F**** your thoughts and prayers?

People who deny our executive boardrooms are too white are like people who deny global warming is real. Nothing is going to wake you up. Luckily a lot of companies, even the ones who didn't sign the pledge, are trying very much to diversify.

And you republicans can't deny it because you all come here crying with your stories about how unfair America is for white men.
I don't care. No privately owned company or business affects my life that much.

No CEO salary ever affected my income or my ability to make more money


Let me know. :popcorn:
If you think being educated, aware, caring, empathetic, knowledgeable, and accepting of others is something to be ashamed of
Tiny Minded Ape-Like Poop Thrower is an appropriate description for you and those with shared beliefs

You tiny minded poop throwing chest beating almost ape-like animal.
Unfortunately what you describe is not the democrat base, or you you just act like you are to virtue signal. It's cool us Gen X'ers understand who and what you are. Watch out for morlocks
I don't care. No privately owned company or business affects my life that much.

No CEO salary ever affected my income or my ability to make more money


You're wrong. Republicans give the rich tax breaks. Then they need to cut social security or raise the retirement age. The rich and politicians on both sides raid social security funds. Blablabla.

So when you have to take a cut to something you care about, or your local taxes go up because rich people got Republicans to pass tax breaks, yes, it does affect you very much.

Back in my dad's day, the gap between workers and CEO wasn't so wide. And people like my dad had good lives. Today the gap is much wider and jobs like my dad's don't exist anymore. Because of rich people's policies. Policies you'll say Democrats endorsed and I'll say Republicans.

But you're wrong to think it didn't affect your life.

Imagine if you were told retirement was 65 and in your work lifetime they raised it to 67. I think that happened to me. I didn't realize it back then, thanks Reagan, but making me work an extra 2 years is a BIG DEAL. I'd rather you raise my taxes than raise my retirement age.
"a person who give a gun to a person who is prohibited from possessing a gun is not a law abiding gun owner.....A person who makes a straw purchase is not a law abiding gun owner"

True that. Who cannot agree with Blues Man's observation"
However, real 'Law abiding gun owners' are not the focus.

The Owner-of-Record must be.

Those non-'law-abiding' owners-of-record.....bear the liability if their straw-purchased and re-sold Glock offs the 7-11 clerk.
The owner-of-record bears a to be determined share of the liability for that dead 17yr old behind the counter.

Nothing here changes the fact your statement was false.
Thus the question remains:
Did you lie, or do you not know what you're talking about?
Last I knew they didn't have any black members. So I was wrong. Still a few tokens at Augusta don't change anything. That was just to get the heat off the racism that exists at Augusta and many many golf courses around America.

I actually defend white people's right to have a club that doesn't allow blacks. Why not? Why is that so wrong? It's a private club.

My problem is those same racist white members are ceo's and hiring managers and they claim they don't take their racism to work with them?

Fuck you.
Keep making changes that increase the burden of responsibility for bringing this high lethality, easily concealed, portable, and easily used tool into our society. Guns are different. Different than any other tool we employ in our society.

Let's start with the death penalty for all people convicted of murder with a firearm.

Democrats are releasing murderers from prison, they can't even find the spine to punish the gun criminals. :rolleyes:
You're wrong. Republicans give the rich tax breaks. Then they need to cut social security or raise the retirement age. The rich and politicians on both sides raid social security funds. Blablabla.

So when you have to take a cut to something you care about, or your local taxes go up because rich people got Republicans to pass tax breaks, yes, it does affect you very much.

Back in my dad's day, the gap between workers and CEO wasn't so wide. And people like my dad had good lives. Today the gap is much wider and jobs like my dad's don't exist anymore. Because of rich people's policies. Policies you'll say Democrats endorsed and I'll say Republicans.

But you're wrong to think it didn't affect your life.

Imagine if you were told retirement was 65 and in your work lifetime they raised it to 67. I think that happened to me. I didn't realize it back then, thanks Reagan, but making me work an extra 2 years is a BIG DEAL. I'd rather you raise my taxes than raise my retirement age.
When has a Republican ever lowered the SS tax?

And unlike you I never counted on Social Security. I opened my first Brokerage account when I was 18 and I maxed out my Roth IRA every year. I worked for myself and acquired assets and multiple streams of income from my construction co and rental properties

I retired at age 51 and don't need my SS at all
True that. Who cannot agree with Blues Man's observation"
However, real 'Law abiding gun owners' are not the focus.

The Owner-of-Record must be.

Those non-'law-abiding' owners-of-record.....bear the liability if their straw-purchased and re-sold Glock offs the 7-11 clerk.
The owner-of-record bears a to be determined share of the liability for that dead 17yr old behind the counter.

You are ignoring that those were responses to another poster who did not back up his claims that ALL guns used in crimes are supplied by law abiding gun owners.

So argue with that guy not me.
True that. Who cannot agree with Blues Man's observation"
However, real 'Law abiding gun owners' are not the focus.

The Owner-of-Record must be.

Those non-'law-abiding' owners-of-record.....bear the liability if their straw-purchased and re-sold Glock offs the 7-11 clerk.
The owner-of-record bears a to be determined share of the liability for that dead 17yr old behind the counter.


Not going to happen.

Why do people want to punish innocent people and let the criminals walk the streets?

Democrats are releasing murderers from prison, they can't even find the spine to punish the gun criminals.
I cannot subscribe to the poster DukeU's assertion that it is only Democrats who release murderers from prison.

After all, murderers are being released every single day from likely every single state in America. Released per the legislated mandates encoded in law.

And notably many of our state legislatures are controlled by Republicans (in 2021....23 fully controlled by the GOP; 15 by Democrats)
I cannot subscribe to the poster DukeU's assertion that it is only Democrats who release murderers from prison.

After all, murderers are being released every single day from likely every single state in America. Released per the legislated mandates encoded in law.

And notably many of our state legislatures are controlled by Republicans (in 2021....23 fully controlled by the GOP; 15 by Democrats)

Many were released the last 2 years ( early) due to covid concerns.

So, until we subscribe to not releasing murderers back onto the streets, and commit to punishing the criminals. NOT ONE NEW GUN LAW.

So argue with that guy not me.
THAT argument is of no consequence. Let it go. We can move beyond tit4tatting here.

The real issue is WHO are the parties that must bear responsibility for a possessed gun causing harm.
My contention: Guns are different, and thus can qualify for a 'strict liabilty' burden.
You own it. You enjoy its' benefits. You bear it's harms. If you are the Owner-of-Record.....a burden falls on you. Period.


Why do people want to punish innocent people and let the criminals walk the streets?
Ummm, poster your rhetorical query can be taken some place else.
It is silly on its' face. No serious citizen and thinking adult wants innocent people punished....or to allow dangerous criminals to walk our streets. You are hoisting up a straw-man and want to argue that as if it a reality in the American adult world. It ain't.

Quit it. You are making your avatar look silly.
You can be....and have been in prior discussions.....been better than that.

Ummm, poster your rhetorical query can be taken some place else.
It is silly on its' face. No serious citizen and thinking adult wants innocent people punished....or to allow dangerous criminals to walk our streets. You are hoisting up a straw-man and want to argue that as if it a reality in the American adult world. It ain't.

Quit it. You are making your avatar look silly.
You can be....and have been in prior discussions.....been better than that.


28 years for murder..........laughable.

There’s a reason that African Americans vote close to 90% Dem.

No one believes you bullshit and it makes you fuckers crazy
we know why, they're fking afraid of dying. demofks hold the key to plantation cities. Just like the plantations prior to the civil war. There are consequences for not following the demofks. I thought you'd be smart enough to know that. wow.
The real issue is WHO are the parties that must bear responsibility for a possessed gun causing harm.
why isn't it the person holding said gun? why are you for blaming others for an individuals actions? you truly are one fked up human.

And, the people you want to blame are law abiding citizens. why?

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