Facebook Bans Populist Consverative Groups Just Before European Elections

Should this sort of thing be illegal in America?

What if CBS, NBC, ABC, all the major news papers, FB and Twitter all decided to ban the GOP from advertisements? Would that be legal too?

Facebook Shuts Down Populist Italian Pages Before EU Elections

Facebook has shut down 23 major populist Italian pages with 2.5 million followers just two weeks before the European elections.
According to Italian media, the majority of the pages supported the populist parties La Lega (The League) and the 5-Star Movement (M5S) — who currently govern Italy in a temporary coalition.

Facebook has justified its dramatic move by claiming that the sites shared fake news, so-called “hate speech”, and “divisive content” regarding immigrants, vaccines, and Jewish people.​
Would anything really surprise you at this point?
It'd be nice if you expressed little outrage
Outrage is theater.
Nobody is entitled to be on any Social Media platform.

If they've violated the rules, they've violated the rules, and must face the consequences.

The questions should be asked what the heck are these institutions/organizations doing to break the rules, that they have to get banned.

Can't be too good, no?
You are such a useful idiot
Nobody is entitled to be on any Social Media platform.

If they've violated the rules, they've violated the rules, and must face the consequences.

The questions should be asked what the heck are these institutions/organizations doing to break the rules, that they have to get banned.

Can't be too good, no?

Seems you worship well your electric deity. Be sure to keep the faith no matter how bitter His rules come to taste in your mouth. If the demiurges of social media were banning BLM nutcases or perhaps X's legacy speakers, your ass would look like a comet trail you'd be running so fast to the SPLC to whine o'er sleepless nights the universe's unfairness. Whatever makes your enemies suffer most, huh? Just remember a weapon thinks not at all, and any old "hand" can pick it up and point it in the opposite direction. Today, social media is kicking conservative voices. Tomorrow, you and all of your ilk could get the same treatment. Celebrate while you can . . .
The illiberal, authoritarian Regressive Left's vision of freedom of expression:


^Doesn't understand the first amendment. Thinks 'conservative populist' groups (i.e. often white supremacists groups) have the right to post on facebook just for the fuck of it.
The illiberal, authoritarian Regressive Left's vision of freedom of expression:


^Doesn't understand the first amendment. Thinks 'conservative populist' groups (i.e. often white supremacists groups) have the right to post on facebook just for the fuck of it.
View attachment 260727

If you're going to crawl around somebody else's poop trying to make sense of it then I'm not probably one who cares what you think.
Innit funny how the moonbats just love them some big corporate oligarchy, as long as it gives them the results they want?
Without Facebook the Populist are lost?
Most people get their news through social media, so what do you th.….oh, never mind.

If that is true then most people are idiots.

Do you also get your news via social media?

In the U.S., roughly nine-in-ten adults (93%) get at least some news online(either via mobile or desktop), and the online space has become a host for the digital homes of both legacy news outlets and new, “born on the web” news outlets. Digital advertising revenue across all digital entities (beyond just news) continues to grow, with technology companies playing a large role in the flow of both news and revenue. Explore the patterns and longitudinal data about digital news below.
Trends and Facts on Online News | State of the News Media
So..we can say whatever we want here on USMB and if we are banned or our posts deleted, that is a violation of the 1st Amendment?
So..we can say whatever we want here on USMB and if we are banned or our posts deleted, that is a violation of the 1st Amendment?
It is within their right. They just lie about it when they state they try to use an even hand. They don’t.
Notice the left doesn't even try to dispute the games Facistbook is playing. They just try to convince us that the new public square is allowed to silence the views of HALF the population.
Is USMB a service being utilized by ~67% of the American public?
Nobody on the left tries to defend what Facebook and other social media whores are doing....only that they have the right to shut down diversity of thought because the left cannot win unless the playing field is always tilted to their advantage.

They tacitly imply they need to squash free speech in order to attain power but of course they will never admit it.
They lie a lot.

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