Eye Candy 4

Did any of you every think just how miserable life was in those cold, damp, and uncomfortable places?
I want the tower room. You know...circular one? Tell the maid to not miss the corners. :lol:

Are you sure?

You know, we can always put up another tower, money is no object......

I hate to brag about our wealth...but to give an idea:

There's a great story about Rodgers and Hammerstein in London ...
“They walked through Berkeley Square on their way to lunch in some swank restaurant in Mayfair. They passed this Rolls-Royce dealer and there were two identical white ...Rolls-Royces in the window. A couple of hours later, as they strolled back through the square, they went into the showroom for a better look. They decided to buy the two Rolls. Hammerstein reached into his pocket for his checkbook, but Rodgers said, 'No, no, let me get these. You got lunch."

Yup...that rich.
I want the tower room. You know...circular one? Tell the maid to not miss the corners. :lol:

Sure thing Dumbledore.:smoke:

I need a place with corners. It's easier to hang pictures on flat surfaces.

Well hell. If you are THAT rich...gimme a little cottage in your back 40 as gatekeepers and as extra eyeballs to protect your castle from invaders. Just make sure you add a tower room..with no stairs. ;)
I want the tower room. You know...circular one? Tell the maid to not miss the corners. :lol:

Sure thing Dumbledore.:smoke:

I need a place with corners. It's easier to hang pictures on flat surfaces.


Curved TV

In order for those to be effective they have to be really big and you have to be sitting in the right place to get the full effect.

Curved TVs 6 Reasons You Should Buy One--And 6 More Why You Shouldn t - Forbes
Well hell. If you are THAT rich...gimme a little cottage in your back 40 as gatekeepers and as extra eyeballs to protect your castle from invaders. Just make sure you add a tower room..with no stairs. ;)

Papers being drawn up as we speak.
Holler when its ready. Hubby, 2 dogs and myself will arrive promptly to our new abode. :)

Actually, one lady I met online was going really do that. Set us up in a small A frame house..just a small one bedroom with a great pot belly stove and small kitchen, etc...on her property cuz they travel a lot. Unfortunately, they decided to sell the property and move to another state. Then they were gonna send for us to watch THAT property, but by the time all this was done, they didn't need watchers any more. I said we were ready whenever they were...still are. But it ain't gonna happen I think. Pretty sure they are gonna sell that one too and move permanently to Hawaii. Great for them, bummer for us, lol.

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