F the national political divorce….why not just return to full segregation?

The thing about being too exclusive is that you limit yourself to being a tiny, ineffectual circle jerk of incel cucks.
“Cucks” like the black ones getting rolled over by desperate illiterate Mexicans?
Core American patriots founded, built and fund the nation you’ve decided to leech off of….you know that right?
There’s a reason you didn’t migrate to South America or Liberia.
“Cucks” like the black ones getting rolled over by desperate illiterate Mexicans?
Core American patriots founded, built and fund the nation you’ve decided to leech off of….you know that right?
Too bad those Core Americans left this country to a generation of cuck white incels who would rather cosplay about Mexicans and Blacks being at each others throats than do anything to hold on to their nation before demographic change takes it from them without having to fire a shot. 😄
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It is easier to beat your enemy when you divide them up into small groups. Democrats will stop at nothing to have complete power. Never let either side do that.
We didn't divide the GOP into small groups. The orange God did that.
Most sane logical people in touch with reality admit the great experiment has failed miserably, we have become an extremely divided nation with little in common, with no real direction or identity. It’s almost starting to seem like the natural progression from here is total segregation…..doesn’t it?

Imagine a nation split up into likeminded factions or groups….wouldn’t we be less hostile toward one another, wouldn’t our quality of life improve? Sounds far-fetched, but is it really?

Feel free to GTFO asshole :fu:
Vampire romance always good for a wank~
I was a single father with a daughter growing up in the early 2000s. I went to every Twilight movie opening weekend and with all the horny older women in attendance it felt at times what I imagine a XXX theater in New York must been like in the 70s.....
Most sane logical people in touch with reality admit the great experiment has failed miserably, we have become an extremely divided nation with little in common, with no real direction or identity. It’s almost starting to seem like the natural progression from here is total segregation…..doesn’t it?

Imagine a nation split up into likeminded factions or groups….wouldn’t we be less hostile toward one another, wouldn’t our quality of life improve? Sounds far-fetched, but is it really?
The only miserable failure is conservatives

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