facebook killer, killed himself

He is a far right winger nut job, so this is a good thing.
Either way...dead N!gger...win win I say.

You should follow his example. :thup:
Sure..where do you live? Ahh just kiddin. I am not even in the states....yet.:badgrin:

Might not be a good idea. I'm one of those evil white conservatives. I have guns, and know how to use them.
I fucking love guns too, bro.
Me three!
The use of the "N" word here is certainly appropriate.
Thank you Meathead!

Use of the "N" word drives decent people away and leaves only racist trash behind. Bye y'all.
If words drive people away then are they the type of people worth engaging in discourse with? Only the small brain is offended by a word like N!gger. Silliness...simple crimes for simple minds.

What about when people refer to Christians as Christers or write Xtian, all the little Bedwetting Snowflakes who crap themselves about the N word don't seem to have a problem with those who spit on Jesus Christ, what hypocrites.

ANYONE who gets offended by WORDS is a complete Bedwetting Snowflake and needs to run along and get some Play Doh and crayons.

We're way off topic by now but Xian is a simple abbreviation, the X standing for the longer word "Christ". We do the same thing (in the US anyway) with December 25: "Xmas". I use Xian myself --- it's shorter. Saves keystrokes.

To the other part ---- it's not the word. Fuck the word. It's the intent behind it. Which I already spelled out, admirably if I do say so myself, in post 81.

It's not a simple abbreviation, it's the intent behind it, it's the removal of the word/name Christ.

It's just as offensive to suggest that Jesus Christ did not die on the Cross, yet you didn't wet your underwear about that like you are about the use of the N word....you agreed that you think Jesus Christ did not die on the Cross:

How many here believe Jesus rose from the dead after his crucifixion

How many here believe Jesus rose from the dead after his crucifixion

The blacks call THEMSELVES the N word, so what about that?
Use of the "N" word drives decent people away and leaves only racist trash behind. Bye y'all.
If words drive people away then are they the type of people worth engaging in discourse with? Only the small brain is offended by a word like N!gger. Silliness...simple crimes for simple minds.

Actually only the tiniest of minds see some negative act and immediately try to pin it on a Composition Fallacy of, say, what race they are........... what nationality or what religion they follow...... or what political philosophy they hold, in a act that has zero to do with any of that.

You're way too dim to get this but when Jake mocks the political Compostion Fallacy ---- you' yourself are being mocked at the same time for the same fallacy. Politics... race.... nationality.... religion..... doesn't matter, same fallacy, same stupidity.
I disagree..not all blacks are N!ggers. Though N!gger is an appropriately descriptive term for many groids.
Not all Groids, just groids inbetween the ages of 13 and 36.
Well the problem demographic are black males 18-40. Forty percent have been incarcerated are on parole or probation. They represent approximately 5% of the population yet account for >50% of all homicides and violent crime.
Well aware of this. I used to not be racial at all until the stats redpilled me. I still try to treat people as individuals and not jump to conclusions simply based on skin color. But if you walk with a limp, sag your pants and act like a pavement ape....I will judge accordingly.
He is a far right winger nut job, so this is a good thing.
Either way...dead N!gger...win win I say.

You should follow his example. :thup:
Sure..where do you live? Ahh just kiddin. I am not even in the states....yet.:badgrin:

Might not be a good idea. I'm one of those evil white conservatives. I have guns, and know how to use them.
I fucking love guns too, bro.
How do you OffensivelyOpenMinded feel about one of your fellow Negro males going postal and murdering one of your fellow Negro males ??
If words drive people away then are they the type of people worth engaging in discourse with? Only the small brain is offended by a word like N!gger. Silliness...simple crimes for simple minds.

Actually only the tiniest of minds see some negative act and immediately try to pin it on a Composition Fallacy of, say, what race they are........... what nationality or what religion they follow...... or what political philosophy they hold, in a act that has zero to do with any of that.

You're way too dim to get this but when Jake mocks the political Compostion Fallacy ---- you' yourself are being mocked at the same time for the same fallacy. Politics... race.... nationality.... religion..... doesn't matter, same fallacy, same stupidity.
I disagree..not all blacks are N!ggers. Though N!gger is an appropriately descriptive term for many groids.
Not all Groids, just groids inbetween the ages of 13 and 36.
Well the problem demographic are black males 18-40. Forty percent have been incarcerated are on parole or probation. They represent approximately 5% of the population yet account for >50% of all homicides and violent crime.
Well aware of this. I used to not be racial at all until the stats redpilled me. I still try to treat people as individuals and not jump to conclusions simply based on skin color. But if you walk with a limp, sag your pants and act like a pavement ape....I will judge accordingly.
You/everyone needs to be aware of race in their vigilance.

A well dressed black man at a social function is not a particular risk.

But any other Negro on the street is cause for concern everywhere by everybody.
He was a POS that drove around randomly killing people and you are of
fended by me calling him a N!gger? Does it melt your heart special snowflake?
If that isnt a N!gger I dont know what is.
The use of the "N" word here is certainly appropriate.
Thank you Meathead!

Use of the "N" word drives decent people away and leaves only racist trash behind. Bye y'all.
If words drive people away then are they the type of people worth engaging in discourse with? Only the small brain is offended by a word like N!gger. Silliness...simple crimes for simple minds.

What about when people refer to Christians as Christers or write Xtian, all the little Bedwetting Snowflakes who crap themselves about the N word don't seem to have a problem with those who spit on Jesus Christ, what hypocrites.

ANYONE who gets offended by WORDS is a complete Bedwetting Snowflake and needs to run along and get some Play Doh and crayons.
Same thing applies. Who gives a rat's ass about a word? It's a word given power by some. It is simple and silly.
The criminology analysis suggests this was a low esteem, frustrated person who was trying to tell the world -- look how bad I am !!

Typical Negro male mindset. Especially ghetto Negroes.

Very sad for the Negro father that he murdered.

It was black on black crime.

If it were black on white it may have resulted in a KKK or Neonazi backlash.

You/everyone needs to be aware of race in their vigilance.

A well dressed black man at a social function is not a particular risk.

But any other Negro on the street is cause for concern everywhere by everybody.

You are rapidly becoming one of the biggest fools here. You have no criminology reports, You have no clue what anyone's mindset is, The KKK are more impotent than you are.
Well...you suggested it. Not me. Don't bring stupid up unless you want to read stupid.

That isn't what I suggested.

Either way...dead N!gger...win win I say.

You should follow his example. :thup:
Sure..where do you live? Ahh just kiddin. I am not even in the states....yet.:badgrin:

Might not be a good idea. I'm one of those evil white conservatives. I have guns, and know how to use them.
I fucking love guns too, bro.
How do you OffensivelyOpenMinded feel about one of your fellow Negro males going postal and murdering one of your fellow Negro males ??

OOM isn't black.
Either way...dead N!gger...win win I say.

You should follow his example. :thup:
Sure..where do you live? Ahh just kiddin. I am not even in the states....yet.:badgrin:

Might not be a good idea. I'm one of those evil white conservatives. I have guns, and know how to use them.
I fucking love guns too, bro.
How do you OffensivelyOpenMinded feel about one of your fellow Negro males going postal and murdering one of your fellow Negro males ??
I am not a negroid, sir. I am half mestizo though.
You should follow his example. :thup:
Sure..where do you live? Ahh just kiddin. I am not even in the states....yet.:badgrin:

Might not be a good idea. I'm one of those evil white conservatives. I have guns, and know how to use them.
I fucking love guns too, bro.
How do you OffensivelyOpenMinded feel about one of your fellow Negro males going postal and murdering one of your fellow Negro males ??
I am not a negroid, sir. I am half mestizo though.
Nice avatar !!

Carlos Santana would be a better one for you though.
If words drive people away then are they the type of people worth engaging in discourse with? Only the small brain is offended by a word like N!gger. Silliness...simple crimes for simple minds.

Actually only the tiniest of minds see some negative act and immediately try to pin it on a Composition Fallacy of, say, what race they are........... what nationality or what religion they follow...... or what political philosophy they hold, in a act that has zero to do with any of that.

You're way too dim to get this but when Jake mocks the political Compostion Fallacy ---- you' yourself are being mocked at the same time for the same fallacy. Politics... race.... nationality.... religion..... doesn't matter, same fallacy, same stupidity.
I disagree..not all blacks are N!ggers. Though N!gger is an appropriately descriptive term for many groids.
Not all Groids, just groids inbetween the ages of 13 and 36.
Well the problem demographic are black males 18-40. Forty percent have been incarcerated are on parole or probation. They represent approximately 5% of the population yet account for >50% of all homicides and violent crime.
Well aware of this. I used to not be racial at all until the stats redpilled me. I still try to treat people as individuals and not jump to conclusions simply based on skin color. But if you walk with a limp, sag your pants and act like a pavement ape....I will judge accordingly.
Stats can be a slippery slope but when combined with real world experience...mmm..hard to contradict.
The killer of the grandfather on Easter Sunday, a black man know for his far right politics, has committed suicide, according to media outlets.

Yes, the killer, a known far righty, committed suicide.

He was an extreme right winger, and he was probably too scared to kill himself.

He is a far right winger nut job, so this is a good thing.

Is he one of your relations Jake?
Sure..where do you live? Ahh just kiddin. I am not even in the states....yet.:badgrin:

Might not be a good idea. I'm one of those evil white conservatives. I have guns, and know how to use them.
I fucking love guns too, bro.
How do you OffensivelyOpenMinded feel about one of your fellow Negro males going postal and murdering one of your fellow Negro males ??
I am not a negroid, sir. I am half mestizo though.
Nice avatar !!

Carlos Santana would be a better one for you though.

No he should return to The Great General.
It's not a simple abbreviation, it's the intent behind it, it's the removal of the word/name Christ.

It isn't "removing" jack shit --- it's an ABBREVIATION. Just as the word "isn't" isn't "removing" the O in the word "not". It is that abbreviation because the letter X looks like a cross.

'scuse me for one moment........... :banghead:

See that? That's ^ called infuri8ion. See what I did there? :rolleyes:

It's just as offensive to suggest that Jesus Christ did not die on the Cross,

That's not "offensive" at all, it's a legitimate historical question. There's a current thread, which you just linked, examining that very question and taking a poll on it. That's not a fucking value judgment. Holy shit, how much PCP do you have over there??

yet you didn't wet your underwear about that like you are about the use of the N word

I are huh. Link? Quote? Anything?

The blacks call THEMSELVES the N word, so what about that?

"The blacks" huh? :lol: :dig:

Some blacks may use it. It's a way of disarming a charged term by taking ownership of it. Much like gay people appropriated the word "gay" or cannabis smokers assumed the word "pot". It defuses a term that is negatively charged, at least to a degree.

"The blacks". Holy shit, posting about Composition and Generalization fallacies just falls on deaf ignorant ears around here.
It's not a simple abbreviation, it's the intent behind it, it's the removal of the word/name Christ.

It isn't "removing" jack shit --- it's an ABBREVIATION. Just as the word "isn't" isn't removing the O in "not".

'scuse me for one moment........... :banghead:

It's just as offensive to suggest that Jesus Christ did not die on the Cross,

That's not "offensive" at all, it's a legitimate historical question. There's a current thread, which you just linked, examining that very question and taking a poll on it. That's not a fucking value judgment. Holy shit, how much PCP do you have over there??

yet you didn't wet your underwear about that like you are about the use of the N word

I are huh. Link? Quote? Anything?

The blacks call THEMSELVES the N word, so what about that?

"The blacks" huh? :lol: :dig:

Some blacks may use it. It's a way of disarming a charged term by taking ownership of it. Much like gay people appropriated the word "gay" or cannabis smokers assumed the word "pot". It defuses a term that is negatively charged, at least to a degree.

"The blacks". Holy shit, posting about Composition and Generalization fallacies just falls on deaf ignorant ears around here.

Um ogo you need to take a :chillpill:
Sure..where do you live? Ahh just kiddin. I am not even in the states....yet.:badgrin:

Might not be a good idea. I'm one of those evil white conservatives. I have guns, and know how to use them.
I fucking love guns too, bro.
How do you OffensivelyOpenMinded feel about one of your fellow Negro males going postal and murdering one of your fellow Negro males ??
I am not a negroid, sir. I am half mestizo though.
Nice avatar !!

Carlos Santana would be a better one for you though.
I usually have Pinochet as my avi as I am from Chile originally.
Sure..where do you live? Ahh just kiddin. I am not even in the states....yet.:badgrin:

Might not be a good idea. I'm one of those evil white conservatives. I have guns, and know how to use them.
I fucking love guns too, bro.
How do you OffensivelyOpenMinded feel about one of your fellow Negro males going postal and murdering one of your fellow Negro males ??
I am not a negroid, sir. I am half mestizo though.
Nice avatar !!

Carlos Santana would be a better one for you though.
or Tuco from the Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

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