F the national political divorce….why not just return to full segregation?

the Africans in Africa were doing just great
Yeah. Sure. They stayed at the Neolithic hunter-gatherer stage while their neighboring races and regions worked to surpass them by light years.
until overrun with white slavers and scumbag Savage Capitalists.
You can blame the mixed-race Berbers and other Muslim slavers and their fellow Black slave-catchers for millennia of Black enslavement long before Whitey.

White Euros were only a Johnny-come-lately minor accent in a long history of Black enslavement that stretches back to the dawn of history and beyond.

Modern-day White Guilt-Trippers never talk about THAT aspect of the Peculiar Institution, do they? :itsok:

It's what happens when a race or region never puts-in the effort to graduate beyond the Neolithic hunter-gatherer-nomad stage. Ask Native Americans.

You are ignorant about it because your propaganda never talks about it,
I am probably better-read and more comprehending of the relevant history - and history in general - than you are... and from a diversity of sources, no less.

But this isn't a pi$$ing contest, so... even if I'm not... and I doubt that... I am sufficiently well-read and observant and logical enough to draw honest conclusions.

There is no brainwashing nor propaganda at-work upon me in this context... I think for myself, and am sufficiently perceptive to recognize external influences.

you are brainwashed.
I am? By whom?
Along with believing that a huge giveaway to the rich will work for a country when it has been proven every time every time not the case.
I think you are confusing Strong White Advocacy with Republicanism There are vast legions of Democrats and Independents who reject the Dem Race Card.


As to changing the channel, I routinely toggle between CNN, Fox, MSNBC, NPR, BBC, Bloomberg, etc... a healthy and intense diversity of opinion, I maintain.
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Is that what we need? Why is that?

Are there not enough millions of illegals in the country?
Are fuel prices not high enough?
Is inflation not high enough even though we're at a 40 year high?
Are interest rates not high enough to the point people can no longer buy a house?
Is one nuclear armed country threatening us not enough?
Is the damage to our stock market not bad enough that people had to postpone their retirement?
Is the labor shortage not high enough thanks to people sitting home on social programs?
Are there not enough Fentanyl deaths even though last year was a record high?

Yeah, let's hope there is a Democrat landslide so we can put all this on steroids. :aug08_031:
every other country in the world has the same problem same we are doing as well as anyone thanks to Joe and the Democrats... none of this is Joe's fault, it is Putin's fault you idiot. 15% of the oil and grain came from Russia and Ukraine. Thanks for keeping the pandemic going forever with your stupid conspiracy theories and spreading that crap around the world for conservative Conspiracy nut jobs everywhere. Thanks also of course for the stupidest wars ever after allowing 911 through sheer incompetence and then giving the world another great depression. All the GOP has is greedy assholes, ridiculous misinformation and ignoramuses like you.
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every other country in the world has the same problem same we are doing as well as anyone thanks to Joe and the Democrats... none of this is Joe's fault, it is Putin's fault you idiot. 15% of the oil and grain came from Russia and Ukraine. Thanks for keeping the pandemic going forever with your stupid conspiracy theories and spreading that crap around the world for conservative jobs everywhere. Thanks also of course for the stupidest wars ever after allowing 911 through sheer incompetence and then giving the world another great depression. All the GOP has is greedy assholes, ridiculous misinformation and ignoramuses like you.

"The best part about being a Democrat is never having to say it was your fault."
Ray from Cleveland
Is that what we need? Why is that?

Are there not enough millions of illegals in the country?
Are fuel prices not high enough?
Is inflation not high enough even though we're at a 40 year high?
Are interest rates not high enough to the point people can no longer buy a house?
Is one nuclear armed country threatening us not enough?
Is the damage to our stock market not bad enough that people had to postpone their retirement?
Is the labor shortage not high enough thanks to people sitting home on social programs?
Are there not enough Fentanyl deaths even though last year was a record high?

Yeah, let's hope there is a Democrat landslide so we can put all this on steroids. :aug08_031:

Idaho needs it desperately. The Republicans won’t find the schools. No child in America should go to schools where cracks that let wind through are covered with speckle because they can’t afford to fix it. Nobody should think that it’s ok that school roofs collapse and we don’t need to fund massive repairs. Buckets under leaky pipes is not a long term solution. But for Idaho it is the only solution.

And with the Abortion ban, you are going to have even more kids and that is going to cost even more money that Republicans won’t spend.

The threat facing the kids in Idaho isn’t books. It isn’t that they might catch gay from a book. It is that the school facilities are falling apart. Constructed from leftover and salvaged cinderblocks from World War II the buildings are literally falling apart.

Does the rest of the Nation need Republicans like that in charge?
Idaho needs it desperately. The Republicans won’t find the schools. No child in America should go to schools where cracks that let wind through are covered with speckle because they can’t afford to fix it. Nobody should think that it’s ok that school roofs collapse and we don’t need to fund massive repairs. Buckets under leaky pipes is not a long term solution. But for Idaho it is the only solution.

And with the Abortion ban, you are going to have even more kids and that is going to cost even more money that Republicans won’t spend.

The threat facing the kids in Idaho isn’t books. It isn’t that they might catch gay from a book. It is that the school facilities are falling apart. Constructed from leftover and salvaged cinderblocks from World War II the buildings are literally falling apart.

Does the rest of the Nation need Republicans like that in charge?

I don't know what you're trying to prove here. Schools are funded by the citizens of that town or city. If they don't want to pay anymore in taxes for them, then they don't. That's what a democracy is all about even though we are technically a Republic.

I don't know how you are trying to pin this on Republicans. The truth of the matter is the US spends more per capita on primary education than any other country in the world, and we only have mediocre results to show for it.

As for abortion, there is no ban. The courts left it up to the states to decide how to address the issue. If your state is too stringent on abortions, you can travel to another state to get one. Nobody is being forced to have children they don't want.
Idaho needs it desperately. The Republicans won’t find the schools. No child in America should go to schools where cracks that let wind through are covered with speckle because they can’t afford to fix it. Nobody should think that it’s ok that school roofs collapse and we don’t need to fund massive repairs. Buckets under leaky pipes is not a long term solution. But for Idaho it is the only solution.

And with the Abortion ban, you are going to have even more kids and that is going to cost even more money that Republicans won’t spend.

The threat facing the kids in Idaho isn’t books. It isn’t that they might catch gay from a book. It is that the school facilities are falling apart. Constructed from leftover and salvaged cinderblocks from World War II the buildings are literally falling apart.

Does the rest of the Nation need Republicans like that in charge?
Idaho schools suck..and they always have~
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I don't know what you're trying to prove here. Schools are funded by the citizens of that town or city. If they don't want to pay anymore in taxes for them, then they don't. That's what a democracy is all about even though we are technically a Republic.

I don't know how you are trying to pin this on Republicans. The truth of the matter is the US spends more per capita on primary education than any other country in the world, and we only have mediocre results to show for it.

As for abortion, there is no ban. The courts left it up to the states to decide how to address the issue. If your state is too stringent on abortions, you can travel to another state to get one. Nobody is being forced to have children they don't want.
The issue is that Boundary county, where Bonner's Ferry is located, is smack in the center of Prepperville, USA. Home-school abounds and the general consensus is that taxes are theft. So services are minimal..the Cali-cons that have taken over have got plenty of money and are enjoying life..the locals..not so much~
"The best part about being a Democrat is never having to say it was your fault."
Ray from Cleveland
any actual argument, bfm? your Reagan GOP system is a catastrophe for the middle class and the poor working class.... and the GOP propaganda reaction is to divide and divide and divide with hateful garbage propaganda. The races are scientifically equal, any problem is due to the policies of the government. Which has been dominated and still is by Republican Reagan policy giveaway to the rich... and the NRA.
I don't know what you're trying to prove here. Schools are funded by the citizens of that town or city. If they don't want to pay anymore in taxes for them, then they don't. That's what a democracy is all about even though we are technically a Republic.

I don't know how you are trying to pin this on Republicans. The truth of the matter is the US spends more per capita on primary education than any other country in the world, and we only have mediocre results to show for it.

As for abortion, there is no ban. The courts left it up to the states to decide how to address the issue. If your state is too stringent on abortions, you can travel to another state to get one. Nobody is being forced to have children they don't want.
our schools are pretty good except for inner cities where there is huge poverty and they are like war zones. LOL And that just might have something to do with republican giveaway to the rich the last 40 years and lack of investment in the country for God's sake, **** **** LOL....
The issue is that Boundary county, where Bonner's Ferry is located, is smack in the center of Prepperville, USA. Home-school abounds and the general consensus is that taxes are theft. So services are minimal..the Cali-cons that have taken over have got plenty of money and are enjoying life..the locals..not so much~
federal aid has also gone to hell the last 40 years with reagan give away to the rich tax rates...
any actual argument, bfm? your Reagan GOP system is a catastrophe for the middle class and the poor working class.... and the GOP propaganda reaction is to divide and divide and divide with hateful garbage propaganda. The races are scientifically equal, any problem is due to the policies of the government. Which has been dominated and still is by Republican Reagan policy giveaway to the rich... and the NRA.

We know commie. In your tiny warped troll mind, all problems today are because of a deceased President that's been out of office for 35 years. In spite of the Communists having full control of the federal government through three administrations and not one even tried to reverse any of these policies you speak of.

Like I said, the best thing about being a Democrat is never having to say it was your fault. You people are not mature enough to take responsibility for your own actions. Instead blame a guy that's been dead for nearly 20 years.
our schools are pretty good except for inner cities where there is huge poverty and they are like war zones. LOL And that just might have something to do with republican giveaway to the rich the last 40 years and lack of investment in the country for God's sake, **** **** LOL....

For somebody that pretends to be a retired school teacher, you sure are a moron not knowing how they are funded.
For somebody that pretends to be a retired school teacher, you sure are a moron not knowing how they are funded.
inner cities are a total war zone and they only succeed when some tycoon comes along and tells them they all will get free college and then they do just great. We could do that with the whole bunch of them if it wasn't for your super rich heroes. Every other modern country does.
We know commie. In your tiny warped troll mind, all problems today are because of a deceased President that's been out of office for 35 years. In spite of the Communists having full control of the federal government through three administrations and not one even tried to reverse any of these policies you speak of.

Like I said, the best thing about being a Democrat is never having to say it was your fault. You people are not mature enough to take responsibility for your own actions. Instead blame a guy that's been dead for nearly 20 years.
and we still basically have his tax rates, brainwashed functional moron. Diagram? I have no complaints about my life Thank you very much, LOL. I'm talking about what is wrong with our society And it is tax rates we still have from your Super Duper Corporate spokesman. Ronald Reagan was a catastrophe in every way except his Hollywood good guy portrayal. he was out of his mind LOL.
Most sane logical people in touch with reality admit the great experiment has failed miserably, we have become an extremely divided nation with little in common, with no real direction or identity. It’s almost starting to seem like the natural progression from here is total segregation…..doesn’t it?

Imagine a nation split up into likeminded factions or groups….wouldn’t we be less hostile toward one another, wouldn’t our quality of life improve? Sounds far-fetched, but is it really?
It does seem that black hatred towards whites has reached an all-time high here in America. If they hate whites so badly that they see murder in their eyes every time they think of whitie ... then I have no problem with them segregating themselves from American society and creating a society of their own.

Students of history know what happened in Haiti in the 19th century. Every white person (man, woman, and child) was brutally massacred by the blacks. Even half whites who were sympathetic or friendly with the whites were mutilated and murdered. So when the blacks whip themselves into a frenzy and when their hatred for others reaches a level of uncontrollable heights ... then a solution must be found.

In the meantime ... I plan on remaining armed and in defense mode.
When the southern historian Ulrich Phillips searched, in the late 1920s, for “the central theme of southern history,” he was drawn, like Tocqueville, to the banks of the Ohio River. “The northern shore,” Phillips wrote, “is American without question; the southern is American with a difference.

It was that difference that powerfully shaped not just whether but also how the New Deal grappled with fear itself.

We cannot and will not return to those dark days, my friends!
Because segregation was not by choice. It was something that developed directly out of the social institution of slavery, not simply American citizens with ideological differences wanting to live among those they do not experience friction with. Segregation, because it was born from slavery oppressed one group of people under the SAME GOVERNMENT. We are taking about having two governments which are similar in some ways and different in others so people can choose which laws they want to live under.
It does seem that black hatred towards whites has reached an all-time high here in America. If they hate whites so badly that they see murder in their eyes every time they think of whitie ... then I have no problem with them segregating themselves from American society and creating a society of their own.

Students of history know what happened in Haiti in the 19th century. Every white person (man, woman, and child) was brutally massacred by the blacks. Even half whites who were sympathetic or friendly with the whites were mutilated and murdered. So when the blacks whip themselves into a frenzy and when their hatred for others reaches a level of uncontrollable heights ... then a solution must be found.

In the meantime ... I plan on remaining armed and in defense mode.
Indeed. I went to school in the 80's. I didn't go to school in the urban slums or anything, but it was just a large central school system serving several suburban towns and the farmlands beyond. It was roughly a 15 mile diameter. We had whites, blacks, Muslims, immigrants from various places, Jews...plenty of diversity. There was very little racial tension in my school at all, and certainly no gangs related to race. The government-enabled media-inspired hate we are seeing now almost everywhere is a far cry from what was in the average school 35 years ago.

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