F the national political divorce….why not just return to full segregation?

socialism is also only health care for all cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations ID card to end illegal immigration money, paid parental leave and day care help. Now you tell me what the hell is so revolutionary about that. Every other country already has it. we're not going anywhere brainwashed Functional moron. we're Americans, better ones than you doops....

If you are a socialist you are not an American. You (like all Democrats) are ant-Americans. Read some history. Our founders didn't want a federal government as a charity. They wanted our federal government to govern, not be there to change your first diaper or put the first shovel of dirt on your grave. If you don't like Capitalism, move to a socialist/ Communist country.

In our country if you want healthcare, you buy it. If you want college, fund it yourself. If you want daycare, pay for your own daycare. Quit demanding your neighbors pay for these things you want.

You are correct on one thing though: every other country does things differently. That's why everybody wants to sneak into our country instead of theirs. We in the United States are unique. We like it this way, so you move.
If you are a socialist you are not an American. You (like all Democrats) are ant-Americans. Read some history. Our founders didn't want a federal government as a charity. They wanted our federal government to govern, not be there to change your first diaper or put the first shovel of dirt on your grave. If you don't like Capitalism, move to a socialist/ Communist country.

In our country if you want healthcare, you buy it. If you want college, fund it yourself. If you want daycare, pay for your own daycare. Quit demanding your neighbors pay for these things you want.

You are correct on one thing though: every other country does things differently. That's why everybody wants to sneak into our country instead of theirs. We in the United States are unique. We like it this way, so you move.
Every country in Europe has the same problem, ignoramus. here of course there is no ID card and no way to stop illegals from working... You think socialism is communism and you are a total waste of time. try changing the channel and getting some actual facts and real Americanism instead of racist hate.... And voting against your own interests. you are unbelievable and yet typical of the BFM GOP Base. democrats are all socialists, they want fair capitalism with a good safety net and always democracy. as opposed to you racist fascist anti-american cretins...
so educated people are the campus commie scum now? Keep up the good work- there are still enough people residing in reality to make 2024 a landslide just because of the incredible Frightening tripe you people parrot...
Droids With Degrees

Today's fake education produces robots from its assembly line. Minds are twisted and sculpted into the politically correct shape and shipped out to their proper cogs in the rulers' planned economy.
Every country in Europe has the same problem, ignoramus. here of course there is no ID card and no way to stop illegals from working... You think socialism is communism and you are a total waste of time. try changing the channel and getting some actual facts and real Americanism instead of racist hate.... And voting against your own interests. you are unbelievable and yet typical of the BFM GOP Base. democrats are all socialists, they want fair capitalism with a good safety net and always democracy. as opposed to you racist fascist anti-american cretins...

There are ways to stop illegals from working. First, stop Communist states from issuing them drivers licenses. Secondly, make it a first degree felony for the Mayor or any other government official that warns illegals of ICE workplace raids. Minimum prison time 10 years for any official that does. Of course that wouldn't apply now since Dementia stopped all ICE workplace raids anyhow. But when we get a real President again, that's what we should be doing.
they should believe what every respected journalist in the world says which is in agreement with the Democrats. Only you have a propaganda machine and it is a beauty, the worst one we've ever had And the worst one in the world since the Nazi's and Communists...

So how do we eliminate opposing voices? What’s the strategy to getting rid of all right wing media? How can we do this so that the only voice left in the country is left leaning?

Doing this could bring about the leftist utopia that has been desired for so long!
We all have the same chance at life, it's just that some have to work a little harder for it than others.

We all had access to primary education. We all had the ability to get a job, go to college or trade school. We all had the option to be lawless or outstanding citizens. We all had the option to have children or not. We all had the option to work for ourselves or somebody else. So where is this disadvantage of minorities?

I think I speak for a lot of Americans when I say if I had the chance to do it all over again, I would with changes. But we can't change the past no matter how much money we have. All we can change is the present and future.
Birth-Class Supremacy

As long as there are birth privileges, we don't have an equal chance to reach anywhere near our full potential. It's not What You Know, but Who's Your Daddy. A Democrat intentionally sponsors those who don't deserve a chance, because their pets don't have much potential anyway, in order to make equality of opportunity look bad. They purposely pervert that ideal because they themselves were empowered solely by birth privileges, starting with preppy prettyboy JFK, who set America on the Road to Serfdom.

Hayek got it wrong. It's not government power itself that turns society down the wrong path; it's a restricted governing class comprising elitists only which does that. What we have is a flightless bird flapping its wings pretending it is the American Eagle.
Every country in Europe has the same problem, ignoramus. here of course there is no ID card and no way to stop illegals from working... You think socialism is communism and you are a total waste of time. try changing the channel and getting some actual facts and real Americanism instead of racist hate.... And voting against your own interests. you are unbelievable and yet typical of the BFM GOP Base. democrats are all socialists, they want fair capitalism with a good safety net and always democracy. as opposed to you racist fascist anti-american cretins...
A socialist is a communist in training.
A socialist is a communist in training.
socialism or fair capitalism is The Cure that protects us from going communist. communism has only been put in by violent revolution in ridiculously corrupt and unfair authoritarian countries or invasion.... keep up the total crap and divisive anti-american hate, we really need a Democratic landslide more than anything. We have the worst inequality upward mobility and homelessness by far of any modern country After 40 years GOP giveaway to the rich and crap propaganda for the Rubes.... And you people love it because free stuff, imaginary Communists and pedophilia. absolute idiocy...
socialism or fair capitalism is The Cure that protects us from going communist. communism has only been put in by violent revolution in ridiculously corrupt and unfair authoritarian countries or invasion.... keep up the total crap and divisive anti-american hate, we really need a Democratic landslide more than anything. We have the worst inequality upward mobility and homelessness by far of any modern country After 40 years GOP giveaway to the rich and crap propaganda for the Rubes.... And you people love it because free stuff, imaginary Communists and pedophilia. absolute idiocy...
We gave homelessness because of drug addiction and mental illness because people have made bad decisions.
So how do we eliminate opposing voices? What’s the strategy to getting rid of all right wing media? How can we do this so that the only voice left in the country is left leaning?

Doing this could bring about the leftist utopia that has been desired for so long!
opposition based on nonstop lies and hate and one man's garbage propaganda along with Internet conspiracy nuts con men. luckily only 30% now believe all your garbage, the GOP base and Trump are now the Kiss of death in elections. Enjoy winning the primaries, ignoramuses.
We gave homelessness because of drug addiction and mental illness because people have made bad decisions.
Yes yes, it has nothing to do with the GOP give away to the rich tax rates the last 40 years and the resultant worst inequality upward mobility and homelessness ever anywhere LOL. all the GOP has is total garbage propaganda for the Rubes and greed for the usual scumbags.... mario Cuomo said that Reagan made blaming the poor acceptable. until Reagan, They were called the unfortunate... and you morons think they are all black and Brown and Dems LOL....
Yes yes, it has nothing to do with the GOP give away to the rich tax rates the last 40 years and the resultant worst inequality upward mobility and homelessness ever anywhere LOL. all the GOP has is total garbage propaganda for the Rubes and greed for the usual scumbags.... mario Cuomo said that Reagan made blaming the poor acceptable. until Reagan, They were called the unfortunate... and you morons think they are all black and Brown and Dems LOL....
Your post is the real propaganda. People are homeless because they are drugged out of their minds and mentally ill.
There are ways to stop illegals from working. First, stop Communist states from issuing them drivers licenses. Secondly, make it a first degree felony for the Mayor or any other government official that warns illegals of ICE workplace raids. Minimum prison time 10 years for any official that does. Of course that wouldn't apply now since Dementia stopped all ICE workplace raids anyhow. But when we get a real President again, that's what we should be doing.
yes yes, that'll work, just like the war on drugs and having 10 times as many people in prison per capita as anywhere else in the world. great job! by all means don't do what is already proven a success everywhere else, keep up the secret GOP plan LOL, brainwashed functional moron.
Your post is the real propaganda. People are homeless because they are drugged out of their minds and mentally ill.
and they are all in San Francisco right Super Duper? So what do you think about the fact that Jim Jordan idiot comes from Columbus where the murder rate is 3 times what it is in New York City? You people have absolutely no clue for crying out loud....

the worst inequality and upward mobility and homelessness and prison population ever anywhere are caused by 40 years of absolute GOP give a way to the rich and screw job for everyone else, including you DUPES duhhhhhh.....
yes yes, that'll work, just like the war on drugs and having 10 times as many people in prison per capita as anywhere else in the world. great job! by all means don't do what is already proven a success everywhere else, keep up the secret GOP plan LOL, brainwashed functional moron.
Oh yes, the people in prison are innocent. America doesn't have a crime problem. The problem is we're locking up innocent people, huh. Damn, you're too Damn smart for this place. Why aren't you running for office?
and they are all in San Francisco right Super Duper? So what do you think about the fact that Jim Jordan idiot comes from Columbus where the murder rate is 3 times what it is in New York City? You people have absolutely no clue for crying out loud....

the worst inequality and upward mobility and homelessness and prison population ever anywhere are caused by 40 years of absolute GOP give a way to the rich and screw job for everyone else, including you DUPES duhhhhhh.....
Jim Jordan can't get elected in Columbus. Do you know why?
Droids With Degrees

Today's fake education produces robots from its assembly line. Minds are twisted and sculpted into the politically correct shape and shipped out to their proper cogs in the rulers' planned economy.
it is called reality, as opposed to your garbage propaganda from proven scumbag liars and ONE SOURCE, brainwashed functional moron....

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