F**** your thoughts and prayers?

Why don’t you care about Asians and East Indians? Is it because they are law abiding, non-violent productive members of society… And why do you always hate those types of people?
I'm one of them dummy. I'm a Greek American. For the most, we are law abiding citizens. Why? Because America didn't cut us off from the economic opportunities this country has to offer. We assimilated. Blacks don't have the luxury of blending in like we do.

And us Greeks have heard our share of "go back to your own country" from Republicans. And don't try to deny it and say it's not Republicans who do that. Because I know for a fact it is. It's like that other guy trying to suggest the KKK belongs to the Democratic party because that was true before Civil Rights. Of course he's just being obtuse. So don't you dare try that shit on me.
I know most of you have seen this video, but it's worth posting again to expose these gun grabbers.

Ignorant don't begin to explain how clueless these people are.

I'm one of them dummy. I'm a Greek American. For the most, we are law abiding citizens. Why? Because America didn't cut us off from the economic opportunities this country has to offer. We assimilated. Blacks don't have the luxury of blending in like we do.

And us Greeks have heard our share of "go back to your own country" from Republicans. And don't try to deny it and say it's not Republicans who do that. Because I know for a fact it is. It's like that other guy trying to suggest the KKK belongs to the Democratic party because that was true before Civil Rights. Of course he's just being obtuse. So don't you dare try that shit on me.

Please name one thing a black man can't do in this country that a white man can.
Please name one thing a black man can't do in this country that a white man can.
Be a member of Augusta. So if they can't be a member of that club they probably can't get their kids jobs with all the white ceo's who golf there.
Well, let's start with red flag laws.

Seizing property and rights from someone believed to be a danger. Why should anyone, who hasn't been charged with a crime, lose their rights? Costing time and money to regain.
Has a person arrested for a crime and detained then released had their rights violated?
A person's "rights" to a firearm does not override a person's right to live
When the person can show the red flag is not necessary the block is lifted and arms returned.

Perhaps if you can show me how the right to life of a person murdered by a person under a protective order can be restored then perhaps your point is made.

But, till then, fail.
try again.
Be a member of Augusta. So if they can't be a member of that club they probably can't get their kids jobs with all the white ceo's who golf there.

Is that a private club?

I don't do golf so I don't know.

So, that's all you got, can't be a member of a golf club?

I see it didn't hold many back from being successful.

Has a person arrested for a crime and detained then released had their rights violated?
A person's "rights" to a firearm does not override a person's right to live
When the person can show the red flag is not necessary the block is lifted and arms returned.

Perhaps if you can show me how the right to life of a person murdered by a person under a protective order can be restored then perhaps your point is made.

But, till then, fail.
try again.
Speaking of failing.

You don't need a red flag law to arrest someone for a gun crime.
The only people that use that term are people who don't know shit about firearms. Oh, and propagandist like yourself. The term was invented by anti-gunners back in the late 80s just for propaganda.

It is a term referencing a certain class of firearms


Those firearms are intended to look like military weapons

This look, of course, intended to appeal to the Tiny Minded and Tiny Penised among us.

Your teenie weenie doesn't excuse murdering 40K American every year.
You act like it's not, but I guess from a brainwashed, lying, cheating member of the Democrat party it's to be expected.
If you think being educated, aware, caring, empathetic, knowledgeable, and accepting of others is something to be ashamed of
Tiny Minded Ape-Like Poop Thrower is an appropriate description for you and those with shared beliefs

You tiny minded poop throwing chest beating almost ape-like animal.
Is that a private club?

I don't do golf so I don't know.

So, that's all you got, can't be a member of a golf club?

I see it didn't hold many back from being successful.


The same members of Augusta work for and run private companies that don't hire blacks. Oh sure they and you say it's because they aren't qualified but we know the truth.

Define many? You say racism in America hasn't held back "many" blacks? They say it has. Ben Carson is the exception to the rule. It's like saying Lebron got out.
Prove that all guns in the black market were supplied by law abiding gun owners.

Here's the proof

Name the companie(s) that manufacture arms and ammunition exclusively for criminal.

Can't do it?
That's right because those arms almost exclusively are manufactured for "law abiding" gun buyers by "law abiding" manufacturers

Gun Manufacturer ==> "Law Abiding" gun buyer ==> Criminal

And how do you suppose those guns ended up in the "Underground Market?" That's right. "Law abiding" gun owners

through theft (6 percent). from stupid careless gun owners.

Another 11 percent of the time, someone else bought the gun for them, from "law abiding" gun owners

Roughly 15 percent got guns from family and friends (buying, renting, trading, borrowing) from "Law Abiding" gun owners


So, according to your own source 78% of guns used by criminals come directly or indirectly from "law abiding" gun owners who are not so law abiding.

Wrong. A person who gives a gun to a felon is not a law abiding gun owner
A person who makes a straw purchase is not a law abiding gun owner

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