F the national political divorce….why not just return to full segregation?

The Knights of the Ku Klux Klan was litigated out of existence in 1986 ( All Current incarnations are splinter Groups & Wannabes ) and from
1870 until 1986 eight out of every ten kluxers were Democrats ( or if that offends you think Dixiecrats )
and now all the racists are Republicans DUHHH,
Even the Klan makes an attempt to at least pretend to hide their racism.
This is taking it to the next level!

Not really, Bub. Blacks are as racist as they come. I'm not for segregation of blacks. I am for segregation of filthy dems. If the black person is not a racist and a rep I got no problem with them.

Listen up Bub, and I'm only going to tell you this once...

Blacks are systemic criminals. None of what I will tell you is my opinion...it is all fact. Blacks are 13% of the population and they do about 60% of the crime. About 5 to 7 years ago, when PBS had opposing viewpoints, they had a black guy and a retired white cop on TV. When they asked the black guy why blacks don't follow the laws, the black said "slavery was a law, so why should he follow white people's laws." The retired cop was dumbfounded with the black's reply.

Blacks have a saying: if it is white...it ain't right. Blacks have to run everything, or it is white supremacy. I don't make this stuff up, Bub. I get it right from the blacks' own mouths on PBS or NPR. Here is a snip from an NPR story where a black woman says just that. They were discussing multiracial churches.

Korie Little Edwards, from the NPR story link below...

"I came to a point where I realized that, you know, these multiracial churches, just because they're multiracial, doesn't mean they have somehow escaped white supremacy," she says. "Being diverse doesn't mean that white people are not going to still be in charge and run things.


White supremacy to a black person is anything run by whites. Blacks will never accept whites running anything.

Now... Currently no one does anything to the systemic criminal, racist blacks or transqueers / homosexuals. They are given all the freedom they want to destroy America and groom our children. 92% of the blacks vote dem. 90% of the homosexuals vote dem. That translates into 92% of the blacks vote to destroy America and 90% of the homosexuals vote to destroy America. But once the world we live in becomes a world WROL...things will change drastically for them. Reparations, equity and justice will shower down upon them.

And this will have nothing to do with being black or being a homosexual. It will have everything to do with them working tirelessly as an organized group to destroy America.

I was born in L.A. and grew up and lived with blacks for 35 years, bordering So. L.A, near the Crenshaw district. It is not like I don't know the score firsthand, Bub.

Mexican racists.jpg
We're in good company though ...it's called most of the planet

They're sick of the dollar
They're sick of the cultural Marxism that the USA is trying to push on the planet
Sick of the endless wars and decades of bullying

Even third worlders laugh at you stupid hick rube cultureless conformist brainwashed leftarded idiots

Down with the union !
these stupid wars And bullying are all republican produced, ignoramus. As are all the depressions and recessions over the last 100 years. Absolute catastrophe every time with now the worst propaganda machine ever in the modern world. The GOP of today is a total giveaway to the rich lying scumbag mega rich disgrace.... change the damn channel.
Aha I see, the OP is a Democrat.

Dem or rep? Does not matter.

While it would be nice if reps could have a secession of reps states. Can't do it. Reps always talk civil war. Reps have no organization to fight for a secession...ZERO! They got no funding. Most of all they are too stupid to fight and win any war. They think Trump will get in in 2024 and DeSantis will get in in 2028 and 2032.

The pie in the sky rep nutters are susceptible to every stupid idea that comes down the pike. The kraken releasing, pizzagate swallowing, pie in the sky, 3D chess playing, Q-anon loving, Black Rifle coffee drinking, conman Trump worshiping numbskulls are just plain stupid and will be taken in with most any idea of craziness.

xi xi xi.jpeg

...that's the score, Bub. And I vote rep!
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Not really, Bub. Blacks are as racist as they come. I'm not for segregation of blacks. I am for segregation of filthy dems. If the black person is not a racist and a rep I got no problem with them.

Listen up Bub, and I'm only going to tell you this once...

Blacks are systemic criminals. None of what I will tell you is my opinion...it is all fact. Blacks are 13% of the population and they do about 60% of the crime. About 5 to 7 years ago, when PBS had opposing viewpoints, they had a black guy and a retired white cop on TV. When they asked the black guy why blacks don't follow the laws, the black said "slavery was a law, so why should he follow white people's laws." The retired cop was dumbfounded with the black's reply.

Blacks have a saying: if it is white...it ain't right. Blacks have to run everything, or it is white supremacy. I don't make this stuff up, Bub. I get it right from the blacks' own mouths on PBS or NPR. Here is a snip from an NPR story where a black woman says just that. They were discussing multiracial churches.

Korie Little Edwards, from the NPR story link below...

"I came to a point where I realized that, you know, these multiracial churches, just because they're multiracial, doesn't mean they have somehow escaped white supremacy," she says. "Being diverse doesn't mean that white people are not going to still be in charge and run things.


White supremacy to a black person is anything run by whites. Blacks will never accept whites running anything.

Now... Currently no one does anything to the systemic criminal, racist blacks or transqueers / homosexuals. They are given all the freedom they want to destroy America and groom our children. 92% of the blacks vote dem. 90% of the homosexuals vote dem. That translates into 92% of the blacks vote to destroy America and 90% of the homosexuals vote to destroy America. But once the world we live in becomes a world WROL...things will change drastically for them. Reparations, equity and justice will shower down upon them.

And this will have nothing to do with being black or being a homosexual. It will have everything to do with them working tirelessly as an organized group to destroy America.

I was born in L.A. and grew up and lived with blacks for 35 years, bordering So. L.A, near the Crenshaw district. It is not like I don't know the score firsthand, Bub.

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a racist believes another race is inferior and discriminates against them. blacks just have reasonable doubts about whites, there are a lot of Republicans around.... poverty causes crime and discrimination and systemic racism produce poverty.
Always good to get the brain washed racist outlook
Nope. Merely the racist outlook. Nothing to do with brainwashing. Merely a realistic assertion of what actually IS, protestations to the contrary notwithstanding.

As to being 'racist'... yep... I am... so are you... so is every other person on the face of the planet... it's an instinctive aspect of the human mind and existence.

Nothing wrong with that in the slightest... so long as we do not allow our instincts to overpower our behavior towards our fellow human beings.

. There is no difference between the races
Bull$hit... one need look no further than the backwardness of the Mother Continent to confirm the falsehood inherent in that well-intentioned masking.
except how much they get discriminated against by Ignoramuses and swine.
Nope. You cannot legislate how people feel nor can you legislate around their instinctive tendency to marry, live amongst, and care most about their own.
N it is way past time to tax the rich again
You're mighty generous with other people's money... :auiqs.jpg:
and invest in Americans like every modern country does, Super Duper.
Starting with White Folk... it's their turn after a half-century or more of racial quotas and Black and Liberal bigotry directed against White Folk.
Most sane logical people in touch with reality admit the great experiment has failed miserably, we have become an extremely divided nation with little in common, with no real direction or identity. It’s almost starting to seem like the natural progression from here is total segregation…..doesn’t it?

Imagine a nation split up into likeminded factions or groups….wouldn’t we be less hostile toward one another, wouldn’t our quality of life improve? Sounds far-fetched, but is it really?

Actually. It wouldn’t solve anything. You blithering idiots on the Right lose your minds when some Tech guy gets stabbed in San Francisco. A city you wouldn’t visit for all the Gold in Fort Knox. You all start wailing about how awful the city is. When the stabber turns out not to be a homeless minority or an illegal from Mexico. All of a sudden the story dies.

For years Conservatives had denounced the Left for saying that the Republicans only care about kids until they are born. Then it is fuck the kid. Idaho proves this.

Nobody will repair or build new schools for the kids. Fuck them.

So what would happen in your imaginary segregated areas? First you on the Right would start howling that somebody has to pay for roads. Then you would be furious that you were expected to pay for the road repairs. Then you would decide that your misery is because the Left is causing problems in your area and you idiots would attack them.

Think I’m wrong? Texas and Florida aren’t happy banning abortions in their own state. They are making it a crime to have someone help the individual travel to a state where it is legal.

They not only want to subjugate women in their states, they want to prevent the other states from doing anything either.

Of course. This is the party of Trump and they detest obeying the laws.
Nobody will repair or build new schools for the kids. Fuck them.

So what would happen in your imaginary segregated areas? First you on the Right would start howling that somebody has to pay for roads. Then you would be furious that you were expected to pay for the road repairs. Then you would decide that your misery is because the Left is causing problems in your area and you idiots would attack them.

Think I’m wrong? Texas and Florida aren’t happy banning abortions in their own state. They are making it a crime to have someone help the individual travel to a state where it is legal.

They not only want to subjugate women in their states, they want to prevent the other states from doing anything either.

Of course. This is the party of Trump and they detest obeying the laws.

Nobody on the right objects to roads, police, garbage pickup and street lights. We object to sending Ukraine hundreds of billions of dollars unaccounted for and millions to tear down and rebuild bridges because some flake determined the old bridge was racist. We object to being forced to use electric stoves and cars when we are perfectly happy with our gas stoves and cars we have today. We are against spending billions for charging stations very few will use and having to pay much higher utility bills to try and control something we have absolutely no control over like the climate.

You see if we had our own country, we wouldn't be doing anything like that. Welfare would be only for people that had no ability to work. Our police would have the authority over criminals. We wouldn't be providing smart phones to people that didn't want to work and paying their cable or satellite bill at the same time.
Actually. It wouldn’t solve anything. You blithering idiots on the Right lose your minds when some Tech guy gets stabbed in San Francisco. A city you wouldn’t visit for all the Gold in Fort Knox. You all start wailing about how awful the city is. When the stabber turns out not to be a homeless minority or an illegal from Mexico. All of a sudden the story dies.
The story died because Nima Momeni, a worthless barely American murdered a white man and CNN doesn’t hink thats a big deal.
For years Conservatives had denounced the Left for saying that the Republicans only care about kids until they are born. Then it is fuck the kid. Idaho proves this.
Conservatives think the unborn should have a right to life…that’s all. Pretty fucking simple for sane people.
Nobody will repair or build new schools for the kids. Fuck them.
They are entitled to life…not lavish schools….are you really confused by this?
So what would happen in your imaginary segregated areas? First you on the Right would start howling that somebody has to pay for roads. Then you would be furious that you were expected to pay for the road repairs. Then you would decide that your misery is because the Left is causing problems in your area and you idiots would attack them.
The entire nation was “right” for decades and we paid for roads…it’s in the “General Welfare” clause.
Think I’m wrong? Texas and Florida aren’t happy banning abortions in their own state. They are making it a crime to have someone help the individual travel to a state where it is legal.
TX and FL, like all sane, decent, moral human beings believe the “CHOICE” was made when liberal whores decided to fuck like irresponsible liberal whores do.
They not only want to subjugate women in their states, they want to prevent the other states from doing anything either.
TX and FL, like all sane, decent, moral human beings believe the “CHOICE” was made when liberal whores decided to fuck like irresponsible liberal whores do.
Of course. This is the party of Trump and they detest obeying the laws.
Yeah, yeah…Trump and Republicans are all for defunding and vilifying police, it is Republican DA’s letting criminals walk and Republican governors allowing Mexico’s filth to fuck over our people.
The story died because Nima Momeni, a worthless barely American murdered a white man and CNN doesn’t hink thats a big deal.

Conservatives think the unborn should have a right to life…that’s all. Pretty fucking simple for sane people.

They are entitled to life…not lavish schools….are you really confused by this?

The entire nation was “right” for decades and we paid for roads…it’s in the “General Welfare” clause.

TX and FL, like all sane, decent, moral human beings believe the “CHOICE” was made when liberal whores decided to fuck like irresponsible liberal whores do.

TX and FL, like all sane, decent, moral human beings believe the “CHOICE” was made when liberal whores decided to fuck like irresponsible liberal whores do.

Yeah, yeah…Trump and Republicans are all for defunding and vilifying police, it is Republican DA’s letting criminals walk and Republican governors allowing Mexico’s filth to fuck over our people.

The Constitution guarantees the right to travel freely. But Texas hates that and has made it illegal to help transport a woman to another state where Abortion is legal.

But hey. Who cares what the Constitution says.

So you support the laws. My ass. You idiots still claim that Chauvin was railroaded. You swear there is evidence but you don’t need to produce it. You denounce those who provide evidence disproving your insane theories. You don’t care about laws. You care about stomping on those who are different. Be it physically, politically, or religiously.
The Constitution guarantees the right to travel freely. But Texas hates that and has made it illegal to help transport a woman to another state where Abortion is legal.

But hey. Who cares what the Constitution says.

Apparently a federal judge because there was an injunction against it and out of state abortions are still going on.

Nope. Merely the racist outlook. Nothing to do with brainwashing. Merely a realistic assertion of what actually IS, protestations to the contrary notwithstanding.

As to being 'racist'... yep... I am... so are you... so is every other person on the face of the planet... it's an instinctive aspect of the human mind and existence.

Nothing wrong with that in the slightest... so long as we do not allow our instincts to overpower our behavior towards our fellow human beings.

Bull$hit... one need look no further than the backwardness of the Mother Continent to confirm the falsehood inherent in that well-intentioned masking.

Nope. You cannot legislate how people feel nor can you legislate around their instinctive tendency to marry, live amongst, and care most about their own.

You're mighty generous with other people's money... :auiqs.jpg:

Starting with White Folk... it's their turn after a half-century or more of racial quotas and Black and Liberal bigotry directed against White Folk.
the Africans in Africa were doing just great until overrun with white slavers and scumbag Savage Capitalists. You are ignorant about it because your propaganda never talks about it, you are brainwashed. Along with believing that a huge giveaway to the rich will work for a country when it has been proven every time every time not the case. Change the damn channel, BFM
Apparently a federal judge because there was an injunction against it and out of state abortions are still going on.

your ideology driven fascism is OK then I'm sure... It's cool, the country needs a Democratic landslide more than anything. this is damn GOP underfunded mess with a bunch of ridiculously rich people..... You never hear anything like that on your crappy un American hateful garbage propaganda channel.
your ideology driven fascism is OK then I'm sure... It's cool, the country needs a Democratic landslide more than anything.

Is that what we need? Why is that?

Are there not enough millions of illegals in the country?
Are fuel prices not high enough?
Is inflation not high enough even though we're at a 40 year high?
Are interest rates not high enough to the point people can no longer buy a house?
Is one nuclear armed country threatening us not enough?
Is the damage to our stock market not bad enough that people had to postpone their retirement?
Is the labor shortage not high enough thanks to people sitting home on social programs?
Are there not enough Fentanyl deaths even though last year was a record high?

Yeah, let's hope there is a Democrat landslide so we can put all this on steroids. :aug08_031:

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