Facebook uncovers "Russia"-funded misinformation campaign

omg, not ads! anything but that!

Well, seeing how ads basically buy elections, it's actually a big deal.

The problem here is that the Russians can't hope to outspend the Koch Brothers and others out there who will basically be telling America what to think, and there are enough lemmings who will be hypnotized into jumping off the cliff the money tells them to jump off.

Then why didn't Hillary win? She spent far more than Trump did. Funny how all that Clinton money being spent isn't magically hypnotizing people into jumping off a cliff, but Republican money somehow does.

So which is it? Are Republicans able to hypnotize people through ads and Dems aren't (even though Dems tell everyone what they want to hear, "more free stuff for you")? Or are you just full of it?

Because it's not a simple case of money automatically buys you support.

Also Trump managed to harness part of the media to work for him.

The problem here seems to be you want a simple answer. But you won't get simple, but life isn't simple.
We even have a pet Coyote here. But she leans the other way. Still...she can be caressed if yer careful. :D
You know when people's response is just to laugh and nothing more, that they don't have anything to say.

And, in this case nothing needs to be said. The only proven collaboration was between the shrilary, your hero, and the Ukraine. Funny how you completely ignore that well known fact. In other words, go piss up a rope and see how that works for you.
And we have a spiffy aeroplane that breaks sound barriers and stuff!!
FACEBOOK finally admits the a Russian company bought adds to influence election

It's 'ads', short for advertising, not adds, short for addition.

Why would a company so ideologically bent against Republicans in general and Trump specifically sell ad space to a campaign against Hillary?

Are Facebook Russian double-agents?
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Я - российский агент, я взломал твои выборы хаха
omg, not ads! anything but that!

Well, seeing how ads basically buy elections, it's actually a big deal.

The problem here is that the Russians can't hope to outspend the Koch Brothers and others out there who will basically be telling America what to think, and there are enough lemmings who will be hypnotized into jumping off the cliff the money tells them to jump off.

Then why didn't Hillary win? She spent far more than Trump did. Funny how all that Clinton money being spent isn't magically hypnotizing people into jumping off a cliff, but Republican money somehow does.

So which is it? Are Republicans able to hypnotize people through ads and Dems aren't (even though Dems tell everyone what they want to hear, "more free stuff for you")? Or are you just full of it?

Because it's not a simple case of money automatically buys you support.

Also Trump managed to harness part of the media to work for him.

The problem here seems to be you want a simple answer. But you won't get simple, but life isn't simple.

You're the one that stated money basically buys elections. You got called out and can't explain why Dems spending money is OK, but Republicans spending money on campaigns and ads is "telling America what to think".
For months Facebook has denied that any Russian entity bought adds on Facebook--that were false adds against Hillary Clinton. They admit that an a Russian company did it out of St. Petersburg. Now the interesting part of this is that Foreigners cannot spend any money on an American election. If there was any American that knew about this, they will be charged with a crime.

"Facebook reps told congressional investigators Wednesday that it had unwittingly sold ads during the presidential election to a Russian company that was targeting voters, a new report said Wednesday.

The officials said that they traced the ad sales worth $100,000 to a shadowy Russian “troll farm” with a history of pushing pro-Kremlin propaganda, The Washington Post reported, citing sources.

Some of the 3,300 ads, which first appeared in the summer of 2015, named eventual nominees Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton by name, the paper said.

Facebook came clean as congressional investigators and special counsel Robert Mueller are probing Russian meddling in the US election and whether there was collusion with the Trump campaign

The president has denied the allegations of potential collusion, dismissing them as “fake news” and “a hoax.”"

If you had any grasp of Putin and his goals you would realize he duped you Oreo. Well he duped the Democrats and media and you, being a dupe, ape them. You broadcast their message every day just as they planned.
And what is their message? A little too deep for you.
Instead of trying to reach a pig to sing, which frustrates me and annoys the pig, I'll just ask the same question I periodically ask here.
Can you give one example of a vote being changed on Russian orders or requests?

omg, not ads! anything but that!

Well, seeing how ads basically buy elections, it's actually a big deal.

The problem here is that the Russians can't hope to outspend the Koch Brothers and others out there who will basically be telling America what to think, and there are enough lemmings who will be hypnotized into jumping off the cliff the money tells them to jump off.

Then why didn't Hillary win? She spent far more than Trump did. Funny how all that Clinton money being spent isn't magically hypnotizing people into jumping off a cliff, but Republican money somehow does.

So which is it? Are Republicans able to hypnotize people through ads and Dems aren't (even though Dems tell everyone what they want to hear, "more free stuff for you")? Or are you just full of it?

Because it's not a simple case of money automatically buys you support.

Also Trump managed to harness part of the media to work for him.

The problem here seems to be you want a simple answer. But you won't get simple, but life isn't simple.

You're the one that stated money basically buys elections. You got called out and can't explain why Dems spending money is OK, but Republicans spending money on campaigns and ads is "telling America what to think".

Well I'm not wrong. The problem is you have just taken what I said and made it very simple.

I didn't say Democrats spending money is okay and Republicans spending it is "telling America what to think", did I?

The simple fact is that Trump went into an election with money. He also went into the election with name recognition. Name recognition can often cost people a lot of money. Trump's money and he TV entertainment job had already bought this.

He also managed to harness the power of the media, get it working for him. He took a big risk in doing what he did, but it worked for him. He didn't need to spend the money. But Trump isn't ordinary and most people wouldn't have gotten away with what he did. So while Trump spent less money, we don't actually know how much money was spent by super PAC and the like.

This is the problem here.

There were two sides to the whole affair. There were those who didn't want Trump in the Republican Party, and those who once Trump was candidate, didn't want Hillary to be President. They wanted that Supreme Court justice and thought they could live with Trump for four years.

The Koch Brothers, as an example because they appear to be spending the most amount of money on politics, got the power to spend unlimited amounts of money on politics through the Supreme Court. I'd assume they take it very seriously to keep the Supreme Court right wing.

I'd say Trump being President is less important to them than who sits on the Supreme Court.

Let's try this

Tracking the 2016 Presidential Money Race

Trump raised $82 million for super PACS, $564 million for campaign spending. Yet the Koch Brothers poured in $900 million. So not all the money thre Republicans spent went on Trump.

In fact I think the Koch Brothers are spending lots of money on POLICIES rather than on the politicians necessarily.

How The Koch Brothers Are Secretly Manipulating The 2016 Election (VIDEO)

This article has plenty of evidence for that.

So they push for the Supreme Court justice, this benefits Trump directly. How many people voted for issues like that rather than actually wanting Trump to be President?
I gave you the link. And it's Politico's spin that the Ukrainian efforts paled in comparison. But since then much more has been discovered and Senator Grassley is on it big time.

It's gotten so wild that it's been discovered that not only were the Podesta Group lobbying for a Russian government bank BUT.......are you ready.....drum roll ....also for the Party of Regions.

Grassley Raises Further Concerns over Foreign Agent Registration
Jul 24, 2017
Report Alleges DNC Consultant Involved in Presidential Election Worked with Ukraine

WASHINGTON – Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley wrote to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein raising concerns over yet another instance of deficient enforcement of the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) as it relates to the 2016 presidential election.

Media reports suggest that Ukrainian “political leadership” opposed the candidacy of Donald Trump for president of the United States and worked with a Democratic National Committee consultant to undermine his campaign. This consultant allegedly had various meetings with Ukrainian government officials, including embassy staff, to coordinate the dissemination of incriminating information about Trump campaign officials.

It appears that this consultant was operating to advance the interests of both the Democratic National Committee, the Clinton campaign, and a foreign government, which would have required registration under FARA.

In his letter, Grassley requests information on any actions taken by the Justice Department pursuant to FARA in this case, the differences between this case and similar cases in which the Justice Department required registration and whether the Department is investigating links and coordination between the Ukrainian government and individuals associated with the campaign of Hillary Clinton or the Democratic National Committee.

On July 26, the Judiciary Committee will convene a hearing to examine enforcement of the Foreign Agents Registration Act and attempts to influence U.S. elections.

More at link:

Grassley Raises Further Concerns over Foreign Agent Registration | Chuck Grassley
You gave us a link to Politico, and when you realized that the article wasn't very flattering to Putin, you discredited Politico.
so typical for trolls of Olgino, 7 years ago they hated Chechens today they love Kadyrov


here kadyrov is side by side with Basaev))

Kadyrov has brought stability to Chechnya has he not? On the other hand all the Chechens who are fighting with ISIS are vile creatures. Brilliant tacticians but still vile creatures.

So I still hate the Chechen terrorists.
so you ok with the fact that Kadyrov said 2 days ago that will go against your Kremlin thugs if they support Burma? and bring 100 000 Muslims on Moscow-Gorzny streets with guns? and yearly war contribution with Kremlin thugs pay him?

I thought this thread was supposed to be about Facebook, not about Kadyrov again.

However our anxious OP makes such a porridge of his own threads: he mixes up Putin, Kadyrov, Lenin, Stalin, Chechnya, Ukraine, etc. in every thread of his and then somehow tries to blame all that on Putin. All his threads are basically about same sh*t and it would be honest from him to title them all "I'm a Ukrainian zombie, I hate Russia and Putin and badly want to stir this sh*t up ".
the funny part that you Olgino guys are posting daily pro Kadyrov 1 000 000 massages , meanwhile he and his Muslim crew daily openly humiliate you guys . LOL, to see your last days of your mongol ulus of juchi




omg, not ads! anything but that!

Well, seeing how ads basically buy elections, it's actually a big deal.

The problem here is that the Russians can't hope to outspend the Koch Brothers and others out there who will basically be telling America what to think, and there are enough lemmings who will be hypnotized into jumping off the cliff the money tells them to jump off.

Then why didn't Hillary win? She spent far more than Trump did. Funny how all that Clinton money being spent isn't magically hypnotizing people into jumping off a cliff, but Republican money somehow does.

So which is it? Are Republicans able to hypnotize people through ads and Dems aren't (even though Dems tell everyone what they want to hear, "more free stuff for you")? Or are you just full of it?

Because it's not a simple case of money automatically buys you support.

Also Trump managed to harness part of the media to work for him.

The problem here seems to be you want a simple answer. But you won't get simple, but life isn't simple.

You're the one that stated money basically buys elections. You got called out and can't explain why Dems spending money is OK, but Republicans spending money on campaigns and ads is "telling America what to think".

Well I'm not wrong. The problem is you have just taken what I said and made it very simple.

I didn't say Democrats spending money is okay and Republicans spending it is "telling America what to think", did I?

The simple fact is that Trump went into an election with money. He also went into the election with name recognition. Name recognition can often cost people a lot of money. Trump's money and he TV entertainment job had already bought this.

He also managed to harness the power of the media, get it working for him. He took a big risk in doing what he did, but it worked for him. He didn't need to spend the money. But Trump isn't ordinary and most people wouldn't have gotten away with what he did. So while Trump spent less money, we don't actually know how much money was spent by super PAC and the like.

This is the problem here.

There were two sides to the whole affair. There were those who didn't want Trump in the Republican Party, and those who once Trump was candidate, didn't want Hillary to be President. They wanted that Supreme Court justice and thought they could live with Trump for four years.

The Koch Brothers, as an example because they appear to be spending the most amount of money on politics, got the power to spend unlimited amounts of money on politics through the Supreme Court. I'd assume they take it very seriously to keep the Supreme Court right wing.

I'd say Trump being President is less important to them than who sits on the Supreme Court.

Let's try this

Tracking the 2016 Presidential Money Race

Trump raised $82 million for super PACS, $564 million for campaign spending. Yet the Koch Brothers poured in $900 million. So not all the money thre Republicans spent went on Trump.

In fact I think the Koch Brothers are spending lots of money on POLICIES rather than on the politicians necessarily.

How The Koch Brothers Are Secretly Manipulating The 2016 Election (VIDEO)

This article has plenty of evidence for that.

So they push for the Supreme Court justice, this benefits Trump directly. How many people voted for issues like that rather than actually wanting Trump to be President?

Idiotic. How are the "Koch Brothers" any different than all the money Soros spends on his globalist Agenda? By the way, Koch Bros were anti-Trumpers.

Your argument is failing apart at the seems.

George Soros rises again
What are the odds Trump does not make even so much as a single tweet about this hostile act by a hostile foreign power?
People trolling Facebook is not a hostile act, jackass.

Rigging the election is a hostile act.
These ads were not campaign ads.

Divisive? Is that code for conservative view point ads?

Facebook and Google own nearly all the internet advertisements. If $100K is all, on Facebook, that's insignificant.

What's unethical or illegal about these ads, even if Russia paid for them?

The libtard media's witch hunt continues.
Idiotic. How are the "Koch Brothers" any different than all the money Soros spends on his globalist Agenda? By the way, Koch Bros were anti-Trumpers.

Your argument is failing apart at the seems.

George Soros rises again

Look, this is the second time you've come at me about something I didn't say. I told you the first fucking time that I hadn't said that, and having not said it again, you've come back at me with the same nonsense of something I didn't say, and also called it idiotic. Well seeing as it's YOU and not me that keeps doing that, I'd have to agree. Now, when you've actually read what I wrote, you could try writing a reply.

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