F the national political divorce….why not just return to full segregation?

Most sane logical people in touch with reality admit the great experiment has failed miserably, we have become an extremely divided nation with little in common, with no real direction or identity. It’s almost starting to seem like the natural progression from here is total segregation…..doesn’t it?

Imagine a nation split up into likeminded factions or groups….wouldn’t we be less hostile toward one another, wouldn’t our quality of life improve? Sounds far-fetched, but is it really?
China will ferociously, profusely and unconditionally support such a "brilliant" thought or move. So will any other country that has it's issues with the USA. Way to go man :thup:
China will ferociously, profusely and unconditionally support such a "brilliant" thought or move. So will any other country that has it's issues with the USA. Way to go man :thup:
China already knows that 50 million illegal Mexicans and millions more of their spawn have infiltrated America….they know America was exceptional because Mexico wasn’t breeding on this soil. We’ve been compromised and it’s no secret…..WE’RE FUCKED!

China will ferociously, profusely and unconditionally support such a "brilliant" thought or move. So will any other country that has it's issues with the USA. Way to go man :thup:

As the left keeps drifting further and further left, it became that way anyhow. The only change would be a physical separation.
I'm curious as to why so many schools need so many funds. Schools have had millions and millions in funds, and yet students can hardly read or write. What happened to simply teaching kids like they did in that old, red schoolhouse. No televisions. No high-tech gadgets. Just some books; a good teacher; and well-behaved students.

How would pumping millions or billions into the school system make kids learn any better?

My primary education was in a private catholic school. We had one classroom per group of students. No changing classes. We didn't have a lunch room or a place to buy any food. You brown bagged it every single day and ate at your desk. From time to time we had pizza day, and the only students that got pizza were those that paid for it up front. They did sell milk and potato chips if you had the money. Because of no refrigeration, the milk had to be brought in by truck every day and students offered their services to deliver the crates to each classroom.

At the beginning or end of the school year when it got a little warm outside, the teachers would open up some windows for fresh air. If it got really hot, we were allowed to take our tie off. The school was funded by parishioners from collections during mass. Once in a while we had rummage day where the parents would buy various items donated by other parents. My favorite was the bake sales held twice a year. Our mothers would make delicious treats at home, bring them in and sell them to us kids. Of course all proceeds went to fund the school.

No school busses so if you didn't walk or get a ride from your parents, you didn't get to school. After that I had to go to a public school. I was amazed how far behind they were compared to the education we got from nuns that had no college certification to teach. Yet we learned way more from them and somehow found a way to survive.
they have the same crime rate as whites with the same poverty....

My father grew up in poverty. His sisters married men that were able to support them and a family. He and his brothers all joined the military and fought in either the Korean war or WWII. When they got out they learned a trade (most of them construction).

We're not talking poverty as in no big screen or government phone. They had no indoor heat, electricity or plumbing. If you were ill or had to shit in the middle of the night in winter, dress warm, tromp through the snow and get to the outhouse in the backyard. They were on welfare, but welfare back then meant a few of the kids pulling their red wagon to the fire station five miles down the road. There the firemen would fill the wagon with fruits and vegetables. As you could imagine growing up hungry, they ate the good stuff on the way back to the house which was the size of a three car garage. My father jokes and says the only reason he joined the military was to see what it was like having three square meals a day.

In spite of all that, my father nor his five siblings ever spent a day in jail yet alone prison. Is it any wonder how people from other countries that come to the states laugh at what we consider poverty?
Let's use Los Angeles as an example. The climate around the city is the same on the white side of town and the black side of town. The stores in the area offer the same foods to residents regardless of race. Yet the homes and yards on the white side of town are well groomed, painted, and swept. The homes and yards on the black side of town are generally very trashy, in a state of decay, and there's trash and graffiti everywhere. This scenario is true all across America, no matter what city you visit.

Blacks make up less than 15% of America's population yet commit more than 50% of the violent crimes. Stop telling everyone that "we're all the same" when we all know that's not true.

Absolutely. Cleveland is divided by the east side and west side. East was predominately black, and west predominately white and Hispanic. Most all violent crime reported was the east side. The west side was quiet until the blacks started to move there instead. Thanks to that, the entire city is now one dangerous place.
As the left keeps drifting further and further left, it became that way anyhow. The only change would be a physical separation.
You mean to say, that the conservatives or common folks with common sense and morals are not able to come up with a political lead-figure to unite them in their struggle against those lefties?
Absolutely. Cleveland is divided by the east side and west side. East was predominately black, and west predominately white and Hispanic. Most all violent crime reported was the east side. The west side was quiet until the blacks started to move there instead. Thanks to that, the entire city is now one dangerous place.
And that same story is told in St. Louis, Kansas City, Portland, Phoenix, New Orleans, Jacksonville, etc. etc. etc. East coast, west coast, north, and south. It's always the same old story. People like to excuse that violent behavior on "poverty" but I've lived in poverty-stricken, white neighborhoods where crime was almost unheard of.
You mean to say, that the conservatives or common folks with common sense and morals are not able to come up with a political lead-figure to unite them in their struggle against those lefties?

It's tough to compete against Santa Clause. Surveys show that more and more, younger people favor Socialism (which is the last step to Communism) over Capitalism. Our country is slipping away, and if we don't divide this country to try and salvage half of it, we stand to lose the entire thing, especially now with these virtual open borders.

As Mike Roe put it, there is a reason we have over 7 million American men of working age not working. Is it any wonder why we have the largest labor shortage in our history?

It's tough to compete against Santa Clause. Surveys show that more and more, younger people favor Socialism (which is the last step to Communism) over Capitalism. Our country is slipping away, and if we don't divide this country to try and salvage half of it, we stand to lose the entire thing, especially now with these virtual open borders.

As Mike Roe put it, there is a reason we have over 7 million American men of working age not working. Is it any wonder why we have the largest labor shortage in our history?

No doubt it ain't easy, but you need to put up a struggle, and push for it, segregation won't come, since IMO it isn't a feasible concept.
No doubt it ain't easy, but you need to put up a struggle, and push for it, segregation won't come, since IMO it isn't a feasible concept.

Oh, it would be the salvation to many of our problems, but you are correct, we won't be able to energize enough people to do it. They will just sadly adopt to Communism like they are now. They will only know real America from history books if Big Brother allows them to have history books in the future.

But I can't take credit for my idea alone. I call it Mom's law. When we were very young children and I fought with my siblings, my mothers last resort to stop the fighting was to separate us into different rooms. Of course as a child, it's no fun playing alone, and we found a way to play together in peace. That's what needs to happen to save our country.

Once separated and Democrats have everything they want, their country would fail in just a couple of years. Their taxes on businesses would be so high they'd move out of their country to ours. With no guns and virtually no police, their entire country would be worse than Chicago, Detroit or even like my city of Cleveland. With most people on welfare, their government could never support them, especially with open arms to any foreigner. For the people that continue to work, no chance at ever gaining any kind of wealth; government will take most of their money they worked for. Their country would totally collapse.

There is a reason residents and businesses are leaving commie states and moving to Republican states in record numbers. So the only way to unite the country is when they beg us to be one again, but they'd have to submit to our way of doing things.
Oh, it would be the salvation to many of our problems, but you are correct, we won't be able to energize enough people to do it. They will just sadly adopt to Communism like they are now. They will only know real America from history books if Big Brother allows them to have history books in the future.

But I can't take credit for my idea alone. I call it Mom's law. When we were very young children and I fought with my siblings, my mothers last resort to stop the fighting was to separate us into different rooms. Of course as a child, it's no fun playing alone, and we found a way to play together in peace. That's what needs to happen to save our country.

Once separated and Democrats have everything they want, their country would fail in just a couple of years. Their taxes on businesses would be so high they'd move out of their country to ours. With no guns and virtually no police, their entire country would be worse than Chicago, Detroit or even like my city of Cleveland. With most people on welfare, their government could never support them, especially with open arms to any foreigner. For the people that continue to work, no chance at ever gaining any kind of wealth; government will take most of their money they worked for. Their country would totally collapse.

There is a reason residents and businesses are leaving commie states and moving to Republican states in record numbers. So the only way to unite the country is when they beg us to be one again, but they'd have to submit to our way of doing things
Yes - people who want to stay "normal" or their kids to be raised in a normal fashion - will head to red states - if they can.

What you seem to forget - if I may say so, is that those libs/greens - started off around 45 years ago - with less then a hundred people (being laughed at and ridiculed)
It's their tenacious character that made them continue and succeed - via infiltrating mostly kids and teens with their ideology. Thus radically increasing their voter-pool in the next two generations - those libs-greens, didn't suddenly emerge overnight or in the past 10 years.

As such - conservatives or common sense folks - need to come up with the same tenaciousness - and yes it will or might take a generation or two as well. The advantage IMO, is that those libs/greens are already dismantling themselves (due to their ideology) - so it shouldn't take 2 generations for people like us.
Yes - people who want to stay "normal" or their kids to be raised in a normal fashion - will head to red states - if they can.

What you seem to forget - if I may say so, is that those libs/greens - started off around 45 years ago - with less then a hundred people (being laughed at and ridiculed)
It's their tenacious character that made them continue and succeed - via infiltrating mostly kids and teens with their ideology. Thus radically increasing their voter-pool in the next two generations - those libs-greens, didn't suddenly emerge overnight or in the past 10 years.

As such - conservatives or common sense folks - need to come up with the same tenaciousness - and yes it will or might take a generation or two as well. The advantage IMO, is that those libs/greens are already dismantling themselves (due to their ideology) - so it shouldn't take 2 generations for people like us.

And if it doesn't? It will be too late. Trends seldom reverse.

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