Eyewitness: Michael brown ran from cop car, 'doubled back' and charged at officers

Johnson also saw all the events, states them much differently; the guy you are quote sounds like he hits the Buttpimple candy & wants to be on talk radio for his 15 minutes:

".....cause he was like over the truck...."

Brietbart, now there is a reliable source:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: I'll wait for actual evidence.

Johnson was an accomplice in the robbery. He can still be charged with Brown's murder.
Absolutely. However, what I can't figure out is why Dorian Johnson is not in custody??? He was clearly seen on video as an accomplice to the robbery. Unless robbing a convenience store is somehow legal in Ferguson Missouri...:eusa_eh:

With the way the people there have reacted, and the way Liberal idiots like the ones on this board are trying to spin this story. I assume they think arresting him, even though he clearly broke the law, would inflame tensions.

Sad but true. This pattern will continue. The media will continue to try and turn thugs who the cops shoot into Saints who did nothing wrong. Somethings never change.
We're now on the 3rd autopsy for Brown. What do they keep finding that warrants repeating autopsies?

I'm going to bet Brown was high on bath salts or some other substance, which would explain a lot of his irrational behavior. Threatening a cop, bumrushing a cop, fighting a cop for his weapon.

Too bad that the cops didn't check out Johnson for drug or alcohol content.

Toxicology tests can take up to two-four weeks, when was the third autopsy? If Johnson, AND the officer were not tested........more incompetence:

The Ferguson police officer who shot Michael Brown didn't stop him because he was suspected in a convenience-store robbery, but because he was "walking down the middle of the street blocking traffic," the city's police chief said Friday.
Police on Friday said that Darren Wilson, the officer who shot and killed Michael Brown last weekend, confronted Brown after the teenager was identified as the main suspect in a convenience store robbery that occurred Saturday morning.

The two versions within hours of each other.
The far left assholes always take the word of the perp, particularly if they are black. Every time.

Hey.....anybody else catch this race bating attorney general calling for a second autopsy? What a racist a-hole that guy is. If this were black on white crime, he wouldn't have even been briefed!! Guy is a criminal.
Brown turned around, did not "charge", and walked toward the officer with his hands in the air.
I find it kind of sad how so many people take the word of a friend and a follow theft over someone that didn't have anything to gain from it.
I see no gun shots in the back.

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Matthew, you weren't there.

But if you are right, as are the eye witnesses, he was shot in the face and chest with his hands up.
Brown turned around, did not "charge", and walked toward the officer with his hands in the air.

His weight made the charge slower of course, whether he ran or walked is unknown; the eyewitness statements contradict the other, and the FPD, AND the officer. But the daily release of more incendiary information assures more unrest, so Chief Jackson can claim, "it wasn't my fault".

Eyewitness testimony is sometimes unreliable, as humans have differing perspectives and mindsets, also view events from different angles.

Also, Ferguson PD received FEDERAL money for dash cams, NEVER PURCHASED. The Department has much to hide.
I don't believe Johnson was charged because he didn't actually do anything. In fact, Brown handed him a box and he placed it back on the counter.
We're now on the 3rd autopsy for Brown. What do they keep finding that warrants repeating autopsies?

I'm going to bet Brown was high on bath salts or some other substance, which would explain a lot of his irrational behavior. Threatening a cop, bumrushing a cop, fighting a cop for his weapon.

Too bad that the cops didn't check out Johnson for drug or alcohol content.

The federal authorities, most likely got involved because the Ferguson Police autopsy results differ from the autopsy of that done by the physician chosen by the family. Ferguson PD statements have been contradictory......the third autopsy may settle the issue. Ferguson PD has other legal problems, Federal money was received, and not spent on the specific purchases allowed.*

*Were this the city of Chicago, the anti-Constitution crowd would be screaming for arrests because of this 'mistake', but Ferguson PD will get a pass if they bomb the town.
We're now on the 3rd autopsy for Brown. What do they keep finding that warrants repeating autopsies?

I'm going to bet Brown was high on bath salts or some other substance, which would explain a lot of his irrational behavior. Threatening a cop, bumrushing a cop, fighting a cop for his weapon.

Too bad that the cops didn't check out Johnson for drug or alcohol content.

The federal authorities, most likely got involved because the Ferguson Police autopsy results differ from the autopsy of that done by the physician chosen by the family. Ferguson PD statements have been contradictory......the third autopsy may settle the issue. Ferguson PD has other legal problems, Federal money was received, and not spent on the specific purchases allowed.*

*Were this the city of Chicago, the anti-Constitution crowd would be screaming for arrests because of this 'mistake', but Ferguson PD will get a pass if they bomb the town.

Hey, I'm still awaiting your response to the question I asked you in another thread. You argued that the cop should have run back to his squad car when Brown charged him. Is that your position, that cops have a duty to retreat when fleeing felons start running towards them?
Johnson also saw all the events, states them much differently; the guy you are quote sounds like he hits the Buttpimple candy & wants to be on talk radio for his 15 minutes:

".....cause he was like over the truck...."

Brietbart, now there is a reliable source:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: I'll wait for actual evidence.
Swell. Let's take the word of a petty criminal who had just robbed the convenience store along with Brown minutes earlier....lol. He is not credible, and any eyewitness account he provides will not have much value, if any at all.

As I wrote, his statements are not credible EITHER. This guy acts like there were two police officers, and FPD states the second officer didn't arrive until Brown was down. Also, this "conversation" occurred after the fact, and contradicts the officer involved. Brietbart isn't known for reliability.

Wtf is it with you people & "credible sources"?

Breitbart didn't interview this guy. They didn't influence his statement. They had NOTHING to do with it beyond publicizing it.

Jesus people, get a grip
We're now on the 3rd autopsy for Brown. What do they keep finding that warrants repeating autopsies?

I'm going to bet Brown was high on bath salts or some other substance, which would explain a lot of his irrational behavior. Threatening a cop, bumrushing a cop, fighting a cop for his weapon.

Too bad that the cops didn't check out Johnson for drug or alcohol content.

The federal authorities, most likely got involved because the Ferguson Police autopsy results differ from the autopsy of that done by the physician chosen by the family. Ferguson PD statements have been contradictory......the third autopsy may settle the issue. Ferguson PD has other legal problems, Federal money was received, and not spent on the specific purchases allowed.*

*Were this the city of Chicago, the anti-Constitution crowd would be screaming for arrests because of this 'mistake', but Ferguson PD will get a pass if they bomb the town.

Hey, I'm still awaiting your response to the question I asked you in another thread. You argued that the cop should have run back to his squad car when Brown charged him. Is that your position, that cops have a duty to retreat when fleeing felons start running towards them?

That is not what she said. If Brown was moving away from the officer, the officer was not authorized to shoot him. If Brown had turned around and approached the officer with his hands up, the officer was not authorized to shoot him.

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