F**** your thoughts and prayers?

Please describe, in detail, how any of these harm the innocent.
red flag
background checks
limit purchases
Training for gun owners

Bet you can't

Well, let's start with red flag laws.

Seizing property and rights from someone believed to be a danger. Why should anyone, who hasn't been charged with a crime, lose their rights? Costing time and money to regain.

This is the sort of rhetoric we are hearing from elected officials these days, much like how Michigan state Rep. Ranjeev Puri, a Democrat, dropped the F-bomb in a statement about the recent shooting at Michigan State University.

According to democrats, they only want people to take action..........ie.............gun control legislation. God has no place in our lives at all, apparently. Now the Left is your god.

Meanwhile, in Left looneyville, activist Dabid Hogg admits that despite recently passed gun regulations, gun violence has gone up, not down

But that is what the Left does, they assess failure and then double down on it.
He is spot on. Fuck that theater that is done in place of actual action. It's embarrassing enough that millions of grown ass adults think they are talking to an invisible sky daddy. But the audacity of pretending that is a substitute for action deserves a huge fuck you.
Could it be as more gun laws fail to curtail more gun violence, that more gun laws are not the answer?

Could it be as politicians and society becomes increasingly secular and crass and hateful, that the lack of God in society that is causing the uptick in gun violence?

Crazy talk, I know.
you see how disrespectful and violent the left is to right wingers now. Can you IMAGINE what they would do to right wingers if they could disarm them?
It's sad you have to ask.
It's sadder you think your response is meaningful.
Let's say I enslaved your great great great great great grandpappy. And his grandpappy. And his son. Then I let his son free but then I treat them like shit from the time I let them free to TODAY.
That is, you believe that because someone barely related to me enslaved someone barely related to you, I owe you money.

If you -actually- believe this then we really can't have this conversation because you aren't being intellectually honest with me or yourself.
Or, more likely, you choose not to understand.
you should leave the demofk party if you don't agree with their kkk behavior. Stop gaslighting others at least. shameful you can't stand up for your racist roots.
There’s a reason that African Americans vote close to 90% Dem.

No one believes you bullshit and it makes you fuckers crazy
Every person on this earth is rotten in the heart.
It's a reprobate and depraved society with increased moral rot.
Our morally rotten and depraved society.

You know folks, that whole brouhaha about guns and now the KKK, and racism and stuff has worn thin. It is well-plowed ground.

So, let's re-wind the reel and go to the real interesting stuff.

To wit: Your rotten heart.

Personally, and with the perspective offered by the moral high ground , I think y'all should be ashamed of your reprobate-ness. How could you do that stuff?

And now that the good poster Lord Brown Trout (presumably rot-free himself) has bluntly called y'all out publicly ......well....... I think it is high time that the depraved & rotten posters here (and LordBrownTrout knows who you are) it is high time you offer the USMB forum a confession of your sins.

Well, not all of 'em.
There is only so much bandwidth.

Rather, confess your most entertaining one. The one that made Beezlebub, Lucifer, Old Scratch, Satan, and Prince of Darkness....made 'em all grin.
And then ask the forum....and the mods....for forgiveness.

Or at least, applause.
You go first.

You know folks, that whole brouhaha about guns and now the KKK, and racism and stuff has worn thin. It is well-plowed ground.

So, let's re-wind the reel and go to the real interesting stuff.

To wit: Your rotten heart.

Personally, and with the perspective offered by the moral high ground , I think y'all should be ashamed of your reprobate-ness. How could you do that stuff?

And now that the good poster Lord Brown Trout (presumably rot-free himself) has bluntly called y'all out publicly ......well....... I think it is high time that the depraved & rotten posters here (and LordBrownTrout knows who you are) it is high time you offer the USMB forum a confession of your sins.

Well, not all of 'em.
There is only so much bandwidth.

Rather, confess your most entertaining one. The one that made Beezlebub, Lucifer, Old Scratch, Satan, and Prince of Darkness....made 'em all grin.
And then ask the forum....and the mods....for forgiveness.

Or at least, applause.
You go first.

Nope, Im the most rotten of all. Thats funny though, chilliwack. I like your wit!
Automatic and semiautomatic weapons are not "protection."
There's a reason they use the term "assault" to describe them.

15 ARs is not protection
high capacity is not protection
5000 round of ammunition is not protection.

The "problem" can only be solved by saving the cult members from the Church of the NRA

The only people that use that term are people who don't know shit about firearms. Oh, and propagandist like yourself. The term was invented by anti-gunners back in the late 80s just for propaganda.

Weapons I understand
The marksman ribbon says I know how to use them

So here's the question...

Who EXACTLY are you "protecting" yourself from with a 50 round drum?
If you can't hit it with six shots you shouldn't have access to a firearm because those 50 rounds aren't going to stop until they hit something OR SOMEONE

and they hit and kill someone in the US 40k times each year.

The same applies to the six dumbass. And you're still a liar.

You act like that's an insult
But I guess from a tiny minded poop throwing cultist it's to be expected.
You act like it's not, but I guess from a brainwashed, lying, cheating member of the Democrat party it's to be expected.

And how do you suppose those guns ended up in the "Underground Market?" That's right. "Law abiding" gun owners

through theft (6 percent). from stupid careless gun owners.

Another 11 percent of the time, someone else bought the gun for them, from "law abiding" gun owners

Roughly 15 percent got guns from family and friends (buying, renting, trading, borrowing) from "Law Abiding" gun owners


So, according to your own source 78% of guns used by criminals come directly or indirectly from "law abiding" gun owners who are not so law abiding.

Prove that all guns in the black market were supplied by law abiding gun owners.

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