F**** your thoughts and prayers?

No it cannot. Unless you have a really big ass bomb, nothing kills as fast as a weapon that can fire 30 rounds in 30 seconds.

Actually, a truck does......

Las Vegas shooting...

murdered 60

injured by gun fire 413

Length of time of attack....10 minutes

The mass shooting occurred between 10:05 p.m. and 10:15 p.m.

Muslim, Truck attack, Nice, France....
Murdered 86
injured... 434
Length of time of the attack....5 minutes...

On 14 July in Nice, at approximately 22:30,..........The truck travelled a further 200 metres (660 ft) until, in a badly damaged state, it came to halt[56] at 22:35 next to the Palais de la Méditerranée approximately five minutes after the start of the attack.[35][41]

You don't know anything about this issue......

You don't need a background check to rent a truck....or steal a truck..........

And the only reason the Vegas shooting was as bad as this is he attacked a tightly packed crowd of over 22,000 people from a concealed and fortified position, at night, firing from 490 yards away............
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Actually, a truck does......

Las Vegas shooting...

murdered 60

injured by gun fire 413

Length of time of attack....10 minutes

The mass shooting occurred between 10:05 p.m. and 10:15 p.m.

Muslim, Truck attack, Nice, France....
Murdered 86
injured... 434
Length of time of the attack....5 minutes...

On 14 July in Nice, at approximately 22:30,..........The truck travelled a further 200 metres (660 ft) until, in a badly damaged state, it came to halt[56] at 22:35 next to the Palais de la Méditerranée approximately five minutes after the start of the attack.[35][41]

You don't know anything about this issue......

You don't need a background check to rent a truck....or steal a truck..........

And the only reason the Vegas shooting was as bad as this is he attacked a tightly packed crowd of over 22,000 people from a concealed and fortified position, at night, firing from 490 yards away............
They can’t defend the indefensible
The kids in Sandy Hook, Michigan State, Parkland, Vegas, Buffalo and a hundred other mass murder sites were law abiding and not safe at ALL
Well, were they armed, and could you not understand what I wrote, criminals killed each, and every one of those in each instance.
The kids in Sandy Hook, Michigan State, Parkland, Vegas, Buffalo and a hundred other mass murder sites were law abiding and not safe at ALL
There you go again, trying to sell dead kids as a means to advance your mindless agenda...

The (D)ishonest prey upon the emotions of the ignorant, because they know it works.
You're the proof.
Well keep in mind we all went through different experiences. The Bush 2000's were tough on me. All I did that decade was pay my mortgage. But I'm catching up now. The last 8 years have been good to me. I can tell you Bush Bush and Trump were not good for manufacturing. Example, Trump's trade war with china, that he lost. Maybe you're in oil, defense or a cop?

I could have got a job at ford when I was 17. I had a late birthday. But at 17 I could have worked at ford 30 years and at age 47 retired, with a fat pension. Instead I went to college and now I have to work till I'm 62.

When I say have to, I mean I don't want to touch my principle. Just live off the interest, social security. I have a few different investments that will all pay me a nice sum every month for the rest of my life. But make no mistake about it, I want and need my social security. If you Republicans fuck with it, it's worse than raising taxes on rich people. Or making companies pay their fair share of taxes. The masses. You repugs are going to rob the masses of what's coming to us. And then blame Democrats. Fuck that.

Tell ya what, you just keep swallowing that commie propaganda and you probably won't make it to 62.

Tell ya what, you just keep swallowing that commie propaganda and you probably won't make it to 62.

That's funny. Sounds like what we told you about not getting vaccinated. And how many of you ended up dying?

A big portion of people who died were unvaccinated Republicans. But you know what? They stood firm and didn't give a fuck even as they were dying, it was their right to die! And I applauded every death.

I think the number went up to 7 but let's just say it's 5. That's 5 less con radio guys lying to you every day. And now Fox can't lie anymore.

Where do you get your lies from now?
A big portion of people who died were unvaccinated Republicans.

Now, how are you going to prove this?

Oh, wait.

Leftist vermin don't ever have to prove that what they say is factual.

It's "your truth" that unvaccinated Republicans are dying, and that's good enough in your world of fairies and unicorns.

Got it.

And you wonder why we who live in the real world of facts want NATIONAL DIVORCE.


That's funny. Sounds like what we told you about not getting vaccinated. And how many of you ended up dying?
A big portion of people who died were unvaccinated Republicans. But you know what? They stood firm and didn't give a fuck even as they were dying, it was their right to die! And I applauded every death.
The deaths of people you disagree with makes you happy.
No surprise.

Now, how are you going to prove this?

Oh, wait.

Leftist vermin don't ever have to prove that what they say is factual.

It's "your truth" that unvaccinated Republicans are dying, and that's good enough in your world of fairies and unicorns.

Got it.

And you wonder why we who live in the real world of facts want NATIONAL DIVORCE.




"Alternative facts" was a phrase used by U.S. Counselor to the President, Kellyanne Conway, during a Meet the Press interview on January 22, 2017, in which she defended White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer's false statement about the attendance numbers of Donald Trump's inauguration as President of the United States. When pressed during the interview with Chuck Todd to explain why Spicer would "utter a provable falsehood", Conway stated that Spicer was giving "alternative facts".

So you and the people you listen to and repeat their lies don't live in reality bub. How can you argue with someone like her or you?

Are you a liar or someone who believes? Stupid or evil?
And -you- claimed a black man could not be a member.
Are you a liar, stupid or evil?
In that case wrong. But I'm not stupid enough to continue making the false claim after proven wrong. That's what you do.

So my answer if those are my only choices would be STUPID. I was STUPID.

"Alternative facts" was a phrase used by U.S. Counselor to the President, Kellyanne Conway, during a Meet the Press interview on January 22, 2017, in which she defended White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer's false statement about the attendance numbers of Donald Trump's inauguration as President of the United States. When pressed during the interview with Chuck Todd to explain why Spicer would "utter a provable falsehood", Conway stated that Spicer was giving "alternative facts".

So you and the people you listen to and repeat their lies don't live in reality bub. How can you argue with someone like her or you?

Are you a liar or someone who believes? Stupid or evil?

Translation: "I said something I can't prove, which was that A big portion of people who died were unvaccinated Republicans. ".

Got it.

Are we surprised?

PS -- We'll applaud your death too, jab zombie.

Don't forget this week's booster.


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