F the national political divorce….why not just return to full segregation?

Why do I see you in the yard..shaking your cane and ranting? Jungle music? Really?
When I was in my 20 and 30's I'd blare the music 24/7...sure I drove the old folks crazy as well.

That was occasional from the street. But any of the white neighborhoods I lived in the neighbors didn't do that. We had consideration for each other because we all worked. The Communists started increasing the funds for Section 8 throughout the years to place these people in good neighborhoods to destroy them in the name of equity. Now it's on steroids thanks to their head Communist and more neighborhoods will be destroyed.


There are a number of "divides" in this country... politics, religion, and race amongst them.

Of these, Race is arguably the most problematic.

We can thank for so-called Great Migration for that.

When the long-defeated South turned things around and sent their freeloading excess dark baggage North.

It can be argued with some merit and humor that the South found a way to win the Civil War after all... even if it DID take a generation or two or three. :cool:

Southerners managed to ship millions of Useless Mouths North and the Northerners failed to realize that accepting them meant the Death of their Cities.

Those once-beautiful Cities are now virtual Insane Asylums and the Inmates are running what's left of them into the ground... a decline that can't be stopped.
Always good to get the brain washed racist outlook. There is no difference between the races except how much they get discriminated against by Ignoramuses and swine. it is way past time to tax the rich again and invest in Americans like every modern country does, Super Duper.
Always good to get the brain washed racist outlook. There is no difference between the races except how much they get discriminated against by Ignoramuses and swine. it is way past time to tax the rich again and invest in Americans like every modern country does, Super Duper.
One Planet One People ? ( Oh Please )
Not since Reagan, brain washed functional moron.
The Knights of the Ku Klux Klan was litigated out of existence in 1986 ( All Current incarnations are splinter Groups & Wannabes ) and from
1870 until 1986 eight out of every ten kluxers were Democrats ( or if that offends you think Dixiecrats )
Yet another example of the right’s desire to destroy America.

Conservatives indeed hate the United States.
We're in good company though ...it's called most of the planet

They're sick of the dollar
They're sick of the cultural Marxism that the USA is trying to push on the planet
Sick of the endless wars and decades of bullying

Even third worlders laugh at you stupid hick rube cultureless conformist brainwashed leftarded idiots

Down with the union !

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