F the national political divorce….why not just return to full segregation?

You mean to say, that the conservatives or common folks with common sense and morals are not able to come up with a political lead-figure to unite them in their struggle against those lefties?
Only Herds Need to Be Led

In a drama about Galileo, the common people moaned because Galileo was forced under the threat of torture and execution to recant his theories. The slavish people said, "Pity the people whose leaders let them down."

Galileo answered, "Unhappy is the land that needs a hero."
I would like to see the Trump lemmings segregated from normal, patriotic Americans.
they are doing a great job all by themselves And it looks like a democratic landslide if they nominate the Orange Conman Clown.... this is the worst threat to American democracy ever and it looks like we're going to survive without resorting to idiocy like segregation... Then perhaps we can get the conspiracy nut job population down to 10% or so instead of its present 30%. poor america. they should deport the Murdochs just for what they have admitted to lately, presenting false anti-american divisive hateful propaganda as news.....
We all have the same chance at life, it's just that some have to work a little harder for it than others.

We all had access to primary education. We all had the ability to get a job, go to college or trade school. We all had the option to be lawless or outstanding citizens. We all had the option to have children or not. We all had the option to work for ourselves or somebody else. So where is this disadvantage of minorities?

I think I speak for a lot of Americans when I say if I had the chance to do it all over again, I would with changes. But we can't change the past no matter how much money we have. All we can change is the present and future.
so the GOP response is, ''let's tax the hell out of them and make everything as expensive and difficult as possible and see how they do. We only care how the mega rich do anyway....'', BFM.
you are absolutely out of your cotton picking Etcetera Etcetera.... The only people in America who are interested in a dictatorship are right wing fools like you who want trump or whoever GOP to declare martial law after one of your ridiculous conspiracy theories like the election steal or the vaccine hoax. absolute garbage which you alone in the world believe.

I said Communism, not dictatorship.

But speaking of which, we're not that far from it now. We have the commies using our federal agencies for their personal police.

Dementia had the FBI get warrants and raid homes looking for his daughters five dollar diary due to extremely embarrassing things written about him when she was a child. The FBI also went to mans house to arrest him with five heavily armed agents. His crime? A year earlier he and his son were protesting an abortion clinic. Some elderly guy started to harass his son, so the father asked him to back off. The guy continued to harass his son so he pushed him away. The guy fell backwards; no injuries, just a little embarrassed. Even the local police didn't pursue the matter. But because protesting an abortion clinic went against the rules of Big Brother, he was hauled away by the FBI like a foreign spy.

The FBI also rigged the election. They went to social media telling them not to run any story about Hunter's laptop. Surveys show that if voters knew about the situation, they probably would have voted for Trump. Yes, a lot of people get their political information from social media unfortunately. And now Dementia wants to expand the IRS by 87,000 more employees???

So we are not that far from a dictatorship now; the idea a political party can use federal agencies to rig elections, do personal chores for it's leader, and even lie to FISA courts to get warrants of a political foe.
so the GOP response is, ''let's tax the hell out of them and make everything as expensive and difficult as possible and see how they do. We only care how the mega rich do anyway....'', BFM.

How is the GOP taxing the hell out of them? The only tax rate they changed was Trump's tax reform where we working people all saved money by the tax cut.
They are being elected now and have been the past 15 years or so. The Communists said many years ago, they would take over the United States, but do so without one bullet being fired. They will takeover from within, and that's what we are experiencing today.
Marooned Majority

The Campus Commie Scum have been protected by the plotting ruling class from the movement's beginning in the 60s until its present perch on top of society, where the ruling class always intended them to wind up.

The rulers have nothing to fear from the neo-Communists. The only threat to their elitist exclusivity must come from those who have been left out of this sea change.
Only Herds Need to Be Led

In a drama about Galileo, the common people moaned because Galileo was forced under the threat of torture and execution to recant his theories. The slavish people said, "Pity the people whose leaders let them down."

Galileo answered, "Unhappy is the land that needs a hero."
Very good. I had not heard that before. The Trump lemmings are definitely a herd.
How is the GOP taxing the hell out of them? The only tax rate they changed was Trump's tax reform where we working people all saved money by the tax cut.
and 83% of the trump cuts went to the ridiculously bloated rich, and the tax cuts for regular people run out in 2025 LOL. Quite the scam, eh Super Duper? And now Trump is responsible for 25% of the national debt. great job! and of course every year we have a flat tax if you count all taxes, which is what the GOP propaganda machine never does, they only count the fed income LOL which is our only progressive tax. wake up and Smell the coffee

"While nothing is currently set to expire in 2024, December 31st, 2025, will be a significant day for most taxpayers. Twenty-three provisions from the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act directly relating to individual income taxes will expire, meaning most taxpayers will see a tax hike unless some or all provisions are extended.''
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and 83% of the trump cuts went to the ridiculously bloated rich, and the tax cuts for regular people run out in 2025 LOL. Quite the scam, eh Super Duper? And now Trump is responsible for 25% of the national debt. great job! and of course every year we have a flat tax if you count all taxes, which is what the GOP propaganda machine never does, they only count the fed income LOL which is our only progressive tax. wake up and Smell the coffee

"While nothing is currently set to expire in 2024, December 31st, 2025, will be a significant day for most taxpayers. Twenty-three provisions from the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act directly relating to individual income taxes will expire, meaning most taxpayers will see a tax hike unless some or all provisions are extended.''

You claimed (lied) that the GOP raised taxes on the poor. Now you want to blah, blah, blah your way out of it when busted.

Let me tell you what the real taxes on the poor look like: Doubling your heat bill because of global warming. Nearly doubling your gasoline bill because of climate change. Doubling your electric bill rates which is what's happening in my city this summer. Making groceries so expensive working people have to make drastic cuts to their normal purchases because they can't afford what they used to during the Trump years. Ethanol which the Commies are forcing us to use burning up our food supply. Those are real taxes on the poor.
I said Communism, not dictatorship.

But speaking of which, we're not that far from it now. We have the commies using our federal agencies for their personal police.

Dementia had the FBI get warrants and raid homes looking for his daughters five dollar diary due to extremely embarrassing things written about him when she was a child. The FBI also went to mans house to arrest him with five heavily armed agents. His crime? A year earlier he and his son were protesting an abortion clinic. Some elderly guy started to harass his son, so the father asked him to back off. The guy continued to harass his son so he pushed him away. The guy fell backwards; no injuries, just a little embarrassed. Even the local police didn't pursue the matter. But because protesting an abortion clinic went against the rules of Big Brother, he was hauled away by the FBI like a foreign spy.

The FBI also rigged the election. They went to social media telling them not to run any story about Hunter's laptop. Surveys show that if voters knew about the situation, they probably would have voted for Trump. Yes, a lot of people get their political information from social media unfortunately. And now Dementia wants to expand the IRS by 87,000 more employees???

So we are not that far from a dictatorship now; the idea a political party can use federal agencies to rig elections, do personal chores for it's leader, and even lie to FISA courts to get warrants of a political foe.
Communism is always a dictatorship and has never been put in without a violent revolution. there has never been a peaceful transitioned to transition to communism and there never will be. it is basically dead as an ideology except for GOP propaganda and the Poor Schnucks in China Cuba north Korea and Vietnam with a gun to their heads. as soon as you start saying Americans are interested in communism, you Reveal your brain wash and ignorance. if it is a democracy, it is socialism which is always Democratic and for fair capitalism and a great safety net. We are the only modern country that is not socialist thanks to the scumbag GOP and idiots like you.

if you believe the election was stolen you are already way off in La La Land, Looney....
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You claimed (lied) that the GOP raised taxes on the poor. Now you want to blah, blah, blah your way out of it when busted.

Let me tell you what the real taxes on the poor look like: Doubling your heat bill because of global warming. Nearly doubling your gasoline bill because of climate change. Doubling your electric bill rates which is what's happening in my city this summer. Making groceries so expensive working people have to make drastic cuts to their normal purchases because they can't afford what they used to during the Trump years. Ethanol which the Commies are forcing us to use burning up our food supply. Those are real taxes on the poor.
Read the link. It happens in 2025 duhhh. the GOP has been in charge of American tax rates since Reagan and we didn't get the worst inequality upward mobility and homelessness by coincidence. everyone with any money is paying about the same percentage in all taxes on average. And that is a gigantic giveaway to the rich and the end of all real investment in infrastructure and people. great job, brainwashed functional moron!
Germany 1934-1945 (Socialist Government / Fascist Dictator )
you are out of your tiny little mind. You believe Nazi and Communist propaganda that calls themselves Socialists- you are a brainwashed functional moron yourself... the three biggest liars in recent history are Nazis communists and today's GOP that out does them all... great job, ignoramus!

socialism, every socialist and every socialist party in a democracy ever says, is always democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net. Look up Eugene Debs He was the American Socialist. the American and British Socialists were destroyed because they were against world War one..... english speakers have been conflating socialism and Communism ever since.... and screwing regular people ever since....works great!! the Brits were lucky to get socialism like health care and cheap college and training right after World War Two....
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Marooned Majority

The Campus Commie Scum have been protected by the plotting ruling class from the movement's beginning in the 60s until its present perch on top of society, where the ruling class always intended them to wind up.

The rulers have nothing to fear from the neo-Communists. The only threat to their elitist exclusivity must come from those who have been left out of this sea change.
so educated people are the campus commie scum now? Keep up the good work- there are still enough people residing in reality to make 2024 a landslide just because of the incredible Frightening tripe you people parrot...
you are out of your tiny little mind. You believe Nazi and Communist propaganda that calls themselves Socialists- you are a brainwashed functional moron yourself... the three biggest liars in recent history are Nazis communists and today's GOP that out does them all... great job, ignoramus!

socialism, every socialist and every socialist party in a democracy ever says, is always democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net. Look up Eugene Debs He was the American Socialist. the American and British Socialists were destroyed because they were against world War one..... english speakers have been conflating socialism and Communism ever since.... and screwing regular people ever since....works great!! the Brits were lucky to get socialism like health care and cheap college and training right after World War Two....
Nationalist Socialist is real
Nationalist Socialist is real
it's not socialism. It is a Nazi lie. France Germany Italy Spain Sweden every country that speaks a foreign language really has had socialist parties and communist parties at the same time, and the difference is democracy. the socialist always won, now they have socialism, And the communists disappeared with the Soviet Union aid.

in English speaking countries, the conflation between communism and socialism and now Nazism with you idiots has been so strong nobody knows the difference. it's pathetic. but England The UK Canada australia and New Zealand all have socialism now even if they don't call it that. Labor party or Green or Liberal because the term socialism has been totally perverted.

The UK has been the leading savage capitalist propagandist (Napoleon was actually taller than average And he said that britain was a nation of capitalist swine, not shopkeepers!) for 300 years LOL. We should go back to Jefferson and listen to the French again more than we do that's for sure. Britain has socialism but on the cheap. the Conservatives there are the worst party in the modern world except for the GOP.
Read the link. It happens in 2025 duhhh. the GOP has been in charge of American tax rates since Reagan and we didn't get the worst inequality upward mobility and homelessness by coincidence. everyone with any money is paying about the same percentage in all taxes on average. And that is a gigantic giveaway to the rich and the end of all real investment in infrastructure and people. great job, brainwashed functional moron!

Show me where taxes on the poor increased. The poor only pay payroll taxes. When did they increase?
Communism is always a dictatorship and has never been put in without a violent revolution. there has never been a peaceful transitioned to transition to communism and there never will be. it is basically dead as an ideology except for GOP propaganda and the Poor Schnucks in China Cuba north Korea and Vietnam with a gun to their heads. as soon as you start saying Americans are interested in communism, you Reveal your brain wash and ignorance. if it is a democracy, it is socialism which is always Democratic and for fair capitalism and a great safety net. We are the only modern country that is not socialist thanks to the scumbag GOP and idiots like you.

if you believe the election was stolen you are already way off in La La Land, Looney....

Then why does the US Communist party support Socialism? It's the same thing. They also supported all leading Democrat nominees. They hate Republican nominees and have written about it repeatedly because Republicans represent a capitalistic society and country which the Communists hate.
Then why does the US Communist party support Socialism? It's the same thing. They also supported all leading Democrat nominees. They hate Republican nominees and have written about it repeatedly because Republicans represent a capitalistic society and country which the Communists hate.
the US Communist Party is as good as Dead LOL- ohh period of course they are for many of the same things like health care day care paid parental leave cheap college and training but Communism believes in a government that owns all business and industry, and of course that is not very popular. they need a dictatorship and secret police to survive at all. Just like the Nazis who have many of those same things but again a dictatorship. Their economy was based on a Ponzi scheme with a lot of money from confiscated jews and other opponents and they needed a war of conquest to pay off the debt... of course socialism is incredibly popular when you know what it is, which Americans and Brits basically don't.

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