F the national political divorce….why not just return to full segregation?

Feel free to GTFO asshole :fu:
Make up your twisted globalist mind….It is you Hate America weirdos who spend your days assaulting ALL things core America….One would think you’d love nothing more than to live in a state where only dark people, wetbacks, faggots, rug munchers, chicks with dicks, feminazis, criminals, bottom feeders, white guilt whackos and atheists are permitted to reside….no? Am I missing something….doesn’t such a place sound like paradise to you filthy fucks?
if the GOP base would stop believing incredibly misinformed divisive anti American garbage propaganda there wouldn't be any problem, Brain washed functional moron

There are a number of "divides" in this country... politics, religion, and race amongst them.

Of these, Race is arguably the most problematic.

We can thank for so-called Great Migration for that.

When the long-defeated South turned things around and sent their freeloading excess dark baggage North.

It can be argued with some merit and humor that the South found a way to win the Civil War after all... even if it DID take a generation or two or three. :cool:

Southerners managed to ship millions of Useless Mouths North and the Northerners failed to realize that accepting them meant the Death of their Cities.

Those once-beautiful Cities are now virtual Insane Asylums and the Inmates are running what's left of them into the ground... a decline that can't be stopped.
Most sane logical people in touch with reality admit the great experiment has failed miserably, we have become an extremely divided nation with little in common, with no real direction or identity. It’s almost starting to seem like the natural progression from here is total segregation…..doesn’t it?

Imagine a nation split up into likeminded factions or groups….wouldn’t we be less hostile toward one another, wouldn’t our quality of life improve? Sounds far-fetched, but is it really?

Why? A majority of people believe that America would work just fine if bigoted MAGA morons would just go to their nearest coffee shop and have a nice big cup of Chill the Fuck Out.
You say "leftists" like it's a bad thing or sometbing.
MOST of the American electorate are leftists.
That's why Republicans can't seem to win elections anymore.
Nah, just your manufactured weirdos, needy filth and wetbacks in big blue shitholes. Real America votes to keep America intact.
Why? A majority of people believe that America would work just fine if bigoted MAGA morons would just go to their nearest coffee shop and have a nice big cup of Chill the Fuck Out.
Netrix Trap

You're begging the question by assuming that racism is immoral and illogical. Many posts go nowhere here because of similar assumptions about other matters that likewise don't describe the real world.

He's Canadian and probably lives at the least ten miles from the nearest person of color. He has no idea what he's talking about.
The tax code is the biggest problem. Then the codification of mental illness. Not sure how random states being apart of one party or another thinking fixes this. It would require border enforcement.

My idea is to divide our entire country into two countries instead: one country for the left and another country for real Americans. If we could work on that nothing would make me happier than to never deal with them again. Plus if my side of the country was for Republicans and all the leftists had to move out, my property value would double or more overnight.
Most sane logical people in touch with reality admit the great experiment has failed miserably, we have become an extremely divided nation with little in common, with no real direction or identity. It’s almost starting to seem like the natural progression from here is total segregation…..doesn’t it?

Imagine a nation split up into likeminded factions or groups….wouldn’t we be less hostile toward one another, wouldn’t our quality of life improve? Sounds far-fetched, but is it really?

Your topic drew my attention due to what happened today. We got hit with global warming this past week and of course, went outside to enjoy it. Nope, can't do that with black neighbors. So we reminisced about how great it used to be when our suburb was all white. We could sit in the backyard in peace and quiet.

When undesirable people move in, good people move out and property values sink. And what's with these people where they can't live ten minutes without that jungle music blaring so loud it can be heard three or four houses away? Don't they have the intelligence and courtesy of other people to figure out that maybe we don't want to hear that crap you listen to? Maybe we just want to enjoy the weather with no noise?

It's not skin color. It's how people of skin color conduct themselves that draws the hate.
Your topic drew my attention due to what happened today. We got hit with global warming this past week and of course, went outside to enjoy it. Nope, can't do that with black neighbors. So we reminisced about how great it used to be when our suburb was all white. We could sit in the backyard in peace and quiet.

When undesirable people move in, good people move out and property values sink. And what's with these people where they can't live ten minutes without that jungle music blaring so loud it can be heard three or four houses away? Don't they have the intelligence and courtesy of other people to figure out that maybe we don't want to hear that crap you listen to? Maybe we just want to enjoy the weather with no noise?

It's not skin color. It's how people of skin color conduct themselves that draws the hate.
Why do I see you in the yard..shaking your cane and ranting? Jungle music? Really?
When I was in my 20 and 30's I'd blare the music 24/7...sure I drove the old folks crazy as well.
Your topic drew my attention due to what happened today. We got hit with global warming this past week and of course, went outside to enjoy it. Nope, can't do that with black neighbors. So we reminisced about how great it used to be when our suburb was all white. We could sit in the backyard in peace and quiet.

When undesirable people move in, good people move out and property values sink. And what's with these people where they can't live ten minutes without that jungle music blaring so loud it can be heard three or four houses away? Don't they have the intelligence and courtesy of other people to figure out that maybe we don't want to hear that crap you listen to? Maybe we just want to enjoy the weather with no noise?

It's not skin color. It's how people of skin color conduct themselves that draws the hate.
You are being way too truthful, too logical…..you are going to cause Unkotare to piss his pink lace panties….how dare you state the obvious.
“but but but….our diversity is our strength.”
You are being way too truthful, too logical…..you are going to cause Unkotare to piss his pink lace panties….how dare you state the obvious.
“but but but….our diversity is our strength.”
What is your strength? It certainly isn't protecting whats yours. Are all those firearms show pieces? 😄
You say "leftists" like it's a bad thing or sometbing.
MOST of the American electorate are leftists.
That's why Republicans can't seem to win elections anymore.
Leftists is equal to groomer

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