Facebook Bans Populist Consverative Groups Just Before European Elections

Communist Body Count
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Denard is either lying or he's misled. Those the ADL cites are actually overwhelmingly antisemitic LEFTISTS.

Just because they put together a pie chart and make these ridiculous accusations, doesn't make it true, AND IT'S NOT.

Here is the left. Hundreds of millions murdered in the 20th century.
And the left is still trying to sell their b.s. to the suckers by calling it "socialism".
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Without Facebook the Populist are lost?
Most people get their news through social media, so what do you th.….oh, never mind.

If that is true then most people are idiots.

Do you also get your news via social media?
View attachment 260735
In the U.S., roughly nine-in-ten adults (93%) get at least some news online(either via mobile or desktop), and the online space has become a host for the digital homes of both legacy news outlets and new, “born on the web” news outlets. Digital advertising revenue across all digital entities (beyond just news) continues to grow, with technology companies playing a large role in the flow of both news and revenue. Explore the patterns and longitudinal data about digital news below.
Trends and Facts on Online News | State of the News Media

Sorry but "online" is NOT 'social media' but I thank you for you exposing yourself as being at best, extremely deceitful.

I would go as far as saying you are worth(about) the same as a LIAR, which is worth shit.
You are such a joke, caddo kid, and kid you are. I slap you with facts and you outright deny them. Sadly, you don’t even recognize how foolish you look every time you pull it.
Without Facebook the Populist are lost?
Most people get their news through social media, so what do you th.….oh, never mind.

If that is true then most people are idiots.

Do you also get your news via social media?
View attachment 260735
In the U.S., roughly nine-in-ten adults (93%) get at least some news online(either via mobile or desktop), and the online space has become a host for the digital homes of both legacy news outlets and new, “born on the web” news outlets. Digital advertising revenue across all digital entities (beyond just news) continues to grow, with technology companies playing a large role in the flow of both news and revenue. Explore the patterns and longitudinal data about digital news below.
Trends and Facts on Online News | State of the News Media

Sorry but "online" is NOT 'social media' but I thank you for you exposing yourself as being at best, extremely deceitful.

I would go as far as saying you are worth(about) the same as a LIAR, which is worth shit.
You are such a joke, caddo kid, and kid you are. I slap you with facts and you outright deny them. Sadly, you don’t even recognize how foolish you look every time you pull it.
Without Facebook the Populist are lost?
Most people get their news through social media, so what do you th.….oh, never mind.

If that is true then most people are idiots.

Do you also get your news via social media?
View attachment 260735
In the U.S., roughly nine-in-ten adults (93%) get at least some news online(either via mobile or desktop), and the online space has become a host for the digital homes of both legacy news outlets and new, “born on the web” news outlets. Digital advertising revenue across all digital entities (beyond just news) continues to grow, with technology companies playing a large role in the flow of both news and revenue. Explore the patterns and longitudinal data about digital news below.
Trends and Facts on Online News | State of the News Media

Sorry but "online" is NOT 'social media' but I thank you for you exposing yourself as being at best, extremely deceitful.

I would go as far as saying you are worth(about) the same as a LIAR, which is worth shit.

Thank you for LYING to everyone here.

I was 'on line' 24 years ago before ANYONE referred to 'social media' which is SHIT like Fakebook, Shitter (Trump's favorite), Instagasim, and Snapshit.

OK, you can go away, back into your dark cave now from whence you came ............
So..we can say whatever we want here on USMB and if we are banned or our posts deleted, that is a violation of the 1st Amendment?

Is USMB a service being utilized by ~67% of the American public?

Oh yeah. The 67% clause of the First Amendment. A well known exemption. Not.

Try to wrap your peabrain around this: Given the fact that 220+ million Americans use Facebook, many for communication and business, it has arguably risen to the level of a public utility.
Should this sort of thing be illegal in America?

What if CBS, NBC, ABC, all the major news papers, FB and Twitter all decided to ban the GOP from advertisements? Would that be legal too?

Facebook Shuts Down Populist Italian Pages Before EU Elections

Facebook has shut down 23 major populist Italian pages with 2.5 million followers just two weeks before the European elections.
According to Italian media, the majority of the pages supported the populist parties La Lega (The League) and the 5-Star Movement (M5S) — who currently govern Italy in a temporary coalition.

Facebook has justified its dramatic move by claiming that the sites shared fake news, so-called “hate speech”, and “divisive content” regarding immigrants, vaccines, and Jewish people.​
Would anything really surprise you at this point?
It'd be nice if you expressed little outrage
Outrage is theater.

Outrageous. :aargh:
Notice the left doesn't even try to dispute the games Facistbook is playing. They just try to convince us that the new public square is allowed to silence the views of HALF the population.

This isn't a game. No one values the opinions of liars and cheats except liars and cheats. I have absolutely no problem with the private sector policing its own product.
Innit funny how the moonbats just love them some big corporate oligarchy, as long as it gives them the results they want?

Did you smell your own farts before you posted that?
Another bootlicker of BigCorp comes crawling out of the sewer.

LOL. I'm sure inventing shit makes you sleep better at night.
I'm sure deflecting from the poignant point makes you think you're a big winner...Bootlicking loser.
Notice the left doesn't even try to dispute the games Facistbook is playing. They just try to convince us that the new public square is allowed to silence the views of HALF the population.

This isn't a game. No one values the opinions of liars and cheats except liars and cheats. I have absolutely no problem with the private sector policing its own product.

Why do you want to give big tech the right to dictate what supposedly free people are allowed to talk about online?

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