F35 - superfighter or lame duck?

Great defense bud.....accuse someone of bad info while providing info on plane being phased out if not gone alrdy
Great defense bud.....accuse someone of bad info while providing info on plane being phased out if not gone alrdy
Your source of F-35 RCS? (crickets chirp)
Your source of F-35 engine heat? (crickets chirp)

Clearly you just make things up as you go along and have zero actual factual basis for what you say.

All you have to do to prove everyone wrong and you right is show us this RCS data you keep talking about, but you can't. It's quite telling.
F-35 is no F-22....not even close. Think Skepticism is warranted.

If we using stealth as a yardstick, the F-35A is better than the F-22 since it has a smaller stealth footprint. That means the F-35 will see the F-22 first and get first shots. What we are exporting ain't what we are flying in the US in the form of the F-35A and C. I don't know when they changed from the solid baked panels to the mesh panels but that's the way the US F-35s are made today. Why that is better, I don't know and they ain't tellin'.

The F-35A can now escort the B-2 all the way in and the F-22 can't.
Not even ...don't know where you got that ...F22 rcs much smaller than f35

The figures that are used are from the original test birds before the modification of the carbon fiber mesh. There are no figures available for the new version except it's equal to that of a mosquito. Using old data to support new arguments is flawed. But I do hope the enemy believes your "Truth". It makes it so much nicer in battle.
Dude. You just got called out for lying. Either purposefully or out of ignorance I am not sure which. And now you throw out another lie right behind that blindly.
And the ensuing string of posts exemplify what you pointed out with this post.

Manonthestreet is a liar, plain and simple. When someone keeps repeating the same thing that everyone else knows is incorrect, and ignores all requests for a source... he's just lying. He knows he was wrong about this plane, so he just keeps making up things about F-35 RCS and engine heat. No sense of self-respect.
The figures that are used are from the original test birds before the modification of the carbon fiber mesh. There are no figures available for the new version except it's equal to that of a mosquito.
He also can't rationalize how all these pilots say it's dominating because they can't find it. Repeatedly claiming the F-35 isn't stealthy takes a special level of delusion, or willingness to be a serial liar.
As further notation on the stupidity of ManOnTheStreet's "hottest engine so not stealthy" claim. We've already established he has no source for this other than his rich imagination, but:

Designed with serrated nozel and cooling vents which greatly reduce IR signature:




Also 5th gen aircraft tend to use tail features to hide engine from some angles, compare to 4th gen:

The figures that are used are from the original test birds before the modification of the carbon fiber mesh. There are no figures available for the new version except it's equal to that of a mosquito.
He also can't rationalize how all these pilots say it's dominating because they can't find it. Repeatedly claiming the F-35 isn't stealthy takes a special level of delusion, or willingness to be a serial liar.

I can see it now. The Russians scrambling over every marsh and swamp for every mosquito in there. And flies, don't forget about flies. Instead of expensive drones to draw their fire, we just drop a bunch of dung beetles dropped from cheap missile warheads. Instead of germ warfare, we use bug warfare.
As further notation on the stupidity of ManOnTheStreet's "hottest engine so not stealthy" claim. We've already established he has no source for this other than his rich imagination, but:

Designed with serrated nozel and cooling vents which greatly reduce IR signature:




Also 5th gen aircraft tend to use tail features to hide engine from some angles, compare to 4th gen:


While the vented cool air does cool the exhaust a bit, the rest is for stealthy configuration. Those serrations and angles are for stealth.
The official F-15X procurement announcement is exactly as we predicted it would be going back to when we broke the existence of the concept last July. This includes the exact initial procurement number—eight F-15EX (single seat) aircraft for 2020, a metric that at the time didn't match other outlets' reporting
With the F-15X's inclusion in the budget came a whole new attitude toward buying any fighter but the F-35 from USAF officials. The message was clear—the days of the official DoD party line of "F-35 or nothing" are over.
8 F-15Xs For USAF And 22 F-5s For Navy In 2020 Budget Request
double oooops
If I was Boeing I'd be working on a the next air supe fighter for Navy fast as I could and put the F-35 out of its misery
The official F-15X procurement announcement is exactly as we predicted it would be going back to when we broke the existence of the concept last July. This includes the exact initial procurement number—eight F-15EX (single seat) aircraft for 2020, a metric that at the time didn't match other outlets' reporting
With the F-15X's inclusion in the budget came a whole new attitude toward buying any fighter but the F-35 from USAF officials. The message was clear—the days of the official DoD party line of "F-35 or nothing" are over.
8 F-15Xs For USAF And 22 F-5s For Navy In 2020 Budget Request
double oooops

The F-35A is replacing the F-16 on a one for one basis now. And the F-15X is replacing the F-15A converted to Cs on a one for one. At 8 per year, it's going to be a few years before the old As are taken completely out of the inventory. The F-35A is still being purchased as fast as they can be manufactured. In order to keep up with the world needs, they will probably have to fire up another assembly line. All the world must be wrong, right?
The US Navy now says it'll reach 355 ships by 2034, while whacking F-35Bs and a carrier from its five-year plan. What's the strategy? Navy Unveils Record Budget, Pushing Above 300 Ships

Unlike the Air Force, the Navy has to spend it's money very wisely. If they want those 20 F-35Cs and all those new ships, they have to cut something else in procurement. It costs one hell of a lot more money to run the Navy/Marines than the Air Force but the Air Force, as usual, gets the preference. The good news is, the old Bugs will be being replaced slowly with both new F-35C, Bs and F-18E/Fs. Much like the AF is replacing it's old 1970s vintage F-15s and F-16s. These older birds are almost 40 years old and have had their Air Frame Times extended a few times. And you really can't keep extending a Carrier Birds Max Air Frame Time very much past it's prime. You might get away with that with the AF but not the Navy.
If I was Boeing I'd be working on a the next air supe fighter for Navy fast as I could and put the F-35 out of its misery

Funny, the Navy is head over heals over their new F-35C. Guess you need to tell all those Admirals that they don't know what they are doing. Just do a search and call the Admirals in the Pentagon. That should do it.
[when is a cut not a cut ...when it's the F35 getting cut of course.....

The Air Force didn't cut a single one. They buy every A model that comes off the assembly line. The AF can't get enough of them. The B got reduced when they discovered just how lethal the A is and reduced the number of Bs to purchase As. The Navy reduced the Bs because there is just so much money in the wallet and had no choice but to go with the cheaper F-18E and Fs at about half the cost over the Bs. But the Navy will not cut the Cs. Like the Air Force, the Navy has some really tired old fighters they have to get out of the inventory. The AF and Navy need to get rid of the old birds from the 70s. The AF has upgraded their tired old A/B models to C/D standards bit the Navy couldn't upgrade their C/Ds to the E/Fs since the Superbugs are essentially a completely different fighter. So, they do what they have to do.

The reason the AF is buying new F-15X models is because the assembly lines of the F-35 isn't keeping up with the needs of the pilots. They have to get the old converted A models of the F-15 and F-16 out of the inventory as fast as possible before they start falling apart in the air. So they found a way. And that way works out pretty damned good. But the F-35A was never supposed to replace the F-15. It was always supposed to replace the old tired F-16s that have lead a hard life, a much harder life than the F-15. They can either replace them on the ground or wait and replace them in the Air and no one wants that to happen. Well, maybe you do but not the rest of us.
[when is a cut not a cut ...when it's the F35 getting cut of course.....

The Air Force didn't cut a single one. They buy every A model that comes off the assembly line. The AF can't get enough of them. The B got reduced when they discovered just how lethal the A is and reduced the number of Bs to purchase As. The Navy reduced the Bs because there is just so much money in the wallet and had no choice but to go with the cheaper F-18E and Fs at about half the cost over the Bs. But the Navy will not cut the Cs. Like the Air Force, the Navy has some really tired old fighters they have to get out of the inventory. The AF and Navy need to get rid of the old birds from the 70s. The AF has upgraded their tired old A/B models to C/D standards bit the Navy couldn't upgrade their C/Ds to the E/Fs since the Superbugs are essentially a completely different fighter. So, they do what they have to do.

The reason the AF is buying new F-15X models is because the assembly lines of the F-35 isn't keeping up with the needs of the pilots. They have to get the old converted A models of the F-15 and F-16 out of the inventory as fast as possible before they start falling apart in the air. So they found a way. And that way works out pretty damned good. But the F-35A was never supposed to replace the F-15. It was always supposed to replace the old tired F-16s that have lead a hard life, a much harder life than the F-15. They can either replace them on the ground or wait and replace them in the Air and no one wants that to happen. Well, maybe you do but not the rest of us.
Wasn't the F-22 supposed to replace the F-15?
[when is a cut not a cut ...when it's the F35 getting cut of course.....

The Air Force didn't cut a single one. They buy every A model that comes off the assembly line. The AF can't get enough of them. The B got reduced when they discovered just how lethal the A is and reduced the number of Bs to purchase As. The Navy reduced the Bs because there is just so much money in the wallet and had no choice but to go with the cheaper F-18E and Fs at about half the cost over the Bs. But the Navy will not cut the Cs. Like the Air Force, the Navy has some really tired old fighters they have to get out of the inventory. The AF and Navy need to get rid of the old birds from the 70s. The AF has upgraded their tired old A/B models to C/D standards bit the Navy couldn't upgrade their C/Ds to the E/Fs since the Superbugs are essentially a completely different fighter. So, they do what they have to do.

The reason the AF is buying new F-15X models is because the assembly lines of the F-35 isn't keeping up with the needs of the pilots. They have to get the old converted A models of the F-15 and F-16 out of the inventory as fast as possible before they start falling apart in the air. So they found a way. And that way works out pretty damned good. But the F-35A was never supposed to replace the F-15. It was always supposed to replace the old tired F-16s that have lead a hard life, a much harder life than the F-15. They can either replace them on the ground or wait and replace them in the Air and no one wants that to happen. Well, maybe you do but not the rest of us.
Wasn't the F-22 supposed to replace the F-15?

Yes. But the cost got in the way. In the end,it did go down but at 144 mil a copy in the last year, it averaged out closer to 244 mil per bird and they stopped the production. They also knew the JSF was coming soon. It just took longer than they imagined to get the JSF than they thought and it ended up different than they thought as well. Can you imagine if they had put out 3 different contracts, what would have come out of that?

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