. I believe you are right, if he could ignore her gross negligence he would have because it reflects badly on him.

If the FBI were controlled by Obama to the extent you allege, there would have been no investigation.

And if they were controlled as you imply by Republicans she would be indicted. Truth is the FBI did the best job they could to whitewash the situation and still maintain some sort of respectability. Which isn't much.

And if this were anything new in american politics or if it were not praticed by "both" political parties the two of you might wind up in a more adult conversation.

You think it's normal for a politician to break the law and get away with it? Wow, we're in worse shape than I thought.
Being careless beats 3500 lawsuits, racism and flat out ignorance of the world we live in.
I don't think so, but you being you, there is little chance of you ever seeing the light.

You dont think that being careless with Emails is less severe than having 3500 individual lawsuits brought against you? Or the Racism against Mexicans and Blacks? The Bigotry (that he's taken back) about rounding up 11 million people and killing Muslims families? Worst than someone who thinks Saddam was a hero?

Someone who promises to bring back jobs at the same time he refuses to bring back the jobs he has overseas?

How could careless email usage be worse than all that?
Willfully ignoring Hillary's many decades of lies and corruption.

Accusations of lies and corruption that none has panned out. 3500 lawsuits is worse than that. It shows a pattern, no?

EVERYTHING Comey said yesterday contradicted what Hillary has been telling people for a year. LOL does she let you in the house, or are you just the field negro?
Good analogy.

CC is the Clinton's house negro....Candycane is too...and so many more on this forum.
If that were the case, there wouldn’t have been an investigation at all.

Really, the FBI gets a call about the mishandling of secret information and the only reason they investigate is because the Republicans tell them too. Really. Is that what you really believe? Or is it that if given the chance Obama would ignore signs of impropriety. I believe you are right, if he could ignore her gross negligence he would have because it reflects badly on him.

If the FBI were controlled by Obama to the extent you allege, there would have been no investigation.

And if they were controlled as you imply by Republicans she would be indicted. Truth is the FBI did the best job they could to whitewash the situation and still maintain some sort of respectability. Which isn't much.

And if this were anything new in american politics or if it were not praticed by "both" political parties the two of you might wind up in a more adult conversation.

You think it's normal for a politician to break the law and get away with it? Wow, we're in worse shape than I thought.
It is only normal and acceptable for Ds. Rs...well that get prosecuted and condemned.

Nixon did far less than Cankles, but how the times are a changin'.
Really, the FBI gets a call about the mishandling of secret information and the only reason they investigate is because the Republicans tell them too. Really. Is that what you really believe? Or is it that if given the chance Obama would ignore signs of impropriety. I believe you are right, if he could ignore her gross negligence he would have because it reflects badly on him.

If the FBI were controlled by Obama to the extent you allege, there would have been no investigation.

And if they were controlled as you imply by Republicans she would be indicted. Truth is the FBI did the best job they could to whitewash the situation and still maintain some sort of respectability. Which isn't much.

And if this were anything new in american politics or if it were not praticed by "both" political parties the two of you might wind up in a more adult conversation.

You think it's normal for a politician to break the law and get away with it? Wow, we're in worse shape than I thought.
It is only normal and acceptable for Ds. Rs...well that get prosecuted and condemned.

Nixon did far less than Cankles, but how the times are a changin'.

Not really, the wealthy and powerful trod upon everyone else and americans believe they’re better than everyone else.

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