F**** your thoughts and prayers?

Registration will allow tracking guns to their owners
Background checks will allow for determining whether transfers are performed legally
Limiting sales helps stop straw purchases
And not one of these punishes any "law abiding" gun owner.
Why don't we start by enforcing current laws? Background checks for example....we have the President own son who lied on a federal background check, and nobody cares he isn't being prosecuted.....
It's an arm silly

At the federal level, explosives are regulated by the Organized Crime Control Act of 1970. Some state laws impose additional restrictions and requirements regarding explosives. This article discusses the general prohibitions against possessing and manufacturing explosive materials and distributing information regarding making and using explosives. Also, discussed below are the requirements to obtain explosives licenses and permits and the penalties for violating explosives laws.
Background checks are already done for most gun purchases and some states require them for private purchases.

And if I own a gun which is my right then it's none of your or the government's business.

And limiting driving will stop a lot of accidents but you wouldn't stand for that would you? Limiting the amount of alcohol you can buy would stop a lot of crimes and accidents too but you wouldn't stand for that would you?
Not 100%
That is not correct

Irrelevant but driving is in fact restricted. Driving too fast, wrong way, reckless, and, to address your point about alcohol, drunk driving are all illegal and all restrict your driving.

You see
You have incorporated this gun crap into your belief system to the point where your ideology has become your theology.

As with all religious cults, there is no room to talk.
So they must be eliminated.
Why don't we start by enforcing current laws? Background checks for example....we have the President own son who lied on a federal background check, and nobody cares he isn't being prosecuted.....
Background checks?

You mean from pro-gun LE?

Like the guy in Texas who was tossed from the AF for being nuts but the AF decided not to report to the registry?

100% means 100% and people who bypass or disable the system go to prison.

At the federal level, explosives are regulated by the Organized Crime Control Act of 1970. Some state laws impose additional restrictions and requirements regarding explosives. This article discusses the general prohibitions against possessing and manufacturing explosive materials and distributing information regarding making and using explosives. Also, discussed below are the requirements to obtain explosives licenses and permits and the penalties for violating explosives laws.
It's an arm
Why aren't you people protesting this?
Not 100%
That is not correct

Irrelevant but driving is in fact restricted. Driving too fast, wrong way, reckless, and, to address your point about alcohol, drunk driving are all illegal and all restrict your driving.

You see
You have incorporated this gun crap into your belief system to the point where your ideology has become your theology.

As with all religious cults, there is no room to talk.
So they must be eliminated.
It is correct that it is non of your business, the government already knows
So blacks are stupid? Is that your claim?

VIOLENT for certain. The first instinct. Anywhere anytime....fender bender, cut in line....any minor infraction. Black go to violence. Even Big Black Female "children".

My comment was that it was non of Dadorex's business if I had a gun, also the fbi background check means that the Government already know about my firearm

What good is a background check if they don’t know who’s purchasing the gun? Derp much!
My comment was that it was non of Dadorex's business if I had a gun, also the fbi background check means that the Government already know about my firearm
One says doomed: "Born in Ghetto". Quit breeding with 7 different dics?

Look at STL MO. Once prosperous North City almost destroyed to burnt out buildings, vacant lots.
STL ad nearly 1mil folks way back, now down to 300K? most live on the "safer" South side.
The inhabitants created the ghetto. They came to "work" they said. But so many resorted to Robbing homes when others go to work, Voting in criminals to political office, Shoplifting stores to close, Using race to bring a lawyer to the jobsite bankrupting legit business. On and on and on.......they Built the Ghetto. Financed by DEMS handing out TAX money for votes. Now they want Whitey to fix it for them? again?

Would you open a brand new business in NSTL and hire locals? Whey doesn't Big Black Money flow in? (LeBron, Micheal? nope they live deep in the Burbs).
Background checks?

You mean from pro-gun LE?

Like the guy in Texas who was tossed from the AF for being nuts but the AF decided not to report to the registry?

100% means 100% and people who bypass or disable the system go to prison.
it wasn’t his fault the AF didn’t report it. Little Hunter purposely and knowingly lied…that’s a crime
One says doomed: "Born in Ghetto". Quit breeding with 7 different dics?

Look at STL MO. Once prosperous North City almost destroyed to burnt out buildings, vacant lots.
STL ad nearly 1mil folks way back, now down to 300K? most live on the "safer" South side.
The inhabitants created the ghetto. They came to "work" they said. But so many resorted to Robbing homes when others go to work, Voting in criminals to political office, Shoplifting stores to close, Using race to bring a lawyer to the jobsite bankrupting legit business. On and on and on.......they Built the Ghetto. Financed by DEMS handing out TAX money for votes. Now they want Whitey to fix it for them? again?

Would you open a brand new business in NSTL and hire locals? Whey doesn't Big Black Money flow in? (LeBron, Micheal? nope they live deep in the Burbs).
You fuckers dive right into your racism with both feet huh?

Racists are sick, weak, and stupid
let me ask you, do you think blacks can't get an ID? Then we'll see who thinks that. I do so cherish those moments you all step in shit.

no one says blacks are stupid more than those who shout Voter ID is racist. hahahahhahahahahhahahaahahahahahaha
IDs are DESIGNED to be just difficult enough to get that they peal away a certain per centage of voters you would prefer not vote.

It is but one of several disenfranchisement methods
Bottom line

We have more guns that people and we sure as shot are not safe.

Hell even cops are afraid
My comment was that it was non of Dadorex's business if I had a gun, also the fbi background check means that the Government already know about my firearm
yep, I wasn't targeting that comment at you, just a comment about why the process is done.
IDs are DESIGNED to be just difficult enough to get that they peal away a certain per centage of voters you would prefer not vote.

It is but one of several disenfranchisement methods
I rest my case. So it is your opinion that blacks are too stupid to figure it out! Thanks for playing who is racist much!!!!

See, I have confidence grown ups, all races, know how to do what's necessary to survive in public. I don't need to intervene. It's why we have public schools. perhaps instead of teaching how to be a pedophile we should teach how to do the simple things in life like getting IDs. haahhahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahaha

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