F the national political divorce….why not just return to full segregation?

If you opt for resignation - due to things in life being not easy - well that would be your choice mate, I can't tell you what to do, right?

It has nothing to do with not being easy, it has to do with finding a reasonable solution to a problem. Save half this country now or lose the entire thing later. It's really our only two choices at this point.
It has nothing to do with not being easy, it has to do with finding a reasonable solution to a problem. Save half this country now or lose the entire thing later. It's really our only two choices at this point.
And segregation IMO isn't a viable solution - it will be a repeat of 1865 with Yankees aka liberals and $$ boys - occupying opposing states, and as such making it even easier for them to impose their will and ideas.
It's tough to compete against Santa Clause. Surveys show that more and more, younger people favor Socialism (which is the last step to Communism) over Capitalism. Our country is slipping away, and if we don't divide this country to try and salvage half of it, we stand to lose the entire thing, especially now with these virtual open borders.

As Mike Roe put it, there is a reason we have over 7 million American men of working age not working. Is it any wonder why we have the largest labor shortage in our history?

bs. communism is a dictatorship and has never been put in without a violent revolution, they will never be elected. socialists are always democratic and are for fair capitalism with a good safety net, ask any socialist or socialist party in any democracy ever.
China already knows that 50 million illegal Mexicans and millions more of their spawn have infiltrated America….they know America was exceptional because Mexico wasn’t breeding on this soil. We’ve been compromised and it’s no secret…..WE’RE FUCKED!

these aren't Mexicans, they are Cubans, Venezuelans, and Nicaraguans and 80% get asylum, a total GOP led sanction fuck-up....Great Job!!!
bs. communism is a dictatorship and has never been put in without a violent revolution, they will never be elected.

They are being elected now and have been the past 15 years or so. The Communists said many years ago, they would take over the United States, but do so without one bullet being fired. They will takeover from within, and that's what we are experiencing today.
God was the original segregationist. he put our fellow black man in Africa, didn't he? i demand an answer!
How much friggin education do you need to learn how to grow potatoes?
Dead-Letter Office

If the Irish had encouraged their smartest students to study Botany, they might have anticipated the potato famine and discovered how to cure it. They didn't, so half of those who couldn't get out of there starved to death.

Likewise, if Stephen Hawking had stopped being a Trekkie escapist astrogeek and switched to bioscience, he might have cured his own Lou Gehrig's disease.
My father grew up in poverty. His sisters married men that were able to support them and a family. He and his brothers all joined the military and fought in either the Korean war or WWII. When they got out they learned a trade (most of them construction).

We're not talking poverty as in no big screen or government phone. They had no indoor heat, electricity or plumbing. If you were ill or had to shit in the middle of the night in winter, dress warm, tromp through the snow and get to the outhouse in the backyard. They were on welfare, but welfare back then meant a few of the kids pulling their red wagon to the fire station five miles down the road. There the firemen would fill the wagon with fruits and vegetables. As you could imagine growing up hungry, they ate the good stuff on the way back to the house which was the size of a three car garage. My father jokes and says the only reason he joined the military was to see what it was like having three square meals a day.

In spite of all that, my father nor his five siblings ever spent a day in jail yet alone prison. Is it any wonder how people from other countries that come to the states laugh at what we consider poverty?
Put Your Money on the Horse With the Best Genes. Longshots Will Never Win This Race.

Those values only work with White people. Conservatives must quit pushing the lie that the Aframs would succeed if they only followed Conservative directions instead of the corrupting Liberal permissiveness. So Civil Rights for the Uncivilizable only drags America down into a hopeless pit. We have no obligation to waste time on people who will sink into anarchy no matter which policy the government takes.
Most sane logical people in touch with reality admit the great experiment has failed miserably, we have become an extremely divided nation with little in common, with no real direction or identity. It’s almost starting to seem like the natural progression from here is total segregation…..doesn’t it?

Imagine a nation split up into likeminded factions or groups….wouldn’t we be less hostile toward one another, wouldn’t our quality of life improve? Sounds far-fetched, but is it reall
I would like to see the Trump lemmings segregated from normal, patriotic Americans.
They are being elected now and have been the past 15 years or so. The Communists said many years ago, they would take over the United States, but do so without one bullet being fired. They will takeover from within, and that's what we are experiencing today.
you are absolutely out of your cotton picking Etcetera Etcetera.... The only people in America who are interested in a dictatorship are right wing fools like you who want trump or whoever GOP to declare martial law after one of your ridiculous conspiracy theories like the election steal or the vaccine hoax. absolute garbage which you alone in the world believe.
Put Your Money on the Horse With the Best Genes. Longshots Will Never Win This Race.

Those values only work with White people. Conservatives must quit pushing the lie that the Aframs would succeed if they only followed Conservative directions instead of the corrupting Liberal permissiveness. So Civil Rights for the Uncivilizable only drags America down into a hopeless pit. We have no obligation to waste time on people who will sink into anarchy no matter which policy the government takes.

We all have the same chance at life, it's just that some have to work a little harder for it than others.

We all had access to primary education. We all had the ability to get a job, go to college or trade school. We all had the option to be lawless or outstanding citizens. We all had the option to have children or not. We all had the option to work for ourselves or somebody else. So where is this disadvantage of minorities?

I think I speak for a lot of Americans when I say if I had the chance to do it all over again, I would with changes. But we can't change the past no matter how much money we have. All we can change is the present and future.

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