facebook deleting conservative posts and banning conservative posters

Feel lucky. I got permanently banned after posting 2 factual links to Gov Scott’s page where liberals were lying.
1) I was banned from Facebook for a week for this post to a liberal person's post about allowing illegals to come here:

"Spoken like the true liberal that you are. Illegals are criminals and should be deported--all of them --no matter how long they have been here --and no matter their age."

After serving the one week ban I wrote this on facebook:

2) "I have been banned for a week from facebook for posting that illegals are criminals and should be deported.They said it was hate speech. Of course --when a person comes into this country illegally --they have committed a crime--so they are indeed criminals--and under U.S. law all illegals should be deported.Would you please send me your e-mail address --by private message--- so we can remain in touch --just in case they decide to ban me again--or ban me completely.Would all of my friends --please send me your e-mail address --so we can stay in touch --just in case the people at facebook decide to ban me again or ban me completely--- for writing cold hard facts."

So now --facebook has banned me for 30 days for the above post and said if it happens again I will be permanently banned.

I wrote this to facebook:

3) "You are censoring conservative thought and this is happening to many thousands of others.You are trying to influence the election by doing so .What I wrote was in no way "hate speech". It was not profane.It is 100% factual.When a person comes to this nation illegally they have indeed committed a crime and so they are a criminal and under U.S. laws they are to be deported.It is you that is committing hate by censoring me and my post.I suspect that some of the people that you have hired to police facebook and censor their posts are themselves here illegally and one of these people was most likely the one who has censored me.It is like putting the fox in charge of the hen house. Your actions against conservatives will fail. We will win over the hate you display for our country."

*** In the last year facebook officials --including Mark Zuckerberg --appeared before a Congressional hearing to speak about censoring conservatives and they lied and said they do not censor conservatives and that they would put certain rules in place to make sure they are not censoring conservatives--but they are doing it now--much ,much more than before.They think by banning us conservatives they can win the election for the Democrats.We must fight back against this censorship.***

Fake, of course, but they should
Oh. He's making that up?
Almost certainly.
1) I was banned from Facebook for a week for this post to a liberal person's post about allowing illegals to come here:

"Spoken like the true liberal that you are. Illegals are criminals and should be deported--all of them --no matter how long they have been here --and no matter their age."

After serving the one week ban I wrote this on facebook:

2) "I have been banned for a week from facebook for posting that illegals are criminals and should be deported.They said it was hate speech. Of course --when a person comes into this country illegally --they have committed a crime--so they are indeed criminals--and under U.S. law all illegals should be deported.Would you please send me your e-mail address --by private message--- so we can remain in touch --just in case they decide to ban me again--or ban me completely.Would all of my friends --please send me your e-mail address --so we can stay in touch --just in case the people at facebook decide to ban me again or ban me completely--- for writing cold hard facts."

So now --facebook has banned me for 30 days for the above post and said if it happens again I will be permanently banned.

I wrote this to facebook:

3) "You are censoring conservative thought and this is happening to many thousands of others.You are trying to influence the election by doing so .What I wrote was in no way "hate speech". It was not profane.It is 100% factual.When a person comes to this nation illegally they have indeed committed a crime and so they are a criminal and under U.S. laws they are to be deported.It is you that is committing hate by censoring me and my post.I suspect that some of the people that you have hired to police facebook and censor their posts are themselves here illegally and one of these people was most likely the one who has censored me.It is like putting the fox in charge of the hen house. Your actions against conservatives will fail. We will win over the hate you display for our country."

*** In the last year facebook officials --including Mark Zuckerberg --appeared before a Congressional hearing to speak about censoring conservatives and they lied and said they do not censor conservatives and that they would put certain rules in place to make sure they are not censoring conservatives--but they are doing it now--much ,much more than before.They think by banning us conservatives they can win the election for the Democrats.We must fight back against this censorship.***

Fake, of course, but they should
Oh. He's making that up?
Almost certainly.
Oh, dear. I try not to encourage bots with donuts.
This isn't news to anyone.

Brace yourself for the chorus of "they're a private business" from the moonbat asswipes who had no problems forcing a private baker to bake a cake for a poofter wedding.

I guess the moonbat baker won out and now Facebook doesn't have to serve everyone?

Or did the conservative supreme court win out and decide that until big government declares Facebook a monopoly they don't have to allow me to post just like you don't have to allow me to post on your website or stand in your front yard with a bullhorn?

Facebook, Twitter and the other Big Surveillance Media are exempt for media-type regulations because they claim they are platforms and conduits. If they now censor perfectly legal content, they turn themselves into media publishers and are now liable as media. If they want to discriminate, fine. Then they should not be exempted from the regulations that govern media companies.

I'm all for regulating them folks with the full power of monopoly smashing big government. Sounds like we're on the same ship. Whoever let Facebook buy Instagram made a mistake.
This isn't news to anyone.

Brace yourself for the chorus of "they're a private business" from the moonbat asswipes who had no problems forcing a private baker to bake a cake for a poofter wedding.

Actually, I agree with the "they're a private business" reason and I also oppose forcing the private baker to make a cake for a gay wedding, because unlike most people, I stick to my principles across the board, not when it selectively benefits me. In a truly free country, a private business should be able to refuse service to whoever they want for whatever reason they want, including Facebook and the baker. The free market can reward or punish them accordingly.
I'm all for regulating them folks with the full power of monopoly smashing big government. Sounds like we're on the same ship. Whoever let Facebook buy Instagram made a mistake.

It's a question that is likely to get raised down the road. Given the amount of influence institutions like Google, Twitter, and Facebook have, have we theoretically reached a point where the Sherman Antitrust Act applies, particularly when they are engaging in obvious bias?
I'm all for regulating them folks with the full power of monopoly smashing big government. Sounds like we're on the same ship. Whoever let Facebook buy Instagram made a mistake.

It's a question that is likely to get raised down the road. Given the amount of influence institutions like Google, Twitter, and Facebook have, have we theoretically reached a point where the Sherman Antitrust Act applies, particularly when they are engaging in obvious bias?

Agreed. Its interesting watching how fuzzy the line is for small government lovers when they want big government to enforce this but not that.

Life is soo much easier for us non-aligned folks who judge each issue independently. In a way I admire those who say, "I'm this and I'm going to apply this outlook to everything.". It leads to some inconsistencies though.
Actually, I agree with the "they're a private business" reason and I also oppose forcing the private baker to make a cake for a gay wedding, because unlike most people, I stick to my principles across the board, not when it selectively benefits me. In a truly free country, a private business should be able to refuse service to whoever they want for whatever reason they want, including Facebook and the baker. The free market can reward or punish them accordingly.
Totally down with the private business argument....Was just pointing out the blatant spinabout of the party man hacks.
1) I was banned from Facebook for a week for this post to a liberal person's post about allowing illegals to come here:

"Spoken like the true liberal that you are. Illegals are criminals and should be deported--all of them --no matter how long they have been here --and no matter their age."

After serving the one week ban I wrote this on facebook:

2) "I have been banned for a week from facebook for posting that illegals are criminals and should be deported.They said it was hate speech. Of course --when a person comes into this country illegally --they have committed a crime--so they are indeed criminals--and under U.S. law all illegals should be deported.Would you please send me your e-mail address --by private message--- so we can remain in touch --just in case they decide to ban me again--or ban me completely.Would all of my friends --please send me your e-mail address --so we can stay in touch --just in case the people at facebook decide to ban me again or ban me completely--- for writing cold hard facts."

So now --facebook has banned me for 30 days for the above post and said if it happens again I will be permanently banned.

I wrote this to facebook:

3) "You are censoring conservative thought and this is happening to many thousands of others.You are trying to influence the election by doing so .What I wrote was in no way "hate speech". It was not profane.It is 100% factual.When a person comes to this nation illegally they have indeed committed a crime and so they are a criminal and under U.S. laws they are to be deported.It is you that is committing hate by censoring me and my post.I suspect that some of the people that you have hired to police facebook and censor their posts are themselves here illegally and one of these people was most likely the one who has censored me.It is like putting the fox in charge of the hen house. Your actions against conservatives will fail. We will win over the hate you display for our country."

*** In the last year facebook officials --including Mark Zuckerberg --appeared before a Congressional hearing to speak about censoring conservatives and they lied and said they do not censor conservatives and that they would put certain rules in place to make sure they are not censoring conservatives--but they are doing it now--much ,much more than before.They think by banning us conservatives they can win the election for the Democrats.We must fight back against this censorship.***

What about the Log Cabiners? They are not straight Republicans....
This isn't news to anyone.

Brace yourself for the chorus of "they're a private business" from the moonbat asswipes who had no problems forcing a private baker to bake a cake for a poofter wedding.
I never met the guy...
I was banned from Facebook for insulting a couple of female drug dealers. It's a party, all right, but not the one on the right.
This isn't news to anyone.

Brace yourself for the chorus of "they're a private business" from the moonbat asswipes who had no problems forcing a private baker to bake a cake for a poofter wedding.

I guess the moonbat baker won out and now Facebook doesn't have to serve everyone?

Or did the conservative supreme court win out and decide that until big government declares Facebook a monopoly they don't have to allow me to post just like you don't have to allow me to post on your website or stand in your front yard with a bullhorn?

Facebook, Twitter and the other Big Surveillance Media are exempt for media-type regulations because they claim they are platforms and conduits. If they now censor perfectly legal content, they turn themselves into media publishers and are now liable as media. If they want to discriminate, fine. Then they should not be exempted from the regulations that govern media companies.

I'm all for regulating them folks with the full power of monopoly smashing big government. Sounds like we're on the same ship. Whoever let Facebook buy Instagram made a mistake.

Given how they are a communication medium, they should be treated like a common carrier and now allowed to discriminate against perfectly lawful communication.
This isn't news to anyone.

Brace yourself for the chorus of "they're a private business" from the moonbat asswipes who had no problems forcing a private baker to bake a cake for a poofter wedding.

I guess the moonbat baker won out and now Facebook doesn't have to serve everyone?

Or did the conservative supreme court win out and decide that until big government declares Facebook a monopoly they don't have to allow me to post just like you don't have to allow me to post on your website or stand in your front yard with a bullhorn?

Facebook, Twitter and the other Big Surveillance Media are exempt for media-type regulations because they claim they are platforms and conduits. If they now censor perfectly legal content, they turn themselves into media publishers and are now liable as media. If they want to discriminate, fine. Then they should not be exempted from the regulations that govern media companies.

I'm all for regulating them folks with the full power of monopoly smashing big government. Sounds like we're on the same ship. Whoever let Facebook buy Instagram made a mistake.

Given how they are a communication medium, they should be treated like a common carrier and now allowed to discriminate against perfectly lawful communication.

I don't entirely disagree. Do you think a small place like this website or one you may own has to let me post?
1) I was banned from Facebook for a week for this post to a liberal person's post about allowing illegals to come here:

"Spoken like the true liberal that you are. Illegals are criminals and should be deported--all of them --no matter how long they have been here --and no matter their age."

After serving the one week ban I wrote this on facebook:

2) "I have been banned for a week from facebook for posting that illegals are criminals and should be deported.They said it was hate speech. Of course --when a person comes into this country illegally --they have committed a crime--so they are indeed criminals--and under U.S. law all illegals should be deported.Would you please send me your e-mail address --by private message--- so we can remain in touch --just in case they decide to ban me again--or ban me completely.Would all of my friends --please send me your e-mail address --so we can stay in touch --just in case the people at facebook decide to ban me again or ban me completely--- for writing cold hard facts."

So now --facebook has banned me for 30 days for the above post and said if it happens again I will be permanently banned.

I wrote this to facebook:

3) "You are censoring conservative thought and this is happening to many thousands of others.You are trying to influence the election by doing so .What I wrote was in no way "hate speech". It was not profane.It is 100% factual.When a person comes to this nation illegally they have indeed committed a crime and so they are a criminal and under U.S. laws they are to be deported.It is you that is committing hate by censoring me and my post.I suspect that some of the people that you have hired to police facebook and censor their posts are themselves here illegally and one of these people was most likely the one who has censored me.It is like putting the fox in charge of the hen house. Your actions against conservatives will fail. We will win over the hate you display for our country."

*** In the last year facebook officials --including Mark Zuckerberg --appeared before a Congressional hearing to speak about censoring conservatives and they lied and said they do not censor conservatives and that they would put certain rules in place to make sure they are not censoring conservatives--but they are doing it now--much ,much more than before.They think by banning us conservatives they can win the election for the Democrats.We must fight back against this censorship.***

Gonna call bullshit.

Gotta be more to the story.
1) I was banned from Facebook for a week for this post to a liberal person's post about allowing illegals to come here:

"Spoken like the true liberal that you are. Illegals are criminals and should be deported--all of them --no matter how long they have been here --and no matter their age."

After serving the one week ban I wrote this on facebook:

2) "I have been banned for a week from facebook for posting that illegals are criminals and should be deported.They said it was hate speech. Of course --when a person comes into this country illegally --they have committed a crime--so they are indeed criminals--and under U.S. law all illegals should be deported.Would you please send me your e-mail address --by private message--- so we can remain in touch --just in case they decide to ban me again--or ban me completely.Would all of my friends --please send me your e-mail address --so we can stay in touch --just in case the people at facebook decide to ban me again or ban me completely--- for writing cold hard facts."

So now --facebook has banned me for 30 days for the above post and said if it happens again I will be permanently banned.

I wrote this to facebook:

3) "You are censoring conservative thought and this is happening to many thousands of others.You are trying to influence the election by doing so .What I wrote was in no way "hate speech". It was not profane.It is 100% factual.When a person comes to this nation illegally they have indeed committed a crime and so they are a criminal and under U.S. laws they are to be deported.It is you that is committing hate by censoring me and my post.I suspect that some of the people that you have hired to police facebook and censor their posts are themselves here illegally and one of these people was most likely the one who has censored me.It is like putting the fox in charge of the hen house. Your actions against conservatives will fail. We will win over the hate you display for our country."

*** In the last year facebook officials --including Mark Zuckerberg --appeared before a Congressional hearing to speak about censoring conservatives and they lied and said they do not censor conservatives and that they would put certain rules in place to make sure they are not censoring conservatives--but they are doing it now--much ,much more than before.They think by banning us conservatives they can win the election for the Democrats.We must fight back against this censorship.***

Gonna call bullshit.

Gotta be more to the story.

You never know what kind of "show me the body you anti NRA leftist scum!" post someone might have put on the page of a Sandy Hook parent or something.

The OP did bold some team worship straight party goose step right along this way voting recommendation.

They are just more of the one-sided media, out to control the message so people cannot make up their own minds. After this next election when
they will realize they have been on the wrong side of history, just like all the idiots who still hate Ronald Reagan.
Private entities are at complete liberty to edit content as they see fit, no free speech is being silenced or shut down.

Conservatives may engage in hate speech absent punitive measures by government.

They have a monopoly for community on the Internet and they still can't figure out who to run it so more than 50% of the American public enjoys going there.
That is why their stock value is down 40% in the last 3 months.
This isn't news to anyone.

Brace yourself for the chorus of "they're a private business" from the moonbat asswipes who had no problems forcing a private baker to bake a cake for a poofter wedding.

Actually, I agree with the "they're a private business" reason and I also oppose forcing the private baker to make a cake for a gay wedding, because unlike most people, I stick to my principles across the board, not when it selectively benefits me. In a truly free country, a private business should be able to refuse service to whoever they want for whatever reason they want, including Facebook and the baker. The free market can reward or punish them accordingly.
This is as ignorant as it is wrong and fails as a false comparison fallacy.

Public accommodations laws are necessary, proper, and Constitutional regulatory policy, no different than any other warranted business regulatory policy.

Indeed, private business are subject to all manner of appropriate regulation to ensure consumer safety, safe working conditions for employees, and environmental protection – public accommodations laws safeguard the integrity of local markets and all other interrelated markets where businesses open to the general public engaging in discrimination based on race, religion, or sexual orientation would be disruptive to the local market.

That’s not the case with FB and other internet hosting sites.

FB book is editing content, not discriminating against a particular class of persons, including conservatives; conservatives are not being ‘banned’ from FB, it’s their hate speech that’s being appropriately removed.

In fact, there are millions of conservatives with accounts on FB who are welcome to use the site provided they follow FB’s terms of service, such as not posting hate speech – and if content posted by conservatives is removed, it’s because it violates FB’s posting policies, not because the person posting the prohibited content is a conservative.
Private entities are at complete liberty to edit content as they see fit, no free speech is being silenced or shut down.

Conservatives may engage in hate speech absent punitive measures by government.

They have a monopoly for community on the Internet and they still can't figure out who to run it so more than 50% of the American public enjoys going there.
That is why their stock value is down 40% in the last 3 months.
More nonsense.

There are no ‘monopolies’ on the internet.

This is yet another ridiculous rightwing canard: the idiotic notion that because of its size and popularity FB is a de facto ‘public utility’ and should be subject to government regulation – including government forcing FB to host conservative hate speech.

In addition to being more hypocrisy from ‘small government’ conservatives, it is in fact untrue.

The internet affords everyone ample opportunity to express their views and opinions, including conservatives and their hate speech.
This is as ignorant as it is wrong and fails as a false comparison fallacy.

Public accommodations laws are necessary, proper, and Constitutional regulatory policy, no different than any other warranted business regulatory policy.

Indeed, private business are subject to all manner of appropriate regulation to ensure consumer safety, safe working conditions for employees, and environmental protection – public accommodations laws safeguard the integrity of local markets and all other interrelated markets where businesses open to the general public engaging in discrimination based on race, religion, or sexual orientation would be disruptive to the local market.

That’s not the case with FB and other internet hosting sites.

FB book is editing content, not discriminating against a particular class of persons, including conservatives; conservatives are not being ‘banned’ from FB, it’s their hate speech that’s being appropriately removed.

In fact, there are millions of conservatives with accounts on FB who are welcome to use the site provided they follow FB’s terms of service, such as not posting hate speech – and if content posted by conservatives is removed, it’s because it violates FB’s posting policies, not because the person posting the prohibited content is a conservative.
"Public accommodation" when your politics demands it, "private business" when your politics demands it....The absolute flower of moral relativism and partisan hackery.

Thanks for demonstrating to the class what intellectual bankruptcy looks like.

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