Facebook says Russia-linked ads were anti Trump. Not Clinton. Ditto Twitter & Google


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
Well so much for that shit that's been out there blaming Russian ads for Hillary losing.Too fucking funny.


"The tech giant Facebook told Congress that ads representing 'foreign interference' in America's election system continued after Donald Trump won the White House – and appeared designed to hurt him.

Much of the focus on Russian involvement has come as part of a larger story that suggests Moscow instead sought to help Trump win the White House over Hillary Clinton.

But Facebook General Counsel Colin Stretch said in a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing that while his company first spotted the ads in the presidential primary season two years ago, they continued to run 'following the election.'

'We saw this concerted effort to sow division and discord,' Stretch explained. 'In the wake of the election – and now-President Trump's election – we saw a lot of activity targeted at fomenting discord about the validity of his election.'

The ads 'continued until we disabled the accounts,' he said.

Read more: Facebook: Post-2016 Russian ads tried to undermine Trump | Daily Mail Online
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