facebook killer, killed himself

Yes, the killer, a known far righty, committed suicide.

Who cares. It's irrelevant with or without a link ............ but it's tit for tat response to all the mindless association fallacy threads that go on here every damn day about "Libturd runs over cat" and "Democrat tosses litter". I figure there's about 36 million more due to strike a balance so keep 'em comin' Jake.. :thup:
Of course it's relevant. It parodies what the RWNJs do all the time.
The killer of the grandfather on Easter Sunday, a black man know for his far right politics, has committed suicide, according to media outlets.

Ummmm, he blamed all of his problems on others. Sounds like the quintessential progressive left winger to me.

Can a dead guy run for President on their ticket???

Or, would be see another scream about 'birthers' or 'deathers' or sumpin'???
He is a far right winger nut job, so this is a good thing.
Either way...dead N!gger...win win I say.

dead n*gger? I don't know if I like that
He was a POS that drove around randomly killing people and you are of
He is a far right winger nut job, so this is a good thing.
Either way...dead N!gger...win win I say.

dead n*gger? I don't know if I like that
He was a POS that drove around randomly killing people and you are offended by me calling him a N!gger? Does it melt your heart special snowflake?
If that isnt a N!gger I dont know what is.
The use of the "N" word here is certainly appropriate.

fended by me calling him a N!gger? Does it melt your heart special snowflake?
If that isnt a N!gger I dont know what is.
The use of the "N" word here is certainly appropriate.
Thank you Meathead!

Use of the "N" word drives decent people away and leaves only racist trash behind. Bye y'all.
Yes, the killer, a known far righty, committed suicide.

Who cares. It's irrelevant with or without a link ............ but it's tit for tat response to all the mindless association fallacy threads that go on here every damn day about "Libturd runs over cat" and "Democrat tosses litter". I figure there's about 36 million more due to strike a balance so keep 'em comin' Jake.. :thup:
2 wrongs make a right. Well played by our community grammar Nazi and fallacy specialist.

Another 36 million might. Having it both ways --- Priceless.


ooooooh, not so funny when the shoe's on the other foot is it?
Yeah, TN cannot take what he dishes. Never has.
Yes, the killer, a known far righty, committed suicide.

Who cares. It's irrelevant with or without a link ............ but it's tit for tat response to all the mindless association fallacy threads that go on here every damn day about "Libturd runs over cat" and "Democrat tosses litter". I figure there's about 36 million more due to strike a balance so keep 'em comin' Jake.. :thup:
Of course it's relevant. It parodies what the RWNJs do all the time.

The butt end of a satire joke never gets it.
Yes, the killer, a known far righty, committed suicide.

Who cares. It's irrelevant with or without a link ............ but it's tit for tat response to all the mindless association fallacy threads that go on here every damn day about "Libturd runs over cat" and "Democrat tosses litter". I figure there's about 36 million more due to strike a balance so keep 'em comin' Jake.. :thup:
2 wrongs make a right. Well played by our community grammar Nazi and fallacy specialist.

Another 36 million might. Having it both ways --- Priceless.


ooooooh, not so funny when the shoe's on the other foot is it?
Yeah, TN cannot take what he dishes. Never has.

Wrong again, quick you better page Bode and Political Junky, looks like you need back up, Trolls Unite :smoke:
Either way...dead N!gger...win win I say.

dead n*gger? I don't know if I like that
He was a POS that drove around randomly killing people and you are of
He was a POS that drove around randomly killing people and you are offended by me calling him a N!gger? Does it melt your heart special snowflake?
If that isnt a N!gger I dont know what is.
The use of the "N" word here is certainly appropriate.

fended by me calling him a N!gger? Does it melt your heart special snowflake?
If that isnt a N!gger I dont know what is.
The use of the "N" word here is certainly appropriate.
Thank you Meathead!

Use of the "N" word drives decent people away and leaves only racist trash behind. Bye y'all.
If words drive people away then are they the type of people worth engaging in discourse with? Only the small brain is offended by a word like N!gger. Silliness...simple crimes for simple minds.
dead n*gger? I don't know if I like that
He was a POS that drove around randomly killing people and you are of
The use of the "N" word here is certainly appropriate.

fended by me calling him a N!gger? Does it melt your heart special snowflake?
If that isnt a N!gger I dont know what is.
The use of the "N" word here is certainly appropriate.
Thank you Meathead!

Use of the "N" word drives decent people away and leaves only racist trash behind. Bye y'all.
If words drive people away then are they the type of people worth engaging in discourse with? Only the small brain is offended by a word like N!gger. Silliness...simple crimes for simple minds.
Then they is a whole lot of small brained retards amongst us.
was spotted, followed in Eerie Pennsylvania,

pulled over, shot himself
Well, it's over. Total depression meltdown. Too bad he didn't talk to someone instead; he must have had a lot more than just a breakup with a girlfriend bottled up.

Well yes, normally when people are depressed they don't go out and murder someone, so other psychological issues going on.

Murdering an old man is as bad as murdering a child, double cowardice targeting the defenceless.

Hopefully the POS is burning in Hell right now.
He was a POS that drove around randomly killing people and you are of
fended by me calling him a N!gger? Does it melt your heart special snowflake?
If that isnt a N!gger I dont know what is.
The use of the "N" word here is certainly appropriate.
Thank you Meathead!

Use of the "N" word drives decent people away and leaves only racist trash behind. Bye y'all.
If words drive people away then are they the type of people worth engaging in discourse with? Only the small brain is offended by a word like N!gger. Silliness...simple crimes for simple minds.
Then they is a whole lot of small brained retards amongst us.
Mike...eye to eye brother.
The killer of the grandfather on Easter Sunday, a black man know for his far right politics, has committed suicide, according to media outlets.
Typical. Exploit a human tragedy for political point-scoring. The left are despicable.

And what does that make "the right" when "it" (because of course the world is entirely constructed of two intellectual and diametrically opposed binary monoliths) pulls the same shit?

When will his relatives sue the gun manufacturer?

Why would they do that? Guns don't kill people, people kill people.

Guns don't kill people --- bullets kill people.

No bullets don't kill people, people kill people, a bullet and a gun on their own are inanimate objects, a person must load the gun and a person must pull the trigger....guns don't kill people, bullets don't kill people, people kill people.
dead n*gger? I don't know if I like that
He was a POS that drove around randomly killing people and you are of
The use of the "N" word here is certainly appropriate.

fended by me calling him a N!gger? Does it melt your heart special snowflake?
If that isnt a N!gger I dont know what is.
The use of the "N" word here is certainly appropriate.
Thank you Meathead!

Use of the "N" word drives decent people away and leaves only racist trash behind. Bye y'all.
If words drive people away then are they the type of people worth engaging in discourse with? Only the small brain is offended by a word like N!gger. Silliness...simple crimes for simple minds.

Actually only the tiniest of minds see some negative act and immediately try to pin it on a Composition Fallacy of, say, what race they are........... what nationality or what religion they follow...... or what political philosophy they hold, in a act that has zero to do with any of that.

You're way too dim to get this but when Jake mocks the political Compostion Fallacy ---- you' yourself are being mocked at the same time for the same fallacy.

Politics... race.... nationality.... religion..... doesn't matter, same fallacy, same stupidity.

You claimed it, loser --- and you own it.

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