F the national political divorce….why not just return to full segregation?

the US Communist Party is as good as Dead LOL- ohh period of course they are for many of the same things like health care day care paid parental leave cheap college and training but Communism believes in a government that owns all business and industry, and of course that is not very popular. they need a dictatorship and secret police to survive at all. Just like the Nazis who have many of those same things but again a dictatorship. Their economy was based on a Ponzi scheme with a lot of money from confiscated jews and other opponents and they needed a war of conquest to pay off the debt... of course socialism is incredibly popular when you know what it is, which Americans and Brits basically don't.

The USCP supports socialism because it's the last step before Communism. Communism is not one set or rules, just like there are several levels of liberalism and several levels of conservatism. So yes, there are also several levels of Communism. The most extreme which is owning all business. The level before that is heavy government control over business like the Democrat party wants. See Biden's attempt at forcing industry to make sure all employees are vaxed or they lose their job. It's why the Supreme Court shot it down.
You said the GOP, now prove your statement or STFU.
When the GOP cuts taxes in Washington, state and Local tend to raise their taxes, which hit the regular folks twice as bad as the rich. I also love GOP law and order which translates into small towns paying 30% of their overhead by arresting regular people for driving.... and destroying small town social life. great job! now rural people spend all their time at home watching Fox News and youtube and obsessing about imaginary conspiracies like election fraud and vaccine hoaxing...
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The USCP supports socialism because it's the last step before Communism. Communism is not one set or rules, just like there are several levels of liberalism and several levels of conservatism. So yes, there are also several levels of Communism. The most extreme which is owning all business. The level before that is heavy government control over business like the Democrat party wants. See Biden's attempt at forcing industry to make sure all employees are vaxed or they lose their job. It's why the Supreme Court shot it down.
I could not give a smaller **** about the American Communist Party. You're certainly a brainwashed functional moron. There are no communists in America for crying out loud LOL. if it's not a dictatorship with all that that brings, it is socialism. Socialists are not for communism or Nazism for Christ's sake. democrats are socialists end of story, they just don't know it, And of course it is electoral disaster to say so with all you morons And misinformation... Industry is not a bunch of brainwashed GOP base voters, they know that scientists like Fauci are not lying. Thanks for keeping the pandemic going with your idiocy.
it's not socialism. It is a Nazi lie. France Germany Italy Spain Sweden every country that speaks a foreign language really has had socialist parties and communist parties at the same time, and the difference is democracy. the socialist always won, now they have socialism, And the communists disappeared with the Soviet Union aid.

in English speaking countries, the conflation between communism and socialism and now Nazism with you idiots has been so strong nobody knows the difference. it's pathetic. but England The UK Canada australia and New Zealand all have socialism now even if they don't call it that. Labor party or Green or Liberal because the term socialism has been totally perverted.

The UK has been the leading savage capitalist propagandist (Napoleon was actually taller than average And he said that britain was a nation of capitalist swine, not shopkeepers!) for 300 years LOL. We should go back to Jefferson and listen to the French again more than we do that's for sure. Britain has socialism but on the cheap. the Conservatives there are the worst party in the modern world except for the GOP.
Pre War & War Time Germany had “ Firm Grip “ Socialism .
You said the GOP, now prove your statement or STFU.

Pre War & War Time Germany had “ Firm Grip “ Socialism .
germany was Socialist Weimar Republic before the GOP wrecked the world economy and gave us chaos and RW militarism like the Nazis in Germany and the militarists in Japan. great job! the Socialists were the first people the Nazis stuck in concentration camps
I know right? They should just believe everything that the dems tell them, right?
they should believe what every respected journalist in the world says which is in agreement with the Democrats. Only you have a propaganda machine and it is a beauty, the worst one we've ever had And the worst one in the world since the Nazi's and Communists...
I could not give a smaller **** about the American Communist Party. You're certainly a brainwashed functional moron. There are no communists in America for crying out loud LOL. if it's not a dictatorship with all that that brings, it is socialism. Socialists are not for communism or Nazism for Christ's sake. democrats are socialists end of story, they just don't know it, And of course it is electoral disaster to say so with all you morons And misinformation... Industry is not a bunch of brainwashed GOP base voters, they know that scientists like Fauci are not lying. Thanks for keeping the pandemic going with your idiocy.

I see, so according to you, the USCP doesn't even know they are not Communist, but you do.

This is the problem with you commies, you present hard evidence of something and if you refuse to believe it, it's just not so. You're like that frog in a pot of cold water on the top of the stove happily swimming around thinking how great life is without thinking down the road.

As far as covid goes, statistics show that it's blacks (who vote mostly Democrat) were the people most resistant to taking the covid shot. Furthermore more people died of covid under Dementia with three Trump vaccines than under Trump with no vaccines when things were at their worst. He mandated our military take the shot which depleted all our armed forces, and career solders quit the service. Between that and turning our military into a social club teaching CRT and allowing weirdos in dresses to join, are all hurting because their recruitment rates are so low.

Thanks Democrats.
When the GOP cuts taxes in Washington, state and Local tend to raise their taxes, which hit the regular folks twice as bad as the rich. I also love GOP law and order which translates into small towns paying 30% of their overhead by arresting regular people for driving.... and destroying small town social life. great job! now rural people spend all their time at home watching Fox News and youtube and obsessing about imaginary conspiracies like election fraud and vaccine hoaxing...

So you're going to add to your lies to cover up your original one? So once again, you admit you lied. The working poor are not paying anymore taxes than they were 20 years ago. If anything thanks to Trump, they are paying less. Tax increases have nothing to do with what the wealthy pay. Another line of bullshit with your wealth envy.

What I don't understand is why you people just don't move out of our country already. You talk about how wonderful socialism is but refuse to go to one of these utopias you speak of. You keep your fat welfare ass right here in the US.
germany was Socialist Weimar Republic before the GOP wrecked the world economy and gave us chaos and RW militarism like the Nazis in Germany and the militarists in Japan. great job! the Socialists were the first people the Nazis stuck in concentration camps
The Communists were the ones that were targeted
So you're going to add to your lies to cover up your original one? So once again, you admit you lied. The working poor are not paying anymore taxes than they were 20 years ago. If anything thanks to Trump, they are paying less. Tax increases have nothing to do with what the wealthy pay. Another line of bullshit with your wealth envy.

What I don't understand is why you people just don't move out of our country already. You talk about how wonderful socialism is but refuse to go to one of these utopias you speak of. You keep your fat welfare ass right here in the US.
socialism is also only health care for all cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations ID card to end illegal immigration money, paid parental leave and day care help. Now you tell me what the hell is so revolutionary about that. Every other country already has it. we're not going anywhere brainwashed Functional moron. we're Americans, better ones than you doops....
So you're going to add to your lies to cover up your original one? So once again, you admit you lied. The working poor are not paying anymore taxes than they were 20 years ago. If anything thanks to Trump, they are paying less. Tax increases have nothing to do with what the wealthy pay. Another line of bullshit with your wealth envy.

What I don't understand is why you people just don't move out of our country already. You talk about how wonderful socialism is but refuse to go to one of these utopias you speak of. You keep your fat welfare ass right here in the US.
we've been paying Reagan tax rates for 40 years, ignoramus... it takes that long for the country and our people to to really fall apart. Great job!
we've been paying Reagan tax rates for 40 years, ignoramus... it takes that long for the country and our people to to really fall apart. Great job!

You must be a complete moron or live in your mothers basement. Tax rates change on leadership of the government. Show me that tax rates have been steady since Reagan you lying leftist.

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