F**** your thoughts and prayers?

IDs are DESIGNED to be just difficult enough to get that they peal away a certain per centage of voters you would prefer not vote.
If one is too stupid to figure out how to obtain an ID then if follows that they are far too stupid to be entrusted with voting.
I rest my case. So it is your opinion that blacks are too stupid to figure it out! Thanks for playing who is racist much!!!!

See, I have confidence grown ups, all races, know how to do what's necessary to survive in public. I don't need to intervene. It's why we have public schools. perhaps instead of teaching how to be a pedophile we should teach how to do the simple things in life like getting IDs. haahhahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahaha

They aren't too stupid to get ID to get Old English Ale 40oz, Schlitz malt liquor, Ripple or to Fly. but for Voting? its' impossible.
They aren't too stupid to get ID to get Old English Ale 40oz, Schlitz malt liquor, Ripple or to Fly. but for Voting? its' impossible.
I posted that post to show she would call blacks stupid and she followed through. A demofk is predictable.
When has a Republican ever lowered the SS tax?

And unlike you I never counted on Social Security. I opened my first Brokerage account when I was 18 and I maxed out my Roth IRA every year. I worked for myself and acquired assets and multiple streams of income from my construction co and rental properties

I retired at age 51 and don't need my SS at all
The Bush years were tough on me. But I've been saving since that age too. Still I am going to need my social security.

So you will be able to live off the interest or do you have to tap into your savings? I can retire without social security too but then I would have to tap into my million. If I can pay my bills with social security then I don't have to.

And that's great for you. But most people don't make nearly what I make or have what I have and all those people are why you can't fuck with social security.

Republicans will make cuts to social security. Didn't say they did already. If not, why have they told us not to count on it being there? Are they just fear mongering? They don't say "....because Democrats are going to end the program". If they believed that, you can bet they'd be saying it.

So either they have been fear mongering or they have been honest for the last 40 years. Eventually they're going to make cuts.

And raise retirement age. They already justify doing it by telling us we are living longer.

You sir are a liar or fool.
it wasn’t his fault the AF didn’t report it. Little Hunter purposely and knowingly lied…that’s a crime



Is it relevant to the discussion?

Then do try to stay on track.

People like you decide not to obey the law.
People in positions of authority.
Like the sheriff in CO who refused to follow the Red Flag laws and ended up getting a woman killed.
The AF officer who failed to report and the sheriff should both be charged with conspiracy
And that's great for you. But most people don't make nearly what I make or have what I have and all those people are why you can't fuck with social security
What a bunch of mumbo jumbo soup!!

People who do not contribute do not get SS!

The difference between what my wife gets a month and what I eventually get is but one thousand a month! You’re fked as normal.

My salary is three times what hers was when she worked. And the difference in SS will be a mere twelve grand a year! Fk off now



Is it relevant to the discussion?

Then do try to stay on track.

People like you decide not to obey the law.
People in positions of authority.
Like the sheriff in CO who refused to follow the Red Flag laws and ended up getting a woman killed.
The AF officer who failed to report and the sheriff should both be charged with conspiracy
so it wasn’t a crime for the texas guy to get the gun…unlike xiden who lied

Red flag laws in CO didn’t kick in on that guy because he mom refused to press any charges

right now xiden’s DOJ is openly refusing to enforce the law against Hunter
so it wasn’t a crime for the texas guy to get the gun…unlike xiden who lied

Red flag laws in CO didn’t kick in on that guy because he mom refused to press any charges

right now xiden’s DOJ is openly refusing to enforce the law against Hunter



how many people has HB killed this year?
How many stores has he robbed?

If you can'tstay on topic, then just STFU MAGAT.



how many people has HB killed this year?
How many stores has he robbed?

If you can'tstay on topic, then just STFU MAGAT.
so we should only enforce gun laws after a robbery or murder? then what’s the point of the gun law??
so we should only enforce gun laws after a robbery or murder? then what’s the point of the gun law??
Do try to be a little less stupid.

or not.
Is um's feewings hurt by the trufe?

Accep responsibility for the murders you help commit.
Your God might forgive you.

How about you name the victims I helped kill and show the direct connection to me.

I bet you're on a ventilator, because so far you've proved your too dumb to breathe.

How about you name the victims I helped kill and show the direct connection to me.

I bet you're on a ventilator, because so far you've proved your too dumb to breathe.

Name them?

Here you go numnuts

Your refusal to accept reasonable gun control led to those murders among thousands more.

Each and every one on your head.
Name them?

Here you go numnuts

Your refusal to accept reasonable gun control led to those murders among thousands more.

Each and every one on your head.

No guns same shit, you’re in the wrong field.

How does gun control save these victims
Now that is a fun one.
Familiar to be sure. But still fun.
It is a tired, worn, and silly claim that if 'they don't know guns' then they are disqualified to talk about gun violence in America. Even if it was their 6-year old who got blown away at school. Disqualified....because they don't know the kinetic energy of the bullet that killed her.

It is nonsense. I have seen it in any number of discussions with gun-nuts. They claim that if one doesn't know the sear tensile-strength on a Sig Sauer trigger assembly.....well then, "thy don't know guns'...and thus have no place in gun-violence debates.

The GunNuttery-world likes to hide within nomenclature, jargon, and technical manuals to boo-bird anyone who is skeptical of America's gunnut-culture, and the damage it causes.

It is amusing. Although, to be fair, I don't intend to use the term 'Gun Nut' in a pejorative manner.


That is a straw-man. And the poster knows the query is unanswerable today.
But the undeniable reality is that 99+% of firearms in private hands were, at one time, "legally owned".......by the manufacturer, by the distributor, by the retailer, by the first purchaser of record.
How it then became an 'illegal' weapon is anybody's guess.

So, that brings us back to the suggestion that all firearms....ALL.....carry with them, from the moment their assembly at the factory is finished and certified.....a "strict liability" burden on the owner-of-record.

Yes, that means the factory carries it first, then it is transferred to the distributor, then the retailer, then the retail buyer. If that firearm causes harm in that chain of ownership then the entity who was the OOR at that moment....holds the liability responsibility. The Owner-of-Record is the entity that America must focus on in order to mitigate this uniquely American plague of gun violence.

Thus, in my opinion, America will see an exponential increase in care, concern, and accountability in our firearm ownership. And thus fewer of those once 'legal' firearms will end up in 'illegal' hands.

To be sure, it won't eliminate all gun violence. But with hundreds of millions of firearms in private-hands....we can only address our violence with incremental change and time. It is the best we can do. Keep making changes that increase the burden of responsibility for bringing this high lethality, easily concealed, portable, and easily used tool into our society. Guns are different. Different than any other tool we employ in our society.


Wow all that to quote me out of context and deflect from the conversation that was in progress. If you want to return to that conversation I'll be happy to engage. As a reminder, the conversation was using the term "assault weapons" to describe the most popular sport utility rifle in the country. And that term being invented by gun grabbers for propaganda purposes.

What a bunch of mumbo jumbo soup!!

People who do not contribute do not get SS!

The difference between what my wife gets a month and what I eventually get is but one thousand a month! You’re fked as normal.

My salary is three times what hers was when she worked. And the difference in SS will be a mere twelve grand a year! Fk off now
So you maxed out. Congrats on being rich. Now stop trying to relate to us common folk.
So you maxed out. Congrats on being rich. Now stop trying to relate to us common folk.
You’re still confused on the ponzi scheme?

Money in, money out.

No money in, no money out. It’s very simple. A simpleton like you should know
You’re still confused on the ponzi scheme?

Money in, money out.

No money in, no money out. It’s very simple. A simpleton like you should know

Huh? We put money in, there should be money in the fund. Not my fault Republicans raided the fund and used it like a slush fund. They owe me my money.

If Trump would have won re election I have a feeling he was going to put America into bankruptsy just like he does his companies. To renig on paying debts.

Two people he would have screwed. People who pay into social security and China.

It would have been great to see him screw China but it would have cost us 20% of our social security. And you would have defended him. WHy? Because you don't need ss. You must be rich!
I have quite a few guns and I misuse the wrong words like clip or magazine, arrow or bolt. Whatever. I know enough to use all my weapons. Red Dawn.

Yep, and the only reason I own an AR style rifle is to address a wild hog problem. I take exception to them tearing up my property.


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