Facebook jew, wants some white conservative love......give it to him!!

show this jew some love!!

Wow ... just, wow.
I for one am sick and tired of everybody fearing white people and Trump. You do not own this country and I'm sick of everybody trying to make the white man happy, while the rest of us just sit on the side lines and wait. Meanwhile, wages are still eff'd up, our streets and bridges are falling apart, violence continues, the world, this country is waiting to exhale and we can't spend eternity waiting on the white man to get happy again. Its never gonna happen, cause minorities are here to stay!!
Yeah, everyone is bending over backwards to make us white men happy. We own you weak saps now. Whining ain't gonna change it, so suck it up dummy.
show this jew some love!!

Wow ... just, wow.
I for one am sick and tired of everybody fearing white people and Trump. You do not own this country and I'm sick of everybody trying to make the white man happy, while the rest of us just sit on the side lines and wait. Meanwhile, wages are still eff'd up, our streets and bridges are falling apart, violence continues, the world, this country is waiting to exhale and we can't spend eternity waiting on the white man to get happy again. Its never gonna happen, cause minorities are here to stay!!

So your saying that THE white man is never going to be happy because minorities are here to stay? I don't think you have any idea of why or how people find happiness in life. Very little of that is based on color which could be the reason you are so unhappy. Bridges , roads, violence, all that didnt fall apart since Trump became elected, and if your tired of the fear you should just turn off Anderson Cooper and it will all go away. Just feel free to join the rest of us.

What about what comes out this maniacs mouth, don't you people hear???? Transgenders, gays, muslims, women, latino's, jews, youname it, this man is against it...the only people he hasn't fucked with is whites and asians....damit, I listen to Trump, fuck the news.

I feel that Trump is really misrepresented. Is intentions are anyways, by the news media. He's not a great communicator but then again, at least he's not on the stage doing an acting job like many other politicians who can become an entirely different person when they are in front of the camera. With Trump, you see what you get and I'm pretty sure he has the best intentions for the country. Starting with national security issues. You said a lot there, and so how are Gays and Transgenders going to suffer under a Trump administration? they will still have all the same rights as any citizen. They may not get some federal funding maybe or what else?

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