Facebook uncovers "Russia"-funded misinformation campaign

These ads were not campaign ads.

Divisive? Is that code for conservative view point ads?

Facebook and Google own nearly all the internet advertisements. If $100K is all, on Facebook, that's insignificant.

What's unethical or illegal about these ads, even if Russia paid for them?

The libtard media's witch hunt continues.
so you are OK with this Goebbels style Muscovite Propaganda (lies) which target your American institutions and values ?

The "Lisa case": Germany as a target of Russian disinformation - Nato

The media storm surrounding a fake story about a Russian-German girl, who had ... The “Lisa case“ also shows not only the failure of Germany's partnership for ...

here 10 000 examples of made in Olgino fakes

Lisa 2.0: How pro-Kremlin media in Germany have been using a new fake to justify an old one

Trolls from Olgino is an Internet slang term which appeared in late 2014, referring to a series of fake accounts registered on major discussion boards (social networks, online newspaper sites, video hosting services, etc.) that were used for promoting the Russian authorities' point of view in topics involving domestic policy, Ukraine and the Middle East. The extent to which the Russian government tried to influence social media became widely known after a June 2014 BuzzFeed article greatly expanded on government documents published by hackers earlier that year.[2] Stemming from a December 2014 article, the term "Trolls from Olgino" gained worldwide media attention by June 2015, when one of the offices of a Russian company named Internet Research Agency, based in Saint Petersburg, was exposed as having data from fake accounts used for biased Internet trolling. Subsequently, there were news reports of individuals receiving monetary compensation for performing these tasks.[1]

Russian newspaper [URL='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vedomosti']Vedomosti
links the approved by Russian authorities strategy of public consciousness manipulation through new media to Vyacheslav Volodin, first deputy of the Vladimir Putin Presidential Administration of Russia.[6][7]

According to journalists’ investigations, the office in Olgino was named as Internet Research Agency Ltd. (Russian: ООО «Агентство интернет-исследований»).[3][8] The company was founded in the summer of 2013.[6]

Journalists also point out that Alexey Soskovets, who had participated in Russian youth political community, was directly connected to the office in Olgino. His company, North-Western Service Agency, won 17 or 18 (according to different sources) contracts for organizing celebrations, forums and sport competitions for authorities of Saint Petersburg. The agency was the only participant in half of those bids. In the summer of 2013 the agency won a tender for providing freight services for participants of Seliger camp.[3][9]

In 2014, according to Russian media, Internet Research Ltd. (Russian: ООО «Интернет исследования»), founded in March 2014, joined the agency's activity. Novaya Gazeta newspaper claim this company to be a successor of Internet Research Agency Ltd.[10] Internet Research Ltd. is considered to be linked to Yevgeny Prigozhin, head of the holding company Concord. The "Trolls of Olgino" from Saint Petersburg are considered to be his project. As of October 2014, the company belonged to Mikhail Bystrov, who had been the head of the police station at Moscow district of Saint Petersburg.[11]

Russian media point out that according to documents, published by hackers from Anonymous International, Concord is directly involved with trolling administration through the agency. Researchers cite e-mail correspondence, in which Concord gives instructions to trolls and receives reports on accomplished work.[5] According to journalists' information, Concord organized banquets in Kremlin and also cooperated with Voentorg and the Russian Ministry of Defence.[12]

Despite links to Alexei Soskovets, Nadejda Orlova, deputy head of the Committee for Youth Policy in Saint Petersburg, disputed connection between her institution and the trolling offices.[3]

Finnish journalist Jessikka Aro, who extensively reported on the pro-Russian trolling activities in Finland, was in response targeted by an organized campaign of hate, disinformation and harassment.[13][14][15]

In Saint Petersburg
In Olgino
59°59′42.7″N 30°07′49.7″E

As reported by Novaya Gazeta newspaper, in the end of August 2013, the following message appeared in social networks: "Internet operators wanted! Job at chic office in Olgino!!! (st. Staraya Derevnia), salary 25960 per month (USD$780 as of 2013). Task: posting comments at profile sites in the Internet, writing thematic posts, blogs, social networks. Reports via screenshots. Individual schedule <...> Payment every week, 1180 per shift (from 8.00 to 16.00, from 10.30 to 18.30, from 14.00 to 22.00). PAYMENTS EVERY WEEK AND FREE MEALS!!! Official job placement or according to contract (at will). Tuition possible."[3]

As reported by media and former employees, the office in Olgino had existed and been functioning since September 2013. It was situated in a white cottage,[4] 15 minutes by an underground railway from "Staraya Derevnia" station, opposite "Olgino" railway station.[3] Workplaces for troll-employees were placed in basement rooms.[9][12][16]

Savushkina Street
59°59′03.5″N 30°16′19.1″E

According to Russian online newspaper DP.ru, several months before October 2014 the office moved from Olgino to a four-story building at 55 Savushkina Street.[11][12][17] As reported by journalists, the building is officially an object of uncompleted construction and stays as such as of March 2015.[10]

A New York Times investigative reporter was told that the Internet Research Agency had shortened its name to "Internet Research," and as of June 2015 had been asked to leave the 55 Savushkina Street location "a couple of months ago" because "it was giving the entire building a bad reputation." A possibly related organization, FAN or Federal News Agency, was located in the building. The New York Times article describes various experiences reported by former employees of the Internet Research Agency at the Savushkina Street location. It also describes several disruptive hoaxes in the US and Europe, such as the Columbian Chemicals Plant explosion hoax, that may be attributable to the Internet Research Agency or similar Russian-based organizations.[18]

In other cities
Novaya Gazeta newspaper reported that, according to Alexey Soskovets, head of the office in Olgino, North-Western Service Agency was hiring employees for similar projects in Moscow and other cities in 2013.[3]

I notice the wingnuts have moved from "The Russians didn't influence the election" to " Well, it isn't a bad thing the Russians influenced our election."
omg, not ads! anything but that!

Well, seeing how ads basically buy elections, it's actually a big deal.

The problem here is that the Russians can't hope to outspend the Koch Brothers and others out there who will basically be telling America what to think, and there are enough lemmings who will be hypnotized into jumping off the cliff the money tells them to jump off.

Then why didn't Hillary win? She spent far more than Trump did. Funny how all that Clinton money being spent isn't magically hypnotizing people into jumping off a cliff, but Republican money somehow does.

So which is it? Are Republicans able to hypnotize people through ads and Dems aren't (even though Dems tell everyone what they want to hear, "more free stuff for you")? Or are you just full of it?

Because it's not a simple case of money automatically buys you support.

Also Trump managed to harness part of the media to work for him.

The problem here seems to be you want a simple answer. But you won't get simple, but life isn't simple.

You're the one that stated money basically buys elections. You got called out and can't explain why Dems spending money is OK, but Republicans spending money on campaigns and ads is "telling America what to think".

Well I'm not wrong. The problem is you have just taken what I said and made it very simple.

I didn't say Democrats spending money is okay and Republicans spending it is "telling America what to think", did I?

The simple fact is that Trump went into an election with money. He also went into the election with name recognition. Name recognition can often cost people a lot of money. Trump's money and he TV entertainment job had already bought this.

He also managed to harness the power of the media, get it working for him. He took a big risk in doing what he did, but it worked for him. He didn't need to spend the money. But Trump isn't ordinary and most people wouldn't have gotten away with what he did. So while Trump spent less money, we don't actually know how much money was spent by super PAC and the like.

This is the problem here.

There were two sides to the whole affair. There were those who didn't want Trump in the Republican Party, and those who once Trump was candidate, didn't want Hillary to be President. They wanted that Supreme Court justice and thought they could live with Trump for four years.

The Koch Brothers, as an example because they appear to be spending the most amount of money on politics, got the power to spend unlimited amounts of money on politics through the Supreme Court. I'd assume they take it very seriously to keep the Supreme Court right wing.

I'd say Trump being President is less important to them than who sits on the Supreme Court.

Let's try this

Tracking the 2016 Presidential Money Race

Trump raised $82 million for super PACS, $564 million for campaign spending. Yet the Koch Brothers poured in $900 million. So not all the money thre Republicans spent went on Trump.

In fact I think the Koch Brothers are spending lots of money on POLICIES rather than on the politicians necessarily.

How The Koch Brothers Are Secretly Manipulating The 2016 Election (VIDEO)

This article has plenty of evidence for that.

So they push for the Supreme Court justice, this benefits Trump directly. How many people voted for issues like that rather than actually wanting Trump to be President?

You are forgetting the WALL.

Build the WALL. MAGA!!!!!!!
You are forgetting the WALL.

Build the WALL. MAGA!!!!!!!

The wall is never getting built.

Most illegals come in validly with visas that expire.

Now, what you guys should concentrate on are the people who employ them.... but you guys are too much dupes to do that
Maybe this is part of what I have been waiting for, the complete turn around of the investigation onto the liberals. Maybe it will be those at FB that will be taking the walk to jail. Maybe even Zuckerberg will do the perp walk. Wouldn't that be lovely?

BTW, just because FB broke the law and sold ads to the Russians, if they actually did, doesn't prove collusion with Trump, it proves that the left wing liberal outlet is corrupt and will take money from anyone.
FACEBOOK finally admits the a Russian company bought adds to influence election

So did at least 50 other organizations. People all across this country and all over the world have an interest in our elections, half our politicians go on to work as lobbyists for foreign interests, and half our companies are OWNED by foreign companies! Hillary was working with the Ukrainians to foil Trump, Donna Brazille and CNN were trying to give Hillary an edge, our FBI let Hillary off the hook for things that would have landed any of us in jail for life because it would have led STRAIGHT back to asking Obama some very uncomfortable questions; even our own country meddles in other country's elections! Everyone forget how Obama tried to hose Benjamin Netanyahu and keep him from being reelected just a couple years ago? Who is kidding who. I really don't get this obsession with anything remotely Russian as being some big secret Trump conspiracy, especially after all the dealings Barack and Hillary had with them themselves---- ----there is nothing to this Russian malarkey and it is just another straw dog for the democrats to beat in order to keep trying to change the subject away from THEM.
And I always thought that the left wing wanted open borders, we are the world. Apparently they only want to open the borders to new voters. Sad the radical left, which is all of the left these days.
Maybe this is part of what I have been waiting for, the complete turn around of the investigation onto the liberals. Maybe it will be those at FB that will be taking the walk to jail. Maybe even Zuckerberg will do the perp walk. Wouldn't that be lovely?

BTW, just because FB broke the law and sold ads to the Russians, if they actually did, doesn't prove collusion with Trump, it proves that the left wing liberal outlet is corrupt and will take money from anyone.

Wow, listen to the Right Wing Flop Sweat...

If Russia spent money to get Trump into the White House, don't you want to know why?
Maybe this is part of what I have been waiting for, the complete turn around of the investigation onto the liberals. Maybe it will be those at FB that will be taking the walk to jail. Maybe even Zuckerberg will do the perp walk. Wouldn't that be lovely?

BTW, just because FB broke the law and sold ads to the Russians, if they actually did, doesn't prove collusion with Trump, it proves that the left wing liberal outlet is corrupt and will take money from anyone.

Wow, listen to the Right Wing Flop Sweat...

If Russia spent money to get Trump into the White House, don't you want to know why?

I know why, her name is Hillary, same reason Trump is in office.

I am not sweating this, the investigation is all going to fall back on the left wing, I am going to enjoy every minute.

BTW, nothing that the Russians did effected the election, Hillary was a loser and lost fair and square.
I know why, her name is Hillary, same reason Trump is in office.

I am not sweating this, the investigation is all going to fall back on the left wing, I am going to enjoy every minute.

BTW, nothing that the Russians did effected the election, Hillary was a loser and lost fair and square.

So a woman who got more votes loses because her opponent got Russian help rigging the election, and you are good with that because you have issues with women. Got it.
i've not read all their rules for advertising but did it break any rules? well rules that were in place at the time?

did it break any laws? facebook is a public / global medium and for a company pushing "globalism" this is something to be dealt with now isn't it?

not enough popcorn these days for the show this world is putting on.
I know why, her name is Hillary, same reason Trump is in office.

I am not sweating this, the investigation is all going to fall back on the left wing, I am going to enjoy every minute.

BTW, nothing that the Russians did effected the election, Hillary was a loser and lost fair and square.

So a woman who got more votes loses because her opponent got Russian help rigging the election, and you are good with that because you have issues with women. Got it.
She got more votes because no one campaigned in CA and NY. It is not the system you know it but dividing the country is more important to you then is the truth. Typical democrat.

Tell me one person who changed their mind about Hillary because of anything the Russians did. You can't.

Besides, shouldn't your angsts be directed at FB who has now admitted to being in collusion with Russians, who admits to violating the law? All for money?
I know why, her name is Hillary, same reason Trump is in office.

I am not sweating this, the investigation is all going to fall back on the left wing, I am going to enjoy every minute.

BTW, nothing that the Russians did effected the election, Hillary was a loser and lost fair and square.

So a woman who got more votes loses because her opponent got Russian help rigging the election, and you are good with that because you have issues with women. Got it.

If purchasing advertisement is "rigging and election", sHillary should be the first one arrested.
I watched her crap on TV for months. She hit Florida hard.
Why didn't she win Florida? Is FB advertising more powerful than TV?
omg, not ads! anything but that!

Well, seeing how ads basically buy elections, it's actually a big deal.

The problem here is that the Russians can't hope to outspend the Koch Brothers and others out there who will basically be telling America what to think, and there are enough lemmings who will be hypnotized into jumping off the cliff the money tells them to jump off.

Then why didn't Hillary win? She spent far more than Trump did. Funny how all that Clinton money being spent isn't magically hypnotizing people into jumping off a cliff, but Republican money somehow does.

So which is it? Are Republicans able to hypnotize people through ads and Dems aren't (even though Dems tell everyone what they want to hear, "more free stuff for you")? Or are you just full of it?

Because it's not a simple case of money automatically buys you support.

Also Trump managed to harness part of the media to work for him.

The problem here seems to be you want a simple answer. But you won't get simple, but life isn't simple.

You're the one that stated money basically buys elections. You got called out and can't explain why Dems spending money is OK, but Republicans spending money on campaigns and ads is "telling America what to think".

Well I'm not wrong. The problem is you have just taken what I said and made it very simple.

I didn't say Democrats spending money is okay and Republicans spending it is "telling America what to think", did I?

The simple fact is that Trump went into an election with money. He also went into the election with name recognition. Name recognition can often cost people a lot of money. Trump's money and he TV entertainment job had already bought this.

He also managed to harness the power of the media, get it working for him. He took a big risk in doing what he did, but it worked for him. He didn't need to spend the money. But Trump isn't ordinary and most people wouldn't have gotten away with what he did. So while Trump spent less money, we don't actually know how much money was spent by super PAC and the like.

This is the problem here.

There were two sides to the whole affair. There were those who didn't want Trump in the Republican Party, and those who once Trump was candidate, didn't want Hillary to be President. They wanted that Supreme Court justice and thought they could live with Trump for four years.

The Koch Brothers, as an example because they appear to be spending the most amount of money on politics, got the power to spend unlimited amounts of money on politics through the Supreme Court. I'd assume they take it very seriously to keep the Supreme Court right wing.

I'd say Trump being President is less important to them than who sits on the Supreme Court.

Let's try this

Tracking the 2016 Presidential Money Race

Trump raised $82 million for super PACS, $564 million for campaign spending. Yet the Koch Brothers poured in $900 million. So not all the money thre Republicans spent went on Trump.

In fact I think the Koch Brothers are spending lots of money on POLICIES rather than on the politicians necessarily.

How The Koch Brothers Are Secretly Manipulating The 2016 Election (VIDEO)

This article has plenty of evidence for that.

So they push for the Supreme Court justice, this benefits Trump directly. How many people voted for issues like that rather than actually wanting Trump to be President?
I know why, her name is Hillary, same reason Trump is in office.

I am not sweating this, the investigation is all going to fall back on the left wing, I am going to enjoy every minute.

BTW, nothing that the Russians did effected the election, Hillary was a loser and lost fair and square.

So a woman who got more votes loses because her opponent got Russian help rigging the election, and you are good with that because you have issues with women. Got it.
How did the Russians get you to vote for Trump?
For months Facebook has denied that any Russian entity bought adds on Facebook--that were false adds against Hillary Clinton. They admit that an a Russian company did it out of St. Petersburg. Now the interesting part of this is that Foreigners cannot spend any money on an American election. If there was any American that knew about this, they will be charged with a crime.

"Facebook reps told congressional investigators Wednesday that it had unwittingly sold ads during the presidential election to a Russian company that was targeting voters, a new report said Wednesday.

The officials said that they traced the ad sales worth $100,000 to a shadowy Russian “troll farm” with a history of pushing pro-Kremlin propaganda, The Washington Post reported, citing sources.

Some of the 3,300 ads, which first appeared in the summer of 2015, named eventual nominees Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton by name, the paper said.

Facebook came clean as congressional investigators and special counsel Robert Mueller are probing Russian meddling in the US election and whether there was collusion with the Trump campaign

The president has denied the allegations of potential collusion, dismissing them as “fake news” and “a hoax.”"


Tell us how these ads made you flip your vote
they didn't push ads, they pushed fake news and directed it towards people and right wing media sites on the net who were susceptible to the topic of the fake news propaganda Russia pushed...derogatory fake news on gun control, on BLM, on lgbt, on transgender, on the wall, on illegals, on SC Justice picks etc etc etc.... spent $100,000 on it...

it's not a crime unless Trump team conspired with them and/ or directed the ads or promised something like sanctions being removed from Russia... a quid pro quo or colluding with them. for campaign help.
For months Facebook has denied that any Russian entity bought adds on Facebook--that were false adds against Hillary Clinton. They admit that an a Russian company did it out of St. Petersburg. Now the interesting part of this is that Foreigners cannot spend any money on an American election. If there was any American that knew about this, they will be charged with a crime.

"Facebook reps told congressional investigators Wednesday that it had unwittingly sold ads during the presidential election to a Russian company that was targeting voters, a new report said Wednesday.

The officials said that they traced the ad sales worth $100,000 to a shadowy Russian “troll farm” with a history of pushing pro-Kremlin propaganda, The Washington Post reported, citing sources.

Some of the 3,300 ads, which first appeared in the summer of 2015, named eventual nominees Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton by name, the paper said.

Facebook came clean as congressional investigators and special counsel Robert Mueller are probing Russian meddling in the US election and whether there was collusion with the Trump campaign

The president has denied the allegations of potential collusion, dismissing them as “fake news” and “a hoax.”"


Tell us how these ads made you flip your vote
they didn't push ads, they pushed fake news and directed it towards people and right wing media sites on the net who were susceptible to the topic of the fake news propaganda Russia pushed...derogatory fake news on gun control, on BLM, on lgbt, on transgender, on the wall, on illegals, on SC Justice picks etc etc etc.... spent $100,000 on it...

it's not a crime unless Trump team conspired with them and/ or directed the ads or promised something like sanctions being removed from Russia... a quid pro quo or colluding with them. for campaign help.
What fake news was reported about Hillary?
For months Facebook has denied that any Russian entity bought adds on Facebook--that were false adds against Hillary Clinton. They admit that an a Russian company did it out of St. Petersburg. Now the interesting part of this is that Foreigners cannot spend any money on an American election. If there was any American that knew about this, they will be charged with a crime.

"Facebook reps told congressional investigators Wednesday that it had unwittingly sold ads during the presidential election to a Russian company that was targeting voters, a new report said Wednesday.

The officials said that they traced the ad sales worth $100,000 to a shadowy Russian “troll farm” with a history of pushing pro-Kremlin propaganda, The Washington Post reported, citing sources.

Some of the 3,300 ads, which first appeared in the summer of 2015, named eventual nominees Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton by name, the paper said.

Facebook came clean as congressional investigators and special counsel Robert Mueller are probing Russian meddling in the US election and whether there was collusion with the Trump campaign

The president has denied the allegations of potential collusion, dismissing them as “fake news” and “a hoax.”"


Tell us how these ads made you flip your vote
they didn't push ads, they pushed fake news and directed it towards people and right wing media sites on the net who were susceptible to the topic of the fake news propaganda Russia pushed...derogatory fake news on gun control, on BLM, on lgbt, on transgender, on the wall, on illegals, on SC Justice picks etc etc etc.... spent $100,000 on it...

it's not a crime unless Trump team conspired with them and/ or directed the ads or promised something like sanctions being removed from Russia... a quid pro quo or colluding with them. for campaign help.

Youd better tell nat4900 this is a non-issue, he's already ordered his "Impeach Trump, Inaugerate Hillary" party hats
For months Facebook has denied that any Russian entity bought adds on Facebook--that were false adds against Hillary Clinton. They admit that an a Russian company did it out of St. Petersburg. Now the interesting part of this is that Foreigners cannot spend any money on an American election. If there was any American that knew about this, they will be charged with a crime.

"Facebook reps told congressional investigators Wednesday that it had unwittingly sold ads during the presidential election to a Russian company that was targeting voters, a new report said Wednesday.

The officials said that they traced the ad sales worth $100,000 to a shadowy Russian “troll farm” with a history of pushing pro-Kremlin propaganda, The Washington Post reported, citing sources.

Some of the 3,300 ads, which first appeared in the summer of 2015, named eventual nominees Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton by name, the paper said.

Facebook came clean as congressional investigators and special counsel Robert Mueller are probing Russian meddling in the US election and whether there was collusion with the Trump campaign

The president has denied the allegations of potential collusion, dismissing them as “fake news” and “a hoax.”"


Tell us how these ads made you flip your vote
they didn't push ads, they pushed fake news and directed it towards people and right wing media sites on the net who were susceptible to the topic of the fake news propaganda Russia pushed...derogatory fake news on gun control, on BLM, on lgbt, on transgender, on the wall, on illegals, on SC Justice picks etc etc etc.... spent $100,000 on it...

it's not a crime unless Trump team conspired with them and/ or directed the ads or promised something like sanctions being removed from Russia... a quid pro quo or colluding with them. for campaign help.
What fake news was reported about Hillary?
I believe it was on the server/email investigation... and making up false narratives on the DNC/Podesta stolen emails...they knew and were ready to drop coordinating fake stories with what Assange was releasing in hacked emails that day on wikileaks...

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