Fabletics: The Cure to Communism


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Can commerce and media defy Orwellian cynicism?

Who knows?

Anyone a fan of Fabletics?



"Americans care about fitness and lifestyle and consumerism so they celebrate GNC, Starbucks, Bally's, Olive Garden, and of course Fabletics (the fitness-gear company co-owned by American actress/celebrity Kate Hudson, star of the iconic film Almost Famous!). People in the 'know' might even have a nifty/chic painting of Kate Hudson in their apartment/home to celebrate/honor America's special fascination with consumerism and lifestyle. So where does all this anti-capitalism terrorism generate?"


"America is the land of opportunity and dreams. It's based on meritocracy and there are many voices about the demands for equity, pluralism, and democratic entertainment. Those who thrive in America are those who desire to embrace the basic humility of the American Dream. However, the American Dream can be very complex and terrorists know and hate that. They believe Fabletics is merely a 'token' and not a trophy of the American spirit. U.S. President Donald Trump seems to think these terrorists are wrong!"


"American intelligence officers and special-missions army officers (Navy SEALs) are recruited and trained to infiltrate key positions in hostile territories and nations in which democracy is basically a joke. These valiant American soldiers are responsible for bringing order and sanity to a world plagued by modernism cynicism. Terrorists know that America has very real problems such as racism, and American intelligence officers are mentally-equipped to stand by America's special brand of 'savvy patriotism'."


"American cities are beacons of commerce and industry and therefore sites of great pluralism/traffic. The U.S. government cares about safeguarding these 'precious cities' and after the devastating attack by Middle Eastern terrorists on 9/11, American citizens/voters have been ultra-conscious of what comprises 'healthy domestic governance' and U.S. President Donald Trump (a capitalism-baron and only the second celebrity-president after Ronald Reagan!) cares about Homeland Security and the NSA's cyber-division (responsible for monitoring/securing all domestic Internet communications and online activity!). We don't want American cities to become terrible Orwellian symbols of toxic-waste, do we?"


"My name is Ajay Satan. I'm an Internet-blogging 'vigilante' and I care about democracy...deeply. I care about America and how the U.S. government provides its citizens a level of sanity/security unparalleled and unrivalled. I wear offbeat costumes and head-gear/masks and take photos of myself in these 'costumes' to post on my blogs about the value of American patriotism as a 'spiritual counter-measure' against the anti-modernism threat of anti-commercial terrorism (e.g., ISIS). Every citizen matters in America (I believe that!), and my favorite American-spirit films include Escape from New York, American Beauty, and Minority Report(!). My goal is simple --- to argue online that democracy is not pornography and that TrumpUSA cares about modern hellmouths such as biochemical warfare and toxic-waste."


"Ajay Satan loves comic books and uses comic book short-stories and fan-fics to present ideas about American idealism and democracy-imagination. Ajay is a fan of the comic book heroine Wonder Woman (DC Comics) and the comic book anti-heroine Harley Quinn (DC Comics) and believes these two iconic 'femme-supremes' symbolize all the capitalism energy to understand why Kate Hudson's pro-consumerism fitness-gear company Fabletics is the real 'cure' to the sociological problem of cynicism-catalysed desperation-gauged pseudo-Communism (e.g., Waco, Texas). Ajay Satan hopes to someday write a story about Wonder Woman and Harley Quinn working together to promote women in the public sphere --- e.g., Kate Hudson and Melania Trump!"


"As Ajay wrote his optimistic blogs about Fabletics 'solving' the problem of anti-Western Communism, a great underground drug war was being waged in Russia just ahead of the upcoming World Cup soccer tournament in Moscow. This drug war was waged between ex-operatives of deposed armies of ruined Communist governments, drug-cartel minions, and powerful new age warlords (some of whom were descendants of the 'armies' of druglord Pablo Escobar). This great drug war was covert and therefore not exposed by Western journalists, however ISIS (the terrorist-group) knew about it and wanted to work with them to plan a coastal invasion of Miami, Florida. What would President Trump do?"


TRUMP: I hate toxic-waste.
CARTER: The EPA is responsible for monitoring industrialization.
TRUMP: Mishandled toxic-waste is a surefire sign of mismanaged capitalism.
CARTER: Yes, and terrorist-groups (ISIS) share your sentiment...
TRUMP: Precisely; these terrorists will use any American weakness to justify anarchy.
CARTER: They're angry about Israel-Palestine, Wall Street, and NATO.
TRUMP: Yeah; I wonder if the EPA works more with the Middle East now.
CARTER: I'm sure there are delegates of the EPA who study that region.
TRUMP: Did you know that Algeria is ahead of the USA in wind-energy development?
CARTER: Yes, that's a dangerous fact; an OPEC-relative ahead in renewables(!).
TRUMP: I'm sure ISIS would use such a precocious fact to justify terrorism...
CARTER: They might decry, "America used Agent Orange, so why can't we?"
TRUMP: Everyone makes mistakes (Nazi Germany); diplomacy is the key.
CARTER: Maybe we should hype consumerism in a basic way...
TRUMP: Sure; I like the writings of Ajay Satan and Robert Ludlum.
CARTER: Yes 'intelligence intrigue' is very 'modern.'
TRUMP: Let's hype Wal-Mart, Fabletics, Energizer, and Olive Garden.
CARTER: Fabletics is owned by celebrity Kate Hudson and represents American pride.
TRUMP: We want ISIS to know that American pride will never die, Carter...
CARTER: Yes, sir!


"All this melee about media and modern democracy makes me feel excited about the consumerism spirit associated with my fitness-gear company, Fabletics(!). My name is Kate Hudson, and I'm a celebrity/actress, and I care about American imagination and optimism. My parents are celebrities too, and we all embrace American pride and modern democracy. We believe TrumpUSA has real potential...and we'll endorse any political initiative that promotes democratic exchanges. Fabletics is real, and so is terrorism. That's why I agree with Ajay Satan and Scientologist-celebrity Tom Cruise that consumerism-ideal companies such as my Fabletics can defy the basic anti-progressive cardinality of anti-pluralism Communism (e.g., anti-consumerism censorship). God bless America!"




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