F the national political divorce….why not just return to full segregation?

W Couch, who took care to publish some AfricanAmerican writers and offered a home to the South’s liberal regional studies movement centered in his university, similarly summarized white southern racial views:

"There is no question as to what the dominant opinion is. It holds that the N*** is inferior to the white man, and shades all the way from the prevailing opinion of two centuries as given in the Dred Scott Decision to the less extreme opinion that the N***, while inferior, nevertheless has some rights and should be encouraged to develop a culture parallel to and dependent on that of whites"
Yeah. Sure. They stayed at the Neolithic hunter-gatherer stage while their neighboring races and regions worked to surpass them by light years.

You can blame the mixed-race Berbers and other Muslim slavers and their fellow Black slave-catchers for millennia of Black enslavement long before Whitey.

White Euros were only a Johnny-come-lately minor accent in a long history of Black enslavement that stretches back to the dawn of history and beyond.

Modern-day White Guilt-Trippers never talk about THAT aspect of the Peculiar Institution, do they? :itsok:

It's what happens when a race or region never puts-in the effort to graduate beyond the Neolithic hunter-gatherer-nomad stage. Ask Native Americans.

I am probably better-read and more comprehending of the relevant history - and history in general - than you are... and from a diversity of sources, no less.

But this isn't a pi$$ing contest, so... even if I'm not... and I doubt that... I am sufficiently well-read and observant and logical enough to draw honest conclusions.

There is no brainwashing nor propaganda at-work upon me in this context... I think for myself, and am sufficiently perceptive to recognize external influences.

I am? By whom?

I think you are confusing Strong White Advocacy with Republicanism There are vast legions of Democrats and Independents who reject the Dem Race Card.


As to changing the channel, I routinely toggle between CNN, Fox, MSNBC, NPR, BBC, Bloomberg, etc... a healthy and intense diversity of opinion, I maintain.
actually the Arab slavers came after mohammed so not millennia and in fact the Black Empires for example were powerful enough to capture Egypt and their cities were comparable to european ones. they just did not get gunpowder.... and of course life is complicated when it is that hot and the jungles are so dominant.... Blacks are just the same as we are scientific and intellectually period end of story. asians do great these days but they were also screwed by colonialism until now.

Glad to hear that you listen to many outlets. So the question is, do you believe the election was stolen? That seems to be the red line
Indeed. I went to school in the 80's. I didn't go to school in the urban slums or anything, but it was just a large central school system serving several suburban towns and the farmlands beyond. It was roughly a 15 mile diameter. We had whites, blacks, Muslims, immigrants from various places, Jews...plenty of diversity. There was very little racial tension in my school at all, and certainly no gangs related to race. The government-enabled media-inspired hate we are seeing now almost everywhere is a far cry from what was in the average school 35 years ago.
And of course there is a lot of racist fear mongering on the GOP propaganda machine. like BLM is attacking whites not... poverty causes crime and we have plenty of that in the GOP world of tomorrow after 40 years of give away to the rich....
Indeed. I went to school in the 80's. I didn't go to school in the urban slums or anything, but it was just a large central school system serving several suburban towns and the farmlands beyond. It was roughly a 15 mile diameter. We had whites, blacks, Muslims, immigrants from various places, Jews...plenty of diversity. There was very little racial tension in my school at all, and certainly no gangs related to race. The government-enabled media-inspired hate we are seeing now almost everywhere is a far cry from what was in the average school 35 years ago.
Obama and his husband fanned the flames of racism during their 8 years in office. Obama is a Marxist, and he understood that to conquer required division. I give him credit for creating MUCH division. He "fundamentally changed" America's foundation.
inner cities are a total war zone and they only succeed when some tycoon comes along and tells them they all will get free college and then they do just great. We could do that with the whole bunch of them if it wasn't for your super rich heroes. Every other modern country does.

Right, giving them all kinds of free shit worked out so well the past 30 years now didn't it?
It does seem that black hatred towards whites has reached an all-time high here in America. If they hate whites so badly that they see murder in their eyes every time they think of whitie ... then I have no problem with them segregating themselves from American society and creating a society of their own.

Students of history know what happened in Haiti in the 19th century. Every white person (man, woman, and child) was brutally massacred by the blacks. Even half whites who were sympathetic or friendly with the whites were mutilated and murdered. So when the blacks whip themselves into a frenzy and when their hatred for others reaches a level of uncontrollable heights ... then a solution must be found.

In the meantime ... I plan on remaining armed and in defense mode.

Blacks could never survive without whites. They don't hate us so much that they quit invading our neighborhoods. At anytime they can decide to all move to one state. Nothing would make me happier unless they chose my state to migrate to.
Idaho needs it desperately. The Republicans won’t find the schools. No child in America should go to schools where cracks that let wind through are covered with speckle because they can’t afford to fix it. Nobody should think that it’s ok that school roofs collapse and we don’t need to fund massive repairs. Buckets under leaky pipes is not a long term solution. But for Idaho it is the only solution.
Idaho will improve greatly when they absorb the eastern half of Oregon.
Blacks could never survive without whites. They don't hate us so much that they quit invading our neighborhoods. At anytime they can decide to all move to one state. Nothing would make me happier unless they chose my state to migrate to.
There are two, notable and historical American leaders who proposed and advocated for moving freed slaves back to their homeland in Africa. Indeed, the nation of Liberia was the brainchild of James Monroe. The capital of Liberia is Monrovia. Another proponent of this idea was Abraham Lincoln. For the sake of all ... it's too bad they didn't succeed, fully.

and we still basically have his tax rates, brainwashed functional moron.

Then why didn't Clinton, DumBama or Dementia change them back when they had the chance? I'll tell you why: because even they know the economic devastation that would follow. But as long as they tell you what you want to hear, you just keep voting for them like an idiot.
You've heard these politicians speak, and you still don't realize why we need to build the border wall?
no we have to be America land of asylum which is what all these people are asking for and almost all of them have relatives here already and we have, led by the GOP, absolutely ruined their countries with sanctions. But 80% of them are approved. sorry about your luck and Americanism. Maybe we should actually help their own countries so they don't all come here.....
There are two, notable and historical American leaders who proposed and advocated for moving freed slaves back to their homeland in Africa. Indeed, the nation of Liberia was the brainchild of James Monroe. The capital of Liberia is Monrovia. Another proponent of this idea was Abraham Lincoln. For the sake of all ... it's too bad they didn't succeed, fully.
in fact they didn't succeed at all. blacks can takes care of themselves just fine if they're given some Help which they deserve like other poor people.... cheap college and training and good infrastructure and a living wage to start with....
no we have to be America land of asylum which is what all these people are asking for and almost all of them have relatives here already and we have, led by the GOP, absolutely ruined their countries with sanctions. But 80% of them are approved. sorry about your luck and Americanism. Maybe we should actually help their own countries so they don't all come here.....
Helping other countries was tried before. Europeans tried to help Africans when they set up colonies there. Africans rejected that help.
in fact they didn't succeed at all. blacks can takes care of themselves just fine if they're given some Help which they deserve like other poor people.... cheap college and training and good infrastructure and a living wage to start with....
The Irish were poor but received no outside help. They learned to fend for themselves using their own intellect, ingenuity, grit, and hard work. Why does any other group "need help?" I don't mind helping others, but American blacks have made an art out of demanding it decade after decade after decade."
The Irish were poor but received no outside help. They learned to fend for themselves using their own intellect, ingenuity, grit, and hard work. Why does any other group "need help?" I don't mind helping others, but American blacks have made an art out of demanding it decade after decade after decade."
and they still haven't gotten it and it gets worse and worse D UHH. everyone needs the help including poor GOP base rural voters like all over the place out here.... and of course the discrimination against blacks is much worse than against the Irish ever. they can't hide.
and they still haven't gotten it and it gets worse and worse D UHH. everyone needs the help including poor GOP base rural voters like all over the place out here.... and of course the discrimination against blacks is much worse than against the Irish ever. they can't hide.
Hello!!! Blacks receive (per capita) way more in welfare benefits than anyone else. They have their own black history month. Their own all-black colleges and Universities. Their own BET television network. People of bent over backwards for blacks, but it's NEVER enough. And truth be told ... there never WILL be enough.
Hello!!! Blacks receive (per capita) way more in welfare benefits than anyone else. They have their own black history month. Their own all-black colleges and Universities. Their own BET television network. People of bent over backwards for blacks, but it's NEVER enough. And truth be told ... there never WILL be enough.
Don't forget they have their own beauty pageant.
Don't forget they have their own beauty pageant.
They've gotten everything they've demanded, but it isn't enough. California is about to give them reparations for slavery, even though none of them have been slaves and none of the people paying the tab were slave owners. Racism at the highest degree.
Hello!!! Blacks receive (per capita) way more in welfare benefits than anyone else. They have their own black history month. Their own all-black colleges and Universities. Their own BET television network. People of bent over backwards for blacks, but it's NEVER enough. And truth be told ... there never WILL be enough.
who cares about all that crap... They need cheap college and training and a living wage just like all the other poor people out here. What they don't get from the GOP the last 40 years Great job. Under the Great Society with LBJ we started to get some place But Nixon ended all that And Reagan was even was even worse...

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