F the national political divorce….why not just return to full segregation?

There’s nothing racist in the OP.
Have you been living under a rock?
It is Democrats who can’t complete a full sentence without saying “white supremacy”….it is Democrats who admit to hiring people for their skin color and or genitalia, it is Democrats who spend their days assaulting core Americans, the American way and our institutions as we’ve always known them.
I have no argument to make in favour of Democrats. I'm a Canadian and I don't favour either side. It's all foreign and all much further right than any Canadian ideals.
Aha I see, the OP is a Democrat.
Make up you twisted minds….It is you Hate America weirdos who spend your days assaulting ALL things core America….One would think you’d love nothing more than to live in a state where only dark people, faggots, rug munchers, chicks with dicks, feminazis, illegal Mexicans, criminals, bottom feeders, white guilt whackos and atheists are permitted to reside….no? Am I missing something….doesn’t such a place sound like paradise to you?
Even the Klan makes an attempt to at least pretend to hide their racism.
This is taking it to the next level!
Netrix Trap

You're begging the question by assuming that racism is immoral and illogical. Many posts go nowhere here because of similar assumptions about other matters that likewise don't describe the real world.
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Make up you twisted minds….It is you Hate America weirdos who spend your days assaulting ALL things core America….One would think you’d love nothing more than to live in a state where only dark people, faggots, rug munchers, chicks with dicks, feminazis, illegal Mexicans, criminals, bottom feeders, white guilt whackos and atheists are permitted to reside….no? Am I missing something….doesn’t such a place sound like paradise to you?
Croissants for Cruella

Not having anyone to deplore would starve the sadistic drive of Liberals. They desperately need to watch us lose our rights and rewards, as they cackle in their covens to one another.
Most sane logical people in touch with reality admit the great experiment has failed miserably, we have become an extremely divided nation with little in common, with no real direction or identity. It’s almost starting to seem like the natural progression from here is total segregation…..doesn’t it?
Definitely. I totally agree. We need to segregate the Takers from the Earners. Let the Takers fend for themselves.
Netrix Trap

You're begging the question by assuming that racism is immoral and illogical. Many posts go nowhere here because of similar assumptions about other matters that likewise don't describe the real world.
I don't think racism is objectively immoral. I don't think objective morality exists. It is subjectively abhorent from my point of view but that shouldn't mean much to anyone not me. All that said not objectively immoral isn't the same thing as socially popular. Christianity has done a hell of a job indoctrinating your fellow countrymen into really believing everyone is deserving of liberty and equality and birth right citizenship. Good luck disabusing them of this belief. 😄

What's your plan?
Most sane logical people in touch with reality admit the great experiment has failed miserably, we have become an extremely divided nation with little in common, with no real direction or identity. It’s almost starting to seem like the natural progression from here is total segregation…..doesn’t it?

Imagine a nation split up into likeminded factions or groups….wouldn’t we be less hostile toward one another, wouldn’t our quality of life improve? Sounds far-fetched, but is it really?
MAGAts, folks.

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